Natural Awakenings Coastal Carolinas - March 2023

5 Reason to Switch to a Plant-based Lifestyle, Lifestyle Hacks for Multiple Sclerosis, HIIT Fitness, Better Childhood Sleep & much more!

5 Reason to Switch to a Plant-based Lifestyle, Lifestyle Hacks for Multiple Sclerosis, HIIT Fitness, Better Childhood Sleep & much more!


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Cortez recommends parents of a

child with potential issues consult an

airway-centered mouth doctor, citing “how

important early intervention is. It’s gentler

on a child and can set the child for success

in regards of his/her craniofacial growth.

Also, dentistry can influence the airway. A

bigger airway is always better. The bigger

the airway, the less chance a child and adult

to have sleep disordered breathing or sleep


She suggests a multidisciplinary approach,

possibly including a chiropractor,

speech language pathologist, a myofunctional

therapist, physical therapist, ENT (for

tonsils and adenoids) or a sleep physician if

sleep apnea is suspected, and other potential

early orthodontic intervention measures.

Marlaina Donato is an author, painter and

host of multimedia art exhibits intended for

healing the community. Connect at


Kirby Baldwin is an editor and writer

for KnoWEwell, the Regenerative Whole

Health Hub and parent company of Natural

Awakenings Publishing Corp.

Dr. Casey Jones, owner

of Sleep Wellness

Wilmington (SleepWellness

Wilmington.com), says, “I

see myself as an oral health

and wellness physician, rather

than a dentist, because

what I do involves so much more than just

the teeth. I specialize in sleep wellness which

includes airway dentistry, because one of my

gifts is being able to see the whole picture.”

She shares, “I use my years of experience,

curiosity as a life long-learner and network of

providers through the local Wellness Collaboration

I created to help my patients get to the

root cause of their sleep issues because everything

is connected; it is never one thing and

everyone deserves to be able to be met where

they are on their path to whole person health;

inspired and empowered to take ownership of

their direction moving forward.”

Jones explains, “I have always believed

that oral health is part of your overall

health, and now I believe that breath is what

connects it all, which is what drove me to

establish Sleep Wellness Wilmington and the

Wellness Collaboration. Helping children

grow into healthy adults is so exciting, but

not everyone had the benefit of what we

know now. The good news is that there is

still hope! Treatment plans are individualized,

and may include sleep appliances,

myofunctional appliances, expansion,

orthodontics and collaboration with other

providers.” Myofunctional therapy and

breath re-training are part of these treatments

because dysfunctional habits are

often at the root cause of the issue and help

improve their efficacy.

“Establishing functional, nasal breathing

is a non-surgical approach that has the potential

to improve sleep, increase resiliency

and even promote healthy airway growth in

children,” says Jones. “I was seeing so much

more oral and systemic disease in those

that were breathing dysfunctionally that it

seemed to often be a missing piece, even

among some airway-focused dentists. That

is the reason that I chose to train directly

under Patrick McKeown, a breathing expert

and bestselling author based in Ireland, as

an Oxygen Advantage advanced instructor

and Buteyko Clinic International breath


Empower Natural Health By Mouth

“The Mouth Is To Humans What Roots Are To Plants”

An AMD’s Mission: To help you turn back illness and turn on

wellness naturally through our evidence-based impaired Mouth

diagnosis and Holistic Mouth solutions

Your Pain, Fatigue & Chronic Illness May Be Rooted in:

1. Crowded Teeth & Deficient Jaws

2. Pinched Airway

3. Clicking/Popping Jaw Joints

4. Teeth Grinding

5. Tongue-Tie & Abnormal Swallowing

6. Weak Chin, Double Chin

7. Sunken Mid-Face, Flat Cheekbones

8. Teeth Pulled & Spaces Closed For Braces.

“Get your airway back, get your sleep back, get your life back” – Angela, patient

“Impaired Mouth Diagnosis should have been the first course in dental school.”

– Dr. J. Yelle, Monument, CO



Dr. Felix Liao, DDS

Impaired Mouth Symptoms Short List:

1. Aches & Pains in Head, Jaws, Neck Shoulders & Back

2. Fatique, Brain Fog, Lack of Motivation

3. Post-Nasal Drip & Frequent Colds & Flue

4. Teeth Grinding & Jaw Joint Troubles

5. Snoring, Sleep Apnea, CPAP Intolerance

6. Anxiety, Depression, Irritability/Hostility

7. “Empty Tank” From Adrenal Fatique, PMS/ED

8. Food Cravings; Caffeine, Sugar, Chocolate, Energy Drinks

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Webinar to

learn more.


March 2023


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