Inside; Mars [Architectural Thesis]

INSIDE ; MARS is a vision for a Mars outpost that is designed as a permanent working and living settlement in anticipation of increased human migration to Mars. With the accelerating growth and development with regards to space travel and Mars exploration, it is inevitable that humans will be setting foot on Mars, and a living habitat will need to be established. Yet, there is a lack of design catered to a martian habitat that integrates the social and psychological aspects of living in Mars, especially for the establishment of a colony that will be required to live on Mars for a minimum of 2 years before the next space flight back. Thus, this thesis will be a design exploration for architecture unique to Mars that would allow residents to not just survive, but thrive in correlation with the Mars environment.

INSIDE ; MARS is a vision for a Mars outpost that is designed as a permanent working and living settlement in anticipation of increased human migration to Mars. With the accelerating growth and development with regards to space travel and Mars exploration, it is inevitable that humans will be setting foot on Mars, and a living habitat will need to be established. Yet, there is a lack of design catered to a martian habitat that integrates the social and psychological aspects of living in Mars, especially for the establishment of a colony that will be required to live on Mars for a minimum of 2 years before the next space flight back. Thus, this thesis will be a design exploration for architecture unique to Mars that would allow residents to not just survive, but thrive in correlation with the Mars environment.


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Life support requirements

This includes the systems required to

get the outpost running, to allow for

smooth operations and to create a safe,

habitable space for the inhabitants.

It would thus include the necessary

water, air, and waste systems, solar

cells for power generation, as well as

transport systems considering the scale

of the underground lava tubes.



Exploration and research facility

The exploration and research facility

requirements includes the working

labs, fabrication and collaboration

spaces, greenhouses for farming on

Mars, and equipment needed for

spacewalks and explorative work such

as a space suit hatch and a sample drop


Living necessities

Lastly, the living necessities. This

includes both private and social spaces

- private being the individual living

pods, and social being communal

spaces such as communal kitchens and

public spaces for recreational or social

activities. Another important space is

also the gym as fitness is an important

trait that astronauts need to maintain

their muscle mass in a low gravity


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