OrhIDEAL • Inventor Of The Year 2022 • Nika and Nino Cristiani
Inventors Of The Year 2022 For their Award Winning Product Line GYM IN A BOX ® Success with the new Shopping TV partnership The Cristianis are expanding their production facility ( Headquarters in Beverly Hills) in order to be able to produce larger quantities “ Made in USA” for QVC and big box distributors. Recognized for their pioneering work in advancing electronic muscle stimulating & body sculpting technology “ToneUp15®️“ and for revolutionizing the fitness & beauty industry with cutting SMART Apparel & Beauty Devices: The pioneered in advanced Healthy Aging Solutions: NIKA & NINO Cristiani | Cristiani’s Balance, Fitness & Nutrition, LLC Beverly Hills, California GIAB Headquarters 9800 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA, 90212 ONLINE SHOP https://gyminabox.la/ Social Media Gym In A Box: https://www.instagram.com/gyminabox.la Contact Nika Cristiani Phone 424.382.3820 Email nika@gyminabox.la https://www.facebook.com/gyminaboxla http://www.tiktok.com/@gyminabox https://youtube.com/channel/UCnwziTudFQSDeICtwwdX1Ew Social Media for Nika: https://www.instagram.com/nikagyminabox/ http://linkedin.com/in/nika-cristiani
Inventors Of The Year 2022
For their Award Winning
Product Line GYM IN A BOX ®
Success with the new Shopping TV partnership
The Cristianis are expanding their production facility ( Headquarters in Beverly Hills) in order to be able to produce larger quantities “ Made in USA” for QVC and big box distributors.
Recognized for their pioneering work in advancing electronic muscle stimulating & body sculpting technology “ToneUp15®️“ and for revolutionizing the fitness & beauty industry with cutting SMART Apparel & Beauty Devices:
The pioneered in advanced Healthy Aging Solutions: NIKA & NINO Cristiani | Cristiani’s Balance, Fitness & Nutrition, LLC Beverly Hills, California
GIAB Headquarters 9800 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA, 90212
ONLINE SHOP https://gyminabox.la/
Social Media Gym In A Box:
Nika Cristiani
http://www.tiktok.com/@gyminabox https://youtube.com/channel/UCnwziTudFQSDeICtwwdX1Ew
Social Media for Nika:
https://www.instagram.com/nikagyminabox/ http://linkedin.com/in/nika-cristiani
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<strong>2022</strong><br />
Sonderedition<br />
25 Jahre Orhideal<br />
www.orhideal-image.com<br />
Meilensteine mit <strong>•</strong> milestone with<br />
<strong>Nino</strong> & <strong>Nika</strong> <strong>Cristiani</strong><br />
GYM IN A BOX<br />
<strong>Inventor</strong> of the <strong>Year</strong><br />
PR-Marketing-Kooperation im Podium der Starken Marken
Neue Märkte für Hightech-Produkt<br />
Sprung i<br />
Shopping<br />
Liebe Freunde,<br />
Netzwerken macht es möglich!<br />
<strong>Nika</strong> und <strong>Nino</strong> <strong>Cristiani</strong> bringen ihre Firma auf<br />
das nächste Level, so dass sie gemeinsam mit<br />
weiteren Partnern eine neue, große GYM IN<br />
A BOX Produktionsstätte errichten, um QVC<br />
beliefern zu können. Die Erfinder der High-<br />
Tech-Produkte im Fitness- und Beautysegment<br />
bedienen einen Wachstumsmarkt - und jetzt<br />
auch über den rennomierten TV-Shopping-<br />
Kanal ganz Europa. Die ganze Erfolgsstory könnt<br />
Ihr auf dem Orhideal Podium oder im öffentlichen<br />
Kiosk lesen: einfach googeln<br />
„Orhideal GYM IN A BOX Produkt des Monats“<br />
Liebe <strong>Nika</strong>, lieber <strong>Nino</strong>, wir gratulieren zu diesem Meilenstein!<br />
Orhidea Briegel, Herausgeberin<br />
Orhideal-IMAGE.com <strong>•</strong> Das Businessportrait-Magazin für PR Präsentation & Cross-Marketing
e<br />
ns<br />
TV<br />
<strong>Inventor</strong>s <strong>Of</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
For their Award Winning<br />
Product Line GYM IN A BOX ®<br />
Success with the new Shopping TV<br />
partnership<br />
Recognized for their pioneering<br />
work in advancing electronic<br />
muscle stimulating & body sculpting<br />
technology “ToneUp15 ® “ <strong>and</strong><br />
for revolutionizing the fitness &<br />
beauty industry with cutting SMART<br />
Apparel & Beauty Devices:<br />
<strong>The</strong> pioneered in advanced<br />
Healthy Aging Solutions: NIKA &<br />
NINO <strong>Cristiani</strong> | <strong>Cristiani</strong>’s Balance,<br />
Fitness & Nutrition, LLC Beverly Hills,<br />
California<br />