วารสารเมืองโบราณปีที่ 5 ฉบับที่ 6

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llG7'~U~f1\t"'~U\::H~tl11C"~t\,!\ .t.ll~1~C' ~11 ~'»c-Grl. fLUIIIWII.NJltft<br />

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mntlvn::1"r'l n- fl~inl mflfl11 Yl1t:l~'l!11~\mun11 "r'l 1::<br />

y<br />

n1uil11 Ltlufi t11utu!u11'111-'fl~tJ<br />

{"r'l. fl. 1132-1161) 'l.lt:J-';~'"<br />

.l..,1~LUW1,t1L 11"r'l LUfl1 u y;..,"'~-'~Li'Jtl-' lm1 m tJ1-'~ 9111Jfl111l<br />

L~t:l'l.lt:l-''1111;)'\.lLL<br />

::'U11~1 Yi Y11rfl1ffitn'I!U~U 1 tlt:l11 "r'l 1::n1 U t:l~<br />

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1tJ1n<br />

m£i~m!t tu::LWYitYM::~U'h4m::~fl!nn1<br />

flt:IL Yl"r'l L ~1LL y;_,fi111Jn1 t\41L UU Yi "r'l -''l.lt:l -'tlflfl Yl 1~ftJfi111J<br />

t11mo\iqJ Lu"t~m:: 1"r'l ll'<br />

un~ Ltluti1-'~LL ~" 111Jtlt:IUWULL ::u ~-'L1lfl91111'111J 91111<br />

flil'lltl-' '";~uJu<br />

m1U'u tlt1'1,tltlui:i1~L tlum1 L ~t:l tltlt:lOH-'1l-'1tJ<br />

Y11mtlum1aiHim1l1LUU tlltll n'l.lm'llil-'~ "~~-'11l~~ 1!t uu~ tltl<br />

"r'l 1::n1Utl1JJULL~~;J1-'flflt:l<br />

qjqj n'l.l·m'lltl-' 1111m;m1tl11m~<br />

ll"\1!tUoW-'i'JtltlnU LL ::'1,t1Lfl11 "r'l ~U 1 L'liu '1,tln1U~11~~1!tLU<br />

rnYitJn COVER<br />

hi deity image of the B dhi attva A alokit ara,<br />

who i known to th hin by th n me Kuan-yin (K annon,<br />

Kuan-im, etc. ,) and to the Japane e a Kannon<br />

Bu at u, i a culptural work of art from th ui Dyna ty<br />

(A.D. 5 9-61 ) of northern hina. The image i now in<br />

a hrin at Muang Boran ( h An ient ity), Bang Pu,<br />

not far from Bangkok. lt i th belief of the hine e and<br />

ther Buddhi t people that thi deity i the embodiment<br />

of mer y and a refuge for tho in adver ity or di tr<br />

Th B hi attva i depi ted in thi image a kind, gentl<br />

who i tanding with h r right hand rai d high.<br />

hine tea hing i that image are n t to b wor hipp d<br />

ido latrou ly, but a ymbol that ha e been made o the<br />

g d nd the beautiful, o the wor hip of thi imag i<br />

actuall th a ffirma tion f a ymb I for th qualit o f<br />

human kindne .

Ylu~uthJ~~Vt1 VltJ~<br />

Chinese and the Thai Life Style<br />

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'llU1'-4LL,..;uvl-ltn~nR'-41'-4 ti1 -l IH'-4~~~-lR1~~~1n~£JL mi~~L'lJiucil-lYiuilm £Jfli£Ju£Jinu~1m4~'-4 L~ ~~~ «-l1~numwcYwiiL1 -l<br />

U'-4L ~-lJ~L«£J L'lll!li;'J;'Jt'IJI£J'Ilu-l;'I'-4~~"YI'-41u'-4 ilu::J'-4n nn 1n -l;Jin~~ '1'-4 ~n ;1:: L · '-4~1[) n .'IJ. 1il£Jrl~'\tJ ;'Jtl.~~"tl1~1£J~~-l 11<br />

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-l;'Jt11£Jr1'-4L "'[JYI LLfiOL~\4 1 fi'-4u~i'-4LL~<br />

:: L [Ji-l ~~ n'\1JiJutL1tl.un;'Jin;'Jt~~il~ti.YII-lLrliJ'-4<br />

m~HJmmmuurh III~J-ri:: •1 Tuamiln117.h::YI1if1ifOYIJJWicYJJ7i m<br />

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11Hl11Jt"f ifW1'Yn1mi 4 lVuua.,H n::nwaifrma 1"'au<br />

2. ;J\4~,1 1mu-lLYIIti-lnl-lLn-lLLW1 ;'1-l m~'-4L~YII-lYII[J~-l L'lllh11;'J::LUti.LliiLLrl ~1£J11 .. U-l11LU'-4 '-4£iL~'-4 U :: m1~Ll.JR1~LiuJ\4<br />

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OL~Wa'ilu~LL 111 ~LLnu~lilu-lLYI[J~I\41'-4 n '-4LYI[J ,j[JJ\4L'IJIL1lit£J~R1~L~untl. LUL~tl.~lht~.(f1[JL~uvl1LCI::, uDI~\4 unntlu-l<br />

LUiuDHUH lliW'IJu-l~-lL~~ J'-4~ti1L~ti.L 't~.ntin::LU\I.Citl.\41~ ~ 1 ~-liJ I lrll ~ 1 2J 11 1 ~IU\4 ,£Jntl. LL :: iJL1uuW L~n 1<br />

n1:: 1;)\4 ~ 1L ' '-49J~fl~~ ~u 10LLnL'JJ-lL~ilLWtl£J tl::L~~~::L~t~.Lii£JilLtlY1Htl1 :: 9J"'-4~1£J~-l U-lL~L~ti.RI1't111~-lLil'-4'-41£J'-41ilL'Ill 1 uun 1<br />

n'-4un.,-1[J L~u-luDHd1., , . nu£Jin~u[Jintu[JinL~\4~1[Jn'-4~~\4 '\1l11LYI[J~1u;'l\4<br />

ilmmmrhrm~ r;::q TuMmru m ~4<br />

3. mw;Jin-llti.Lu~~u u-l c!'-4LUtl.-ll'-4~n'limtJn1ftJ1:: 1tl i:i~~1 wu ::m1 ::L 't~.flH 1 L'lit~. :: 1\l.un tlJ1tl.~n ttl 1il "'l "'l ii<br />

~ '-4LUiJDDI-l~tl.lfll L~u-lLLfi-lLiimLfi-l~10LUti.LLUULYI[J, L'-4R,j[JJ\4 LL1l 1LYI[J[J'-4LLWtlu\41u un ~~i'-iti.'IJ1[J'IJu-l 'IJ1ilL1lL~ uW<br />

~1t1'111 :: Ltl1~-lL~£J1L~tl.d'lli£J ti-lm-lLil-l'!nih£J 1~~~1nnm £J L DLL«-lL1l4fu-lLRntl. ::Liiu-lLYI£J!lln1 fu'-4uunuciH\4<br />

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L1ut~.nL1lL~t~.~1 1L'Il1L ' fi'-4 LL~~ty-lL L 1ltl::LL~1nnu-ltluilL•m~t~.1YI-l 1 L1lL~t~.i:i1mL'Ill11'1ll'-4nt~.<br />

~WinJ'1JlfhfiU~l1'1:: 7iJJ ~~m 'Ill 111 'ifiWiJJJUitm n~ W ll"f ifJ.I(J'l"nlilli 5<br />

4. 1m1n 1t~.f1L'-4~-l'llu-lm.4LYI£J ~m1~-lLYifn! 1'4tlJR,ti.YI1'-4 ~u1tl1::9J~-lii"'1 1lt1-lL n 1 u ·rlh-l 1wfu~ ~~~-l~n'la'-4 1£Jn-l1<br />

Clti.'-4L [J1J~-liJ;'I::L1l-lnil~ '-4 qj;J1LU~1 LL1l~-l un~1~n R1ti.L~n~n Lfl, 0 1-lOL 't~.uunn1«-lL~ti.LL'i' -lL~tl.mLtlfli~Liu-l L~l~ntl.u[JU!-l '-4<br />

n1W~1LfL~uti.O;J::LLuULtJi-lL~£JU 1 u~~ 1 1 ;J\4~1U'Ilu-lLil\4~1\4~1Wq-lw::f-l 1L~~~1LLCI1Jt~.m::1it~.L'Ih"L:( LL ::£J-l~un~-l~~-l<br />

Lm£J~~'-4~~ti.L~u-lL'IJ1~1 ;Jt~.~J'-4 -l;J::'IJ~t}JL £Jil1'1iuu£J L'll1uH;'J::Lu'-4;J'-4L~1l~uU'IJI1~uu'IJu-lL'IJI~1~~-ltrn~ n 1~1~1ii ~m-lL~\4<br />

imL,..;-lLL~~-l L'lllfl-l~il11 tl.uDI-lL'IJI~1U'IJu-l'IJI£JL1l~unL~LU'-4Lli1LLrl L'IJ1 -lL1Jt11Lllu-lLYI£Jtl.un;Jin~~Ht'I!~LL 1 ti.W1 n~1L'Ii<br />

~£Jun'\1l W1nd)jn'tluuii-l~1-lLU£Jflti.;J'-4 '\1ln~uu'llu-lL'-4~1u'ttlnt~.~ulfl1L £J w 1ndfl1-l~1n uutl 11 'IJ11n~'-41~<br />

'<br />

ilmm7uthrm~m:: q tUiffl1"1"4 H 17 ~ 4<br />

5. 1flL'-4f1Ltl.~-l'llu-l't111L~iiu ~-l;'J-lh umLUU~H1nmw LiJ£Jti.LYI[J u ::~mmwti.Lllu-lL'IJ[Jtl.;j\4~1[) 11~Utl.ill LH1n °-lU1il !)~<br />

;J1m1u-l t'-4Yiflll!''tl1iln flutl. LYI1li -lm 11'-411u tim' n '11n-ltt1.Y1 u1;(tu£JI~WU'tiU\41-lLYI1li -lmL~n u • '-4 ''-4'tl1fl u~1n::uci<br />

'<br />

u<br />

L'-4f1L'-4~-lOU-lufl '1~i:i;Jt~.H~HLU£J uilLLYI1nL'Il1LtlLtl'-4£J1i11 uHYiL'Il1uH;'I::Ltlt~.Lli1LLri ~1u~~u;J'-4~n 1i't11 ~-lL tl.u~1L'Il1LtluH<br />

'<br />

u<br />

~mnmJthflunfi11UiNU1<br />

u'1u<br />

6. nt~.\41;1\4 ~-lLU\4 11~Lt4u~u-l'li1-l Lrimwt~.mw uu£J 1 L-ihnuun.,::L"'' '-4fll .. -l~u-lffnn:: I£JLtlfil-l 1 m11dL ' f1 n1~ '\1~~LU£J£J11<br />

Ltlt~.ii'-4'-41nuL'IJIU1-l LL uuLil£J1nuii'-4t~.Ht~. m-n;Jt~. 1tl * 1~~-luD~'-4~~"u1 m11't111111~Jt1.<br />

, \.1 " , •<br />

iit~.t~.Ht~. fu~nu nuu£J ~-lHLum'li'-4nt~. ;'l::il ~-l1~~1mtlt~.L1u-lLUti.111L1lL~~-lJt~. t~.un;'Jin il::'tl1t~.L~ in 1'-4 t~.nttJ<br />

u u '<br />


Chinese<br />

and the<br />

Thai<br />

Life Style<br />

I.<br />

n hould r-p le .<br />

long- leeved hirt<br />

hin e tr u er<br />

of onlooker . orne men t the ba k of th crowd are tanding but m t f th<br />

to enjoy the hov . Hove er there i one p r on v ho i not enj ying him elf. Be u e he i v e ring a<br />

he ha not joined the r v d but h retired und r a tre and i feeling ery orry r him elf. h re he it in deep<br />

de pair with hi back t the rov d and the fe ti itie . Ha h u d up all hi v rking apit I? Ha hi m II time<br />

bu ine partner run o f with the money? r ha he play d the I ttery right down to hi Ia t<br />

but he certainly eem to be at hi. v it end.<br />

The Twelve Month (c cle) of Royal ( tate) eremonie (Thai: Phra Ratchaphithi ip ong Duan). A e tion<br />

of one of the mural panel in the ordination hall of Wat Ratchapradit athitmaha imararn, Bangkok. our/~ Reign.<br />

