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Annual Report 2022

We change lives,

support well-being

and bring joy to many

Music for All has been helping people

access music making for over 25 years


Welcome 3

Our values and vision 4

Making an impact – Review of 2021/22 6

Impact stories 8

Events 12

Income and donations 14

Operations 16

Financial statement 18

The Future 19

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Annual Report 2022 | 3

I’m delighted to welcome you to the Annual Report for

Music for All for 2021/22. Thank you for your interest

in the work of this wonderful, important charity.

During the period covered by the report, Covid

continued to present huge challenges right across

society. The need for music in our lives only grew with

an estimated million people starting to play a musical

instrument during the pandemic. It seems to me that

we now better understand the powerful, positive role

music has in our lives and that the message Music for

All is delivering - that music has wide ranging benefits

which should be available to all - is beginning to be

heard. There are now plans for greater investment

in music provision, including through the new

National Plan for Music Education, spurred on by an

understanding of the significant return society gets

on that investment, though some of the UK’s nations

are more advanced than others and the UK is far

behind some more enlightened countries. Music for

All’s role as a passionate advocate for the benefits of

music making is helping to ensure that music making

is held up rightfully as an intrinsic and valuable part

of the fabric of our society. And our broad mission and

expertise is crucial in ensuring that everyone has the

opportunity to experience the benefits.

I’m proud that in 2021/2022, Music for All managed

to maintain a substantial awards programme thanks

to generous instrument and cash donations from

manufacturers, the support of Trusts and Foundations,

legacies and individual donors. The charity made 39

awards of instruments and cash with a value of over

£112,000, targeting those with the greatest need and

helping to support health, well-being, and educational

attainment across the country. I’m delighted that,

for the first time, Music for All became open for

applications all year round.

We were pleased to provide guitars to support music

therapy in Derbyshire for those struggling with mental

health, isolation, poverty and homelessness. Our

partnership with the Teenage Cancer Trust and 12

Guitars enriched young lives on wards across Scotland

and England. We were able to donate instruments to

support an inspiring steel band project in the London

borough of Brent and provided more to support an

instrument library initiative in Cornwall. This is just a

small selection of examples of the ways in which we

can help, but of course the number of very worthy,

often touching applications we receive far exceeds the

amount of support we’re able to offer.

Despite being in the grip of the pandemic, we were

delighted to resume our flagship annual event, Learn

to Play, in 2021 and 2022, bringing the opportunity

of free introductory music lessons to venues right

across the UK and, in 2021, introducing free online

video tutorials by leading artists across a range of

instruments. This important new dimension for Learn

to Play extends and broadens our reach considerably,

whilst also being incredibly inspiring and practical.

We’re enormously grateful to all the artists who

gave their time to record them for us. We are also

very grateful for the generous support of several

Learn to Play partners, including the Music Industries

Association, Make Music UK, Making Music, Music

Mark, Black Lives in Music, Future Publications and our

main sponsor the NAMM Foundation.

So much has been achieved in the last year. We were

delighted to welcome three brilliant new Trustees to the

board in March 2022, helping to extend our expertise

in fundraising and music education. We took a number

of other consolidating steps including appointing a

wonderful new General Manager, embedding a new

governance structure and developing a Business Plan

to take us through to 2025. The Business Plan sets

us on a clear and constant path developing our role

in positive advocacy, identifying areas of greatest

need, growing cash and instrument donations, and

measuring and increasing our impact, whilst ensuring

that it’s all delivered in the most effective, efficient way

possible, and in line with our values.

We were excited to welcome Emanuel J Burton,

musical director and drummer to the likes of Mercury

Prize winner Little Simz, as a new Music for All

ambassador. I loved that he chose to record his

Learn to Play video backstage at Glastonbury! Our

ambassadors represent a wide range of music

making in all parts of the UK and all communities,

and I’m enormously grateful for their passion and

commitment in helping Music for All’s work to ensure

that everyone can experience the life-changing

benefits of making music.

As Music for All grows and achieves

greater impact in the world it is

changing more lives than ever, and

I offer my sincere thanks to all those

who support us in our mission.

