World War Z_ An Oral History of the Zombie War ( PDFDrive )

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manufacturing facilities all over the country. The shares from these dumbos sold almost as much as

the real stuff. It wasn’t even the idea of safety anymore, it was the idea of the idea of safety!

Remember when we started to get our first cases here in the States, that guy in Florida who said

he’d been bitten but survived because he was taking Phalanx? OH! [He stands, mimes the act of

frantic fornication.] God freakin’ bless that dumbass, whoever he was.

But that wasn’t because of Phalanx. Your drug didn’t protect people at


It protected them from their fears. That’s all I was selling. Hell, because of Phalanx, the biomed

sector started to recover, which, in turn, jump-started the stock market, which then gave the

impression of a recovery, which then restored consumer confidence to stimulate an actual

recovery! Phalanx hands down ended the recession! I…I ended the recession!

And then? When the outbreaks became more serious, and the press

finally reported that there was no wonder drug?

Pre-fucking-cisely! That’s the alpha cunt who should be shot, what’s her name, who first broke that

story! Look what she did! Pulled the fuckin’ rug right out from under us all! She caused the spiral!

She caused the Great Panic!

And you take no personal responsibility?

For what? For making a little fuckin’ cash…well, not a little [giggles]. All I did was what any of us

are ever supposed to do. I chased my dream, and I got my slice. You wanna blame someone, blame

whoever first called it rabies, or who knew it wasn’t rabies and gave us the green light anyway.

Shit, you wanna blame someone, why not start with all the sheep who forked over their

greenbacks without bothering to do a little responsible research. I never held a gun to their heads.

They made the choice themselves. They’re the bad guys, not me. I never directly hurt anybody,

and if anybody was too stupid to get themselves hurt, boo-fuckin-hoo. Of course…

If there’s a hell…[giggles as he talks]…I don’t want to think about how many of those dumb

shits might be waiting for me. I just hope they don’t want a refund.


[Grover Carlson works as a fuel collector for the town’s experimental

bioconversion plant. The fuel he collects is dung. I follow the former White House

chief of staff as he pushes his wheelbarrow across the pie-laden pastures.]

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