Mid 19th century.<br />

2. o the Rear o the alace. hi hine c man wearing Iipper and ilk tr u er but with n hirt on hi<br />

back i taking a child for a walk around the back of th p lace. H v e m fr m hi gener I app aran t be<br />

wealthy enough. hat he goe around half-naked an b taken a a ign that h ha b en in<br />

tho c day hai people v ould g' ab ut the pia e v ith ut th ring t<br />

the habit of tho e round him. llov ing f r certain libenie tak<br />

are walking down a ri er road r they v ould not b trolling<br />

landing n ating on a bamboo raft. B hind it tv o young girl a.r<br />

dugout can e in the water where the hildren are pia ing. v o ld r w men<br />

rude plea ntri with the pia e full intere t indeed! nd it ju. t one<br />

pa t th ba k gate of the p Ia e wh re n might ee me f th young pal ladie ming and g ing. hi i a<br />

place where anyone v ould v i h to g trolling, be he hai r hine e.<br />

Life of th Buddha. mural ene from the ordination hall of Wat Wang, Larn Pam Muang di trict,<br />

Phatthalung provin e. The e ond half of the 19th centur .<br />

3. an annual fair v here nd<br />

tand<br />

ong Phanuat Pavilion at Wat B nchamabophit<br />

rm n and th reby<br />

naked hild wh v ear a<br />

wo of the hildren, ne t<br />

tep of the two p ilion .<br />

10<br />

m II t

A hin e petty merchant with hi queue tucked under his hat and hi merchandi e hanging from hi houlderpole<br />

tumble in the du t kicked up by a nock of goat under an attack by the dog of the neighbourho d that are<br />

tearing at hi ware with bar d teeth. And there i another dog out of vi w behind him readying for an a ault on hi<br />

rear. Thi hinaman mu t b in a pretty funk. Perhap he i a new arrival to Thailand hoping to et up a hop om where<br />

and qui kly b orne a capitali t. H i probably till ignorant not only of the number of dog that ro m the tree but<br />

of the ra al that do more than ju t tea e. There are people who will tug hard on a man' pigtail or in a mor eriou<br />

mood pilfer hi tock in trade and brazenly eat what they have tolen before hi face without any di play of f eling.<br />

It i thi kind of p r n, not the pariah-do , which i the real ob ta le to the realization of hi dream of the good life.<br />

A mural cene in the ordination hall of Wat Wang, Phallhalung. Nineteenth century.<br />

5. ife within the Pala e Wall . Here i an intimate view of a northern Thai palac who e inhabitant , although<br />

northern hai in dre and in manner, on ciou ly imitate iame e o iety amid central Thai ar hitectural tyle , or<br />

at lea t the two north rn Thai murali t who did the e mural would have u believe thi wa o. In fact the painter<br />

were children of their environment and the life of the painting i northern. The palac ladie wear the ankle-length<br />

northern heath kirt with a a h over the houlder .<br />

t thi tage f the jataka narrative a prince ha died and the h ro, hanthakhat ( andagadha), ha<br />

brought a magical herbal potion to return her to the living. ven though the a tion take pia e in id th pala e, one<br />

ee a ' black heep", namely th pigtail d hinaman in courtyard waving at u from b hind the wall. He might be a<br />

wealthy merchant who ha acce to the palace, or more likely a hine e herbal doctor with medi ine from hina.<br />

If o he ha pre ented him elf a a mean to re toring the prince who, he might hope, would be given to him in<br />

marriage ut of gratitude if he uc e ded. he would be a proud adjunct to hi family line.<br />

Jataka Tale . A mural cene in the wihan hall of Wat Nong Bua, Na Noi di tricl, Nan provin e. Mid 19th<br />

century.<br />

6. hine e kinnara and hild. hi i a murali t e erci e in fanta y. Thai rna ter painter would be orne tired of<br />

repeating the me detail ' over and over again and would invent amu ing or non en ical variation on well-worn<br />

theme . Here the mural painter ha taken the kinnara, a mythical compo ite creature beli ved to be half-man and<br />

half-bird, and made the human half a hine e. Th adult kinnara therefore wear a fine queue and th hild kinnara<br />

ha a hine e boy' partly haven kull. imilar humorou e periment were made in later r ign . hine e kinnaraand<br />

garuda- can b found !H Wat Arun Ratchawararam, though in the e the humour wa mo t likely unintentional.<br />

The Trai Phum (Tribhumi). A mural detail from the ho trai library repo itory at Wat Rakha~g Kho ilaram,<br />

Bangkok. Fir. I Reign. Attributed to A chan Nak of Wat uwannaram. Late 18th century.<br />