Tony Followell

Chair of Trustees


Our values and vision

Music for All changes lives across the UK by enabling

access to music making. We are passionate, focused

and ambitious, and dedicated to ensuring everyone

has the opportunity to experience the joys and

numerous benefits of making music, by providing:

• free opportunities to learn to play

• donating instruments, and

• offering cash grants to community-based groups

and disadvantaged individuals

Through this activity, we help more people

experience the unique ability of music making to

support social interaction, improve health and

wellbeing and spread joy.

During 2021/22, the charity developed a three-year

business plan to clearly outline Music for All’s approach

and ambitions. This resulted in a restatement of the

charity’s purpose, missions, vision and values:

Purpose – To enable better health, well-being and

education across the UK through music making

Mission – To enable and inspire everyone, regardless

of circumstances, to discover the mental, social and

physical benefits of making music

Vision – Equality of opportunity for all to appreciate

and experience the joy and benefits of making music

The objectives of the three-year business plan run

through this Annual Report and will help the charity

embark on an exciting new era of growth, inclusion

and advocacy with focus and determination.

Our Values

• Inclusivity – we uphold inclusivity, diversity and

equity in all aspects of our work

• Empathy – we understand and respond to

different needs, always with compassion

• Impact – we are focused on delivering maximum

impact and value for money

• Integrity – we are honest, fair, ethical, consistent

and responsible

• Creativity – we are imaginative, enterprising,

collaborative and innovative

• Sustainability – we protect our natural

environment, human and ecological health

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Annual Report 2022 | 5

Environmental, social and governance approach

Environmental – Music for All will work to ensure

minimal environmental impact by meticulous

management of resources and efficient working

practices. Despite Covid determining our current

position of operating without an office, we have

appreciated the cost and resource savings made. There

are currently no plans to return to office-based working

and we are constantly reviewing our purchasing

policies to ensure an environmentally friendly approach

in our day-to-day operations. Wherever possible,

donated instruments are delivered directly to recipients

rather than stored at our warehouse, reducing

transport costs and CO2 emissions.

Social – Music for All is very aware of its social

responsibilities and by working with our independent

adjudicator and the Awards Subcommittee, ensure

our awards are managed in a fair and transparent

way. We understand the impact each award can

have on recipients’ lives and we understand the need

to act with empathy towards those in sometimes

very difficult and stressful circumstances. The ‘areas

of need’ identified in the business plan (see Making

an Impact) will help ensure we target our awards at

those most in need.

Over the past year our commitment to diversity

and inclusion has been demonstrated through the

recruitment of new Trustees, staff and Ambassadors.

However, we recognise there is still work to do

regarding award recipients and we have identified a

more inclusive approach through new partnerships

and identifying ‘areas of need’.

Governance – The recent addition of new Trustees

and a new General Manager has greatly assisted

the charity’s ability to manage its governance

responsibilities, as has the creation of three new

trustee-run sub-committees to oversee:

1. the awards process

2. income

3. risk and finance

Each subcommittee has approved terms of reference,

regular meetings and minutes from each meeting are

stored on the charity’s central drive so decision making

is clear and transparent.

The appointment of a new General Manager has

also enabled a review of our policies, procedures

and operational approach, to help the charity work

more efficiently and effectively in the delivery of its

governance responsibilities.

Our values and vision

Making an impact – Review of 2021/22


During the past 18 months, the charity has built on the achievements of 2020/21 with

improvements in income, increased award allocation, and a revitalised infrastructure. The

newly established three-year business plan is already providing focus and renewed purpose

to all our activities.

