Download How to Publish a Book on Amazon in 2022: Real Advice from Someone Who’s Doing it Well (Work from Home Series: Book 5) Android

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Download How to Publish a Book on Amazon in 2022: Real

Advice from Someone Who’s Doing it Well (Work from Home

Series: Book 5) Android

Download How to Publish a Book on Amazon in 2022: Real Advice from

Someone Who’s Doing it Well (Work from Home Series: Book 5) Android

Description :

Updated and Revised for 2022!Packed with helpful information I haven't found

anywhere else! He writes with an earnest voice fueled by an obvious mission

to help other writers. I have read over 10 books by various authors on selfpublishing

and this will be one of three that I will refer to over and over again.

The other authors are Joanna Penn and Steve Scott. Susan HenryYou could

spend 1,000 on a publishing course. OR you could read this book and get

everything you need.Before I began my publishing career with Kindle books, I

read just about everything out there, looking for real answers to questions I

had about the industry. But much to my disappointment, most of the books

were filled with fluff or stories of people who hit it big 8221 without really telling

me how or why.I determined to jump in and learn for myself and that 8217 s

exactly what I did. I started with my first book, How to Work from Home and

Make Money, and then quickly published three more. I was looking for the

topic of my fifth book when it hit me why not share what I 8217 ve learned with

the people who haven 8217 t yet made the leap and published their own

book?It all began when I received an email from a book promotion site. One of

the features was a how-to book about publishing Kindle books, so out of

curiosity, I followed the link and read the reviews. And sure enough, the page

was full of people complaining that the book didn 8217 t contain any valuable

information.So here 8217 s what I decided to do. Write a book that answers all

of the real questions without painting an unrealistic view of the possibilities. In

my book, I answer things like:How to pick book topics that will sell. (Why it

8217 s important, and what I 8217 ve done right and wrong.)How to write a

book in 30 days or less. (And take weekends off)How to conduct research for

your book.How to make your own covers for free.The pros and cons of prereleasing

your bookWhen you should enroll your book in Kindle Unlimited (And

when you shouldn 8217 t.)How to format your book yourself. (Including the

clickable table of contents) And how to get it done for cheap if you don 8217 t

want to do it.Why you need a paperback version. (And how to create one)Why

you may need an audiobook (And how to get one for free)How to get your

book translated into other languages, including Chinese, for free (And why you

should)Why ranking matters (And what to do if your book isn 8217 t ranking

well.)How to market your book. (Including links and contact information for the

people I use)What to do after you publish your first book.How much you can

REALLY expect to make with Kindle publishingI talk about the mistakes I 8217

ve made so you don 8217 t make them, too. And I provide you with step-bystep

instructions and relevant links for all of the above areas and more. In

other words, this book is the ONLY book you 8217 ll need to start a career

publishing Kindle books.If you 8217 ve been dreaming of publishing a book,

but don 8217 t know where to start or if you 8217 ve already published but can

8217 t find success this may be the book you 8217 ve been waiting for.Why

not take the first step toward your publishing career and download it right now?

I promise you won 8217 t find any fluff or useless information in it. Just an

actionable guide that answers the questions no one else will.Tags: publish a

book on Amazon, publish a kindle book, write a book, sell books, how to

publish, publishing on Amazon, writing, write a book, book marketing, book

promotion, book categories, book sales, indie publishing, publishing a book on

Amazon,writing books, books

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