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dignity - empowerment - diversity - partnerships

Annual Report


Who are we?

About Us

The beginning of the

organisation now

known as Mambourin

Enterprises Ltd

occurred at a public

meeting in 1972.

This meeting was

called by members

of the public who

were concerned at

the lack of facilities

to assist people

with an intellectual

disability within the

area. A committee

was formed and after

much fundraising and

lobbying, the first

facility was opened

in Werribee in 1975.

We also acknowledge

the history of Westnet,

which dates back to


Our Vision

Our vision is for

a world where

every individual is

empowered to live

as independently as


Our Mission

Empowering people

to fully participate

in the community

is our mission - we

create opportunities

for people with a

disability to achieve

a more independent

future and to enhance

their self-esteem.


Board Chair’s Report

It gives me great pleasure to

present the 43rd annual report

for Mambourin, the second for

our company with the name

Mambourin Enterprises Ltd.

I am delighted to report on the

affairs of the company for the

financial year 2014/15, and as has

been our practice in recent years,

my report will also drift to cover

the first quarter of the 2015/16

financial year, given the timing

of our annual general meeting


Company Limited by


One of the most significant events

from a governance perspective

was the passing of a special

resolution at a special general

meeting on 27 October 2014 to

transfer the legal status of the

organisation to a company limited

by guarantee, which passed with

the overwhelming majority of

members’ support.

I would again like to thank

the other members of the

Governance Committee: Cory

Becker, Barbara MacKinnon, Ruth

Mackay, Meredith Blackstock

(since resigned) and Rohan

Braddy for their dedicated and

tireless work throughout the

significant period leading to

that meeting, and of course the

Mambourin membership for the

confidence and trust that you

placed in the Board throughout

this process. We officially became

Mambourin Enterprises Ltd, under

the jurisdiction of the Australian

Securities and Investments

Commission, on 14 November


New Directors

Another significant change to our

organisation occurred with the

passing of that special resolution,

and that was the adoption of

Mambourin’s new constitution, in

which the members entrusted the

Board with direct appointment of

up to three directors, so that the

Board could fill identified skills

gaps on the Board.

During the first half of 2015, we

conducted an exhaustive search

and selection process, which

culminated in the appointment

of Claire Thomas (to a casual

vacancy) and Olga Hogan and

Paul Larcher (to appointed

positions) as directors. I publicly

welcome Claire, Olga and Paul

to the Board and thank them for

the many valuable contributions

they have each already made, and

for the time and effort that they

will put in to making Mambourin

an even higher performing

organisation in the coming years.

Strategic Plan

In mid 2014, Mambourin’s Board

endorsed a new strategic plan

which gives direction to the

organisation, and provides a way

of assessing the organisation’s

performance; that is, how well

we are achieving our mission.

Mambourin’s strategic plan

identifies the most important

areas that we think we should

focus on in the coming years.

The chief executive officer

(CEO) reports a summary of

progress towards achieving our

strategies half-yearly to the Board.

I am pleased to report that we

completed all major tasks we set

ourselves in the first year of this

plan, with some adjustment to

take into account the frequently

changing landscape of the

National Disability Insurance

Scheme (NDIS) and other

changing policy drivers, with

good progress already made on

many of the tasks set for year two

of the current plan and positive

progress on tasks in advance of

the third year of the plan.

In particular, I would like to

note the significant preparation

undertaken for the purchase of

a warehouse and office complex

in Derrimut, which addressed

a number of aspects of our

strategic plan including making

under-utilised assets perform

better, ensuring the long term

accommodation and capacity

for growth of our Australian

Disability Enterprises (ADE),

assisting our administration and

management team to be more

efficient, and allowing for growth

and development of our service

offerings under the NDIS.

Board Committees

A considerable amount of work

is achieved by our hard working

directors in addition to Board

meetings, through participation

in Board committees.

On behalf of the entire

Mambourin community, I thank

my fellow directors for the

amount of time, energy and

professionalism that they each

contribute behind the scenes to

ensure the smooth and efficient

running of the organisation, and

its ever improving performance.

One of the key reasons that

Mambourin is in excellent

financial shape is due to


the diligence of the Finance

Committee and I thank them

for their thorough and careful

oversight of the budgets and

finances of the organisation. This

committee was chaired by John


I’ve already mentioned the

Governance Committee in this

report. With Cory Becker as the

chair, this committee ensured

that Mambourin fulfilled its

compliance requirements.

The Board’s Communications,

Marketing and Public Relations

Committee was chaired by

Emma Sutcliffe and focused on

Mambourin’s external image

including through our website

and social media presence. I

thank Emma and her team for

their excellent work.

The Risk Committee was

chaired by Barry Fitton. The

roll-out of the NDIS continues

to reveal significant risks for the

organisation and I am grateful to

Barry for his work with this vital

committee in his stewardship

through the changes required to

reduce the risks presented during

this major change.


Since the last AGM, the Board

received director resignations

from Bernadette Copping,

Meredith Blackstock and Andrew

McGowan. During their combined

11 or so years as directors, each

of these people demonstrated

great commitment to Mambourin

and the people we support.

On behalf of the Mambourin

community I thank them most

sincerely for their contributions.


During the financial year 2014/15,

Mambourin continued to perform

well as determined by a wide

range of measures.

Our Board continues to be

well placed to provide good

governance. It is made up of

individuals who are highly skilled,

qualified and experienced, with

a good mix of directors with a

lived experience of disability

and independent directors who

are on the Board because of

their business and professional

skills. As the legal guardians of

Mambourin, today more than

ever, this experience mix is vital to

the future of our organisation.

Our senior leadership team

continues to make every effort

to be ready for the NDIS and

beyond. Our CEO Rohan Braddy

continues to show strong

leadership and I admire the

diligence he and his team exhibit

in their work to ensure that the

delicate balance is maintained

between providing great supports

to our participants and ensuring

the organisation’s viability into the


Our staff too continue to perform

exceptionally well at the front line

of our first-rate organisation and I

thank them for their work.

On the all-important service

side, our customer satisfaction

continues to be high and our staff

continue to develop high quality

individualised and person-centred

services. We are widely regarded

as one of the leading disability

support providers in Australia, as

evidenced by the 2014 National

Disability Excellence Award from

the Commonwealth Department

of Social Services and, from the

City of Wyndham, the Not-For-

Profit Company of the Year.

The NDIS will present challenges

for Mambourin especially during

the roll-out phase. The Board has

been doing everything it can to

ensure that Mambourin is as well

prepared as possible to not just

survive, but to thrive under this

exciting initiative.

In closing, I have thoroughly

enjoyed my years as a director of

this highly regarded organisation.

The experience has sometimes

been challenging, yet always

rewarding and deeply satisfying

and I thank the Board for their

support for me, particularly in

recent years in the chair role.

Those I am most grateful to are

the Mambourin community,

especially the wonderful people

we support, for the inclusive

way in which you embraced a

person initially from outside

the Mambourin community by

making me feel so welcome.

I wish Mambourin many years of

success long into the future.

Cathy Jeffkins



CEO’s Report

Within the pages of this annual

report you will find many

examples of achievement, high

quality supports, dedication,

professionalism and strength

in our Mambourin community.

These are, of course, just a small

number of the hundreds of

wonderful success stories that are

played out through the lives of the

people that we have the privilege

of supporting across this fine

organisation. These are the real

stories of Mambourin.

Recently, a parent asked me what

I do. I replied that it is my job to

create the right environment for

our staff to do what they do best,

then get out of the way and let

them get on with it!