During 2021/22 Music for All:

• Created a three-year Business Plan highlighting

our values and purpose and detailing how we

intend to achieve our future aims

• Recruited a part time General Manager, Sonali

Banerjee, to oversee the day-to-day operations

of the charity and work with the Trustees to

deliver the business plan

• Managed two Learn to Play events in September

2021 and October 2022, with participating

venues nearly doubling during 2022

• Recruited three new Trustees, bringing new skills

and experience to the Board

• Continued to welcome new Ambassadors to

support the charity

• Ran our most successful raffle yet thanks to the

kind gift of a signed keyboard from Nick Rhodes

of Duran Duran

• Granted our highest value of awards to

disadvantaged music makers

• Improved our income and found new sources

of support

• Adjusted awards round timings in order to offer

awards throughout the year

Music for All Awards – 2021/22

Our awards are targeted so we can achieve maximum

impact and value for money for our donors. During the

development of the business plan we identified some

particular areas of need:

Health and Wellbeing – supporting those with:

• Learning or cognitive conditions

• Degenerative conditions, especially associated

with age e.g. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease,


• Mobility or accessibility needs

• Other diseases and conditions affecting quality

of life

• Those suffering with mental health illnesses, and

at risk of isolation and loneliness


• School aged children underserved by music

teaching and learning resources within their

schools and communities

Social and economic circumstances

• Community groups and individuals experiencing

financial difficulty, particularly those in deprived


• Communities with limited access to music

making resources, initially with a focus on

ethnically diverse and other marginalised groups

Although the above will provide a focus for much

of our work, our awards will not be limited to

those falling within these areas. The charity was

established to provide access to music making for all

disadvantaged individuals and groups. Each applicant

is evaluated on individual merits, their ability to meet

the requirements of the award category and the likely

sustainability of the impact of each award.

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Annual Report 2022 | 7

Across 2021/22 Music for All:

• Awarded 39 financial grants and instrument

donations through four funding rounds

• Granted an award value of £112,260 – more

than double the previous year

• Granted 95% of these awards to community

groups, 29% of which were educational


• By volume 77% were instrument awards

• Introduced new awards more closely aligned

with our identified areas of need

• Awarded our first grant to choirs, recognising

their invaluable work supporting social cohesion

and mental health

• Created a Learn to Play ‘22 Award to support

disadvantaged Learn to Play participants

The majority of 2021/22 awards were granted to

community-based groups where reach and impact

is often much greater (as demonstrated in our

impact stories). Experience has shown this approach

is the best way to reach the maximum number of

disadvantaged music makers – a school based award

will benefit no less than three classes of at least 30

pupils and many community groups reach large

numbers of local people online as well as through

physical sessions.














Award – Volume

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021/22

*2021/22 based on financial year, all other years = calendar year

The above highlights our focus on a smaller number of projects

which deliver greater impact to their recipients

20201/22 Awardees



Award – Value




Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4






2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021/22

*2021/22 based on financial year, all other years = calendar year

Measuring our impact

One of the charity’s objectives is to devise an

approach that measures and quantifies the impact

of our work. Our impact stories tell part of the story,

but a deeper, more detailed view that quantifies this

impact and evaluates the impact of the award on

those connected to recipients and wider society is

required to ensure we can accurately inform donors,

award recipients and supporters exactly how we are

supporting disadvantaged music makers. The charity

is currently in discussions with a specialist agency

regarding how the charity could operate a more

measurable approach to evaluation.

Making an impact – Review of 2021/22

Impact stories

Partnership with Teenage Cancer Trust and 12 Guitars

Two of the guitars awarded by

Music for All to TCT ward projects

running in Manchester

Music for All and the

Glasgow enterprise

12 Guitars have been

working together to

provide instruments

and equipment to

Teenage Cancer

Trust (TCT) wards in

hospitals across

the country.

In addition to

donations in Glasgow

and Edinburgh, a

substantial number of

guitars and ukuleles

were donated to a

further 14 Teenage

Cancer Trust hospital

wards in Dundee,

Inverness, London, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff,

Liverpool, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Oxford,

Sheffield, Sutton and Nottingham.

Hanna Simpson, lead nurse for teenagers and young

adults at The Christie in Manchester said: “The guitars

are an asset to have available to young people,

they are providing a distraction and focus which is

invaluable. A huge thanks to the donors.”

The TCT team in Bristol Children’s Hospital said:

“The last couple of years have been very

challenging for us all. The donations of the

guitars have come at an excellent time as we

try to reinstate the music jam on Apollo ward.”

