Breaking Bad

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created by

Jan Wanat

People say that human life is made up of

choices. Sometimes simple everyday

choices but sometimes hard ones can

change a life forever. That decision must

be made by the main character of a series

that I recently had the pleasure of

watching – “Breaking Bad”. In my case,

the adventure with the series was difficult,

just like with Peaky Blinders. After only

two episodes I was not convinced by the

series, but the reviews and ratings spoke

for it. Like Peaky Blinders, Breaking Bad

needed to give me more time to

understand how great the series is. From

episode to episode I wanted to watch

more and more perhaps because of this

the series became a worldwide best-seller,

earning huge sums of money and

garnering millions of views. Series which

encourages students to learn chemistry.

Talking about an amazing series, (created

by Vince Gillingham) telling the story of

an ordinary chemistry teacher who

becomes one of the largest producers of

methamphetamine in the United States. I

invite you to read my review of the

outstanding series: Breaking Bad (created

in 2008-2013).

50 years old chemistry teacher Walter

White (Bryan C) works at a high school in

the United States. Additionally, he works

at a car wash in the afternoons to make

things better for his family. He leads a

calm life with his wife- Skylar White

(Anna Gunn) and his cerebral palsyaffected

15-year-old son – Walter White

Junior (RJ Mitte) until the family's head of

household learns that he has lung cancer.

Additionally, White find out that his wife

is pregnant and he will have a daughter.

From the beginning of the series, we see the irony that is created among the main character:

Walter White is terminally ill. He has lung cancer, however, he has never smoked cigarettes. He

is a chemistry teacher however over time he has become a producer of methamphetamine. Enters

the drug world but his brother-in-law is high-ranking in the Drug Enforcement Administration

(DEA). The main character's transformation begins as early as the first session when the White

learns about the disease. Knowing that the family will not be able to support themselves without

his meager salary, he takes drastic actions that will affect his and his family’s life. The character

decides to produce methamphetamine using his knowledge of chemistry and then becomes a

drug dealer. White thinks that this is the best idea. His premise is simple: earn as much money as

possible in two years because that is his prognosis. This is a breakthrough moment in his life. He

takes on the nickname - Heisenberg. According to a review by producer Vince Gilligan, the main

character's transformation was important for the creator. Even before writing, he decided that the

main character (at that time he did not know who would be playing this role) must change the

transformation from “Mr. Potato” to “Scarface”. White is an ordinary chemistry teacher without

any criminal history, so in the series appears another important persona: Jessie Pinkman (Aaron

Paul). He is a local producer and dealer of methamphetamine in Albuquerque. Interestingly, he is

White’s former student who has never been an excellent learner, however knowledge gained

from chemistry class with a connection to “experience from the street” allowed him to create

drugs. The boys come up with the plan. They will buy a camper, cook the meth inside, and enter

the criminal underworld. Walter creates the almost ideal methamphetamine that achieves 99%

purity. He is one of the best methamphetamine producers in the United States. The main

characters have a great plan, a good quality product to sell, contacts, and their purpose.

“The Godfather” has many thematic

similarities to “Breaking Bad”. That's the

wonderful drama of Michael Corleone, who

can do his best to protect and preserve his

family but ultimately succeeds in destroying

them. Sounds exactly like the life story of

the main character – Walter White ‘a.

Additionally, the audience can find more

factors that can conclude that Breaking Bad

is peppered with examples from The

Godfather for example insertion of murder

scenes like the classic Godfather scenes or

the introduction of the character of a

personal lawyer who has the task of helping

the main character in case of problems (in

The Godfather was Tom Hager as the

lawyer of the for the Corleone family.

Breaking Bad as the series has something

that can be called climate, which creates a

bond between characters and the audience.

Nothing on "Breaking Bad" happens by

accident, which is its greatest strength. From

watching the series, one can get the

impression that the plot is purposefully

being taken in a particular direction.

Gilligan is not hesitant to mix different

genres, including thriller, psychological

drama, and humor, but that doesn't imply

she is predictable.

Additionally, he bravely and effectively

employs a variety of camera-guiding

techniques, occasionally evoking arthouse

cinema, without erecting an ostentatious

barrier between the creator and the

audience. Last but not least are the main

character’s actions. Bryan Cranston

deserved to win whole Emmy awards. It is

no longer a game; it is an absolute - in my

personal view - conjunction with the

character he plays. According to an

interview with Cranston, the actor claims

he knew the guy who had the same case as

Walter White, perhaps as he claims that he

is related to his character.Like Walt’s blue

meta, the series is addictive and unique.

There are 5 seasons to the Netflix original

series. A two-hour feature called El

Camino was also made available by the

streaming service in 2019. It is a sequel

and epilogue to the television series

Breaking Bad.


Gilligan, V. (2011) Breaking Bad, Netflix. Available at: https://www.netflix.com/search?

q=bre&jbv=70143836 (Accessed: December 2, 2022).

acmionline (2017) Breaking Bad: In conversation with Vince Gilligan, YouTube. YouTube.

Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icJjT-yrcs0&t=208s (Accessed: December

2, 2022).

CBSThisMorning (2014) Bryan Cranston on "Breaking bad" Walter White character: "I

related to this man", YouTube. YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

v=dZ9RIpfbYc8&t=4s (Accessed: December 2, 2022).

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