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His hazel eyes crinkled around the edges with concern,

and she sighed. It was so terribly important to him to help

her, to find the bad men and punish them. He still wanted

to unearth her imaginary attacker and bring him to justice

somehow, and he was growing increasingly baffled by

Rebekah’s reluctance to help.

“Perhaps.” She had to force the words out past her teeth,

and she wished she could take them back as soon as she did.

“These are your suspects?”

If she wanted to keep suspicion off herself, she knew, she

had to at least pretend to help. But how could she, without

revealing her secrets? She knew from experience that lies

acquired lives of their own and one lie always led to more.

“They are, Madame,” Eric confirmed, his sun-weathered

face looking annoyingly satisfied. “We arrested a number of

troublemakers well before your arrival, but four more have

been brought in since the attack on you and your husband.”

“But if you believe that we were set upon by . . . by some

unnatural fiend,” she countered, grasping for a way to avoid

this pointless charade, “could you not simply eliminate the

mortal men as suspects?”

“You saw them in action and still believed them to be

living,” he pointed out, his eyes searching hers.

“Well, then,” she offered brightly, a solution to her entire

problem taking shape in her mind, “let me get a good look

at them.”

After all, what was one human’s life—a troublemaker

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