The evolution of time in reality!

The evolution of time in reality!


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The evolution of time in reality.


The inevitable progression into the future, with the passing of

present events into the past is what we call “TIME”. Time is

one of the basic things to mankind on earth. Time is the most

honest and truthful thing ever.

Inevitable, – impossible to avoid. Predictable or always

happening. Time masters mankind, wherever you are,

whoever you are, time is always moving.

Progression, - the forwarding, moving onwards, moving ahead

of time is just irreversible and unstoppable.

Future, - the time ahead, those moments yet to be


It is not like we are going to be here on earth forever right?,

because of the creator`s time, we are all going to be taken

sometime. Time is so basic when it comes to this life we are

living right now. When you procrastinate you will obviously

regret it, because time waits for nobody, it is just


Time knows nobody, time is a moving time. Time make us

past, time make history and creates the future and also time

holds the present. I was there, I am here and I will be there!

All because of time. It was valid, it is now valid and won`t be

valid, all because of time! The only thing that was of value

and is still of value and that which will forever be valuable is


Time is not only about that clock that ticks and never stops,

time is also about the current hits, the events; the current

situation, is all because of time. Time was there B.C, it was

moving during that time, it was of value, they even knew with

time they were going to pass and become past, why?,

whenever time moves it changes the situation. When time

moves it change things and some things are left behind and

become past. The things left behind will loose their value and

finally some of the things and people are forgotten.

Time creates a space for new things to shine, a flower cannot

bloom forever. Because of time when we grow old we die and

the new generation dominate and time goes on up until the

end. The end is at the end of time; the end is where time

ends. No one can buy time, you are shinning now or you will

shine but when the time is up you will become past.

It is all about time, being born, growing up, high school,

college, work, marriage , dying, everything is controlled by

time, cry and feel the pain but keep in mind and in your heart

that the time for that was up and you will also come to pass

no matter what. Yes we struggle to satisfy this current life

because the time for that is here, but it will come to pass.

As Christians, we believe there is a promised life where time

won`t be our master, meaning it is endless, therefore I advise

you to work on it, seed it so that it will flourish. This timed

life won`t be here forever. Time is just time, time is a moving

time. Yes the one thing we all adore, something we say it is

worth dying for, it’s just nothing but putting pain in our

selves, searching for fortune and fame, we got married to all

that, forgetting that everyone got the time to make it shine.

The moment we fail to grab our own time of shinning, it

becomes very difficult to even impossible for us to shine and

we got stuck in this game. There is a right time for everyone

to shine but some won`t see it and some say they will wait for

the right time and others say they cannot take the risk.

Let me try to clarify some things that we all have to know in

this life; yes we have God on our side, devil the other side

and a moving time on the middle. When you say you are going

to wait for the right time, you already fail, you know why?

Because in this life, there is no longer manner from heaven,

God is there to get you to the other side after you move

ahead with time, if you wait you will have devil on your side.

Yes your time will come but, it does not mean there is need

for you to wait for it, it is never behind it is only ahead of you

and please do what the clock does, keep moving.

Time moves ahead and not back so the only place you are

going meet your fate or whatever, is only ahead of you and

not behind, besides, it is not like we are too much ahead of

time that we need to wait for it, NO! Time is up, keep

moving. Do not wait because no one is coming to save you, it

is going to be only you on your own way, they will help you

when you are at the other side. We do not need to wait at all,

what is meant to happen is to be ahead not behind and we

are the ones who is going to get there as we go. Just keep


Sometimes you see your time coated with risk moves then you

get that fear of not taking the step, time won’t stop, time

won’t favour you, time won’t change because of you, and the

only thing that it will do is to just keep moving. For this life,

most of the moves are very risky, kick the FEAR out and take

the opportunity. Face Everything And Rise again! Maybe if we

can beat and outwit time, we surpass everything since

everything is gathered and done by time. Whenever you feel

that time is not right, take that time and make time right by

letting it favour your side but always remember time is a

moving time and time knows nobody! Keep in mind that when

you have time on your side you already won.

Even though we cannot not win against time, we should

however try all that we can to survive. There are some things

which we chase, things which shine for the shortest time and

easily fade and perish, you only get the price for that time

and it ends that way. There are also some of the things which

you take time to have but if you do not stop you can create

something that will benefit even your siblings and your

generation to come, though it won`t be there forever, at

least it will serve for some time here.

“It is not the most strongest of all the species that will

survive but the most adaptive one” CHARLSE DARWIN, try by

all means to adapt to time or create something that will

adapt. You cannot just create and have something that can

only be functioned by you or that can only be valued and valid

when you are there or that can only benefit you and bring

benefit when you are there, time moves and individuals

becomes history easily unless they have something still

valued, if not that, their remembrance fade as they perish, be


Seek wisdom not knowledge, wisdom can bring you

knowledge but knowledge can never bring you wisdom. When

you create something based on that current situation of time,

keep it in mind that it will fade along with fading of that

situation, be wise! Don’t just seek the money; seek the source

of that money so that you may have the money through the

days of life as time moves. We already got one of the fortunes

of adapting time; God gave us the ability to bring forth seeds

that will also bring their seeds. That only, is something very

adaptive. Because of His grace we lead everything and we

dominate everything that He created, if we can take that

chance and let other living things do for us so that we adapt

time for tomorrow, then we can make it. Take for instance, a

wiser farmer plant fruit trees, he also keep domestically

fruitful animals, that farmer would not worry about what to

give his sons as heritage because he taught his sons how to

manage the farms and he knows for the coming decades his

children will be fine as the trees kept on multiplying.