National Disability Insurance


We have been eagerly

anticipating the rollout of the

National Disability Insurance

Scheme (NDIS) for quite a few

years now. The most important

theme running through our

strategic plan is how this new

scheme will create opportunities

for people with disability, their

families and carers, in ways

previously not even dreamed

about. Most importantly, it puts

the person with disability firmly in

the driver’s seat of the type and

location of support they desire.

We continue to do everything we

can to prepare as thoroughly as

possible for the full roll out of the

NDIS, and have further ramped

up communications with our

participants and families through

newsletters, information forums,

the CEO blog and our website.

Much of the external environment

relating to the NDIS is complex,

very difficult to manage and

completely beyond our control,

but as more information becomes

available from the trial sites, and

with the broad plan of the full roll

out now known, we are becoming

increasingly competent and

confident in our approach to the


This has been reinforced through

our experience with a small

number of NDIS participants

that are currently successfully

supported by Mambourin staff.

As further details become

available - such as the Victorian

government’s operational plans

for the full NDIS roll out - I believe

this sense of competence and

confidence will only increase.

The biggest challenge for us as

the NDIS roll out approaches will

be weighing up the best interests

of the wider organisation versus

the needs, wants and goals of any

particular individual. Inevitably,

this will lead to decisions needing

to be taken about which types of

disability supports we are able to

provide, and/or to whom.

Overall, I believe we are ‘ahead of

the game’ in many areas of NDIS

preparation and at least on par

with most other disability service



We are pleased to report that

we again achieved certification

following independent, external

audits of our activities and

services. This certification is a

reflection of the high quality

of services and supports that

Mambourin staff provides to


Strategic Plan

Our strategic plan provides

a ‘map’ for our management

team, showing the direction

the organisation should head

in coming years in order

to continue its growth and

vibrancy. It also provides a

way of measuring how well

we are delivering our mission

to empower people with a


The current strategic plan was

written as a three year plan and

approved by the Board in mid

2014, with a further Board review

of its ongoing relevance in early


The strategic plan identifies key

focus areas and what we would

like to achieve. It also describes

strategies that we will use to

achieve our goals; for each

strategy, the senior leadership

team has developed a business

plan which shows a number of

key tasks that we believe we

need to undertake.

There are 10 key focus areas in

Mambourin’s strategic plan; to

view it in full, please go to our

page at www.mambourin.org,

click on the ‘About’ tab, then the

‘Our Board’ tab and scroll down

to the bottom of the page.

A very significant and exciting

achievement for us this year was

the purchase of a warehouse

and office space in Derrimut

(see photos on page 9). The

building is relatively new and has

2,549 m 2 in warehousing space

and 522 m 2 in office space.

As you may be aware, we

currently lease a property at

Desire Place in Hoppers Crossing


that houses our Australian

Disability Enterprises (ADE)

operations, as well as office space

at Pyke Street which we have

outgrown. Over recent years, our

head office team has been split

between Pyke Street and Walls

Road which has created a number

of efficiency issues across these

sites. In addition, lease costs for

these two locations are currently

in excess of $130,000 per annum.

Therefore, it has been part of our

strategic plan to amalgamate our

head office and ADE warehousing

and secure long-term costeffective

accommodation. This

purchase meets our needs and is

also a better use of funds, as we

will be paying off an asset rather

than sinking it into rent.

This new building offers many

new opportunities for us. It allows

for substantial growth of our

ADE, which we consider will be

a competitive advantage under

the NDIS. The site is located

in a continuously developing

industrial area, where we can

potentially source new work and

expand our business. It will also

have an employment and training

focus, which means we can

continue to develop our training

programs and offer further

opportunities to our participants.

We look forward to head office

management and administration

staff moving into the new building

in early December 2015, following

some minor works. Our Hoppers

Crossing lease expires in March

2016; therefore, we will aim to

relocate Desire Place staff and

supported employees to the new

premises in the new year. We will

be working closely with supported

employees and their families to

ensure a smooth transition to the

new building.

I regularly report to the

Mambourin Board on the

progress we are making towards

the goals set in the strategic plan.

In most cases, we are well on

track to achieving, or have already

achieved, those which we set for

ourselves in the first two years.


Amongst our competitors

in the disability sector, the

achievements, professionalism

and strong performance of our

staff positions them as leaders

in this field. They consistently

deliver above and beyond

my expectations and, more

importantly, the expectations of

our customers, participants and

families. They take great pride in

their work and I am proud to work

with them.

We continue to attract excellent

staff and I extend a very warm

welcome to all those who have

joined us recently and hope

you have a long, productive

and enjoyable association with


To all our staff including our

wonderful band of volunteers, I

say: without you we are nothing,

but because of you we are


I would once again like to

acknowledge the outstanding

contribution from our senior

leadership team comprising

Michael Homann, Cassandra

Smith, Alma Zulovic, Warren Yates,

Vicki O’Neill, Lorraine Bartolo, and

Margaret Kennedy. Thank you

for your ongoing support, your

dedication, and your passion.


I would like to recognise the

often unsung support roles that

our administrative staff play in

dedicated and patient support

of our managers, staff, families

and carers and, most importantly,

participants. Thank you for the

wonderful work that you do.

Board of Directors

Generally, in addition to

the requirement to ensure

compliance with general

and specific laws applying to

Mambourin’s operations, our

directors’ primary duty is to our


It is worth reflecting for a

moment on the general duties

imposed by the Corporations

Act on directors and officers of


These include:

• the duty to exercise your

powers and duties with the

care and diligence that a

reasonable person would

have which includes taking

steps to ensure you are

properly informed about

the financial position of the


• a positive duty to prevent

the company trading if it is


• ensuring the company keeps

adequate financial records

to correctly record and

explain transactions and the

company’s financial position

and performance;

• the duty to exercise your


CEO’s Report (con’t)

powers and duties in good

faith in the best interests of

the company and for a proper


• the duty not to improperly

use your position to gain an

advantage for yourself or

someone else, or to cause

detriment to the company;


• the duty not to improperly

use information obtained

through your position to gain

an advantage for yourself or

someone else, or to cause

detriment to the company.

The failure of a director to fulfill

these requirements contravenes

the Corporations Act and can lead

to legal action against individual


Therefore, I, on behalf of the

entire Mambourin community,

extend to each director our

appreciation for their willingness

to take on such an important and

responsible position. All directors

work extremely hard for the

betterment of the organisation

and we are very grateful for

the contribution they make to

improving the lives of people with

disability, their families and carers.

I would like to acknowledge in

particular the contribution of the

Chair, Cathy Jeffkins.

Over the years, and especially in

her role as President/Chair, Cathy

has provided solid leadership and

dedicated support to the Board

and the wider organisation. Never

one to shirk a task no matter how

difficult, Cathy is always willing

to assist whenever required. On

behalf of the entire Mambourin

community I sincerely thank Cathy

for her hard work.


My connection with this excellent

organisation consumes my time

and energy whilst at the same

time inspires and refreshes me,

and keeps me coming back for


I have been enormously

invigorated by the successes

of 2015 and derive great

satisfaction in sharing in the

successes of our participants.

Almost every day we watch

goals being achieved that were

previously thought impossible.

We celebrate every success.

Above all, I am stimulated

by the ongoing opportunity

to learn from our families

and carers such lessons as

resilience, determination, and

commitment. I look forward to

working with you all to make the

NDIS an excellent scheme; our

participants and their families

deserve nothing less!

My sincere thanks to you all for a

successful and memorable 2015,

long may it continue.

Rohan Braddy

Chief Executive



Financial Report

The following is a summary of

Mambourin’s Financial Reports as

at 30 June 2015.

This year’s surplus of $615,121 is

higher than the previous year’s

result and reflects the great efforts

of the management and staff in

their prudent implementation

of the budget approved by the



Total income increased by 1.5%,

to $10.07 million. Funding

received from the Victorian and

Commonwealth Governments is

the biggest source of income for

the organisation.