The TCT team at the Beatson in Glasgow commented:

“The programme from 12 Guitars and Music for

All is just what we need to bring some joy back

into our TCT wards”

One of the fantastic guitars awarded to 12 Guitars, Glasgow.

Access to music education

The annual David Hughes Piano Award supported 14-year-old Lucy, by

funding her piano lessons. Although her musical ability was recognised by

her school teachers, she was mainly self-taught using YouTube and a small

keyboard, and a lack of local music provision meant she was struggling to

access further support.

With the help of Music for All’s David Hughes piano award, Lucy has been able

to receive private piano lessons, learn to read music and improve her posture

and finger positioning - whilst also learning for the first time on a real piano!

David Hughes award

recipient Lucy in action!

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Annual Report 2022 | 9

Supporting mental health

Music for All recently awarded The Zink Project eight

electric guitars to help them to bring music therapy to

people in Derbyshire struggling with mental health,

isolation, poverty and homelessness.

Many of Zink’s clients are isolated men aged 16-50

years who are unlikely to join existing forms of music

therapy. Tutored by a professional music teacher in

small groups for a minimal fee, the donated guitars

are used in their School of Rock lessons, bringing

individuals together and building their confidence.

One member said,

“It’s a nice small group, I felt less anxious and

enjoyed learning.”

And another said

“I am really enjoying the Friday guitar lessons.

Only a beginner but it gives a real appreciation

of my guitar heroes.”

Supporting music education

At the start of 2022, Music for All donated two high

quality clarinets to Hillside Primary School in Suffolk.

They desperately wanted a new challenge for their

advanced recorder players but simply didn’t have the

funds to buy new instruments.

With these clarinets, their advanced players can now

progress and move towards their long-held ambition

to set up a school orchestra.

Zink Project participants on a session using their awarded

electric guitars

Supporting online tuition

Connect: Resound support people in the rural areas of

North Yorkshire and their funding has allowed them to

extend support to people around the UK experiencing

barriers to accessing musical learning.

With their funding Connect Resound have been able

to reach more than 420,000 viewers through their

live streamed events and delivered training to almost

8,000 professionals in the sector.

Hillside’s music teacher said:

“Thank you, Music for All for your generous

donation. As I am a woodwind specialist, I

am now able to share and demonstrate

my expertise to the children, so they are

experiencing live music in their lessons. The

ambition is to one day have an orchestra so

thank you because we are now closer to

that goal!”

Making an impact – Review of 2021/22

Impact stories

Support through lockdown

In 2019, Music for All donated some much-needed

steel drums to the St Michael’s and All Angels

Orchestra in Brent. These donations supported the

continuing expansion of their music programme

and helped to ensure they could support more

disadvantaged young people.

Despite the covid lockdown, the orchestra has

managed to thrive with member numbers now

increasing as they bring their 2022 music programme

to the local community. Click on the video link

to see their performance – www.youtube.com/


Access to learning

Music for All was able to support

AltValley in Liverpool providing

ten ukuleles and five electric

guitars so they could run local

music sessions for young people,

eventually working towards

performances in local libraries and

open mic nights. Alt Valley is an

anchor organisation that makes a

significant contribution to the local

area, using sports centres, libraries,

colleges, and community hubs to

transform lives.

Using their new instruments in a

12-week learning programme, over

120 young people benefitted from

having access to these instruments.

Thank you video from Alt Valley

Community Trust in Liverpool.

Youngsters using Music for All awarded instruments

at their AltValley learning programme

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Annual Report 2022 | 11

Widening access to music making

In January 2022, Wigan Youth Zone were awarded a

Behringer MS-1 analogue synthesiser by Music for All,

for their music technology lessons. Wigan Youth Zone

delivers open-access youth services for children and

young people aged 8-19 years with dedicated spaces

for activities such as music, sports, cooking and art.

Since receiving the synthesiser, over 2,000 people

have used the instrument. The project leader said:

“Wigan Youth Zone has tremendous gratitude

to Music for All for the significant donation

of an MS-1 synthesiser, and it is my pleasure

to report on what has been a very successful

three months for the project.”