However another parent will leave his children with money,

hard cash actually, the cash can loose value with time, the

cash can get finished and the children do not even know

where the source is and they just starve. Be wise!

Time is time, whether you agree or not, time does not know

anything about any of it, just keep moving. Sometimes where

you are is where you are supposed to be, you may think of the

past but you can never go back. Who ever got there was

supposed to be there but you, do not stop. Sometimes it is of

no need to keep trying, whoever passed with the thing was

supposed to pass with it and when you got the thing

sometimes it won`t be valid and valued as it was, there is

more to life than not just keep trying things. In this life it is

obvious that you will meet your fate if you do not stop, it is

there in the future, and you will only catch it, when you keep

moving. Do not believe in anything else except time, you will

make it if you keep moving.

There is only one universal thing under the universe so far, A

moving time and just time, it is not static mind you. Time

never slow down, it never speeds; it is just a standardised,

moving time. In this life never say wait, just run and catch it.

Adapt to the current situations of time and never wait. Trust

time because it is still owned by the Creator. He even said;

when the time is right he will make it happen and he never

said do not move. It is up to us to move with time or to lag

behind time, and when we decides to stop, time will keep

moving and we will actually witness its present hits but won`t

be in it because we would be behind.

When you move with time someday you will be somewhere

never reached! Somewhere never reached because every day

is a new day and a new beginning never reached. The days we

are living have never been there and had never been lived

before they are just so brand-new;

Just a moving time

Ooh time,

ooh moving time,

how precious you are,

you are just a moving time,

You do not stop, you are just endless,

and you are inevitable, ooh dear unstoppable time,

How great you are, you master mankind,

how favoured you are, you are accurate and true to yourself,

your progression is just irreversible,

you just keep forwarding and you won’t stop ooh precious


You know you won’t fade like mankind,

you were there in the past, you are here today and you will

be there in the future,

we cannot beat you because we perish,

you don’t compete because you are just moving,

ooh precious moving time.

Time is so basic. If we learn to manage and move with time

our lives become easier. It is unfortunate that learning about

time is different from any other things we learn in life. We

cannot wait and take a time lesson. We learn as we move. If

we had to wait and take a lesson, the lesson won`t be valid to

the reality time because it is always moving and it make the

current time, situation expires and become past. Time is just

a moving time. You learn it today it expires tomorrow.

Mankind should always be prepared to face the changes of

time. Never supply more because you will lost it all as that

time pass. Never supply more because you won`t be able to

get it back, it just expire as that time expires. Supply lighter

so that you will have backup. Adapt time faster so as to move

with it.

Technology is one of the witnessed change of time. From Iron

Age period to the current advanced machineries and it all

happened in changed time period. Sometime back, we once

blamed technology as something very evil, something like the

end of time manifestation. However I say, time is a change

and we must actually embrace it. It is only evil when you

allow it to be. We are the ones who should accept movement

of time, seek God guidance and move with time. We will only

reach end of time manifestation where time ends, when it is

the end of time and as for now, we just need to keep moving.

When you take risk moves so as to move with time, be alert

and alarmed, prepared and geared, to face all the

consequences of the moves that you once took, time is just

too real to let go. It however won`t stop to let you see how it

do things it just keep moving and you face it all as it moves.

Risk steps is to currently move with time.

They say the arrow of time is always moving forward,

according to a study about time, and that is in theory and in

reality practical, we say everything is just changing all

because of time. Situation we come across in life are all

because of time movement. Time does not have any

shortcuts when moving, it make sure it passes and tick

through every bit that it is supposed to. Just as time pass

through every millisecond so does mankind pass through every

scripture per individual. You can never resist fate or destiny

and you can never resist time, you will have it all along the

ride with time.

Beliefs vs. time. Years have passed and mankind still believe

in the time that passed. We still commit ourselves in finding a

way in faded paths. A belief is not a belief up until it moves

with time. There is an Old Testament and New Testament,

but I wonder why we don’t move with time. The bible`s new

testament is what we are living in right now, everything is

there. Make sure what you believe in now can make you a

survivor. Make sure what you believe in right now, gives you

life and make you move with time. Believe in time and keep

going. Time does not sleep. If you had to fall asleep make

sure you keep on dreaming. Create something for sure that

will be moving with time. Make sure you are gaining

something when you are asleep, it could be healing your

wounded body, mind, heart, maybe, so that you get up with

more power and move with time.

Time is never short if we keep moving. It may seem like it is

too short but if you ride well and never stops, your time is

enough. Time, time, time!

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