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Writing Solid Code: Development Philosophies for Writing

Bug-Free Programs

Sinopsis :

Writing rock-solid, bug-free code isn&#8217tsomething that

just happens any more than writing efficient code or secure

code just happens. To write efficient or secure code, you have

to think about coding in a specific way and you need to make

tradeoffs in your designs to achieve those goals. Writing rocksolid,

bug-free code is no different. If your goal is to have code

that flat-out works, you need to develop a heightened

awareness of how and why bugs come about and make

tradeoffs in your designs based on how difficult they will be to

implement and maintain without introducing bugs.When was

the last time you asked yourself, &#8220Horisky is this

design?&#8221Wht about this question: &#8220Howill

programmers unintentionally misuse this library

I&#8217mcoding?&#8221Hae you ever considered that using

defensive programming actually hides bugs in your code

because it silently corrects misbehavior? Does that mean you

should stop using defensive programming? Of course not. But

you do need to be aware that the practice hides bugs and take

additional steps to make those hidden bugs noticeable during

development.Writing solid code is a mindset, a set of

philosophies, a way of thinking about how you code that

makes it much, much, less likely that you&#8217llintroduce

bugs into your master sources.And not just you, but everyone

on your team.Writing Solid Code is written by a former Senior

Level Microsoft developer. The book takes on the problem of

software errors by examining the kinds of mistakes developers

typically make.The key to writing rock-solid, bug-free code is to

develop a heightened awareness of how and why bugs come

about. Programmers can gain that awareness by asking two

simple questions for every bug they find: &#8220Hocould I

have prevented this bug?&#8221and &#8220Hocould I have

automatically detected this bug?&#8221The philosophies

presented in this book are the results of experienced

programmers regularly asking these two questions over many

years.The book&#8217examples are in the C programming

language, but the philosophies apply to any language. This

book won&#8217tteach you how to be a C programmer. It will

help you develop philosophies that are timeless and

transferable to any language.The first edition became an

instant best-seller, was translated into 16 different languages,

and was used in colleges and universities around the world. It

won the prestigious Software Development Jolt Productivity

Award and awards from the Society for Technical

Communication. It influenced a generation of

developers.Here&#8217what critics have

said,&#8220Mauire&#8217writing style is fluid and clear, and

the content is intended to provoke both thought and actions

(namely changes in your bad habits).&#8221&#8212Ray

Vald&#233 Dr. Dobb&#8217Journal&#8220Ths unique volume

gathers a wealth of coding wisdom developed over the years

inside Microsoft. These aren&#8217tcoding techniques so

much as coding and testing philosophies &#8212mindsets that

help Microsoft&#8217programmers produce better code with

fewer bugs in less time than their

competitors.&#8221&#8212Jeff Duntemann, PC

Techniques&#8220Wrting Solid Code is superbly written and

offers a variety of sound practical coding guidelines at a level

suitable for the professional coder. The

author&#8217experience, coupled with an obvious enthusiasm

for the subject, has resulted in a book which is both informative

and easy to read... You&#8217llfind historical notes about the

development of programs such as Microsoft Excel and Word...

An excellent book and one of those relatively rare offerings

that all programmers would do well to

read.&#8221&#8212Paul Overaa, Computing&#8220Ifyou are

serious about developing code, read this book. Consider it

carefully. Reject it if you will, but I think you would be foolish to

do so. This is easily my &#8216Bok of the year.&#8217#8221

&#8212C Vu

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