Income increased in the following


• Commonwealth funding by

0.86%, due to indexation.

• State funding by 5.8%, due

to indexation and additional


• Fees and charges by 7.2%,

due to an increase in the

transport fee in accordance

with CPI and additional

participants joining

Mambourin over the year.

Income decreased in the

following areas:

• Donations and fundraising by


• Other income by 17.8%.

• Interest revenue by 14.5%,

due to lower interest rates.

• Sales by 30%, due to a lower

number of MERP (Mambourin

Enterprise Resource Planning)

implementations and

lower Australian Disability

Enterprises (ADE) sales.


Our total expenses decreased by

4.2%, to $9.45 million.

Employment costs are the

largest expense incurred by the


Expenses decreased in the

following areas:

• Contracts/consultants

by 3.7%, due to careful

management of fees.

• Labour costs by 5.7%, due to

restructure and close control

of hours worked.

• Rental and lease expenses by

6.7%, due to changes made to

equipment leases.

• Section costs by 139.7% (from

a relatively low base), due to

close control over these costs.

• Subscription costs by 164.8%

(from a relatively low base),

due to close attention to

various administration costs

and eliminating unnecessary


• Insurance costs by 9.5%, due

to lower vehicle insurance

costs as a result of fewer

insurance claims made.

• Transport expenses by 8.8%,

due to changes made in

transport services.

Expenses increased in the

following areas:

• External services by 6.4%,

due to additional building

maintenance and other small

item expenses.

• Depreciation by 7.6%, due to

a full year of Melton building

depreciation coming onto

the accounts, iPads used to

support participant programs

and MERP labour.

• Energy by 7.2%, due to

annual increases in prices.

• Participant program

expenses by 3.5%, due to

higher levels of community

access and more in-program

consumable materials used

across our centres.

The positive trading result has

increased total equity to more

than $4.68 million and cash flow

increased by $980,000.

It is important that we maintain a

healthy cash balance to meet our

statutory obligations and to be

able to demonstrate that we can

pay all of our bills as and when

they fall due.

Revenue related to the

implementation and licensing

of the MERP software to other

not-for-profit organisations has

generated additional income

for Mambourin of $97,640 this

financial year.

Post the close of the 2014/2015

financial year, we purchased

a warehouse in Derrimut

which highlights the positive

movement that Mambourin is

embarking on in preparation

for the National Disability

Insurance Scheme (NDIS). This

new site will accommodate head

office staff currently located in

two locations and ADE staff,

which will save rental expenses

and increase our assets over

time. This will allow for greater

program flexibility and expansion

of our services in this area. It will

expand our service offerings

which will incorporate day

services including community


access and participation, skills

training and development, work

experience and some supported

employment—a fully integrated

pathways model which will be well

suited to the environment under

the NDIS.

Mambourin acknowledges the

support of the commonwealth

and state governments which

provide funding for the disability

supports that we provide.

Mambourin strongly values the

working relationship it has with

governments to improve the

support available to people with


In summary, Mambourin ended

the year in a healthy financial

condition. Mambourin has a

strong and improving balance

sheet, a healthy cash balance,

contracts for the bulk of our

ongoing income, good prospects

for growth, ongoing and

additional income related to our

MERP software and well managed

and carefully controlled expenses.

Alma Zulovic

General Manager

Finance &



Operations Report

What an amazing year it has

been in so many ways! Finally

freed from the distraction/burden

of more than two years of the

Department of Health and Human

Services (DHHS) Service review,

we have been able to increase

our focus on the continuous

improvement of our operational

and service delivery processes.

This has resulted in improved

outcomes for our participants

and also produced better than

budgeted financial results.

Along the way we have:

• undergone two successful

external quality system

audits and achieved recertification

(without any nonconformances

recorded) in

both the Day Service (Victorian

DHHS funded) and Australian

Disability Enterprises (ADE,

Commonwealth Department

of Social Services [DSS]

funded) divisions.

• seen our ADE receive a

national service excellence

award from DSS and the best

not-for-profit award from

Wyndham City Council.

• opened our National Disability

Services (NDIS) ‘trial site’

which combines Day Services

and ADE at our Melton centre.

• successfully commenced

service delivery to our first

NDIS funded participant.

• continued to assist in

developing and refining MERP

functionality and capabilities

to ensure consistency of

service delivery and best

outcomes for each participant.

• continued our transport

review, transferring one

Altona and two Allara bus

runs to maxi taxis thus

enabling increased participant

independence, the sale of one

bus, a reduction in bus driver

costs and enabling fees for

these runs to be maintained at

the current level.

• unsuccessfully tendered

for the Reg Geary centre in

Melton (we withdrew our

tender as conditions were

unacceptable to us).

• exited the ADE paint line

enclave at Abey Industries due

to their introduction of robotic


• remained fully focused on

managing our key service

delivery processes to ensure

that the organisation delivers

high quality services, is

financially sustainable and

well placed to continue to

provide excellent choices and

outcomes for the people we


I give my heartfelt thanks to

the great team I am privileged

to lead. Their dedication and

passion to our mission, positive

‘can do’ attitude and boundless

determination to ensure the

best possible outcomes for our

participants will ensure that we

have much to look forward to

heading into the NDIS.

Review of Key Functional


Australian Disability Enterprises

The cessation of the Abey paint

line enclave crew, along with the

start-up of the Melton NDIS trial

site was quite a time consuming,

disruptive and costly process

spanning several months. The

need to phase our supported

employees out of Abey over a

period of many weeks and in

parallel with the setting up of the

new Melton factory and a new

product line proved to be very

challenging. It is a credit to the

commitment of all the staff and

supported employees that they

were able to navigate these

complex, stressful and at times

frustrating processes, meet

customer quality and delivery

expectations and still achieve

a better than budget financial

result. Congratulations to

Lorraine, Steve, Rebecca, William

and their teams on a great job.

Day Services

Continuing focus for the Day

Services division on careful

labour management and

a modest net increase in

participant numbers resulted

in a strong year with excellent

financial results.

Under Vicki O’Neill’s careful

stewardship, regular reviews

of programs have occurred

throughout the year across

all sites to ensure that they

continue to meet participant

needs, remain fully individualised

and produce the best possible

outcomes for the people we

support. This continues to be

uppermost in our minds going

into the NDIS.

An increasingly major part

of Vicki’s role is to manage

the client intake process. She

has established excellent

relationships with the transition

coordinators of the special

schools in our current catchment

area and also attends all

available disability expos to

further promote our organisation

wherever possible.

The July 2014 to June 2015

period saw participant

commencements increase by

an equivalent full time (EFT)

of 27.1 and exits by an EFT of

24.2, an overall net increase of

2.9. The previous year recorded

a net decrease of EFT by 3.0.

10 mambourin.org

While the increase may seem

small it is significant in the context

of a marketplace with a rapidly

increasing number of competitors

who have or are looking to

establish or expand into our

traditional territory. The increasing

participant ‘turnover’ along with

the number of new enquiries

continues to grow annually and is

expected to increase at an even

greater rate as the NDIS draws

nearer and participant options


Quality and Client Services

The great results achieved in our

two major annual independent

quality audits are underpinned

by a robust internal audit

schedule and review process

which is expertly managed

by Margaret Kennedy and a

squad of approximately 23 staff

volunteers formally trained in

internal auditing. These audits

are designed to ensure that

a consistent and high level of

service quality is provided and

maintained across the whole of

Mambourin at all times.

Margaret has also been busy as

our ‘independent’ expert advisor/

investigator on service related

complaints or incident reports.