ifru~u~~~tRu<br />

I · I<br />

~~~Vl~~~ LLf1~PltJl VltJ<br />

fi~~ f'l1~e:J~I<br />

1.1 I I " I I<br />

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" ,<br />

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,<br />

FJtmt FJiJ-,nuu ~Tvnrun1nuvu ~tmen.Juu u a::11 nn'fltilu mJ u-, .u~fl'fi'HJJim ~'lf8~vu 1~n ri-, ?o~z/1::mff<br />

"<br />

' tl '<br />

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u ~Tm IOJJJ7l'nnnvnvu~u ft?J7 V'i:f m au l 'flfJU n fJin f):: J'r/8 f/t/1 nii'll 1 '111/Uo/{f'JJ flt/7JJ7'/J7f} 'lu<br />

" " "<br />

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870J7WlJf1JlWW1tU nfJ1uunn7'lf17flU 7 1~U7B't1ffJ'If/117m7flU 7lV7JJ7lf.JfJU'I'I'i~8n riJJ'lJU mrilu T'flm<br />

8fJ7 'tN<br />

rnt5f17flU7lU:t::rnffu7 'In JJOJWIJ u 'lf~ ''fll'I17JJ7J'I'i8JJn1Jf1aJJnnu 8mN nm.h::mru~~~ '7 'fiJll<br />

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o?UfJUUU UJJfJ:: 'JJ ''flo 87115J'Iflo?U .mfY117~f11flUIUfl:f'JWIU15'i'iJJ JJ'J:flJ'/OJn~7JJ11 U~'l17?fJUnllJU<br />

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t'liunvu ~~nd8JJtVU'I18~lm 1 7~uuvvv8~ auvu fl:: 8~imu1nvvi1auJu '7 '111/?fJ u't8~~f1auvu 1mol'intV7JJ7<br />

iJvnv1n~8<br />

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aunnu l77fJJ17~lnqmtnflutnffu 8d7~JJ7n. '111t'liu fJ::d1u~"'?8d-,~hfJ '7 ua:: V8fJmvm~'i1 'luzuuvv<br />

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tl<br />

iJ?uulf u~um~v"im7atf1JJ7f17n ttut1uu'tJV1fl;u<br />

n::<br />

DYilrw 'I.ID-1 1!Jfl tl~u ~~'1.111n · ~u uu1tl1::~Ylfld ~;11<br />

"<br />

i1111~~t\ )juD 1u 1i!J1~~ 1 ~nuw~t\ )juY11111i\~ -1m -1riuR )ju<br />

11'1l1-1fl tl'-1'1.1{),1;)\4<br />

2. \u 1!J~\4~\4'1.1D-1fl tln1111 ~!JD 1uli!J1 ~1~111'ilLt'l6<br />

th~lluYh~-1 ~-1~1'ilfl~tp U :: l!J~\4~ ~1~111'il\4H~qp<br />

fl1H'Il'llt41 u<br />

~1n~il~11l!JL~mJD-1;Jt4L~n '11t1-1 \-'1\tu ~~\4 :: u ::-;J\4~ u 3. ~~1n::L~~~uuci1-1iil~~~-'~R"n"u 1u\u- tl 1'1.1-n'u<br />

' "<br />

'<br />

'<br />

\ut:\11~~11 w 1~~1 1::u1 ~~ ::t:\11~~,.;· · 11'1l-1,f\4~~Ril-1L~\nt1nuL~ 1ilmu~l:: 1!J'I.ID-1~ ~D-1~\4~\4~r.mh-1 , 'U1-1'1lUil<br />

' ' "<br />

~'1.1111liJ'UYl'U1Yl~~~71'~\4 1111~~ :: •t'ltln1111~'1.11 · ~\4~~il\4Utl'Ud 4. L\4R~tmqli!ll ~'ll\4 m~~wu ~uuqtW1 iit,tl~ri-1w ~{Ju~<br />

"<br />

u :: tfu~,~~u11mL~i'uDYlW~ 'inn · \.J-;JUlmnum::Ylnu Yln ~!J s. LuR)juft~u1n~uYl-i mtrfi!Jfl1111U'U'U-;J\4 ~'llu 1'il<br />

' ' '<br />

~um'llumL4lfuDYlW~ 11l'illnft tlm111D\4~ilui\~nu ~-'L~tl11nD 11'1l1u1R R)juf'lln1t'l~ 3 ~nt~nu1'il 1~; t'l1!J 1~ m~u1nH<br />

D~L\4 t'l1'1.1D-1 - tln1111'UH~~uu \u~~t\t'l:: ,j'!J'IJD-1fl tlLYl!J~\4 1'il'U11U~1fl ~~ ::t'l1!J 1~ nL11tll-1,<br />

Ylfl1'\4~~'1l\4<br />

'<br />

1. L~~'U w\4fl 1 ~~ - lilfm

The Influence<br />

of Chinese Decorative Art<br />

on Thai Art<br />

Thira Khamlucha<br />

outhea t A ia, and in particular Indo- hina. ha<br />

been a melting pot of ci ilization . The art and cultur<br />

of India and hina have been coming together here in e<br />

ancient time i.e. in the Indian mara ati and th<br />

hine e T'ang period , th ugh' it wa the hine e who<br />

kept the detail d chronological r rd and de cription<br />

of the e countrie .<br />

he Indian brought, with their trade, religion<br />

which pread throughout the region a well a the art and<br />

cu tom with which the religion were clo ely a iated.<br />

ontrary, had little religiou or cultural<br />

influen e in the region. oremo t they ere trader , and<br />

they brought with them all kind of good , and with<br />

the e prized item of trade, their art . Hence hine art<br />

h e ert d a I ting innu nee on Thai fin a throughout<br />

the hi torical era.<br />

hin e influence i cleare t n in eryday thing<br />

The lion' claw or paw tab! -leg m tif ( hai: I i khaeng<br />

ing, lit. the lion' hin), the d or and indov of dom -<br />

ti architecture (and in particular the window ill ), and<br />

even the "Thai tyle" oblong panelled curtain wall that<br />

are mmonly thought f a being hara teri tic , if<br />

not unique to, hai h me ; 11 the e are d i ed for th<br />

mo t part from the hine e arti ti tradition.<br />

It can be demon trated that hine art ha influenced<br />

the region a Indian art ' ha and e idence of thi<br />

can be een in certain pee f th art tyl f th different<br />

Thai art peri d to thi day, a the llO\ ing e amp!<br />

from each of the fi e hi torical art p riod of central<br />

hailand will hov .<br />

I. There i an ancient tone carving in the Wang<br />

han Ka em National Mu eum, yutthaya, whi h carrie<br />

a hine e fret ornament.<br />

aravati bronz Buddha image oft n have the<br />

lion paw or leg in relief a pede tal motif whi h uppo<br />

the artificial I tu eat.<br />

2. he tucco relief ornament rom the Ayodhya<br />

(01" h ng i.e. pr ~Ayudhya) peri of central Thailand<br />

on the old wihan hall at Wat Lai, ha Wung di tri t,<br />

op Buri provin (figs. , 12 and 14), well the tu o<br />

relief ornament on th wihan of Wat Nang Phaya,<br />

atchanalai di tri t, ukhothai province (fig. ), are<br />

early hai e ample .<br />

h very nearly pur hine m tif on orne of<br />

the angkhalok cerami and orne other ukhothai art<br />

obj t ( ig.4).<br />

4. yudhya peri d mural p inting often in lude<br />

pi ture of hine r f tyle, permanent material<br />

building , pa ilion Andre t h u ( hai: keng hin .<br />

5. orne of th Thai Buddhi t wat- of the middle<br />

hine e tyl d. Wat<br />

me<br />

bel<br />

et up in th wat<br />

t le<br />

it tent<br />

ompare<br />


1. 1uw'llitt~~mmntrh 1m mm ihtl'1-4fi'I.4LLU'I..J'lJD-' 1m mtn'llD-'L'YlU'I!Ut~~~" "'-'Lnflt~~1-""nYiu'" LU'"~'"L 1'1ltl-' 1u~1-'~",;<br />

~<br />

'llt~ -'L'Ylu't'" ,jut~u1iu1U[J)J'tin'")J1n<br />

'<br />

I. hine tendril rn ment<br />

the arti fi::ial tail "f ath r "<br />

whi h wa p pular in the<br />

rnam nt. ti e<br />

t it" ( h i: lai h ng hong)<br />

rnufi ,rll ttl~ 1<br />

hme e art fig. I<br />

2. tnULLUUt~ClnL,j''lltl-';'1'1-41t~m\l.Yn::p.J~ 2 L1H::L~'\.4tltlflt'l1U'I!Utld)J1flL'\.4~ tla,l'IJ~[J L'l!'\.4 1Uatrn~'\.4U'\.4~.nt'-'L'1.4)Jt\4

mut1 nu~ll 'ttl~ 5<br />

l11ne e art ag: S<br />

cnuft tl1llU 'ttlYl 6<br />

That art fig. 6<br />

3. 1tJU1LLUm'" n ULU'"~D"n1 "L~ '"t!Yili Yi t'lL~LLrl .. tl<br />

"Ln91L U1 [J\JL YltJUnU<br />

1utl'" '".. tl ~Uti lu 1ru1~1miY1t1"~Ltl'"n1:: t"fltiLRtl<br />

" "<br />

~L 1~t1.,~1'"L'"'llt1"1~111i1L 6 t"~1'il Yim<br />

'<br />

v m ard re ting hine e arti i ial I tu b rd r<br />

m d up fa equ n e f r pe ted f il d peta l I menl<br />

rnam nta l<br />

f<br />

ld<br />

1 6

i11Utl U ..\l 1tl~ 7<br />

hine e orr 1 • 7<br />

lUtli'IU,rtU 1t1 8<br />

Thai orr fig.<br />

4. 1tl~tlnL~'I.Itl·HI'\.4tln1llU1~,!" ..;L11;J:: 'W \JL~'\.42J1n~R~f11~ f!!~~:<br />

'<br />

~~flH 1 'l.ltl""' Utl1tJ1ftl1LL ::fifltJ ,1'1l~tl<br />

4. the<br />


10,; "tt\1 1,t1~ 9<br />

htne art fig. 9<br />

5. ff..lLfifl 1tl ~fiL11'1.1tl..lLL~..l'1.11..11!"1H.I1<br />

L~i'UD't'l ~ fl~1n .. th~<br />

5. he v r hipping demi-fi gur in the entre f n en I<br />

Wat ala Pun, utth a an be cen nanked neither ide b<br />

obi ng nd tv he tv hal e of the pan I ntain<br />

udh a p ri d pulpit at<br />

ed p ne! made fr m n

l'I1Ufl i'll.tll ttl~ 11<br />

hme e art rig. I I<br />

i'11U - mJ1l1U ttl~ 12<br />

That urt rig. 12<br />

6. 1tJ\!'I-4tl'l.4utu.nl'\lli'1'1.4~ \11~w~·i1L u ~"~~il v-n.p n1:tm::<br />

'IJD\1 1tJ~m.UJ~ , DilR ~Uii'\.4 ~ \IL11L'ltJn·h 1tJth::LL;);)'\.4<br />

tu<br />

n th<br />


cnutl cntll 1,\.J~ 13<br />

hine e art rig. I<br />

1t.ltll U,Y1U 1,\.J~ 14<br />

Thai art rig. 14<br />

1. fl1!l\Jt4U\4~~u .:nYI11_,-il, ii Yi '41 li'1\4YI~~<br />

R'~Lnflt'l1!lfl'H~2JLYI 'u2J ~~L71L1!lnll\491ilthn11 1!l 1~fl11<br />

~ nL U\4il mL UUYI~~~L 11iu;n n ;}\42J1<br />

7. he tu<br />

II o f the old<br />

panel. p ndrel are kn n in<br />

( hai : lai khang kha ) .<br />

from<br />

hina.<br />

bat motif''<br />

ing-<br />


a. IVU111'\.4 ;nnlf1mh~'llth1 1v~ tlil'l-4~tl~ '~ff~ulluumn ~ 11~ il cl'\.4LU'\.41~ '\.41ni1'1JD~- tl~,rr~~ tlhw L'\.4 IV~'\.4tJ'\.4<br />

... UDl:JliVI'IJtl~~ii~'Ylh , , 111V ~~~~iiDVliVI ,<br />

h link nd r ting artifi ial I tu bord r en in the · exampl of hine<br />

in thee luti n of h ide rati e art th t c n b e n in th link-b rd r I tu<br />

uch a utth a .<br />

art rnam nt in pir d<br />

nri hm nt f tu in<br />

1nufi"tl .. \l ltl~ 15<br />

lune e art fig. IS<br />

further tep<br />

yudhya rt<br />

111ufi nJ1nu 1,t1Yi 16<br />

Tha1 urt llg. 16<br />


IHtJfli'IU~\l ttl• 17<br />

hme art 11 • 17<br />

9. 1tl~LUt~.m::~-l~tltJVvtl -l1l1'1Jtl-l~\l. 'li' '-lutn..J1J1U-l~ tl'Yit!'IJv-lL"l1~ 1tJm::~-l0~1-lU'171\l.'IJV-l~ tl 1tl\Jt~.tltl.<br />