The MS-1 synthesiser awarded to

Wigan Youth Zone in action!

Rock out for Cornwall

Music for All were able to award several specialist

electric guitars to PolyRhythm. This Cornish group

runs a free-to-hire instrument library to give more

music makers the opportunity to develop their guitar

skills as well as connect with others.

Their 82 users make an average of 16 loans per week

and thanks to the donated guitars, PolyRhythm was

able to expand its library inventory and offer free

lessons through the library with other community

groups. The donated

guitars create a powerful

tone and are used in

jam sessions and

workshops and

were also used

in the group’s

solar powered

performance in

the wilds of the

Bodmin Moor!

Fantastic to see


musicians out

making music

in the surrounds

of breathtaking

Bodmin Moor!

Making an impact – Review of 2021/22


Our flagship event delivers free learn

to play opportunities across the UK.

Supported by our main sponsor, the

NAMM Foundation plus other partners

including Music Industries Association,

Make Music Day UK, Making Music,

Music Mark, Black Lives in Music and

Future Publications.

Learn to Play ‘21

We were delighted to have held Learn to Play events in

September 2021 after the disappointment of having to

cancel events in 2020. Despite continuing Covid

restrictions and a petrol crisis on the Saturday, we were

grateful to the 34 venues throughout the UK from

Cornwall to the Shetlands who participated! Although

it was more low-key than pre-pandemic Learn to Play

events, we were overwhelmed by the positivity and

unswerving support from our venues.

Learn to Play ‘22

Learn to Play ’22 was held in early October with 63

venues participating, many of whom were unable to

take part in 2021. This event is only possible thanks to

the dedicated hard work of our venues and we are

truly grateful for their support, enthusiasm and belief

in providing access to free music making opportunities.

We welcomed 29 music stores as venues, including

nine PMT stores – the UK’s largest musical instrument

retailer. Our remaining venues included individual

teachers, music services, teaching establishments,

community groups and local bands. We were very

pleased to welcome our first choir organisation,

London Youth Choirs and we hope to welcome

more choral groups and singers to future Learn to

Play events.

Over 2,000 lessons were delivered with 89% of

participants learning to play for the first time and 40%

indicating their intention to continue making music.

The very positive feedback received from participating

venues and their willingness to sign up for Learn to

Play ‘23, continues to demonstrate the strength and

benefit of this event.

YouTube Tutorials

This new feature for Learn to Play ’21 was expanded

in 2022, with a further 12 artist-led tutorials added to

our YouTube channel. A steady stream of viewings

has already increased our YouTube subscribers from

just two in August 2021 to over 210 in December

2022. (https://www.youtube.com/@


Learn to Play ‘22 was also supported by a 54%

increase in media coverage and an 80% increase in

website traffic on the LTP pages (April v September

2022), plus increases in social media engagement and

the introduction of a new Learn to Play award to help

disadvantaged music makers sustain their music

learning experience.

Learn to Play ‘23

For Learn to Play ‘23 we will continue to build back

towards our pre-covid levels of over 100 venues

giving several thousand lessons. We look forward to

welcoming even more venues to this event and

continuing to expand our online tutorials, in the

knowledge this very rewarding weekend provides

inspiration and motivation to music makers across

the UK.

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Some of the fantastic comments

we received for Learn to Play ‘22

“We absolutely loved

it! Thanks for the


Participant feedback

“Successful day for all

students, teachers and

performers involved”

Venue feedback

“We had a fab time,

thank you for such a

great opportunity!”