With her vast knowledge and

experience within the sector,

she has made a significant

contribution to ensuring that

person centeredness and quality

of procedures, programs and

service delivery are understood

and consistent across all sites.

During the 2014/15 year a total

of 30 complaints (up from 26 in

2014) were recorded of which 28

were closed and two were carried

forward into the current year. We

also received four compliments

over this same period. Thank you

to those who took the time to tell

us your concerns and provide

the opportunities to reflect on

our service quality and develop

ways to improve performance. We

welcome your feedback.

Physical Resources

Greg McMonigle had another

busy year with:

• 575 maintenance request

tickets submitted, actioned

and closed.

• Regular servicing,

maintenance and occasional

repairs to our vehicle fleet.

• Sale of two buses and the

purchase of a forklift and

utility vehicle for the Melton

trial site.

• Project management of the

installation of a disability

toilet at the Melton trial site

to enable participants with

higher support needs to

explore work experience


• Meeting regularly with trades

people to organise quotations

and tenders.

• The purchase of a variety of

capital expenditure items.

• Regular moving of office

furniture between sites as


Respite Program - Weekends At

Mambourin (WAM)

In 2014/15 Tina Mason has

once again somehow managed

to organise and coordinate an

amazing number of activities

which were selected by surveying

our eligible participants. There

were 170 active participants (from

the 232 eligible) in the WAM

program throughout the year and

they attended 157 activities, which

equals 10,680 participant hours.

A wide variety of both centre

based and community based

activities were again offered and

programmed on a Friday night,

Saturday day and night and

Sunday day.

2015 saw the introduction of the

first NDIS participant to WAM

and the transition was smooth

and provided valuable learning

for our staff. Great work Tina.

Administration Support

The unsung hero of the team

is Amanda Haughton who has

again been a very valuable and

flexible contributor to our team.

Her role includes managing

the Ison House and Sensory

Garden bookings, producing

the newsletters and promotional

materials, updating Facebook

and Sharepoint, coordinating

the annual Golf Day, providing

MERP and administration support

to ADE, assisting head office

administration in end of month

activities and providing general

administration support to our

Walls Road team. Nothing is

too much trouble for Amanda!

A great year’s work from

Amanda which was very much

appreciated by us all.

Other Key Functions

Strategic Plan

Overall we believe we are

progressing well in the

Operations department

with nearly all tasks in the

strategic plan underway and

a number already completed.

A small number have not yet

commenced or have stalled

while waiting for further advice

or information from the National

Disability Insurance Agency in

areas such as timing, pricing and


Some activities are taking longer

than was originally estimated

11 mambourin.org

Operations Report (con’t)

due to their complexity, for

example pricing analysis and

costing of services, and some

have been rescheduled as a

result of labour availability due to

fulfilling other strategic tasks, such

as the purchase of the Derrimut

factory, which require significant

management time.

This is the type of flexibility

with which we will be required

to operate in the new NDIS

environment and we are up to the

challenges this will bring.

Occupational Health and Safety


Injury/Incident statistics for the

2014/2015 year show the total

number of recorded injuries/

incidents increased by 35.2% on

the previous year. I believe this

is a reflection of more diligent

reporting practices rather than

any significant increase in ‘real’

incidents as staff are encouraged

to record any incident, no matter

how minor.

The percentage of injuries to total

incidents has remained almost

static, increasing by only 0.6% to

23.8%. Reporting has been further

enhanced for 2015/2016 at the

Board’s request by showing the

staffing numbers for each site

and the separation of seizures

from other incident types. Further

refinement of this report is a work

in progress.

The continuing strong focus

on reporting and investigating

incidents/injuries along with our

robust risk assessment and return

to work processes have resulted

in a further significant reduction in

our Workcover premium which is

now well below industry standard.

Community Partnerships

Mambourin continues to foster

fantastic community partnerships

in order to provide opportunities

for our participants to engage in

community inclusive activities.

In the ADE division we are

fortunate to have the ongoing

support of a number of long

term and extremely committed

commercial customers which we

value greatly. We thank them all

for their continued custom and

look forward to furthering our

relationships with them.

Similarly in the Day Services

division our centres all have

excellent partnerships with a

wide range of community groups

and venues which enable our

participants to enjoy programs

and activities in a community


A very sincere and heart felt thank

you to these organisations – we

very much value our relationships

with you.

As well as being active

participants in the local service

networks we are also represented

on a number of local advisory


• Wyndham Council Disability

& Ageing Policy Development


• Wyndham City Aged and

Disability Community

Reference Group.

• Melton Council Disability &

Ageing Advisory Committee.

• Jackson Special School

Transition Action Team.

Thank you to these organisations

for allowing us the opportunity

to represent the needs of our

participants in particular and

people with disability in general.

Where to from here?

The focus in the coming months

will be very strongly on matters

related to the NDIS, as directed

by our strategic plan, and to

ensure that Mambourin is in the

best possible position to not only

survive, but also capitalise on its

opportunities and thrive well into

the future.

We will continue to trial staffing

models and review transport

arrangements as well as to

develop an NDIS ‘toolkit’ for

our participants and their family

members and carers to enable

them to approach their first

planning meeting with the NDIA

with confidence.

The relocation of Administration

and ADE to new premises in late

2015 is an extremely important

step in our preparation for the

NDIS. It will provide significant

management efficiencies by

uniting our currently scattered

administrative staff and, more

importantly will create the

environment and opportunity

for significant growth in our

ADE. Offering greatly increased

capacity, it will enable us to

actively pursue a wider variety

and volume of work and also

establish additional workplace

training opportunities for current

and future participants seeking

employment opportunities.

I am sure that while the road

ahead will undoubtedly have

many bumps along the way, we

have a great team of experienced

and committed people to

chart our course forward with

confidence and success.

Michael Homann

General Manager


12 mambourin.org

People & Culture Report

Our People

Mambourin is proud to employ:

• 55 full time employees.

• 51 part time employees.

• 60 supported employees.

• 11 employees on fixed term


• 34 casual employees.

From 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015


• hired three supported


• hired three part time


• hired 13 casual employees.

• hired 10 employees on fixed

term contracts.

• facilitated the promotion of

seven staff.

• supported one employee to

become a contractor.

We said good bye to:

• five full time employees.

• 11 part time employees.

• three staff on fixed term


• 13 casual employees.

Training and Staff


Our total spending on staff

training and development was


This is down on previous years

as our main focus has been

compliance requirements.

We have been conservative with

spending in our training space

this year given our significant

investment in the previous three

years and our need to review

training requirements as we

move into the National Disability

Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Funding for staff training is still

uncertain under this scheme.

Staff collectively attended 2,840

hours of training between 1 July

2014 and 30 June 2015.

Organisational training highlights

include in the following areas:

• Induction.

• NDIS workshops and


• CPR and first aid Level 2.

• Mental health first aid.

• Occupational health and


• PEG feeding.

• Professional development for

increased responsibilities and


• Certificate 1 and 2 in

Horticulture for supported


• Positive behaviour supports

and toolkits.

• MERP/information technology

training support.

• Fire warden training.

• Autism training.

• ADE leadership program.

• Workplace bullying and


Workcover and Injury


Mambourin has had fantastic

year on year improvement

with our management of work

related injuries and we are finally

seeing the benefits of this hard

work reflected in our reducing

WorkCover premium (see

graph on the next page). Both

premium costs and return to work

costs were significantly below

budget expectations and we

have no long term open claims.

Mambourin has now achieved a

claims cost rate that is lower than

our average industry claims cost

rate. This is the first time we have

ever achieved this. Premiums

have reduced by $248,000 based

on our worst year for premiums

in 2012/2013.

Our staff have done a lot of work

in the area of risk management

ensuring that our participants

receive high quality support in

the safest way possible.