•<br />

"!t~ 91::' m t -l~ "!t~ v u 1w 1<br />

\<br />

~tlv~ tl1 \J\l.LUl6<br />

9. ther kind rd r ~. th r pea t d b rd r element.<br />

bel nging t hin . innucn ed th f<br />

repeated element<br />

in the utth a.<br />

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ik)t~. and hai rti. ti tr diu n .<br />


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t\~ f\~ ~ULHI1t\ll~ 1 -gu.~~ll£t )}t\f,p t\~Lil:::r. M L~ 1l<br />

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tit, 1L'~t'fl<br />

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t\,Vtll~111~ Ut\[}1L~ltl Uta.UI11t\\ ltl1Um11<br />

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';l::R ~1.11'll1!lm~L"JtlthLin LLt'I::LU'\.4~U!l1.1<br />

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~ 3 LLy;~m.rl'fl'l.41nR'I.4'Yli ,<br />

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a ~M ~«a'" 'W1n'W\tn ~1'" 1. ~'1iu"<br />

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L'W11::<br />

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tlH 11tltJ'1iH !Jfl~~~LU'\.4!Jflff)j'!J'lJD~\tn<br />

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LL~ m~a.rl'ufln~\tn~,.b~~«fl~t'l1!lfrf~ ,<br />

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Lll~1.1rh~~L-ii11.11nuH1.1~1H1t'l<br />

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LU'\.4n11 t~qJ<br />

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'tltl ~« ill~L ~'" Lliifl ';11 nnn"1«1'1.4'll11<br />

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·;h~a~~L !J~DilLIIn frf'I.4'W1::tl~~~'";,1n<br />

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nn11.1 ~~fiLLtl ~1.11';11n«mtrn.Jn111.1';1'\.4<br />

1flui:i~m1'1! 1a1« D'I.4LiJ'1.4 ~fiLL1n~«71~~fl<br />

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\1'1.4 tl1:: ~Un1:: L na ~ff L U'\.4<br />

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mvt41~«n~uuuu uf1-rt~iMIW~'11 « .nnn<br />

hine'e b relief t ne carving. Detail • t \ at 1atchim wat (\ at Klang), ngkhla (. ingor ).<br />


ttJfiu~uiJ.nlt4L • il\J Ltlu'!\J WW1ilL~qjmn tJ1::lfuHm ~YI1~L~1\J1::'J'Yi1::~ lt.J« a~m1'11l£J1 n~ ~L'Yl'Yi"'.l<br />

L~v-niun 1~ «nlfil~1ttJ~lJfl~ 1'1n1u<br />

\l.:lndtng htne e llgure large, gla1ed terra~: ua \Culpture.<br />

n the fr nt p rt:h olthe phra ub \ 1 < rdmauon hall at \\ at Ratcha·orot, Bang f... hun r hian, Banglo. 1\.<br />

fhi' ph 1 graph ''a' tat..en bel ore the head' ot thi\ and m compant n' "ere \!Olen.<br />


HlA. U,t\C'~~~UIIoLl::lMC'L.~»lLU1'\\l!lf1 1 ~11fJl! 1 C'G~1 n.ltL»1 Gl,t~rG1'\~C'Gf1.1'\1111111111G~~1C'~<br />

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C'~~Gtz rt~1fJlA.~rl.J"\11Liit'~~L~C'~ rJ~11'\~<br />

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1'\fi.1C'~ l.t1(b ~W\ll~LGC'L-"»::~'11:' n::lf1<br />

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'It' G::lM Ulrt1'\~Lll1L ~G&1tlllorl.,V G\&l!'!~~<br />

Ll.tC:IIoLl:: lM~ ~1rt »I:' Gil.~ LUIIo!fJ.(t »\611t'f<br />

L!4rt lU lLUIIolll~C' llA.~wc-G::tM::LlM 1\f<br />

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.'f~ftW~ 1'\1}1rt Grrt~1t'Gfl.L!A 1<br />

n.rJ~ 1~\ ::~ [1~ M~ 1\!~l~::GG\&l~::Gij ::~<br />

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1'\Lrl.Mlllt'~U~ t')-\11Ui.41'\~UU[1~t~f1l1 h<br />

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1'\f} 1 f1l1 he- Gfl.t\11111"\rl. nrtrJl)lloLl::lMijt' llA.<br />

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lA.Lrl. ::lMC'Gil.BJ».IIo!1'\1}11'\~ f1l1 hn.n.nnrJ~1<br />

Mlll M~ 1rt fll)rt Lt~1'\f} 1 f1 ~ lf1 111'\~,\t~rt ~1<br />

fJlA. ~ n. n. 11rt llU ll.t~ 1'\LC' f1 ~~U L~ rl.,t\<br />

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~ W~l.ttl611.t~::~11 C'G1'\C'L1'\l!~ »lG111oll<br />

l!~ 1'\fl. 1t'Jt~n.n, 11 ll\iLGL\it'~ ~L~lLU<br />

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c-LrGt~lj C'G11'\~1'\Jt1'\GltlrJ1hGB.(t n::~ 11<br />

Lrllfll GfJ.(t »1'\\ t)i11UlL~W1fJlA.~ ru~m Lln.1<br />

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U~C'~ rl.Glfll.t1C'fl~1C'L1'\L»1L~C'Ln-1'\L,lt~~<br />

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-lM 1'\f} 1C'_t\11UG1'\~::~11 ll~LG1'\\ fJLlltU 11<br />

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Ul.t111'1Lt~1'\~1::~t)i11 £ ~~LUIIo!fl.(t»rl.,V<br />

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fJL~t~G&~ 1'\\iMLll1'\f}1 ::H~.ft~ Ulrtt'LrG<br />

C'~ L!~UltGI,l!;L~n. M::~ 1'\,l\fJLI1U Lllnt 1'\L~fl<br />

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1'\~ v ~~LU.IIo!fl.(t»Uii1JW~::lM~1'\mGlA.<br />

lln.~~ LrJUhGrJlA.~MlliUL~G\6rl.~1'\~ fJlA.~<br />

Mlll::nl~U~flt,\t1'\fJ~1C'~ ~ t'L\6Ll!tlA.1[11<br />

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MMLllt'~ fJG,l\U~1C'fJ~ 11'\L»11rt »11Lrtlfl. 1<br />

1'\~C'Gfl.~MgU.gljBI.t1 1'\)tt\1}1 t.1'\Mi..llo1::lM<br />

l!p~11 1'\Jlol!"Ln.l!~ rtLllm ttt'nl!~U nn.1 l1<br />

::tMC',t\11~[iu Llf1t'~l!'nt' '»HrG~ t 1L t211Lt<br />

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L~U1'\~C'~lLM~ 1<br />

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1'\~11llUBltj)LU »rl.I111Ll\lLU1'\\ 1!~11 l!'n<br />

~LI.t lA. 1)»1:' LrG 1'\,V 1'\tl U rt~ U ~ \ fJlA. ~ C' Lp.::~ 11<br />

1'\H Lfi.C'Gfl.C'LrGn.rl.111'\L »11rt »11~~ £ ~<br />

LUIIoJ.fl.(t »n\~ l!U' .. nqf1::~11H_t»~Ulrt<br />

1'\tt\L~ ~ 1'\~1!~::~11 t.1'\Mi.llo1::lMl!~ UL1'\<br />

- ~l;tlllt~ JbH1'\l!~ ll.t~l.ttl61l!~ t'G1'\C'L1'\<br />

l!~~!iULlf1C'~ 1'\rJ~m 1'\11C'LrGfJlA. ~[1~ ~n._v<br />

fJL~Mlllrl.,VL~~fu~I11~~Ll1G~1~C'~ [1~<br />

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C'~LJI,11"\JI,~rt~ 1 fJlA. \rl.rl. 11[1~ ~1'\~1'\,VrtG lM<br />

1\ •<br />

u 1'\C' fJ<br />

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1 ~<br />

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n.u 111'\1!111'\~1'\\ n~ ~n._v rJ~11'\J#~"Il 1~[1~~<br />

1\<br />

flt~ U,t\l~L!-411'\~ 1~\t'l!11L~~ft~BlA.~f1~~<br />

C' Gll.lf1 111'\~11 Lt~1'\,l\ 1'\)11'\Glt }lA.1'\~ U11'\lt!<br />

1<br />

hGI,l1C' G~ 1~L11LJ!-11'\~f1~ ~~fJ.(t<br />

p,~ \ C' ~n.rt LWrt ~ 1Jt~ ll\iLGC'Gfl.C'L~t\L,\1<br />

f1 ~ fJL t(b ~ \ C' g ~Lrt ~11 1'\91:' fl& 1C'L M» 11'\.V<br />

tfl\!1::"-lfl. C' !1:' 't.ft~~11 fJL~rl.fJ&1fJ111L~L~ »<br />

~n~B.(t nn\tL~~::~11U nn.1 GlL~LG~\ L<br />

1) 1'\fl. 1t\..V 1'\L »11rt »11~n. GU ::lf1'1C' GIJC'.LrG<br />

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UUG~1 fJtlA.(lft~ L»1t~t.(tljft~ rtfJ~~1<br />

- ~L»1nfl 1 c- rJ & 1H nLnm_vc-~ ~::~m,tt~<br />

1'\Lt\ft~LI'tG\6\6, C' Wfll!1 L~Ul~f1~~ntn.n.<br />

LGHi~ nl Lln.1 C'~I111L~::UlG1llolll!~L~<br />

.(t11 UGUC'Lrl.1'\ll!})~LC'~l!~ 1'\f}1L~~~U~t\Lt<br />

~rtllotfJ~1LrtJt~G~1 C' ~LJ"\1 1'\~G~ }Gllo1<br />

1'\L!A.(t11 rl.GIIo~W\1'\~1W\ ~ ft~\~~»1C'L,t»<br />

G~1~l!~ L1'\~U_t\rtlt' L~,H~1'\Ml)::lMHlA.<br />

~C't'!l!~ nLll6 ~1'\LrJ::lMI1 lULt-_\L~ 1~~111 »

tt.hrhlu 1 tl~uu1~:: 1ti~'ti~~~~ 1 1~i ttl · ~am1miit1~ u<br />

tl~m~ ,1.1tl1u~. ~vr1::~1u a1'fl ,'l1HI41111.1 tl~\JHntlnUtl!J<br />

tt.lul~l"~uw ::'t'luMfl ;n U"'l n~~L'YI't'l"'l .,u.,u1.11n<br />

L uwann r m,<br />

l ne & rd n<br />

ulpture.<br />

e r und<br />

10Wn1::a1~ft<br />

1 ·~1.1111miit1~1u<br />

,~,h~'t'11::~ 1u a~ 1::~~ n1 ~L'YI't'l"'l<br />

Y11~ilutt.lliut1.1 fltlnt1.1 ~ ' n ~~~1~1.1'l.n<br />

lar&e, qu re, decorated tone l nl.: .<br />

1. Hom han .<br />

n hall l 'II<br />

picun n v.enn tree nd bird .<br />

l R l.h n&,<br />

tt.ln tl~ 1 ' ~1.1111mim~lu ~,~{lu~ ~tl~t.l1::tlu<br />

n~~ 1U't'l1::~ 1u a.Y 't'l1::~"llfl't'IU"'l n~~~'YI't'l"'l<br />

tone drum culpture with a<br />

In the &round or the phra ub<br />

hane e rret p uern.<br />

ot hall' enclo ure at<br />

at Phra heuuph n ( at Pho), 8 nakol. . from . hin<br />


h10c c coloured 1ilc paimin11' .la~cd ccr mic lilc<br />

n 1hc low kumphoenf. koeo re1 10ing wall cnclo,IOg 1he phra ub ' 1 h II a1 \! 1 1 Rauana 1\adaram, Bangkok .<br />

h10e\C C\fl rl Crall .<br />

au Liivuli1uiiu'1J11nuL il-lililflnu.fl-lLflnuau Ltlwp.li1iln'li \u'~ un u. ::1.11~1«-.n~u<br />

ft-lLU'Ll ulin1nL1JD-l~L'II11.11'111tJLu,nu<br />

De ormi n on a glat d "dra n Jar". I mponcd lr m h10a f r ale in h, iland.<br />

Drawn free-hand in whuc clay and fun her decor led u. mg a " lu . Depicling I fy bran he\ 10 n wer nd a hine c p ny en a1h.<br />


arved relief orn ment tn marble long the b of tone pa od tupa near th phra ub hin<br />

I ud d ign beneath<br />

lotu pet I border mouldtng where<br />

"Lton' pa" " tabl rnament. D t il.<br />

V ood rving at the fo 1 f the thre hold of the phra u O\ 1 rdtn, tirm h II 1 V 1 ng ' ng,<br />

B ngk k Yai . hin c rn mcnt.

ll1Vi~1~A'ntl'J::fJ\J1'"L~!J11'1Jtl~ '"~ q~1l'ULhiJtl~l' ~fmri1<br />

U dd]'"ftlJUlnJil~Vi 1JJI'tl4't'lfta1'"Uvl;r!J1fl ~ 1<br />