Participant feedback

“A great weekend,

everyone enjoyed their

time with us. There were

lots of smiling faces! It

was wonderful to get 12

new sign ups for lessons

(20% of all lessons!) and

we’re sure to get more”

Venue feedback

Make Music Day UK

Annual Report 2022 | 13

We are proud to be a founder supporter of Make Music Day UK

(MMD UK). Launched in the UK in 2017, this global celebration

of music takes place on 21 June and has been steadily growing

each year. Free to attend and participate in, it promotes music

making, showcasing its breadth and diversity. During 2022 (the

first event featuring live performance since Covid) there were:

• 298 events featuring 12,800 performers

• who gave 1,000 performances to an audience of 76,200

• a social media audience reach of 144,191

With live music taking centre stage once again, 85% of the

events were performed live, with some imaginative online

contributions such as the 24 hour Bach-a-thon featuring the

complete works of Bach in 24 hours. Performances included

several large-scale singing events including a Royal Scottish

National Orchestra event in Paisley Abbey, the Richard Shepherd

Foundation in York Minster and Nottingham Music Hub

bringing together 433 children from 18 schools for a Big Sing in


Make Music Day UK 2022 was the first event run by the event

organisers as an independent organisation and they look

forward to developing their own identity and engaging with

wider stakeholders.

Syncopation for the Nation

“Haven’t picked up my

instrument for years,

so I think I’ll be rubbish”

– soon playing a hymn

tune with no problem!

Participant feedback

“Event went really well

with a diverse group

of adults and young


Venue feedback

Music for all was delighted to support Rob Rolfe from rock band

Enter Shikari who worked with local musicians Steve Rodford

(The Zombies) and Chris Hayes to offer 40 local drummers

affordable drumming workshops. Inspired by his own experience

of playing in a Samba band for the St Albans Parade as a young

musician, Rob said “to play as part of a large group was such

a unifying experience that really communicated the sheer joy

of playing music together”. His desire to help other drummers

improve their skills and experience the benefits of playing

together resulted in a 6-week drumming workshop culminating

in a performance in St Albans. A portion of the monies raised

during the city performance was donated to Music for All.

A collaboration with local charity Electric Umbrella and The

Pioneer club, the project was a team effort.

Music for All was very happy to support Rob, Steve and Chris

in this great initiative as they shared their extensive skills and

experience with other musicians through an easy access, lowcost

format and provided all with a great opportunity to play live

in front of a local audience.


Income and donations

Music for All continues to benefit from a wide range of

funding sources. The formation of the Income Subcommittee

in spring 2022 has led to the establishment

of a three year income plan, allowing the charity to

focus on developing new sources of funding alongside

maintaining existing sources over the coming years.

‘giving through purchase’ sites. We were also very

fortunate to receive two generous legacies which

will help to ensure the charity’s future, as well as

increasing our award capacity and impact.

Donations 2021/22

Across 2021/22, the charity grew its income amongst

trusts and foundations, ‘giving in memory’ sites and



Gift Aid


Trusts and





Income 2016 – 2022










2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022







Fundraising stories

Our fundraisers and donors are the backbone of Music

for All and their passion and inventiveness provides

constant inspiration as well as being essential to our

ability to continue to support disadvantaged music

makers. Some fundraising stories are highlighted below.

Drummers Link sharing pictures of their travels

Drummers Link

The students and teachers of Drummers Link,

a private music education service based in

Northampton, took on the challenge of collectively

walking, running, or cycling 500 miles throughout

August to raise money for Music for All. They raised an

incredible £495 and had great fun whilst taking part!

The drum tutors said:

“I’m really proud of my students’ efforts and

grateful for the support we’ve received from

friends and family”

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Annual Report 2022 | 15

Deirdre runs for Music for All

Deirdre started her amazing fundraising journey for

Music for All during lockdown, raising over £2,000

in memory of her trumpet-playing husband Kenneth.

She ran the London marathons in 2020, 2021 and

2022 for Music for All and organised a tribute evening

in her hometown of Portsmouth in memory of Kenneth.

Donated in memory

In 2021 the Hughes family awarded a generous gift

in memory of their much-loved father and husband

David Hughes. After a lifetime of loving music, his

family wanted to ensure his love of music, and

particularly the piano, would allow other musicians

to benefit from support to either learn or carry on

playing music.

One of the award recipients was Lucy Munroe, who’s

featured in our impact stories. Alongside Lucy several

other recipients have benefitted from the Hughes’ kind

gift and more will continue to benefit for several years

to come.

