The meal that heals ( PDFDrive )

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was in the sight of God.

Most Christians agree that we should pray every day, read the Bible every

day, and attempt to be obedient to God every day.

Why, then, should we limit God by saying we cannot receive Communion

every day?

Two Important Points

Two important points should be made here. First of all, receiving

Communion should not be viewed as a magical formula that will work like

taking two aspirins for a headache. This is a spiritual act and must be viewed as

such. It is also a reverent act and must be received in a spirit of humility and

purity. It must be received in faith and not in unbelief. If a person says, “I will do

this just to see what will happen,” then I can assure you nothing will happen.

God operates from the law of faith and not by hit and miss. Unbelief can make

the Word of God of no effect (Mark 7:13). A person should continue to receive

Communion, even if his or her physical condition seems to worsen.

Secondly, it must not become a ritual or a routine that is enacted without

thought or consideration. If receiving Communion becomes a lifeless routine

that is done without true spiritual significance, then there is a spiritual danger, as

we will see in the next chapter. The reason the bread and the cup are so powerful

is because the Communion is a reminder to God of the New Covenant that was

established through the sufferings of His son, Jesus Christ. God is always moved

by His covenant. Throughout the Bible, we see where God reacts to mankind

when mankind reacts to the covenant.

“My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my


Psalms 89:34

“And he remembered for them his covenant, and repented according to the

multitude of his mercies.”

Psalms 106:45

Your action of receiving Communion, done in faith, brings a response from

God because He is reminded of His covenant. God brought the Israelites out of

Egypt because of their continual intercession:

“And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with

Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.”

Exodus 2:24

Our obedience causes God to remember the promises He provided in the

New Testament. As the bread and the fruit of the vine become a part of our

body, we are reminding God of His covenant with us:

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