hine'e man ion,,

P£<br />

t.~ 11 U !l!l\6 11tl.!l ~\6 ,I:'~ Lr't Llt U. lJ.»<br />

flt;1t\(,flt._ll 19\t'Lrll~t"U~ f\ ,U ~.w~ ::I! flU.~<br />

Mt-~ l'tt\llU.lJ.»t-Lrll t-ll1J1~M.t\t;Ht-lln.<br />

f\<br />

t\~L.~ ::.t.[\16~~~[\~L~W.t.U. "_ll~t'~ t\~f\~~<br />

t.~11LI'tt\L t\t\~1t\,VU~1t- ~ flU.~ t.LJI.t\11~1<br />

t\Lrl. ~f\~ U~ ::U.l/~~L~ II\ 11:' 110. flt._lllJ!lUI! U~<br />

. ..<br />

N!~1::~, .~ ::~1 Nlt;!1 UL~ t\fl-1 t\l!t'!ll't1<br />

fl!l»rtUott-ll~1t-~rtt.t. L t-L~tna~m~::.t.[\<br />

U Ll! Ll'tLO. 11:' ..<br />

f\<br />

' ..<br />

»UU _ll~~t\,!\ t\~1:' !10.1:'\b,Ultf\~ ~<br />

t\t.~ f\~ t\1Jt'L\6Ul611~l6U~ f\ ,l'tLI:' U!lt\llLll<br />

t\~ 11:' !ll't 1:' ~n. !l~ t; 11:' lli.J 1:: .t.U n.~ ::.t.[\ t\Q<br />

I • • ~<br />

[\1U L~ U !lt\ U_t\.t.~ L!A 1fu~L.~I'tLtl;flfl!l~f'~<br />

(b~~t.t'l'l.t,» L u~,L~1~L~nt..» !;4"fl191Wt-~1~<br />

!ll't~flt"f\ ~l'tlf1t\9 .t.LI9ll~.W~~~J:~ U~ 11\L<br />

t\LN1t.~[\~l't~1~1:'~ 11\1:':-'-,~t\LU » flli.~L~M.<br />

-m1 M.~t'~Uif1!l[\~~rtt',l&~t\1}1t\9 t'Ut' l.ljt~<br />

I ... • • I<br />

::~, [!fll\11:'~119~ t\flo1t'~ t.M.U.1t'~U<br />

t\\ L .~ 1~L~t' ~t-Lr(l ::LM. ~1fll9 1<br />

L .~ 1~ L~~~~<br />

~L II\ I:' fl~ t.~ 11 § R .t.~11:' !lO.~llL\1\U t;~ra ::I!<br />

ULI!U!lt\t'H.t.n..WI!~t-Lr!lrtLt'~t\tlf\ _.<br />

ULI'tt\,V L~Ut' km~::.t.Nf!o!lfl<br />

flfll91 1:' Lt»~t-!lO.t\1} 1L~n.M.::I! t.~"1JLlblb~<br />

' '<br />

~.t.Lt;L!ln._vn.fl~ 111~1 L n~n.~::.t.t\1} 1L~I9~<br />

t.hu. t\~ ~11~11\L[\t.~ ::lb~!l ~11\t.~n.G~t\1! .t.L<br />

-L!l fl!l1;\ t\t. ,llt\1} 1 ~\611t'Lr;_\lb1l' ::.t.[\Nr!l l.<br />

~I:'~ II\ I:' Ln. t\~U~ .t.Lt;L!lrl. M.t' .Q~ t\,!\::.t.U 1:'~<br />

' ..<br />

U,t\l6Ul ~ .t.f\ .~\ t\!lf;1t\L .r;lL.~.t.LUt\\ t\~ ~Q,~<br />

f\ ft~t-~p.t-~ L ~U~.t.L19t\,V.t.iAt\19,t'.QflLO.L<br />

L t\1L.~IJlrt'~f\~l't fllJ. t\!l19t.Ll!.t\l} W.(t~t\L<br />

-!lt;Lllt-.Qr!lLI't~ ,...~t.LJI. .~w~~~. ~lv\ ~ n.vc- Ill)<br />

L~t.L~ U~rl.n.11 .t.Lt;L(l 1:'~11\~U gn.~U!''l11flt.~<br />

't-rtl:'~t\~ULI!!l\tt\rl.t'Llj.::f\1 t\~L!l1t~11 1:' .t.11<br />

c- 13 11c-LraL.~fll9 1 t.Lfll'tLlbf\~1\Lrt L mfl\1\<br />

t-Lr!lL~ II\ 1Utj 119L t\O.t.LflJ:~t'~L!l1t.~ 111'\~ t\~<br />

t\1} 1 L.~flL.t.t' fl & 1LI'tl't'lo 1Ll1119L t\n.t\~t'~l't~ U<br />

l't~ L!l11:':-'-11t'Lrl. n.Lfl\1\t'LQ-t\!l~lliJt,a L t\11\<br />

t\1\ 11 1:' tr(l !l~ L~t\~n. ~ 1 ~ t\1} 1 L. ~I:' L~t' !l<br />

u.t-Ln. tfl191t\~n.m1L.~ L '1'\.t~n.~n~ia<br />

flt.~!l~ .t.Lt;L!lt\1} 119~1fl!l.t.::~ 11 l'tLt; .t.L.QLM<br />

.t.ll»1fl ~RU~.t.U.t\,V ~t\flo1t\Lllgt;Lll~<br />

ULI'trl.M.::I! t\t\flo 11'\~U~t\1} 1L.~t'~ t\Lrl.<br />

fl~1f\~1JIII.U\! 111.::~11t.~ Ut' .t.U1<br />

::I!~ (b II\ t 19 L t\!l#t\l; L ,!\II\ t\!lfJ II\ 1 t'L ~f\1 t\1} 1<br />

Lt\ll\t\L~t\~1!1~1.LI'tt\L~::I!t311~1 (ll; L flL~U<br />

t3t\.V 1:' (l (} ~ M. .t..t.U L!l ll'l.t.LU 1:' !lO.i!t; t\1} 1 ::I!<br />

t-!lt\L.~ Ul'tl! "<br />

::~ 11Ll6U~<br />

" flL,til;l9t'!ll't "<br />

»!\6~<br />

~<br />

l't fl~ II\ 1 ~I:' !ljlo t\1} 11:' L\6 L t\lll.l.~lj ::.t.[\1:' LQ-1:' !l<br />

f\ f\ w<br />

t'L~Ut' wratt::.t.[\ ULI'tLt\11\rl.~t\~flt.~L.~~!l<br />

flt.~!l~I:'L~t\L_lll:',t\11 1:' ~l;t\2-t\1} 1L.~ t\2-N!ll<br />

' .. ..<br />

.t.Lt;L!l::LM. ~1L[\t.~ ::tt~ t\t. ,» 19!1~19fll91~~<br />

19!111 ::~111:'~ t\~,J:~t\(}1.t.Lt;L!lL0.1t'LU. l'tLI:'<br />

191:' 1:' L ratt:: .t.[\LQ-11:' LU.U Lf\1:' .t.l9flL~ 19t.~ U l:t II\<br />

-L.~.t.LUfl igll~t'LQ-t\L_lll:',t\11 J:~t\(}1Lt\ll\<br />

t\L~ t.fl\!1t\2ot\L~ t\1} 1::1!U.(t ::1! ::.t.Ut'Lrl.\A !l<br />

.. '<br />

1:' (l t\:: .t. ::~ 11 Lrtt. U ::tt U. t\1! t\L rl n,u 1:' Lit U l611<br />

~- 7' ,.. .. ;..• ~ I<br />

!lO.fl &hu.n~ ::l!::.t.Ut'Lrl.U.Mt\Lrl.<br />

l6~1lr<br />

::~,L[\t.~ ::tt L~n.t- »~_ll~ ~L\1\::I!t-t;t'.Q ~t\fl-1<br />

t\l!rl.n.11U~I'tJI.::Ht n»bfl::I!UL\1\ t\I\11L t\11\<br />

t-Lr!lt\,V r!lt\l!.rtil.~t-~ II\ ""t 1JLlbtt~::~,<br />

L~n.t- ll~[\~t.~n.M.::I!~n.11t\L~ U,t\t'~f/'t~<br />

l'tLI:'t\1!LRUU M.~ t\~U~ f\t\L-C\1:'~ 11\r!lt-L~U<br />

t\L~!l.t.\1\ 19}!lt;fl t\MI't&.t.Lt;Lilt.ltt\(}1Lt\ll\<br />

t\L." L~1~L~rl.n.11L.~t.~ t't:'\1l.~rl.n.11t'L.t.<br />

c-am::.t.ullt~t-i'ttt;t-~11\ tfll!1t\~::~m~a<br />

n.n.11 t\t\UI't &t.U 11U~t\(} 1L.~ t'!liJ1!lli1L.~<br />

"t L.rrt1mfl~1flL»nnurt&u~n..v &flu.n~<br />

::I!::.t.U 1:' Ln.~n. l.l& u.n. M.l:'t\11\rl.rl. 11 U !l t\1! t\Lrl.<br />

r~ r<br />

U. 11fll91iR .t.~1t\L~t'!l0.1Jltt;Ll/l't » Lf!f!1<br />

f\ •<br />

tt::.t.[\l'tW::~,t' M.11L.YflLt\lll.t\Ll/ t'L~Ut' .W<br />

" " rac-L~Ut\L~fl flt.,l&[\.t.t\(}1n.ll1 ng.t-!l.QU~<br />

t\(}W~ f\~1:' ~ 11\t\L,r;l ULfl .n~~t\jlo1lbnl<br />

- ::.t.[\ n 9 ~11LII\Ut;LII\::I!t-t;~t\~ll\'n nt !l.t.\1\<br />

t\l!t'!ll't1t\Uf11t\.Vtfll!1 ::m n. 19n~~ mrt »<br />

f\ •<br />

flu.~t-!l1J1ntraa~ ~~~. ,c-_Qc- ~ 19»~R~1~,... 9<br />

rt~t-Lflolll,lt,at\1}1 1!~1:'11~ ny flL~I9t.~u~ 11\L~<br />

l'tfl~1Lf1L~llU \!~Mt'!l~1L.~llU l61,ll ::.t.[\<br />

t-Lr!l t\~t'Ljloll1Jt,afll9 1 U~f\ fl!ll\I9L~l6~LI9<br />

I '<br />

-n~::flRf\1 ~ U ::.t.ltt-!lO.t\L-C\ t\jlo 11:'~ r1111~ II\ 1<br />

1:'~ II\ I:' .Q~I't~1t'll0.!6, (b ~~t.t t\t.,»fl~]'f\~f'\1\t<br />

fl£t »"ll 1M \if\ m~uu ::I!J:11t- ~ fllll\I9L~ lb<br />

I ~ i<br />

::~11 t't:'\1l.~~_ll~t\~1::1!U~t\(}1t'L_£.11 , t\1!<br />

rl.n.11.t.Lt;L!l t\!l.t.1t\l-C\1'tL.t.U~ L~1~L~t'LJ<br />

t\llL\1\Ut;t-Lf.. , .<br />

L.U.LI'tL0.1<br />

.. ll<br />

t\jlo1 1:' Wfl191t'L_£.ll!l~.t.LU<br />

t\1!1:' !liJW Ll!t' Ljlot' .f ::I! ~t\!l.t. 1<br />

f\<br />

t\Lrl.t' Lt» ::I! 11~11:' ~I:'~ ~t.$t~ 1LI9.t..t.n. l'\.16<br />

t-!ln.l't ~,l't .t..t.l t\rt&~f\~ ~"t l'tfllJ.ll.t.flt' .Q~I9\<br />

f\<br />

~n.L.~t\11\1:':-'-11r!lf\~ ::H~tt,~t.Ll!.flt._ll fl!ll\<br />

19L~l61:'~ t\1! f\~ 19!l~lbt' t:'\ 1l.~\6,t'~Lfl::.t.M.L~ 1<br />

l.l\ft11t'~t' (l.Qfllllfl&1 !b ~~~.t l't~ Ut\(l1".vra<br />

~ '<br />

f\<br />

1:'~ ~t.LJI.fll91 Ll'tl!f1l.l\UU_ll~ 1'\tlf\~~<br />

.. 19 .t.[\ 1 t\l; t\1} 1<br />

rt!lr ~~U.t.LUI:'L_tl119~t-L_£.»W\,. L~t\,Vt.L~U<br />

flM. 1t-~L.ijflt-~ ~t-ll::.t.M.t-lln.~LUI!.J.nwc-~<br />

t\~L.~ ::.t.[\t\1} 1H Utflb.t.lim.t.~,t\LU.t\1} 1<br />

.t.L\1\L!lL~f\t.L~:,._ t\LU.H1 t'L~»~t fll91 t\~<br />

rU. t\~n.LiiRI! 1tl.~ll\l't .t.U 111 1LflU~L~ 1::.t.M.<br />

t\1} 11:' .Qt'_$.t; !liJ 1 L. ~ :: ~f\ t\1} 1 t\Lu.t; Ll! &n.<br />

.. .

The Thai Experience<br />

of Contact with<br />

the Art of China<br />

No Na Pak Nam<br />

here i perhap no nation on<br />

earth that an cl im to ha e an art<br />

of it own that when on e inv Ligated<br />

it origin would not pro to have<br />

on e bel nged to an ther, earlier,<br />

people . he Thai pe pie had ettled<br />

in the Mae Nam ha Phraya ba in<br />

long bef re the e tabli hment of an<br />

independant ukhothai<br />

,<br />

Kingdom<br />

and the influen e of the Indian and<br />

hine e mer antile conta t were felt<br />

entury up n century in the area for<br />

more than two millennium .<br />

he Ide t art in hailand<br />

come from the Bronze Age. An ient<br />

br nze artif t and 'rain" drum<br />

how eviden of early hine in-<br />

the fret and oth r rnamental m tif<br />

belong to the former, a do th<br />

American Indian and Azte ornam n­<br />

tal repertoire. o th pottery ornament<br />

of Ban hiang i not hine e.<br />

The upta art of India n uri h­<br />

ed. in entral Thailand during 0 araati<br />

time and v ith Indian Buddhi m<br />

arne an art that wa already fully<br />

de eloped a v ell a an ar hite tural<br />

tradition hich d minat d nati e<br />

hool and tifled lo al initiati e.<br />

By the end t>f th fir t mill n-<br />

nium . ., when Indian conta t<br />

brought the Pala art f northea tern<br />

on entrat all the p er and many<br />

lo al centre of art n uri h d: at<br />

Ay dhya ( utthaya),<br />

pp arn<br />

e in thi untry during iam'<br />

he lr ge paint d p tt ry Thailand and when new f U Th ng p ri d. t ne Buddha<br />

the m th n wing<br />

line and piral in fine detail that i<br />

thought f a b ing hara teri tic of<br />

Thai art. It wa n t h wever the<br />

regional art f<br />

hiang' w a<br />

primativc art deri ed from the e -<br />

peri n e of natural ph nomena -- the<br />

wh rl of a h II and I ng hair pinned<br />

up both ugge t u h de ign .<br />

Arti tic tradition of ornament<br />

can be broadly divided into tho e<br />

ba ed on th traight line nd the<br />

quare, and th on the ir le and<br />

the piral. hine e ornament uch a<br />

In India, while wa<br />

be oming a for to be r kon d with<br />

Buddhi m de lin d al ng ith the<br />

weakening of Iong-e tabli h d ontact<br />

b tw en India and uthea t<br />

ia and e en<br />

later t n uri h in<br />

p int wh re it ould r e a re erv<br />

ir of true religion for the newly<br />

emerging nati e kingd m in Burma<br />

