lady day...

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...Ordog moves briskly now [Dream Book,

Entry November 21st 21:51] the long hallway further

than the eye can see, hollow white walls, separated

by Doors an assortment of colours... Ordog's

shadow, horn rimmed, with long white lab coat...


his voice shrill but punchy: he rarely rests on a


syllable, it's all quick sentences, matter-of-facts...

where we pass a room, as daylight seeped from

without her eyes, the white-ish yellow sun like and

radiant... she is alone on a telephone speaking to

God? the black dial up telephone is sat in the centre

of the room attached to a long cord, as if a Helmut

Newton photograph come to life in front of eyes

where she is staring at the window in the door... oh,

that's Claudia, we don't go in there, that's for those

we reluctantly deem in communication with God,

this higher power, said Ordog, we ought not to

defile ourselves with people that are mystics, they

distract us from the work, and often turn against us

after a period of working for us here, deny what

they themselves have also created, as Estrella did...

when he spoke her name a telephone rang, perhaps

god? ......dial tone......

...Ordog continues to explain the telephone

room, he calls it, where basically after a routine

dosage of time, let's say months, we allow a person

a telephone call, we answer, sometimes we don't

and we feel it acts as a thought experiment into

what people want, and of course they often don't

agree with many things, but the subjects are

tremendously engaging and written down here

inside these folders... Ordog touches bright yellow

folders marked: Attache, Red Room I, Emergency

Deaths 69, Dream Killing 079.... albeit what


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