Lester Lim | CV & Architecture Portfolio IV

Selected works completed during my Bachelor of Science and Masters of Architecture in SUTD.

Selected works completed during my Bachelor of Science and Masters of Architecture in SUTD.


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The main neighbourhood street model for Packard Estates was inpired

by the concept of safe shared streets from both Sidewalk labs

and the Woonerf model.

The housing structure consists of a mix of vertically-stacked, 5 over

1 typology synced with the neo-suburban type. They are connected

in a loop via the repeated hypercores, which hold both the housing

and residential lifts, with recreational programs tucked underneath

for easy access on both sides. Ample public space will be provided,

and the repurposed plant will be used for commercial purposes

like the big box stores that characterises suburbs, as well as for

manufacturing the house units and extensions.

This idea draws on the Packard plant’s historic industrial identity

and a manufacturing plant for automobiles, projecting it into the

future as an infrastructure for manufacturing autonomous homes

and vehicles. These themes of industrial production is eomthing both

the American suburbs and automobiles share. They are both massproduced,

sold in a catalogue and the modified by owners.

This project takes a modern approach to this theme, by allowing

residents to design/modify their homes and mobile rooms via

an app and place a build order for it, which will then be sent to

the manufacturing branch of the plant, where both the homes

and mobile pods are manufactured for seamless integration. The

completed pieces and pods will be sent upwards via a funicular

straight from the factory, to be piece together on their allocated 7

by 8m lot.

This forms new prototypologies that imagines how vehicles and

homes can be seamlessly integrated and configured, with flexible

modifiable options like roof and window types

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