and iam. But before thi happ ned<br />

no one town in entral hailand uld mic ware<br />

f und at Wat<br />

hun Muang<br />

ld it m<br />

uth rn<br />

that<br />

ean<br />


hite Lure.<br />

thi. p n I<br />

. t f the figur<br />

intim<br />

of<br />


hom Thong) In it e entiat it wa<br />

built like Thai architectur el ewhere,<br />

but it lack d the kind of ro f and<br />

pillar orn ment alm t in ariably<br />

found n th hai m na tery buildings<br />

hine e<br />

archite tural ornament v a applied.<br />

Thu the hall had hin ro f pedidoor<br />

if it<br />

v at and de ri<br />

mo t be uti ful.<br />

up n the p pular<br />

uc e<br />

numb in - hai mona -<br />

teri . l n the e the tv o ornam ntal<br />

. tyl were m re effe ti ely blend d .<br />

d zen or u h m n teri<br />

v ere built in Bangkok during the<br />

hird Reign. m f th mo t n table<br />

are<br />

parallel ai le with a na e running<br />

th full length of the hall and four<br />

lin c I nnad<br />

f th building t make a<br />

h bri k pillar making up<br />

colonnade. v er qu r nd quite<br />

. ub. tantial.<br />

hi v a not r~ally a nev idea<br />

for Thailand. h am principle<br />

had b n in u e during hong and<br />

early yudhya time -- ample an<br />

be een in Ayutthaya at Wat a<br />

Phra Men, Wat i anph t and Wat<br />

Thammikkarat. N r did any of the<br />

ino- hai mona terie ha e hall o<br />

large. lnd d to build large hall the<br />

architect ere forced to re ert to<br />

the traditional hai r of with it<br />

multiple de ending l pe . Where<br />

the hine e innuence remain d wa<br />

in lhe ymmetrical p rti o front<br />

and back and th lean, un rnamented<br />

quare pillared peri tyle , all of whi h<br />

a_dded con iderably to th hall<br />

tature. I o, hine e tone tatuary<br />

ntinued to be import d from hina<br />

and wa add d to th round of<br />

angkok' major v at- throughout<br />

th Third Reign.<br />

Many f th b tter mural of<br />

the Third Reign hov a minimum of<br />

ob iou ly hine e innu n . It w<br />

during thi r ign that hai mural art<br />

rea h d i<br />

a Wat<br />

en at a ino- hai<br />

ang N ng ne find<br />

be t of hai painting till b ing don<br />

in the yudhya tradition.<br />

had been in onta t<br />

v ith hine rt for many centurie<br />

and the innu of hine art in th<br />

arty Bangkok p riod wa n with<br />

v hich hai art ould ea ily ope and<br />

indeed from hi h it profited. The<br />

innuen e of hine art wa ther or<br />

along e tabli hed pattern and vithin<br />

fi ed b und . The arne cann t be<br />

urop an and Ameri an) art in the<br />

ne t r ign, th urth . uring King<br />

Mongkut' reign traditi nat h i rt<br />

wa tined. atronage cea ed and<br />

th tradition, cut off from th fount,<br />

de lined, gi ing up it place to the<br />

growth of m dernizati n. ino- hai<br />

art uffered th am fate.<br />

Under ing M ngkut hai art<br />

an e otic iew f w tern culture.<br />

Rath r than follow n from d lopm<br />

nt in th early Rattanako in<br />

p riod, m del " re ort from the<br />

Ayudhya p ri d for b th religiou<br />

and building and tupa<br />

v a<br />

wa in charg<br />

t th<br />

the<br />

eith<br />

immigrant<br />

ofth<br />

f great alu em rged<br />

and hai art<br />

had<br />

on,<br />

built in<br />


hou e at Ratchawong, tran .) i a<br />

fine e ample from the ir t Reign. It<br />

i a two- torey hou e laid out in a U<br />

with a large ourt betWeen the two<br />

arm . The roof and partition wall<br />

are all beautifully e ecuted in lo~in g<br />

detail. The gatehou e in the front<br />

wall that clo off the courtyard i<br />

a lo al landmark in which the neighbourho<br />

d take pride.<br />

ld hine e home are al o<br />

found in the province . At Bang<br />

Kracha, Muang di trict, hanthaburi<br />

there i a terrace rQw of hop-hou e<br />

lining the river road. Mo t are ingle<br />

tor y, but orne are double. The<br />

roof are tiled with terracotta tile<br />

hap d like halved cylinder , hine e<br />

tyle, and the treet front include<br />

beautiful old carved wood ornament.<br />

he court i at the back of the hou e<br />

and ha been turned into a lu uriant<br />

tropi al arb ur in many of the hom .<br />

hinc e town hou e like tho<br />

at hanthaburi can al o be found in<br />

the older e tion of ongkhla and<br />

Pattani on the e t co t of th peninular<br />

and at Phuket, akua Pa and<br />

Ranong on th we t coa t. The we t<br />

coa t hine e town hou e i quite<br />

ub tantial . t Takua Pa many<br />

have two t rey with thick, unfired<br />

clay-brick wall . he front i for the<br />

mo t part v ailed a well, lea ing a<br />

door opening in the centre and two<br />

mall quare opening on each ide<br />

for window . he effect i a trange<br />

one of an enormou face. hi i<br />

almo t certainly deliberate for the<br />

hine e feel more comfortable with<br />

omething to care av are gho t .<br />

ld upcountr hine e market<br />

hou e can b ound caner d throughout<br />

the northea t horat<br />

Maha arakham R i<br />

bon Ratchathani and<br />

Kantharalak i trict) pro ince . he<br />

mo t intere ting of the e i the clay<br />

hou e. It i a ingle torey hop-hou e<br />

made entire! of attle and daub.<br />

They often ha e<br />

amount of torage pace in id . in e<br />

any wood u ed in the on truction i<br />

co ered with lay they are aid t be<br />

irtually fireproo , a on iderable<br />

advantage in a mall market town.<br />

The e up ountry h u e are u uall<br />

quite crud ly built and c ·nn t e<br />

compared ith the pro perou to n<br />

hou e at ongkhla and attani<br />

which are izeable international p rt .<br />

The hine. e t mpl and jo -<br />

hou e of Bangk k hcl e furni hing<br />

a Ia i h a any ealthy home. Tv o<br />

of th large t<br />

e tabli hment. are the hine.<br />

dhi t hurch' Wat Mangkon<br />

at (Wat eng ei Yi,<br />

yi) on ew R ad ( han n n<br />

rung) and the Pao-te hang-t'ang<br />

(Poh Tek)<br />

ai Hong<br />

hla hai<br />

hine e dome tic furniture ha<br />

been important to hailand throughout<br />

the Rattan ko in peri d. hi<br />

trade included reen , bed , tabl ,<br />

tabl ware,<br />

and th<br />

lik . It wa<br />

th l<br />

in th<br />

ing. hai and hine e<br />

alike, li ed a h me li e that a. m re<br />

hine e than it wa rural Thai, uch<br />

v a , and i. , the familiarity ith hi h<br />

the art of hina ha b en r ei ed<br />

in Thailand' town and city centre .<br />


VltJ<br />

1·11 .. ;)'U. .. Lu ~~"' ).J1!J n.:Jfl'U. ;)'U. n<br />

Llf WHl1'~'U.li11~H'U.nL~~L'UUIUJ 11).1<br />

.. ).) utrru .. , 'lYlvtY.:JLLflt~i'lil uu;J;J\lu<br />

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th::m ~nr1uni1'U.LLil ~Ltlum.luiluLv.q)<br />

'Uti .:Jili:Jrn Lmldum L Muin.h:: L T1 'l YlV<br />

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'r11.:J1'~1111).J;J1nD'U.L~!J<br />

u :;Jutho:m1<br />

v.it.:J LL ::t~nth::m1v.it.:JihtluL~tl.:J mu::<br />

1u YlHili:J 1 ili ~il'U.LLil'U.iY .:Jn ' ntifl.:Jt~u<br />

~ ~<br />

1::V.1HD'U.Lil!JLL :: ;J iuLtl.:J U ~U<br />

un1'1f1nnR1'U. Lv. q)hl ~<br />

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th::'lf1'1f'U.<br />

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1i1!JL~ 'W 1:: ;)1 nt~'U.Lii!J LL<br />

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th:: "'''l'lt~.:J~u<br />

L'liu m1'1lU\1tl 'lfuim<br />

1tyqf1CU.'Utl.:J'LJ11 tfl.~LU'U.4i ld-ii.:J .:J "''H<br />

.. '<br />

tl~'Yl.:J 1 Yliln11ll'Utltl 1 1LV.q) 1 L'li'U.<br />

n11LLU.:JLU'U.111tl.L::L'Ji'U..,.{).JL'U.tl Lil[J LL ::<br />

L'U.'U t\4:: Lii!J1 nu il ilm1V ncit~ ,erv. ru "L v. il<br />

" ..<br />

11).1 "'' ty !Jntl1t!V1.:JL'Iiu)jv, 1!1 1 L~h<br />

l4'u~iiLii!J1~U.:J 'LJL 1tlty1m1n~1!JLLll<br />

V.1tlL).)fl 'LJ).)1fln't'lH~1tJV. ~.:J).JlM11~1tJ<br />

'!flu Lu«" ).J'lY1mt~.:Jfl1mu'LJYlilnt~<br />

1uv.ru"<br />

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L tlu LV. q) L ~u 'llf;J1nnn LLtl.:J.:J1u~n;J::<br />

11Yu<br />

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~1!J'If1uil~n;J:: 'ltlt~~rru~huv. ~.:JL ilu~u<br />

iln<br />

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1111m1~~LV. q)~ "'' ty11 LL).) L'li'U. LL 'w"''<br />

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LU'U.f\'U. ut~n;J1n n m:: L'U.Yl1.:J1' 1111).1<br />

~n..,1).)1U 1'd n11f'f i1YlH1U11tl.Lf1il<br />

LL ::tl1::~ 1 tnL'U.U;J;JU'U. V.:J'Wuv.~n 1'U.<br />

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fl11).JL;J1 tyL'U.Yl1.:JLYl<br />

\t 1Yl!J1).)1nt~u'l).)u~<br />

'r11.:JWLL ::t~'U.Li'l!J ~.:JiJ 11).JL;J1 ty~.:Jn '11 w<br />