Stack Fest

PMT music store employee James Clarke and The

Haystack Pub organise Canvey Island’s biggest music

festival, Stack Fest, featuring over 50 live acts across

two stages. Thank you to the organisers of Stack Fest

2022, who encouraged attendees to donate to Music

for All, raising over £400. Thanks to participants and

audience for their generous donations.

Christmas Zoom Piano Playing

Deirdre completing

a marathon

Deirdre’s fundraising activities are a way to remember

her husband of 42 years, a professional trumpet

player who worked in London and ran dance bands

on the south coast. Deirdre said:

“Whilst I am running the 26.2 miles, I will be

thinking of my lovely Kenneth and also my

friends’ loved ones.”

A huge thanks to Deirdre for her incredible and

continued fundraising efforts.

A Christmas 2021 Zoom piano playing session was

organised through Just Giving, raising a staggering

£1800 for Music for All – well ahead of their £1000

target! The programme featured over 17 live players

from around the UK and included many Christmas

favourites. Thank you to everyone who took part and

contributed to this fantastic fundraising event.

Income and donations


During 2021/22 the charity was able to bring new skills to the Board by recruiting three new

Trustees. We also welcomed new Ambassadors and a new General Manager to oversee the

charity’s operations.


New Trustees

Lynn Ladbrook, as Chief

Executive of the Association for

Science Education she has worked

in the charity and public sector for

over 25 years. Her past experience

includes working for WWF, the

National Trust, Royal College of

Nursing and Breast Cancer UK.

Lynn’s strategic and planning skills

and her substantial experience of

developing productive partnerships

is supporting the development

of the charity’s income plan and

governance approach.

Lynn says

“I believe playing and learning

music is so important and

rewarding – it’s fun, calming,

joyous and offers so many

social and developmental


Faye McGuinness, currently

working as Director of Programme

for Education Support and is

an experienced fundraiser and

has delivered many large scale

programmes, having spent

the past 15 years working for

charities focused on mental health,

wellbeing and education. Her

experience with mental health

support is helping to ensure

this identified area of need is

supported appropriately and she

is also contributing to the charity’s

income plan.

Faye says

“This role combines many of

my passions – music, mental

health, education and

creating social impact.”

Ishani O’Connor is currently Head

of Engagement at London Youth

Choirs and her substantial career in

arts and media includes nurturing

diverse talent as Learning Manager

for the Chineke! Foundation and

as a violinist and trustee for the

Dulwich Symphony Orchestra. Her

understanding of music education

and outreach programmes

reaching ethnically diverse groups

is supporting the charity in

appealing to new audiences and in

having a more targeted approach

to awards at specific areas of need

amongst this demographic.

Ishani says

“As the charity looks to the

future, to connect with wider

more diverse communities and

grant recipients, my experience

of supporting equity and social

change in the music industry is

helping to ensure that we can

continue our work on providing

equal access to music making

for all.”

16 | Annual Report 2022

Annual Report 2022 | 17

New Ambassador

In March 2022, Music for All

was pleased to announce

that Emanuel J Burton

joined as an Ambassador.

Emanuel is well known

as a drummer, composer,

music director and creative

entrepreneur having

worked with numerous high

profile UK and international

artists including Mercury

Prize winner Little Simz, FKJ, Tom Misch and Misha

B, on Venom 2 (Marvel films) and Apple Garageband

Drum Loops. Emanuel has already supported Learn to

Play, providing a YouTube drum tutorial and his appeal

to a younger, more culturally diverse audience will help

Music for All expand its reach.

New General Manager

Sonali Banerjee joined

Music for All in July 2022 to

guide the charity through its

next stage of developments

as it expands its operations.

She brings a deep

understanding of the music

industry and of the charity

sector. Her experience as

Head of Music Planning for

Trinity Laban Conservatoire

of Music and Dance and as Chamber Music Manager

at the Royal College of Music is leading the charity’s

operational procedures and delivering its three-year

business plan. Present at all subcommittee and Board

meetings, Sonali is already supporting the Trustees in

striving to reach the charity’s strategic objectives.