This partnered with our

significant investment in positive

behaviour support, best practice

approaches, regular participant

support plan reviews and

incident reporting in line with

our robust risk management

system has ensured that the

number of work related injuries

at Mambourin remains low and


Everyone needs to be

congratulated on their positive

and proactive approach to safety!

Money previously spent on high

insurance premiums can now be

redirected back into providing

more resources for direct service


Students and Volunteers

Mambourin has a number of

partnerships with registered

training organisations to

foster and support future

workers within the disability

sector. We demonstrate our

continued commitment to be

14 mambourin.org

at the forefront of best practice

approaches through these

partnerships by continuing to

expose our staff and participants

to students and volunteers from

a variety of cultural backgrounds

and levels of professional


In particular during the course of

this year Mambourin hosted:

• six psychology students and

14 occupational therapy

students who conducted their

professional work placement

as part of the final stages

of university study. These

students were able to partner

with staff, participants and

their carers/families providing

some much needed access

to specialist services that

under normal circumstances

would be subject to long

public waiting lists or be cost


• 60 student placement

applications for Certificate 4

in Disability. Our Certificate

4 placement program has

become very popular with

training providers and

Mambourin now has a three

month waiting list for these


• 11 new volunteers.

• 20 ‘work for the dole’


People and Culture Highlights

People and Culture has

benefited greatly through MERP

development and investment. We

now have a number of efficiencies

created by improved data

capture and reporting on training,

qualifications, compliance and

employee file management.

Our annual staff training day was

held in May 2015 with 107 staff

in attendance. 16 staff received

a formal recognition award for


Site mergers between Werribee

and Werribee South, and

Sunshine and Braybrook, were

successfully implemented with

minimal disruption to participants

and their programs.

All sites have the right balance

between permanent, fixed term

and casual employment to

provide good flexibility to not

only manage labour to budget,

but to respond to participant and

market movements quickly and


We have continued to review

transport and implemented

a number of sustainability

and efficiency initiatives with

a measured and respectful

approach. We will continue to do

this as we transition to the NDIS.

Cassandra Smith

General Manager

People and Culture

Premium years

2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16

Total claims cost $397,754 $736,699 $1,489,051 $1,568,394 $549,382 $148,814 TBC


premium costs

Average industry

claim cost rate

Our claims cost


$57,642 $163,887 $225,408 $283,874 $221,735 $126,917 $35,605

1.22% 1.01% 1.00% 0.80% 0.79% 0.58% 0.89%

4.52% 7.68% 11.20% 9.09% 2.65% 0.72% 0.28%


Workcover Premium Costs




2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

15 mambourin.org

Australian Disability Enterprises

I am delighted to present my

annual report on behalf of

Mambourin’s Australian Disability

Enterprises (ADE).

Year in Review

It has certainly been an

exceptionally exciting year.

As I briefly reported last year,

Mambourin proudly took home

the 2014 National ADE Excellence

Award as well as the City of

Wyndham Not for profit Business

of the Year Award.

We are proud to be recognised

for our strong business

partnerships, good wage

outcomes, excellent training

programs and exceptional

service delivery for our supported

employees. Since receiving these

prestigious awards, we have

welcomed a number of guests to

our service, who generously took

time from their busy schedules to

visit our ADE and meet with staff

and supported employees.

I sincerely thank the (then)

Federal Assistant Minister for

Social Services, Senator Mitch

Fifield, who officially presented

the excellence award to ADE

in February this year. Minister

Fifield’s visit was a special

highlight in the ADE calendar.

I would also like to express my

thanks to our many business

partners, Mambourin Board

members, as well as family

members who joined us on the

day. Supported employees were

delighted to receive backpacks

to commemorate the award,

and many are wearing them with


We were also delighted to host

visits from Shadow Minister Jenny

Macklin, our local federal member

Joanne Ryan MP, and Dr Rachel

Carling-Jenkins, member of

Victoria’s Upper House. I sincerely

thank them for their interest in our


Supported Employees

Naturally, our most important

work at ADE is with our supported

employees. Training our

supported employees through

accredited and on-the-job training

is at the forefront of what we do.

It ensures that our employees are

continually supported to develop

their skills, in order to achieve

their employment goals. Many

employees in the past year have

achieved employment goals in

areas such as, administration

duties, first aid/CPR, fire warden

training, conducting stock takes

for commercial customers,

preparing stock for dispatch,

preparing paperwork for inwards/

outwards stock, and safely

operating equipment.

ADE Leadership Pilot Program

I am proud to report that our first

group of supported employees

graduated from the ADE

leadership pilot program. ADE

launched this program to provide

an opportunity to our supported

employees to develop and further

enhance their work skills. We have

seen so much personal growth

in the areas of self-esteem, selfadvocacy,

confidence, team work

and mentoring. I thank Simon

Nette for developing this program

for our ADE participants.

Success Stories

Supported employee Dion is

testament to the success of the

leadership program with his

recent career progression to

garden team leader. Through

the program Dion had the

opportunity to develop his

leadership and mentoring

skills. He now provides valuable

support to his supervisor and is

a great role model to his coworkers.

Dion has also recently

achieved his First Aid Certificate.

Well done Dion!


This year our gardening team

has continued to provide a

high quality service to our very

satisfied customers.

Rain, hail or shine our team is

always out braving the elements

to ensure that customer

obligations are met. Special

thanks to Ian Hall and his team

for another great year. It is a

fantastic effort by the team, all

the members of which are also

currently studying Certificate 2 in

Horticulture. We look forward to

them graduating later this year.

Support and Training to

Employment Program (STEP)

We are proud to continue

to support work experience

programs with local special and

mainstream schools, as well as

our own Mambourin STEP teams.

The success of these partnerships

has seen employment

opportunities being created for

three new supported employees

in ADE in the past 12 months.

Congratulations and welcome to

Rikki, Justin and Shannon.

Commercial Partnerships

Our partnerships with our

commercial partners continue to

grow; in the past year we have

successfully formed five new

business relationships. In doing

so, our supported employees

have the opportunity to expand

on their skills and work on a

wider variety of tasks. I thank our

customers for their continued

16 mambourin.org

and valuable support.

In the coming months we will

continue to prepare for the

National Disability Insurance

Scheme (NDIS); this coupled with

our move to new premises mean

challenging and exciting times


We look forward to moving to our

new site in Derrimut which will

provide ADE with new business

growth opportunities. We also

look forward to the change

NDIS will bring to the landscape

of employment. Mambourin

ADE is committed to creating

new and diverse employment

opportunities for people with

disability, and we look foward

to the future as we believe the

NDIS will improve access to

employment for so many people.

In closing I would like to

thank ADE staff members Ian,

Rebecca, William and supported

employees for all your hard work

and dedication. The successes of

the past year are testament to our

culture and our work ethic; it is an

absolute pleasure working with

you all.

To our families, carers and

volunteers, thank you for your

support and the value you

add to our ADE community.

To my colleagues in the senior

leadership team and particularly

my manager Michael Homann,

thank you for your ongoing


Lorraine Bartolo

ADE Manager

17 mambourin.org

Day Services

As we surge towards the

upcoming rollout of the National

Disability Insurance Scheme

(NDIS), it is wonderful to report

on the successes and highlights

of the past year. As always it has

been an extremely busy one and

I would like to congratulate and

thank all the site managers and

their staff teams for their hard

work, dedication and passion

which has again led to fantastic

outcomes and achievements for

people attending Mambourin.

Financial Outcomes

A concentrated effort by all sites

took place to deliver a positive

financial outcome, the result of

which was a budget surplus!

Well done to Alma Zulovic and

Cassandra Smith in supporting

the sites with their expertise in

finance and people and culture

management to achieve this.

