The meal that heals ( PDFDrive )

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with his legs, and with the purtenance thereof.”

Exodus 12:9

The lamb’s blood applied on the door post brought protection from death,

but eating the lamb’s body brought a supernatural healing. The next morning, the

entire nation of Israel came out of Egypt saved and healed!

“He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one

feeble person among their tribes.”

Psalms 105:37

Imagine an entire nation being healed in one night as the flesh of the lamb

entered their bodies. Dr. Miller pointed out the following information: there is a

procedure done in Europe called cell therapy. Years ago, a doctor in Europe

noted that if you take the fetus of a lamb prior to the development of its immune

system, the cells of the organs can be used in human cell therapy. For example,

the heart of the lamb is liquidized and mixed with saline solution. It is then

injected into the heart of the patient with certain heart problems. The cells of the

lamb actually assist in replacing the bad cells in the heart. This can work with

the liver, the spleen, and all other vital organs.

This method has been used in parts of Europe for years, but it has never been

used in the United States, most likely for two reasons. It would have a negative

financial impact on the pharmaceutical industry and, in America, the animal

rights activists wouldn’t allow us to kill the fetus of a lamb. The fetus of a

human, yes, but not the fetus of a lamb.

Dr. Miller related another example. Years ago, researchers took a large

number of worms, placed them in a chamber, and fed them by using a red and a

green light. The green light indicated that it was time to eat. Eventually, the

worms learned that food was available when the green light was turned on. After

some time, these worms were cut up and fed to other worms that were placed in

the special chamber, When the green light came on, these worms automatically

knew it was a signal to eat. This research indicated that the information

embedded in the DNA of the previous worms automatically became a part of the

DNA of the new worms.

The same spiritual principle is involved when eating “all of the lamb.” A

Hebrew with heart problems could eat the heart of the lamb and that lamb’s heart

could heal their heart. If the Hebrew was experiencing a liver disorder, then

eating the liver of the lamb could heal the liver of the Hebrew. Yet, it was much

more than the cells of the lamb assisting the cells of the person eating the lamb.

This procedure was a picture of the sufferings of the future Lamb of God, Jesus

Christ, healing those who would believe upon Him.

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