UMAC Radiology

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What are Mammograms?

A mammography is a type of b-r-e-a-s-t inspection that does not need any intrusive procedures

and can identify b-r-e-a-s-t cancer and other disorders of the b-r-e-a-s-t at their earliest, most

treatable stages Mammography Dealer. A mammogram involves a technician taking X-ray

images of your b-r-e-a-s-ts with a specialized piece of equipment called a mammograph machine

umacglobal. In order to obtain a more accurate representation of the b-r-e-a-s-t tissue, the

machine will initially compress the b-r-e-a-s-t between two plates. After your mammography is

complete, the pictures that were captured will be examined by a radiologist to search for any

abnormalities. Mammograms are what are known as "screening exams" by medical

professionals. This is due to the fact that the test can detect masses or other abnormalities in the

b-r-e-a-s-ts, but it cannot tell whether or not such abnormalities are cancerous. If your doctor

decides that further examination is necessary based on the findings of your mammography, she

will utilize those findings to guide her decision.

What are the Different Types of Mammograms?

There are three different kinds of mammograms available via SSM Health. To find out what

kinds of mammograms are available, please get in touch with the SSM Health facility where you

will be undergoing your mammogram.

Digital Mammography

Instead than using X-ray film to record b-r-e-a-s-t pictures, digital mammography uses a digital

chip. Full-field digital mammography is a method of capturing a picture of the b-r-e-a-s-t that

may be seen on a computer screen or printed on a special film, much like conventional

mammograms Mammography Machine. Digital mammography has several benefits over

traditional mammography, including shorter waiting times, lower radiation doses, and less pain

for the patient. Digital mammography have been shown to be more effective than traditional

mammograms at detecting b-r-e-a-s-t cancer in three subsets of women: those under the age of

50, those with thick b-r-e-a-s-ts, and those in the pre-menopausal stage of life.

3D Mammography

A recent addition to our cutting-edge diagnostic tools is 3D Tomosynthesis Mammography. With

this breakthrough method, your doctor will be able to more accurately identify any lumps or

suspicious tissues. The b-r-e-a-s-t's intricate structure is seen in a single flat picture in

conventional mammography. Three-dimensional mammography (mammography) provides the

radiologist with a more complete picture of the b-r-e-a-s-t by allowing the b-r-e-a-s-t to be

examined in a number of different levels. 3D mammography has been shown to be more accurate

in detecting b-r-e-a-s-t cancer at an early stage and to considerably reduce false positive


When Should I Have a Mammogram?

The criteria for screening for b-r-e-a-s-t cancer that are recommended for you will vary

depending on your health and risk factors. Talk to your doctor about how often you should have

mammograms for screening purposes. Mammograms for women at medium risk of b-r-e-a-st

cancer should begin between the ages of 40 and 45. Screenings, which are normally performed

once a year, should be maintained for as long as your doctor sees fit. Additionally, your doctor

may suggest a mammogram because: Examining your b-r-e-a-s-ts might help you and your

doctor identify any abnormalities. When a mammogram comes back with abnormal results, it's

time for a follow-up. after the development of lumps or other abnormalities. If you're concerned

about your b-r-e-a-s-t health, SSM Health is here to help. If you have any other questions or

concerns concerning your mammogram, I encourage you to schedule an appointment with your

doctor right away.

Screening Mammogram vs Diagnostic Mammogram?

Every year, women should get a mammogram to test for b-r-e-a-s-t cancer. If the radiologist

detects an unclear region on the first mammogram, or if there is a b-r-e-a-s-t issue that needs to

be addressed, he or she may request that you return for more pictures, known as a diagnostic


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