External Audit

We once again passed our

external audit of the Department

of Health and Human Services

Standards with flying colours and

maintained our accreditation.

No non-conformances were

reported. The audit was

completed by Merrilynne Smith

from independent auditing body,

Global Mark. Margaret Kennedy

was instrumental in supporting

us through the re-accreditation

process. Thanks Margaret!


The future promises to be exciting

and also very challenging in the

lead up to the NDIS becoming

a reality. Mambourin has been

working hard to ensure the

organisation is well positioned

to meet these challenges head

on and deal with the changes

that must occur with such a

revolutionary transformation of

the existing service system. For

18 mambourin.org

the first time in history the power

will truly be with people with


Mambourin will continue to work

with participants and carers to

ensure they are fully prepared

when they meet with planners

from the National Disability

Insurance Agency (NDIA) by

holding discussion sessions at all

sites. The importance of being

fully prepared for a person’s

individual planning meeting

cannot be overstated.

Data collected through our

MERP (Mambourin Enterprises

Resource Planning) software will

be vital for families attending

planning meetings with the NDIA

and we are preparing a package

of information to assist in the


The NDIS will impact on every

area of our activities and

our strategic plan has been

developed with this in mind. One

of our key goals is “Survive and

Thrive” and it was decided to

restructure the operations at our

Melton day service to create an

NDIS trial site. It is important for

Mambourin to explore innovative

practices to provide pathway

opportunities for existing and

new participants. This new trial

site offers independent living

skills programs, recreational

and leisure programs and also

work experience opportunities

that did not previously exist in

the local area. These ‘one stop

shop’ opportunities are proving

to very successful. The site has

also provided work experience

opportunities for the local

community including special

schools previously travelling many

kilometres out of the local area to

access these.

Management Restructure

The resignation of two of our

site managers, Lise Aumau of

Werribee and Janet Findlay

of Werribee South, provided

an opportunity to restructure

our site management roles

at Werribee, Werribee South,

Sunshine and Braybrook.

The main driver for this was

the small growth seen at both

Werribee South and Sunshine

over the last few years. Layna

Griffin now manages our

Sunshine and Braybrook day


Michelle Stewart moved to

Werribee as site manager and

also manages our Werribee

South site. The merging of the

sites has seen unexpected, but

welcome, developments with

participants at all sites keen to

experience the program offerings

available across the joined sites,

despite this being available in

the past.

We provide support to a diverse

group of participants across

all the day services and the

tables on page 22 provide

some statistical information on

participants and programs.


In the last financial year, many

programs remained favourites

and we also introduced a

number of new initiatives. I could

quite literally fill a book with all

the outstanding achievements,

but will provide just a brief


• participants from our

Expressive Arts Program

again put on the show

of a lifetime with their

performances in “The

Best Seat in the House”.

Congratulations to all

the participants and staff

involved who worked

enormously hard behind the

scenes to ensure the audience

was not disappointed. A

special shout out to Reece

Howell who co-ordinated last

year’s performance and is

continuing his hard work for

the 2015 production.

• Reece was also instrumental

in developing with Werribee

participants a radio advocacy

program “Off the Wall”, which

holds a regular, weekly spot

on WYN FM 88.9 on Tuesdays

between 12:00pm and


• participants at Altona

introduced the “Behind the

News” information program

and one highlight was

meeting with the Mayor of

Hobson’s Bay to discuss local

community issues.

• the Movie Makers Program,

where people from Altona

and Allara join together,

continues to go from strength

to strength, creating and

producing a number of mini

movies. In December 2014

the group was nominated

and became finalists in

the Sunshine Film Festival;

a fantastic achievement!

Not satisfied with that

achievement, the group also

took the 2015 Altona Beach

Film Festival President’s

Encouragement Award for

the film “The last Flight of the

Bloodhounds” making us all

very proud.

• the Mambourin Choir

continued their performances

and these were extended

to a number of special

schools including Yarraville

and Sunshine Special

Development Schools, and

Jackson School, with repeat

performances requested!

• the Café Program in which

three sites run the café in the

Werribee Sensory Gardens

still proves to be very popular,

so much so that the Melton

team work there two days per



Partnerships with external

organisations continue to provide

valuable opportunities for our

participants. Following are just

some that participants were

involved in:

• Western Bulldogs: lawn bowls,

football clinics, Certificate 1 in

General Education.

• ADEC (Action on Disability

within Ethnic Communities):

Self-Empowerment Program.

• VALID (Victorian League for

Individuals with a Disability):

monthly client network

meetings, Keys to Success Self

Advocacy Training.

• Migrant Resource Centre

North-West Region Inc

Disability and Diversity (DnD):

Conflict Resolution workshops.

• Encompass Community

Services: Certificate 1 in

Transition Education.

• Sunshine Special

Development School:

Gardening Program

conducted at the school by

members of our Sunshine site.


The table on page 22 shows an

increase in the number of people

joining Mambourin doubled from

the previous year.

I feel enormous pride when I

hear comments such as “I was

told Mambourin is the place to

be” and “Mambourin has been

strongly recommended to me”.

Our reputation for providing high

quality services continues and we

were invited to attend information

expos at the following schools:

• Warringa Park School.

• Rosamond Special School.

• Melton Specialist School.

• Jackson School.

• Sunshine Special

Development School.

In addition to the above the

following schools took us up on

the offer of conducting bus tours

for prospective people and their


• Warringa Park School.

• Yarraville Special

Developmental School.

• Melton Specialist School.

Many thanks to Amanda

Haughton who provides support

in preparing a large number

of information and enrolment

packs, sometimes with very little


The accomplishments of the last

financial year could not have

been achieved without the efforts

of a strong and cohesive team

of professionals from all levels of

the organisation: people at the

coal face, their site managers and

team leaders, senior managers of

the organisation, our CEO Rohan

Braddy, and Mambourin’s Board.

I would like to personally thank

Michael Homann who heads

up our operations team for

his continued support and

the old cliché of “team effort

achieves most” is certainly true

at Mambourin and evidenced by

the fantastic results achieved!

Vicki O’Neill

Day Services


19 mambourin.org



Total number of




group activities


participant 1:1


Male Female Youngest Oldest

Altona 19 19 36 2 18 67

Allara (Deer



41 27 67 1 26 68

Braybrook 45 27 59 13 19 77

Sunshine 25 8 33 - 22 52

Melton 19 6 23 2 18 63

Werribee 34 37 71 - 19 69



22 3 25 - 18 67

Total 205 127 314 18


No. weekly programs


On site

Off site

Facilitated by specialists

Altona 12 9 2

Allara (Deer Park) 19 22 4

Braybrook 40 5 7

Sunshine 19 8 2

Melton 9 6 2

Werribee 29 14 3

Werribee South 10 6 3

Total 138 70 23


Intake enquiries

Participant commencements

July 2014 to June 2015 88 30

July 2013 to June 2014 80 14

20 mambourin.org


Over the last 12 months Allara

has been very busy with our

usual, everyday activities. The

unique part of everyone’s daily

routine at Allara never fails to

entertain, champion and provide

opportunities for achievement.

Popular activities at Allara

include the new bike education

program, travel training/work

experience, literacy, woodwork

and film making. There have

been great outcomes from many

activities and these outcomes

have seen great achievements for

all participants. The Mambourin

Movie Makers program were

finalists in the Sunshine Film

Festival and more recently won

the President’s Encouragement

Award at the Altona Beach Film


The involvement of St Alban’s

Catholic Regional College,

Taylors Lakes Secondary College

and our dedicated volunteers

has contributed to valuable

developments. We have been

very fortunate to also have had

occupational therapy students

working alongside our staff and

participants. Input and guidance

for supported services has

provided great value for families

and participants.

