World War Z_ An Oral History of the Zombie War ( PDFDrive )

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By then, yes, but I knew trying to explain it to them would be a hopeless cause. I just took their

money and sent them on their way. I was lucky. I never had to deal with the problems of sea


That was more difficult?

And dangerous. My associates from the coastal provinces were the ones who had to contend with

the possibility of an infected breaking its bonds and contaminating the entire hold.

What did they do?

I’ve heard of various “solutions.” Sometimes ships would pull up to a stretch of deserted coast—it

didn’t matter if it was the intended country, it could have been any coast—and “unload” the

infected renshe onto the beach. I’ve heard of some captains making for an empty stretch of open

sea and just tossing the whole writhing lot overboard. That might explain the early cases of

swimmers and divers starting to disappear without a trace, or why you’d hear of people all around

the world saying they saw them walking out of the surf. At least I never had to deal with that.

I did have one similar incident, the one that convinced me it was time to quit. There was this

truck, a beat-up old jalopy. You could hear the moans from the trailer. A lot of fists were slamming

against the aluminum. It was actually swaying back and forth. In the cab there was a very wealthy

investment banker from Xi’an. He’d made a lot of money buying up American credit card debt. He

had enough to pay for his entire extended family. The man’s Armani suit was rumpled and torn.

There were scratch marks down the side of his face, and his eyes had that frantic fire I was

starting to see more of every day. The driver’s eyes had a different look, the same one as me, the

look that maybe money wasn’t going to be much good for much longer. I slipped the man an extra

fifty and wished him luck. That was all I could do.

Where was the truck headed?



[The monasteries are built into the steep, inaccessible rocks, some buildings

sitting perched atop high, almost vertical columns. While originally an attractive

refuge from the Ottoman Turks, it later proved just as secure from the living

dead. Postwar staircases, mostly metal or wood, and all easily retractable, cater

to the growing influx of both pilgrims and tourists. Meteora has become a

popular destination for both groups in recent years. Some seek wisdom and

spiritual enlightenment, some simply search for peace. Stanley MacDonald is one

of the latter. A veteran of almost every campaign across the expanse of his

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