t!H'Wil 'lt~tln'U.!JV.'U..:J11Lu'U.<br />

"<br />

'llt~.:J,;t~,<br />

tl11!Jli11).)<br />

k .. .. ' ~· ' "<br />

U1::L'Wmn11V. 't~<br />

'u'l'lLii!J1 iun t1n11 u'Wu<br />

"'11iiLL ::n11\l"'' "'11il<br />

'l tiL-i!LtJu tl1:: 1u-m1 n Jl'tlil u '1'11"1 m1 ru il<br />

'<br />

~'LJ1'U.L;!!J.:J~.:JV.1'iltli11111U LL ::~U1'U.'U.1i1<br />

'<br />

u :: 1uuunm\u~.:Jv.1'il'llt~'U.uriu 1'U.LU<br />

· ,uuffuLv.L~un.:J "m1!ltr11).)" 'tlt~.:J .. ,f1).)<br />

Lunllrn ~L1un11 "t~u1il ' LU DtiHi1<br />

"<br />

L'U.tl L v. nv.1 t~~ 1 v.:: ilt~u tl 1v 11 L ~ ty<br />

L'U.YlHLYl \tf11YltJ1D~Lu1::~u .. " L~ t~<br />

;J1n tl1'ilmL ::Lmt~.:J).Jmmt~.:JLi!t -r<br />

'<br />

1111).Jf)tl tl'U.~.:JlMUi1LtiLuti1 :: LYl fi1-1,<br />

1unl!mf!d.,.f,mnmL~'U.~ 1v.niLL v. · m::<br />

" ~ "<br />

n11LL -lv. 1U'Ut!.:J tl1't1nLu1 'U. 11).1<br />

'<br />


IJ::~~&ttftUL'o\rt ::tM .~\ L~ftWt\l'ft .t.LUt-~11<br />

1/uc- p<br />

'o\llj\U g G ~'o\ fu h.::~ "f1LrU G? 11\\<br />

G~1rtltij1'\_Vtll~t1::ID!l.1\\::~, ~\glA~ ~\<br />

Lt\~L~ ~fl\!1t'P,t~ ~~Ullrt)Jf11\~UH1~9l;t'G "<br />

1\1} 1t' G .t.l; Uf1 .~G ~'o\~~ltf\UL'o\rt ::tM.~\ L<br />

lAM fu ~; L ~1\[} 1LlloLL.IL lAM~(t~ G t.'o\<br />

LII.L !.It Lt..ILt'LlA 1\\f"l V llg11\G1~ ::1\2 RU<br />

fl~9 ~tt .. R U L'o\rt:: LMt' Gil. It Lt.U ~th MU L~<br />

1\~ ',~\ 11G .'r"_;: ~~L~'o\ 1t' .~ t' Gt.l~Uf1LLU1\\<br />

rt LL.ILrl.GllortLtl;::~,rt t.LUf1~ ~t' G!l.Lrt~~ ""'"<br />

t\1} 1 1\t-,\ """11t'LrGt- G t.l;U [1t.LUn.n. ::t.n._v<br />

rtLt!;(lLt\.liL~!llAM t'GWU[1UU~~<br />

I ,._<br />

~·• 11t' GWU f1 "#-1\ll.t' G!l.fu ~L ~L t\ill,l;t\1} 1~ \<br />

t' aru lln.~t,twn_vtll\!1 ::m 11.1\\ ::~ 11 t' .Q11~.Q.<br />

LLUIJ(t~t'LrGLrtllG~11\,Vrtttrac-~ ~ 1\~<br />

... . .<br />

gu~ G ~'o\1\~L 1\ilL,l;~ Jl~1t' ~t\1; ~ \ 1\G~(t~<br />

Lt\ilL!;.ILlAM::LM 1\.(th~t- ~::tut\~ fl&ilL<br />

-~::t.ric- G!l.t\.lft\Gltll,lt il\t,t'~fu ~L tlLt\ilL,l;<br />

1\f: 1LrtL 1\~L,l;!llAMrl.~lllA ~ 1\~,1\\! L 1\ilL,l;<br />

1\L~1'\\ 1\,ll ::~ ,1\,llt' aon n'o\GI,! 1~ ::" HI. U~<br />

I ·• I<br />

fl~t'L rae-Gilt'~ t'~'o\t'Lraugc- GIJ11\L.(\<br />

t' GL!;Uf1LLU ::1\1 RU~ ::~, t'~ 'o\ t'LrGL 1\~L,l;<br />

JlAM::LM~, .~~ ::~ 1\~ 1~1\jlo 1ft LU tw~t'LlA 1\\<br />

1\,Vtll\!11\9t'~'o1.1\9"1}1rtLt!;(llllA~rtl;t' i\~\ L<br />

~ru~~~~t- (aJm(n noaua8owo4)<br />

.<br />

1\,Vt ll\!1rl.rl. ""!}1ft LL.IL 'IW~(l 1\,Vtll\!11\~<br />

t'~'o\ 1\9t\[} 1ft Lt.IL 'tW ~t'LlA 1\l) 1\k\ft~ltltl;IJ<br />

ltlllot\\ 1\II.Lllo~ t.[1::L t.M 1~t' ~ 119f1~~11\g<br />

GL'o\ 119f1~1Lrt tf1 1<br />

·- ..<br />

..<br />

!;t-~ 1\P,-1 UL~'o\JlL~'o\<br />

rtl;t' )1t\1}1MLll ilflftW" LRLllllL~ 'o1.) 1\~L!11<br />

IlL~ 'o1. 1\llollt~n. G U ::tf1L~it"t'~ JllA ~rtl;t'..,<br />

1\,Vt'L\tL~.!t~ 1\~ 1::~ t~,1\,VIlt .1191\1\;LGI1911G1<br />

LliiJllt\\ 1\L.(\ 1\G~ 1 i;lA 1::Lf1t' G!l.rtl;t' »n.,V<br />

JllA~rtl;t' i\rl.ll!d-1n.ll~f11L"l ll~~UL'o\LQ<br />

1\.(t~~~Ntt\~Lrt<br />

~GlAUlt~~t\~,1\\!t' G!l.::LM ~1ft LL.IL Mt~ t\1}1<br />

1\,Vt lllt11\~t'~'o\ 1\~1\[} '"I! urtg u 1\~ ra!l ~<br />

t' C!!l.rl.,Vt\L ~11ft ~11.!t~\6, LrtL!!o1~t' G!l.rt LL.IL<br />

-tw~L!\~WL!:l'o1.1M 1\,V ~ t'L\6L~t11l,lti11\\<br />

JllA~t' GIJ11\\ LrtL[lo1flL91\G~l;1G&~~ 'o1. ,U~ ~~<br />

LftLJlo 1~ ~ 1\~L!1111L~ 'o\1\ll.t' !!11.1\L~ 'o\U~ 1\1}1<br />

' . .<br />

L~\6, t\? Gt\L~L~ ::G~~~~L!l.1UGlA 1ULHrt<br />

G~'o\ 1\~,l;lA 1::t.f1ULHrtllL.Q1\G~\;1MilMG~<br />

mMt.tn.UL~LrtllL~G~m~bG&'o\1\Lg'o\u"<br />

Hft~~t\.(\~~f\ "\ JllA ~ 1\\; ::LLM, t' ~H \,4,<br />

!!11.1\Li U ~ 'o1.G\6~,llo~t' G ~11\f: 1~ ti:J ,tll~1<br />

t-LrGc- 11~ 1\6111llA ~ L!111\f: 1~1\llo::LM ~1LRU.,<br />

tLUt' 11~ 116111\_t\ 1t'~L~ LL1JllA ~t' GIJ1n\ 1\fl. 1<br />

t' LrG ~\ 1\fl.11\f: 1ft LL.IL 1\rtt~ ;:g,rt(;t' i1HlA<br />

. LLULtw~(lt\,!\1\llt'G~t\\ t\..,1\Lrt1\L!1~ ~ t'L\6<br />

1 I ~ I<br />

Lgt 1t'tP,1\\ L~~LRU~t'~t~,t\G~fu~L~t\1}1<br />

~t' G~G &'o1.t\~,1\\!t'G~11\\L"l LL~~t'GJtL~<br />

rt, 14, L'o\t'1\'o\ 0 1l1\ U. L111~, '.IL1\U. L111Gt.'o\t'1\'o\<br />

I ~ ~ r , ~· I "" ~- I P r<br />

rt~U~\ rt~U1\llo~1\_t\1t'~ ;:~ ~~t\1!;LGI1911G1<br />

1\\ t' Glj11\L.(\t' G!l.rtl;t' i1 ;:g, rtt ilL .l; ~::Lf1<br />

LRU~LLU1\J"' ~ •1\.!t1\f:111PJ1g1Lrt~~Gglt<br />

• -Qf1~~;:g, 119f1~~11\g,l;lA1::t.f11\\1\~1g,<br />

t\jlo1t'~ (S3!l3!JOS (CJn(d) UW'o\JlLgwt(;t'<br />

1\1}1 L~.ntL~UHGV t~,t'GL!;Uf1LLU<br />

.ILIA~ ;:g 11L 1\ilL,l;t' (!fl,g Mg ug ~JtUL 'o\LQ ~1\jlo 1<br />

MLll i1 1\,ll f1 11\f1rt i111 LLUIJ ;:g,1\,VrtttrG<br />

. " "<br />

11\~L!1'Jllg 'o\~ 'o1. 1(t'o\J1Lg 'o1. 1\IIJ,3~Lli1Jll1\1}1<br />

L~1,4~tL~Ut'~ t~,t\L 1\L.ij.rGt-!:l'o\ 1~U~'o\t'~<br />

'1 1\~L!11 JlLg 'o1. 1\l;t' G!l.lll~t\G~l; 1 LLUIJ<br />

Lrt L!l. 1<br />

Ill! l\rG LU Lllo;: Lf1(l L~\6, lllrt U Lrt'}l t.J\rt i1<br />

. . ~<br />

rt~G !dot'~ 'o1. "flt'Lt!l.t'L .~U ~ 1\~(l ~1\ m LG<br />

llPJ1 G 11; Lll IJlr LU Lllo;: Lf1t' G!l.llL~ ::tu t.LU<br />

1\L~t\\t'~'o\LLU ::tf1U g ;:g, LrtL!!o1~U Gt\lllll<br />

1\li.Lllo::t.f1 ;:g,t\~t-!! ,1,41\\ 1\li.Lllo::t.f1t' L~'o\::L<br />

1\~rt t.t. !11\rtt _t. ;:g 11rt~t' ~~t'LlA Lt.ilt' i1 t.LU<br />

~~'~\ L~Lrtf1V~fui1LLU(l~t'~ 'o1. ""f: 1t'~<br />

t'~'o\t'LlAUg~ t'~lllrt'o\t'~ .,UGG1\~~ .. rl.,V<br />

t'~'o\HlA ll9~1rGf11 ;:g, 1\,ltt. 1<br />

U&U 11\!11\g<br />

~".!t~t'~ "Ultt\~::tt , t'L~'o\::.ut~;LM!;t.LU<br />

t'LlA 1\ . ~11\rl. rac-~~1\1\;LGilPJ1G1 i;lA 1 ::t.[1rt~ U<br />

rtt ~L,l;IJlrt'LlA::t\Lll ilrtL~1\,llL~G~1 ,<br />

1\~1\1}1 ll&1g1Lrtt'G!l.t'~'o1.1\t~::g,<br />

1\Qf1~~ 11911~~11\g ~11~~ 91\1\;LGI1&1G1<br />

Ot;r<br />

::LU1~ 'o\::g, ll&1~1Lrtt'G!l.t'~'o1.1\t~n._v ntfu<br />

tl~ .utll.1 L(tM JllA~ ~11~~ ~t\1!;LG119f1G1<br />

(b'o1.\t\\!1\!1i1 Gl;t rt~U ~ 1\f:1UGGt'f\,;:~<br />

t'~ t\lA11 .. ~1\1!;LG119f1G1, L~L~,HLrtt\,Y.<br />

tg11 IU.l1~L~Ut! 11\,VLMt'~t\.(t~~!:\1\\ llULllo~<br />

U,l\ tst 11 f1 ~ G\' U gt- G it UU lllrt 'o\rt Lt!;(l ~<br />

L~1\!}1::H"(t~t'~ .,1\~~11\g, L~L~t\_t\t'~<br />

..<br />

1\~ G e'o\ll\!11\grt Lt..IL 1\ltt~t' Gll.t'~'o\ t\t~t\1} 1<br />

~l;Lli1Jll1\\t'Gij11\Lf.l. "<br />

;:~,1\li.Lllo::t.f1 L~.!t\<br />

tL~U~\L~HGftW1\f1.1::1URU~ "fl!1~<br />

t'G!l.::1\l 4'\U t:Jt\1}1~~1 .~\ L~rGIJ~\!1t'Grt.n.,V<br />

1\L ~11ft il11Lrt L!l. 11\M 1U G~ 1 t.LU 1\f: 1 ::~!'"<br />

ft\llg 1~rt'o\t'~!!o\ Lrtrl._tllU1\f:1.!t\L'o1.~ L~1'\1\<br />

11~11\g ;:g ,1\~rt t.U .IlLLGn.~LLU ;:g11LitLJ!. 1<br />

J1Lg 'o\~M, ::~11\!11\\!;:g,~rt LL.ILilllG~t\G~<br />

. .. .. '<br />

1\llort~ un._v Lt.~t' i1G\'~~;:~~LLU1\\ ll LLrtL<br />

fu ~ L ~~ 1\Lit\~ t\1} 1n.,t\tJ.t\jlo 11\grttt.Jt\ltt~ t\\<br />

rt Ltl; 1\L 1\L,i-Lrt t' lll;t 11\G ~ W U\ 1\L.(\ n._v<br />

G\6~\!t.LUIJ ~ ~~ 1 Hrarat~Uil".!t~(t~~b<br />

I 1\<br />

1\f: 1L~.!t~ tl~UHG::I:111 t~ ,rae-!!11\ltt'G!l.<br />

. . ..<br />

rt Lt.J llLLGIJUL'o\ 1\G\! 1L(l~\!Lllo1\llofl.l,.lt\ 1\,l\<br />

., 1\~ ~11\g ,. 1\\ t\lloLII.::tf1L~.!t~ 1\~ 1~\~;:~ ~<br />

GM t' !!1~ ~ L,W1t-LrGLrttL~U~rtLlt<br />

~Grt il11t\ll<br />

' ~<br />

~t'tlloLLil,lt ~1\\ 1\~[1~ ~t' Gfl,g M~lAgn.~n~<br />

llL~~tg(l~ t'G11\G~G~Lt..lltw~1\\t'G~1<br />

t' G!l.t\1} 1!d-Ult~f1g ~t\,1\UGt\ rtL 1\~llt 1tll,<br />

"<br />

' ..<br />

raLrtt' GIJ1 LLUt' Ll.4,1l,V~.!t~ t\,!1 ~t'tlloLLUtM<br />

.. '<br />

L~tL~ U t.LUIJt' ~1\~ ~t' tlloLLil.(t ilt\\ 1\~ 1~,io<br />

..<br />

~\; Lll IJlrt\\ 1\li.Lllo::Lf1rl.,ll 1\~tlllot' L~ 'o1.::t<br />

11\~rt»rtLtl; ~\ G~11\\!1-t't\f:1t'Gfl1t\~M<br />

"<br />

t'LrG~~1\~1g, 1\,!\ .. n~~ 1<br />

ng , L~Uilt.1<br />

11~ LGt' G ~1\~ 1\_t\~\ g 1 ::tAtt!l.11\\t' GIJ 11\L.(\<br />

..<br />

r\1.1 G\'~\!Lf't LLUL~\6, t\1} 1(t~g 1 ::tAG&1t\\!1<br />

..<br />

t\~1\l; 1\,!\ ~ Ut,::n::t.t\\ L~Hh.::UULt.rL1<br />

~ tL!Lt' G!l.lli1UG1 1\G1\""t-LrGt~,g1::lA 1\\<br />

.<br />

Gt.11\\!1llU1\\ llllrtL~LW(l~im\ 1\llolllo::t{l<br />

G~;~ 1\J't\,llt'~ G\'~\!Ll UIJ ::LU1~ 'o1. ;:g,(b ""'\<br />

1\\!t\!1111\n.t'~ ~ t'L\'t\llt'G~LlbrG~ ~ht\\<br />

~ I I ~

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::~, JlL~L~ 1t-L~~::tnl/fl~lllnn~~rn,uu<br />

t-~ 1".H~I1t~::tf1::~,, ~h.tli.M1~~~t'l<br />

ltJI. 1n\llL~C' Gftlltt' I! ~1 np. 1~jo.~~ n~ 1C'LrG<br />

1J ~ f1 ~ t~ nJ~.Lllo:: tf1J'\~:: t "\ t~ 1H' G tt; U f1<br />

n~nllor.~::tnu n~llj111Ltl;IJ tLUUL~UGt\<br />

t\~C' 'tu L) 1 ::tMC' GJI.L~ gJ~.Lt::tMJ'\~ flU.~<br />

9~£tUt'L~~::ttt.l/lllll~~~UU::Q11nlt'C'\611<br />

tLUt'~tL~U~ n~u::tMGilt'G~1 t\flo1 LllllBG<br />

-~l.tC'Wil~»!6111llA.~~t;"ltttn\ lllA.~IlL~C'LlA.<br />

llLJI.Lt 1~11 ~ 11~~'»~tt.\,lt11 flLI1ULilLI1ULil~ t\ijo<br />

~11 . Lll1L~C'LlA.Liltt.rn~UtM t\~C"iUL~1<br />

t' GJI.» tGl 1'\,Vt' GIJ1"'- .~9 ~ltj\ Ut' GJI.» t!ll<br />

"-I} 1 ~llLJI.Ll 1t' L~ ~::t tt.,V tt.,Got'(l-11 tLUIJL~~<br />

9~£tUL~gli.Lt::tMt'GJI.t\LC'C'\611UUC'~tL~U<br />

~tli.M 1t' M 11LY~~~t' lt'~ n~ (1~ t\~U.L nrljo<br />