As we do best, we finish each

term with a themed celebration.

Recently our participants voted for

“Allara’s Got Talent”. Participants,

staff, volunteers and students

were all involved with fun

activities. Our recreation activities

play an important role in end

of term planning. Participants

are fully engaged to plan their

celebration event.

One of our success stories is

Dean. Dean has embraced

responsibility as our Traffic

Controller, has a structured

routine and loves to meet and

greet our participants when

arriving or leaving. Not only has

Dean embraced this role, he has

also become a great inspiration

for our non-verbal participants.

Dean has inspired his peers to

just try new things.

In conclusion, I thank all

volunteers, families and carers for

their ongoing support.

Thank you too to the Allara

staff members constantly

striving to deliver against our

organisation’s vision; your

ongoing commitment and

dedication shows. As we move

forward and embrace the NDIS,

I am honoured to be part of our

team, and look forward to what

2016 will bring.

Fou Aumau

Site Manager

22 mambourin.org


Participants continue to enjoy a

variety of programs on a daily

basis at Altona. They include

beautiful babes (women’s group),

music therapy with Andrea

Toohey, drama and dance,

bowling, a range of independent

living skills incorporated into

programs such as sensory

activities, cooking, library &

literacy, iPad and computers. The

following are some highlights:

• Participants enjoyed a day of

football activities and prizes

to celebrate the NRL and AFL

grand finals.

• The Louis Joel Community

Centre invited Mambourin

participants to participate in a

fashion parade with beautifully

made clothing by the local

Altona community. Lauren,

Crystal and Jaymi volunteered

their time to participate in this

wonderful opportunity.

• Participants were supported

and encouraged by the

local Altona Community to

participate in a traditional

Halloween ‘trick or treat’

activity. We visited the Altona

Library, Louis Joel Community

Centre, Commonwealth

Bank, Coles supermarket and

Terralls pharmacy. Thank you

to all the local community

members that made this

a special event for our


• This year a Karaoke machine

was very kindly donated to us

which made this Christmas

extra special. Participants once

again enjoyed Christmas at

Altona. Participants enjoyed

a traditional Christmas lunch

and a visit from Santa.

• The Mambourin Movie Makers

entered their first Short Film

festival with their movie “The

Visitor”. It was screened at the

Village Cinemas at Sunshine

Plaza amongst many other

entries from around Australia

23 mambourin.org

• Once again participants

and staff enjoyed Easter

celebrations at Altona.

Everyone participated in an

Easter egg hunt, enjoyed

a sausage sizzle and other

Easter activities.

• Participants from the “Behind

the News” program visited

Sarah and Sheila from

the office of the Victorian

Ombudsman. They learnt what

the Ombudsman does, how

to make a complaint and how

the Ombudsman’s office can

resolve issues and concerns

they may have.

• The men’s group enjoyed

a day of camping activities

at the You Yangs. The

participants made a camp fire

to cook the damper that they

prepared in the morning; they

enjoyed some bush walking

and cooked a barbeque lunch.

• Participants went back in time

to the 70s to re-live the disco

era and the songs of Elvis.

Participants enjoyed karaoke

with Brian and Perry (our bus

drivers) and a barbeque.

In addition, on 12 May the

“Behind the News” participants

had a fantastic opportunity to

meet Mayor Gates at Hobson’s

Bay City Council and participate

in a role play of a council meeting.

The day was centred on giving the

group the opportunity to officially

present each of their individual

agenda items to the Mayor.

The agenda items we shared:

• Michelle said that we need

more public picnic tables

under cover.

• Barbara advised that it wasn’t

good enough that she takes

two trains to travel four

stations – the trains need to

start going through the Altona

loop again.

• Lyn indicated that she would

like a One Direction concert

in Altona. The immediate

response was “Altona

probably couldn’t handle the


• Lauren asked that gravel

paths near her home be

sealed because the uneven

surfaces affect her confidence

and prevent her from riding

her bike.

• Savé expressed concern that

cars move too fast in Pier

Street, making the area not

good for people who are


• Jaymi commented that there

were limited choices in the

Altona area for disability

services, especially respite,

and people have to travel to


At Altona we also have an

amazing bunch of volunteers

that have been with us for many

years. Without their dedication

to our participants some of our

programs would not be able to

run, so a big thank you to you

from all of us at Altona.

In closing, another big thank you

to the wonderful staff at Altona,

they are an extremely dedicated

and hardworking bunch. The

staff at Altona always endeavour

to be responsive to participant

requests by looking for new and

exciting programs to introduce

and are great at ensuring all are

having fun and enjoying their

time at Mambourin.

Laura Hitch

Site Manager


Introducing the first report for our

Community Pathways NDIS Trial

Site in Melton!

The existing Melton day

service has expanded, offering

our participants pathway

opportunities which assist in

developing the skills required for

independent living and supported


We have a working warehouse,

and an ongoing contract with long

standing partner Abey Australia;

they supply the work for our team

of seven supported employees.

Steve Webb is a supported

employee and is the team leader

in the warehouse. He has also

completed training to fulfill his

duties as fire warden. Sean has

been learning to drive a forklift

and will sit his forklift licence test

in the near future. Well done guys!

In addition to programs run to

develop independent living skills,

we also offer work experience

options. This has been taken up

by the Mambourin STEP (Support

and Training to Employment

Program) groups, Jackson School

and Melton Special School. This

has been successful in extending

our existing partnerships with the


Some participants have expressed

interests in activities that are

running at other sites, so we

have joined the Mambourin

Allara (Deer Park) site for their

woodwork, gardening and literacy


Participants enrolled in Transition

Education will complete their

two year course and will receive

a Certificate 1 in Transition

Education at the end of this

year. This group has planned

and implemented detailed trips,

identified costs and use of public

transport to access the city and

explore Mambourin’s shredding

shed, as well as the local


Our staff members have been

active in supporting community

fundraising events such as the

Cancer Council in hosting “A

Biggest Morning Tea”, and the

Foster Children in Care “work in

your pyjamas” day. Both these

days were well supported by

families of our participants. The

pyjama day was very enjoyable

and challenging for our

participants as this was not a

routine thing to do.

The Sensory Gardens Café

has been another successful

work experience program for

our participants and has been

so popular, that we run the

café twice a week. We were

lucky to have two occupational

therapy students complete their

placement with us. During their

time with us they developed

visual schedules and menus for

the participants to use at the café.

This has assisted the participants

with organising the café and also

to further their skills in customer


All of this would not be possible

without the dedicated staff and

their hard work towards creating

positive outcomes for our


Lavinia Tukuafu

Site Manager

24 mambourin.org

Braybrook / Sunshine

There have been a number of

operational changes over the

year with Braybrook and Sunshine

joining forces. This has given

participants the opportunity to

experience more programs and

more social interactions between

the two sites. This opportunity

has been embraced by all staff

and participants with a sense of

optimism and enthusiasm.

We offer a range of programs

both on- and off-site. These


• Disability and Diversity (DnD)

facilitating a ladies’, men’s and

drama program at Braybrook.

• Community West facilitating

literacy at both Braybrook and


• a work experience program

run at the Mambourin Melton


• a variety of other programs

including individual support,

independent living skills and


I believe we are all working

towards common goals for

participants in a positive,

constructive way.

I would like to acknowledge the

following people for their work

and support throughout the year:

Team leaders Jane and Linda and

the facilitators at Braybrook and

Sunshine provided tremendous

support to participants and myself

and they also coped with the

many administrative changes

throughout the year. I would like

to take this opportunity to thank

Lavinia who has taken a new role

as Site Manager at our Melton


Michelle, Dianne and Virna in

their administrative roles, have

again been very committed and

supportive. Congratulations

Michelle on the birth of baby

number two!