The charity continues to be supported by our hardworking Charity Administrator, Hayley Mills, who is often

the first point of contact for donors and award recipients. In 2023, Hayley will be joined by a part-time Projects

Coordinator, Wallis Leahy, already well known for her work on Music for All’s Learn to Play event.

These essential additions to our team have made the charity even more mindful of the need to keep tight control

of expenditure. Despite Covid restrictions easing, the charity has chosen not to return to the expense of an office.

The newly established Finance and Risk Sub-committee meets regularly to oversee the charity’s approach to

financial and risk management. This includes the recent completion of a risk register - an essential part of our

operations as we grow and develop our activities.


Financial statement

Statement of financial activities for the year ended 31st March 2022



2022 2021

Unrestricted fund Restricted funds Total funds Total funds

Notes £ £ £ £

Donations and legacies 233,256 37,111 270,367 237,144

Other activities 3 - - - 6,370

Investment income 4 18 - 18 29

Other income - - - 1,113

Total 233,274 37,111 270,385 244,656


Charitable activities

General activities 49,009 - 49,009 40,887

Grants to institutions 95,625 27,861 123,486 5,039

Grants to individuals - 750 750 14,381

Make music day - - - 9,000

Total 144,634 28,611 173,245 69,307

NET INCOME 88,640 8,500 97,140 175,349



Total funds brought


237,736 9,711 247,447 72,098



326,376 18,211 344,587 247,447

18 | Annual Report 2022

The Future

Annual Report 2022 | 19

Over the coming years we will continue to build on the momentum created since becoming independent, so

we can help even more disadvantaged music makers. With the support of the business plan our focus and

aims are clear and our specific goals for the future are to:

Grow Income

Steadily build our cash and instrument donation


Sustainable staff resource

Provide the charity with a self-sustaining staff

infrastructure, investing in fundraising capability

whilst also ensuring cost-effectiveness in operational

management, as well as developing a management

structure with oversight and personal development

opportunities for our small team.

Strong, sustainable instrument

donation supply

Reinvigorate the charity’s connections with the music

industry to secure a strong, diverse, consistent pipeline

of instruments and equipment, particularly those in

most demand. A strong instrument pipeline will enable

us to help even more disadvantaged music makers,

ensuring our cash goes further.

Further develop awareness and appeal

Develop a greater campaigning capability that

specifically promotes the benefits of making music,

reaching new audiences through targeted campaigns.

Primary campaigns to include the launch of the Music

Benefits campaign (by second quarter 2023) and

extending our Learn to Play event.

Measure and deepen our impact

Use a more formal approach to measure the impact of

our work, by undertaking a Theory of Change exercise,

resulting in one that can be easily understood and

recognised by donors and award recipients. These

measures will evaluate how well the charity has

supported our identified need areas and the impact on

their immediate contacts and wider society.

Continued to broaden and deepen

expertise on the board

This has been one of the key achievements during

2021/22 with the appointment of three new Trustees

with specific skills in music education, fundraising

and governance.

As we look to the future, our commitment to our values and vision deepens; we strive to illustrate the

charity’s ethos and impact to donors and to reach a more diverse and increasing pool of award recipients.

The pandemic has shown just how significantly music-making contributes to the lives of so many people,

providing unique and long-lasting benefits in individual purpose, self-esteem and well-being. We are

ambitious in our targets to grow the charity and most important increase the number of people we support

in experiencing the vast joys and benefits of music-making over the coming years.


Tony Followell (Chair)

Geoff Booth

Ian Cullen

Ros Kellaway

Lynn Ladbrook

Faye McGuinness

Ishani O’Connor

Simon Saunders

Jill Shelvin


Jools Holland OBE


Angellica Bell

James Buckle

Emanuel J Burton

Jamie Cullum

Parv Kaur

Gareth Malone MBE

Al Murray

Cathy Newman

Chi-chi Nwanoku CBE

Hannah Rankin

Orphy Robinson MBE

Kate Rusby

Snow Patrol

The Future

Find out more at


01403 628892


Registered Charity Number: 1055371

Company Limited by Guarantee and registered in England No: 3193551

@musicforallcharity @musicforallcharity Music For All @MFACharity @musicforallukcharity

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