The Hull Hub Issue 22

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with Dawn O’Donoghue

Do you find yourself repeating mistakes over and over again? Perhaps choosing the wrong kind of partner or responding to situations in a completely

inappropriate manner? Maybe angry, emotional, or feeling a failure? Or, do you go to a defensive strategy instead of being calm and rational? Then an

Inner Child Workshop would be ideal for you.

These Workshops


group or individual)


not looking

to blame your

parents or carers.

It is not

about finding

fault with your

childhood (which was probably good) or you. The methods

are used to seek out those subtle moments, words,

or actions, that changed your reaction to something in

the process of growing up. Even the simplest of phrases

changed your thinking.

’You are a big girl now!’ often leads to weight issues.

‘Calm down’ can result in not being able to control your


‘Stop crying!’ switches off our emotional responses and

makes it difficult to express ourselves.

We’ve all heard them said or maybe even said them ourselves.

It is the tiny events, the misunderstood, unintentional or

cruel comments you received. The expectations of how

you should respond to a situation by those around you

or just not being informed of your self-worth can have

a real impact on your self-esteem and consequently on

your behaviour today. Faced with a similar situation,

we literally regress to how we would have behaved as a

child. And often, we don’t know why we behave in that


In many cases, our behaviour changes when we feel rejected

or overlooked. In the past, whilst growing up, we

didn’t get the support we needed at that precise time

to solve a problem. Or, as is often the case, we felt we

simply were ‘not good enough. This can lead to OCD or

overachieving in our adult life, it can make us anxious

without reason, apathetic or withdrawn.

Acknowledging that everything that happens as we develop

has a consequence in our adult life gives us the

freedom to change how we behave today. Whenever we

feel criticised or criticise ourselves, we are ‘acting out’

something from the past. It has to stop. You deserve the

best possible life.

I know one particular client (currently in her forties) who

constantly refers to herself as stupid. If anything goes

wrong she immediately takes the blame and qualifies

this with ‘I’m so stupid aren’t I?’. This cycle of self-blame

and punishment drives her entire life. It has impacted

on her expectations of herself, and her choice of friends

and partners. It has made her feel like a lesser being as

she constantly compares herself with others, lacks confidence,

and has incredibly poor self-esteem. She isn’t

living her full life potential.

Releasing your Inner Child resets your thinking. It allows

you to see why you continue to make mistakes. Why

do you pick partners who are wrong for you? To stop the

pattern of self-depreciation that is probably holding you

back or making you overcompensate. To control outbursts

of anger or sadness.

A typical Inner Child Workshop session involves questionnaires

and assessments to estab-lish how you feel

about yourself. There are fun activities and childhood

sweets too. Also, used are simple exercises, including

the use of drawing (and you don’t have to be an artist)

that demonstrate what areas of your life need to be addressed.

Every session includes re-laxation or meditation

through hypnosis or visualisation to allow regression

through the var-ious stages of childhood and

adolescence. You travel back in your mind to when you

were a child, to tell the Inner Child how appreciated

they were, to embrace the joy of childhood. The whole

process is a journey of self-discovery and psychological

analysis which enables you to heal.

So, if you feel you have some unresolved early issues or

find yourself

trapped in anxiety,



self-esteem, or

weight issues,

then this is an

excellent pathway

to explore

as it allows you

to find the cause of your life patterns or outbursts. It

gives you back control of your life, freedom to think, and

the ultimate in reparenting yourself.

If you would like to know more, contact New Day Therapies

on 07775429575 or check out the website https://


We are here for you…to set you free.

Plans revealed for ancient city site

Plans for the future of the South Blockhouse

site have been revealed.

The proposals were made publicly available

for the first time yesterday, Sunday 4 December,

at a community engagement event at the

Fruit Market with residents in the surrounding

area and visitors able to be amongst the

first to view the new images.

The plans are also available to view online

here with an opportunity for residents to

share views on the proposals and help shape

how the site tells the stories of the South


The proposals will see the site completely

transformed, with hard and

soft landscaping framing the

footprint of the South Blockhouse

and majestic, ghostly

structures rising from the

ground to give a sense of the

structure and scale of the original


Councillor Paul Drake-Davis,

Portfolio Holder for Regeneration,

said: “The South Blockhouse

captured everyone’s

imagination over the summer

during the 11-week archaeological

dig, exposing the astounding

remains of parts of

Hull’s Tudor defences.

“The council is really keen to get feedback on

these plans on how we celebrate and highlight

the site for future generations.”

Located on the east bank of the River Hull,

the South Blockhouse is a Scheduled Ancient

Monument of both national and local importance,

in a rare cloverleaf design. Its construction

was ordered by Henry VIII in 1541

to support military campaigns and to protect

Hull as a vital port from internal and external

threats, working as one element in a larger

scheme of state-of-the art defences on the

east side of the river.

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