Our drivers have once again

proved to be a very reliable and a

wonderful group of people.

And of course, thank you to

“friends of Jo and Maree”, for

their continued support and


The following organisations are

recognised for their support in

assisting with activities throughout

the year:

• Community West.

• Braybrook Community


• Duke Street Community


• Skill School.

• Shineworks Music.

• Disability and Diversity.

We also continued our

partnership with the following


• Sunshine Special

Development School.

• Catholic Regional College.

• Taylors Lakes Secondary


• Braybrook College.

• Adam and Madeline, Caroline

Chisholm Catholic College

Sacred Heart Campus.

Layna Griffin

Site Manager

25 mambourin.org

Werribee/Werribee South

What a busy year it has been for

both the Werribee and Werribee

South sites. The number of

participants at Werribee is 71, with

25 at Werribee South.

We have three participants who

are enjoying participating in

programs between both the sites

as well as a participant who is a

part of the STEP (Support and

Training to Employment Program)

activities who transitioned

into three days of supported

employment within Mambourin’s

Australian Disability Enterprises

(ADE) and continues to participate

in STEP activities two days per


At the Werribee site there are

29 program activities run weekly

on-site and 14 program activities

run off-site within the community.

Werribee South runs six program

activities off-site each week and

10 on-site each week.

Both sites continue to run

popular, externally facilitated

programs, such as music therapy

and reflexology. The Werribee

site continues to participate in

a hip hop program which has

been popular for a few years now

as well as radio advocacy and

woodwork at the Hobson’s Bay

Men’s Shed.

Both sites continue to hold

participant meetings once a

month with all participants and

staff involved. Agenda items

include - WAM (Weekends at

Mambourin), events, new program

opportunities, guest speakers and

site specific needs.

Some other popular program

activities at Werribee and

Werribee South are:

• Expressive Arts. Participants

and staff have worked very

hard throughout the year

to provide a production in

which they showcase their

talents. This program provides

an insight into the depth of

talent that participants have

26 mambourin.org

and most importantly the

enjoyment provided to all.

Both Werribee and Werribee

South are part of this program.

• STEP. Participants are

supported to develop skills in

the workplace which will assist

them to gain employment.

Staff support participants

through role modelling,

routine co-active assistance,

verbal prompting and some

physical aspects of the skills

required when seeking

employment. The STEP group

have the opportunity to run

the Werribee Sensory Gardens

Café, participate in work

experience at Mambourin’s

ADE, travel training,

swimming, hip hop, shredding

and work place training where

they cover basic living skills.

This program is based at the

Werribee site.

• Men’s Interest Group.

The Men’s interest group

conducted at Werribee

provides opportunities for

participants (not solely male)

to develop, explore and

build on social networks

and engage in activities of

interest. Some of the activities

this year have included:

Outdoor cooking – You

Yangs: a favourite of the

group when the weather is

right. The group prepares

for bush cooking/lunch out

at the You Yangs. Once at

the You Yangs the group

prepares a fire and cooks

damper, with marshmallows

making an appearance

too. The group connects

with the bush and the

lovely national park we use.

Grand Prix – This was

an activity identified by

members of the group in

term one program planning.

Comedy festival


• Radio Advocacy. The radio

advocacy program continues

to be going strong with six

participants from Werribee

who are on air each Tuesday

from 12pm to 1 pm. The “Off

the Wall” team can be heard

live on 88.9 WYN FM. Don’t

forget to tune in!

• Skills Development –

Shredding. The shredding

program provides

participants with a

meaningful and productive

skills development activity

that teaches valuable skills

and enhances their selfesteem.

The shredding

program has a long list of

valuable customers who are

provided secure containers/

bins that are delivered and

once full are collected and

brought back to the premises

where participants sort and

shred documents in a secure

environment. Participants

learn how to sort, as well as

use the shredding machines

and compactor to bag up

all the shredded paper. This

program is based at the

Werribee site.

• Woodwork. With the support

of volunteers at the Hobson’s

Bay Men’s Shed the group

on a weekly basis enjoy a

community inclusive program

and have the opportunity to

build/create quality wood art.

This program is based at the

Werribee site.

• Woodcraft. An on-site

program at Werribee South

where participants have the

opportunity to build/create

wood art.

• Literacy/Newsletter. The

Werribee South “Southern

Style” newsletter continues

to be a great piece put

together by participants

who have full control of the

input of all stories, topics

and pictures. Participants

are supported in writing and

using their computer skills

to produce their stories and

the newsletter provides all

participants the opportunity to

showcase their creative writing


• Photography. The

Photography program

provides a high level of

enjoyment and the learning

of new skills and often

their pictures feature in the

“Southern Style” Werribee

South Newsletter. This

program is based at the

Werribee South site.

The staff at Werribee and

Werribee South continue to work

together to support and empower

Mambourin participants to reach

their potential. I would like to

acknowledge and thank the team

leaders at Werribee and Werribee

South – Roy Davis and Laura

Crellin as well administration

support at both sites – Amy Cross

and Ester Egan. The support from

these individuals throughout my

transition into the site manager’s

role at the two sites, as well as

their ongoing support, has been

great and is truly appreciated.

I would also like to acknowledge

and thank the teams at sites—full

time/part time/casual facilitators,

bus drivers and volunteers—for

their valued contribution. In

particular I would like to give a

special thank you to Werribee

facilitator Reece Howell who

does a truly fantastic job with

expressive arts, hip hop and

radio advocacy. Well done and

thank you Reece.

I look forward to the changes

and challenges ahead as we

move forward and embrace the

National Disability Insurance

Scheme as it commences its full

roll out in 2016. I have no doubt

that together we will all continue

to support each and every

participant to reach their goals.

Michelle Stewart

Site Manager

27 mambourin.org

2015 In Pictures

28 mambourin.org

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30 mambourin.org

Mambourin Enterprises Ltd

ABN 41 725 993 025 | ACN 159 527 036

Current Head Office

4C Pyke Street Werribee VIC 3030

Head Office from 3 December 2015

159 Derrimut Drive Derrimut VIC 3030

Contact details

PO Box 2451 Werribee VIC 3030

Phone 03 9731 9200 or

1300 EMPOWER (1300 367 693)

Fax 03 9749 8273

Day Services


Cnr Miles Street & Ballarat Road

Deer Park VIC 3023

Phone 03 9361 8500

hopsocial justice - innovation




130 Queen Street

Altona VIC 3018

Phone 03 9398 4022


Ravenhall Street

Braybrook VIC 3019

Phone 03 9313 0800


1 Collins Road

Melton VIC 3337

Phone 03 9971 5927

Follow us on


50 Stanford Street

Sunshine VIC 3020

Phone 03 9364 7999


11-19 Walls Road

Werribee VIC 3030

Phone 03 9731 8200

Werribee South

10 Cayleys Road

Werribee South VIC 3030

Phone 03 9742 1000

Mambourin Enterprises Ltd acknowledges

the support of the Victorian Government

Ison House | Café

4 Recreation Close

Werribee VIC 3030

Phone 03 9034 2100

Australian Disability


Garden Services

2 Recreation Close

Werribee VIC 3030

Phone 03 9731 8204

Packaging Recycling Distribution

5 Desire Place

Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029

Phone 03 9008 2430

31 mambourin.org


32 mambourin.org

hope - compassion - respect

social justice - innovation

Mambourin Enterprises Ltd

ABN 41 725 993 025 | ACN 159 527 036

PO Box 2451 Werribee VIC 3030

Phone 03 9731 9200 or

1300 EMPOWER (1300 367 693)

Fax 03 9749 8273



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