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The smell of incense faded as they left the graveyard

and the forest rose up ahead of them. His horse pranced

sideways a little, objecting to the gloom. Elijah patted its

neck reassuringly and kicked it forward, his sharp eyes

scanning the edge of the trees for a shadow that was different

from the others.

Just as he spotted the little house, a flickering light

appeared in its window, and the horse shied again. Elijah

sighed and dismounted; it had been overly optimistic to

bring the beast here. Animals had never been as naturally

suspicious of him as they tended to be of his siblings, but

it was clear that a vampire was not the sort of companion

this creature preferred.

Elijah couldn’t really blame it for that.

He tied the reins to a hardy sapling that had ventured well

out past the tree line, and covered the remaining distance

to the little house on foot. By the time he reached it, more

candles had been lit, and through one of the windows he

spied a shadow that had to be the witch he had come to

see. Yet, when he knocked firmly on the door, there was

not even the slightest rustle from inside.

He knocked again and waited; the woman inside did

not stir. “Madame Ysabelle,” he called, trying to sound as

deferential as possible while shouting through a closed door,

“I have come on business that I believe might interest you.”

“Every stranger comes on business,” a voice warned from

behind him, “but it’s rarely any business of mine.”

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