~~~t'l~J1.1n\ tt.L(tt\~t\LU.!) Gl1»1rG~~~<br />

mw 11~ n~::~ 11flU. ~tLJI.t-J4 "-I},~ tt.li.LJI.::tf1<br />

fl LflllBG~1~C'l t'&1fU,l\M~~ltJI.1"'-\rG<br />

ULil~UG~flG,t»C"Ltt.::Wt-~L~C'Jl~"(t~~~<br />

"\t' ~::tUlt11::Lt_M1 Ll11lG~1tt.t;C'GJI.L~HlA.<br />

ll Ltot;n\rGt-,ll~ULil ~U G~flG_}»t' L n::tM<br />

..<br />

C' G~ 1 l4 LJI.G~1t' G ~ 1"'-\ n_v ~~tLUIJ('t~fl~l<br />

lllA.~C'GIJ1"'-\t'G.WUf1t\~~l/~tLJI.C'L~~::t<br />

ntt-t-~t11 uun\~ "kU't,tlllLtt;t-~ n~ '~\t'~»,,<br />

C' r Jl. ULil'~UG~IlG t »C"L n::tMGt;t\~ lllltJ;l U<br />

~ ... ,#.., _..<br />

L~gli.Lt::tM tt.l} 1 ~~ 111 ::tM~~ ~L t\JI.C'~ nr<br />

C'I1L ttflL»Lt~o1::tMt'Gt1::LM~1fl~1· ~t'GI11<br />

~. i. 4 r , •<br />

f1~~\t»1t-t,t.::tM::~11 t'~L~flL»L~1::tM.t-G~1<br />

np. 1 t~ 11Lflll Btl ~J;t t; tt.::tMC'L_}kltLU fl.(t »<br />

.<br />

tt.G~ t\Lt\L~fllA.~C'GIJ1"'-\C'~~11U~~C":ttL11L!f1<br />

~tlli.IJL~ n~ 1~\ h.::tt-G ~1flL~ ~ t\lft' GJ.4fllfl1)<br />

t\~~G~lt tL~tLJ.tt'M t\Lt\L~C'LlA.tLUG~1<br />

flu.~n~,n~n\!iUUf1ft~ ~"P.'"'-j."'-!1.<br />

.. ..<br />

Ufl11t'ft 11 tLUt' GJI.::"l R U» C' ~ l4 Lll.t'L\ttLJI.<br />

11,Vtt.Lt'C'\611tLUtt.\ tfl~1t-)lft~ ::~11t~~ ~ "'-,1\<br />

0 ..<br />

R R<br />

LJI.Mill/t'GJI.t' »nj.nli.L~\611 llt)lt'GIJ1n~tLJI.<br />

.. ..<br />

1'\,V t\LC' C'\611 ::~ 11 llLJI.LJI tLU L~t'~ ~ 11 U» ~t'Jf<br />

(1~ L_Q. 1~~ t\~tLJI. "'-~;11,VG\6~14flLJI.LJI tLUIJ<br />

R o<br />

LJI.Mil,VL~J'\::t~ 6£91. 'l.f' M G~1 tt;n::tM<br />

R 1\ 1\<br />

C'GI11nG~1f1~~ltlA.ni}1C'~ ntULJt~ LJI.Mill/<br />

l.tU.1::tf1tt.\ n~nl}11lLtf111Ltf1C'~LV!!o\t'GJI<br />

• 1\<br />

"'-l/t' ~1'\tC' ~ n~ n,~t;11t' G tt;Uf1.t:l9~lt£tUI1~<br />

C' ~11~.Q.t'G~1!:t~~~LI1G\6::~11 ~GIJ1tt.l}1~<br />

n~~o11D.na ,~~,c-~ ~ ,,u»\\c-!f1~~ n~tL!I.L~<br />

nt.&u»~"IJ~Il&1~~1 n~J.tu.1:: _tf1'11\ np.1 llt)l<br />

t-GIJ1"'-~Mr.,Vnf1::f1ntc-C"~t11~~c-~tt L t'L\6<br />

t' GIJ111LltL~tLUt'~~11U» ~C":tttLUIJ 9tt.1t;LG<br />

11&1 G1t;Lll1Jlr"'-\ t' GIJ1nL~t' ,QLI1UGGLll1L<br />

Gt 1t'\611 flLJI.L~tLUtt.L ,'I"'-\ tLU~U llLilJI.t\<br />

L~t1::fl::ttt.I}1::LtM1 Lilt'~ B~ ~~Ultltl.t<br />

-lllA.Mtt.\ t'G~~t'tJI.Ltll~»flL~f1t\Glt\611t'JI<br />

n~ 1~j.JI~ n~ 1~1111 .~1~fllA. ~J;U. 1::tf1 "'-\ t\JI.LJI.<br />

-::tn,. ::~ 11t' Gll1tt.LJ'\J'\Illln~ ... ... x, p:#:- lA.~UtR -<br />

tJ.t1::~11<br />

llt;t' ,tlt' LU.1 t\~ll,tlllLtt;llLlt ~ t~t-LrG<br />

fllA.~l.tlA. 1::tf1"'-\ i,tt- Gn.G;~<br />

1\<br />

n~t;11t' GJI.Il ttlli'\GJI.Il~lt'G WUf1~tt.I}1L~ "'-,1\<br />

..<br />

~t'G::tM9~lt£tUt'Gtr._ttt.~ L~t\~1~\t-~»11<br />

\&t' 8 "-I} 1t\,l\t\~t' GJI.t\U. 11 1'\ Glt UU "-I} 1<br />

0 0 ..<br />

t'GJI.~\tLU::~11tLUL"l ttl'\t'G~t;11'\_tllGil<br />

tLu L c-Gn,rG~n~c-G~n\c-Gwu 11 ~mt~<br />

9~-f\UJ'\,V~\ Lll L t'L\tt'GJI.t' 08"'-LlA.JI.Lt::tM<br />

u~~n~~UMWtnu.::~, fu~u~~ uut.~,<br />

IJL~t 1G;~ t\~t\~11nrl~f11tLUIJ~L~t 1~\<br />

1\<br />

n~ ~ttMtUlLta1f1~~lA.t' ;'1 t\flo1 UUt'LlA.t\1}1<br />

t\~1'\,VltlAtLUt' LlA.G\6 ~I! tLUIJt' ,llt\,1\L~Ut' ~<br />

.. 0<br />

t' GIJ1n~M~11~\ I1Ul.Lill'\)l::.t.(1C'G~1 11~~ L~<br />

tM11L 11 U.ll1::tf1LJI"'-8L l\~tt.)Jtfl~1::"1JI.\611<br />

t\~t\1}1 ylt,tlLJ1.1 ylti)t'l\~ t'~ 11G~~~ "f'o1<br />

L(\t'GJI.lA.l/1::l{1LJit\8UUt'GJI~ ~1'\l/llUI.LJI<br />

tLUIJ~L~ ~ 1t' G1J1tt.L.(\ L~ t\Gt\1\ 11t' LrG~~<br />

.. ..<br />

J'\LtlA.Lt1 t\~t'GJI.U~t\.(\tLUUL~ "'-8t'~fllA.~<br />

l.tU.1::t.f1tt.\t'GIJ1nL~nl}1nt~~~~1 UIIG~~<br />

::~11 llll~1t'~~LI1t'~ t8::flt-»~ \!f11~1ltl<br />

I .. I ,<br />

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~i n~n~tt.~t;11 n~~ll~tL!l t'~tL~UtLU<br />

np.1t-J1 L nfmJin\ntiu»~G;~u»UG1L~u~<br />

flU. ~J;U. 1 ::tf1"\ tt.t;t' GJI.I11l~111ltlll'\ nn.::~ 11<br />

Lt\~LJ; t'Gtt;U(1tLU t\~t;11n~11 t'GIJ1tt.LJ'\<br />

t'~J'\LtlA.~~ Lt1~\ L~LI1t'~t'~ ~t'tli.Ltll.(t »<br />

\*11t' ~'tt~t LILt' C!JI.U!¢ '11.(\~HLU ~LUlt » ~<br />

"'--~ !t11L11 J! 't1~11'tt~n \ ULJI.L~ Ll1 LJ,I. 1't1~ 't1<br />

~ ~l R t l.t 1 :: ~ 111lt;t' ,tlt' LU. 'tt\ 't1~11.V 1 tl ~11,..<br />

llLtt;l1~ 't1Jl'l1 Ull t\ltt~t'LIA'tt\ ll~lt\~1'\,V<br />

1 t\~lln)} flU.~ l.tlA. 1 ::tf1 'tt\ 't1JI.LJI. :: tf1~::"l JI.G<br />

1\<br />

tL~U t\~1ft~t'GI1t'~ t~_liU\PG~t'G?1"'-1}1<br />

mr.)Jtll~1~!611 t~t'L~pG~C'G?1nl}11l~1nG<br />

J'\~tll~1~t'G?1 llUUf1<br />

-"lttt flULJ.tlRU~ Ltt.»LJ.tt'G,&1 "f'o1 L~U<br />

~jo~~ n~ ,~ 11fl\!1'tt~t'LU.J'\)Jtll~ 1~ ntiu~ ~<br />

::LtM 1~np.1'ttl} 1~ L~UULilll\!1"'-~t'LlA.~\ tt.»<br />

- . '<br />

(1~ n~!b~\ t\t;'lnt;::LtM 1 t'~tL~UW\IJft~<br />

L~\611 11\!1"'-~t'LU.L~Utt.Gr~t-~11~ t\L tt.LH-Lil<br />

lllA.~t'GIJ111JJ1"~i111Ltt;1J~C' ~~n~<br />

t'G1t\,t\ tt.~M Glt1Yt~U<br />

' ..<br />

tt.t; ~lum Lt111!611LillllA.~I1t;t' ~1'\)J 1"'-M11<br />

ll Ltt;lllA.t'<br />

, :' r 'tt~ll~ U nll.t' llM 1 ::LM ~1tL~ U<br />

I , I<br />

GJI.t'~~)JL~RL~::lULl\~IJ~~n\ t'G1n~<br />

tt.,Vtll!!'"~t-~~n~nl}11lttllM&~IJ::Q11 lllA.~<br />

I !1. o<br />

J;U. 1 ::tf1 t\~11"'-~"'-\!~G~Il~ U IlL~~ t\JI.LJI.::tf1<br />

UL~ ::L lM1t\1}1\611 lt~~ ... GLJ1.1UG~1tU 11<br />

UL~ Lll Ill ~t\G~t;1L~ t\)J G~ 1 ~tfl\!1) n~L~1<br />

t\lt"U L~ Lll ~IJ~~ft~~n~U Ut\~ LlliJ ~IliA.~<br />

llttllmt~~1111t;t' lt'GJI.UULmt~ L~n~'~\<br />

~::~G~ 1~p.ttll~~t-LrGLI1tL~U~Illlt<br />

~n~uiA.nHI1<br />

t'G~1G\6tLUIJ~\L~ Glt~fU,I#Lp~::~11 t'~f\11<br />

nil~ f1 1 tLU G\tlll~ ::~1~nr~~~;:,u R U »IJ lllA. ~<br />

l1l,;t' ,P~\ L~ ~"f'o'~Q11lt;t' ,tlt\1}1~lLUt' Gil.<br />

1\ •<br />

~11 llt~C'Gtt;U(1tt.j.Gl~t' »njott.f}1~~t;t;J'\<br />

,. ., "' • I<br />

.. .. ..<br />

't1Lt't'\611HGtt.,V)n~L~1t'L\6~"'-ll. ~Q11lt;t'<br />

J'\~t\Lt't'\611 tLUt' ~lltt~t' ~ ~~ tt.)Jnf1::f1<br />

"-I} 1t'~"l Ltl11!6111llA.~Ilt;t' ,t1 ::"1 RU» llt~<br />

n.vtll!!'l1t;t'.tl"'-\rG~ L c-t 16 nll.t-~LI1t'~~,,<br />

~~~~~'LVI!LJI.t' G; '"'-\ ~ll~ ,t'.tftWt-a;'"'-\<br />

1 I I I<br />

U~ VtLtt; Jl~t'GWUf1LilL!l-1tt.)Jnll~f11~» 11<br />

MG~ 9 ~ltf\U~ U ::tltn\rG~~1t'G~tt.I}1L~<br />

ft~~fu h.IJ_b tll\!1 ~t'tli.L t~ ll~ 1n)J G\t ~I!<br />

~t'tl4t\~J'\ ~t'G~ ::~~LJI.LttlA. 1nl}1 ::"1 A U»

L\4L'IJ91~~~"~ L'll\4 L'U1fl::Lil[JU Ln1::\4ll 11<br />

LL~::L'IJ1fl13.Jv-3 '1VLUI.lll\4<br />

..<br />

~~n 1WY11-3Ltlfl ,-,~LL fl-3LiL~\4tl-3<br />

fl11ll ll \4b'Yl1-3 -3 m::w:h-3;J\4LL ::L'YlV<br />

~fl~R,flL ~\4 "OJ:: LliLLflL ~ v -3Yi-,:: L 1~'Yltl "~"<br />

iivrJL\4Yi-3 11fl1.,L'Y1V 1t~mu'Vi1::<br />

~<br />

-,::-,1'11<br />

Yi-3fl11fl1-,n-,-3 1tlV1iV1uUU1t41'"'91 ~-3<br />

' '<br />

1~llma~lJViL~mL'Vi.,·n\4L~m-!1, ~ 1~<br />

mh1n-3Yi1:: 1v1 '1Jv-3mf'il1v'tt4t~\4LLfl\4;J\4<br />

v-3~~\i.., L~tlm\4-,L'Yl "OJ1nU1\4Liiv" ~"<br />

~<br />

L li"OJ 1t~Vfltl-3L-,tl<br />

"1L111ll1~-3U1\4Llltl-3L\4<br />

~\4LLfl\4L'YlV Lllv-3~m" tHw~ii Uflfl1U<br />

~"mRn:: \4tn n-,1m1'1f LL~nvu-, fivll1<br />

'<br />

' '<br />

1~iim1~wmtimt4 LL ::~m .,.,~,_t4m1u<br />

L 1v-3L ihih V'Vi_,::., 1'1f'Y11\4 'Vi-,:: 11 t~1 L~L 1fn •<br />

RmR~1V mf'mVv-3 ~~"141m -3Yi1::\41ll<br />

·:h 'li11D'Ylv-3 ~~-3"0J1m..ln<br />

1v-3Lilv-3nvui<br />

~ ' '<br />


~1~-tlmwrn1uflt~u~-m -n~t~~'YlT5 fl177~<br />

~ 18 Ju L~LL L~um-,Lnfl'llt~~n 'll'llu~<br />

'<br />

tl£lll1fl£l'I1U'iu mn ~ 1u th:: L 'Yl L 'YlfJ '1<br />

1~ qjdJU'I1UtlH'I11fl1flfJL;4 1::'1111~'\.4 LiJU<br />

nt'lmu~L~DllL~hf~nu'!lw~ t.lnmt~~ u ::<br />

'<br />

t.l7::'111'11U li'l'l llfl1 1flm ~fl~m-, li1'1J1VL i:Ju<br />

'<br />

-,:; 'I.J'I.JLfl'l ~ 'n;J~t~rl1unn~n'll1fi'IJ£l ~'11u<br />

~ ~ ~<br />

iut.Jnmt~~ '!lun 'llvi£l~1L~t'l,~~~ii 11ll<br />

'<br />

ttl! ui~1vt~ciH .. non~<br />

LLt:~::tln~u1nL'll1<br />

~<br />

L tluR1U ~~~'Uti~-,:; 'I.J'I.J'l1'11n17 ~a t1 n<br />

uv~~~LL~~DV71ll nunu'llui'u t.l n mt~ ~<br />

~<br />

~ULtl~ LM''I.J~'Yl WLfl~1unn '1~U1UL'l£lU<br />

finJ~n17LUU'IJ171'11n17LL ::'IJUUH~'Yl1<br />

'<br />

~\t1~WLfl~ m;Jn ~11L~11'11Uiut.Jnmt~~<br />

L -duL ~1U 1fJLLt:~::'IJUU Hiin17 LLtl~~1U t.J:; UU<br />

'<br />

nu'I1Unt'l~Luuvit~li1Ull1nn11nnL~fJ1'1J£l~<br />

'<br />

n'I.Jt.l7::'111'11U 1flfJ,.f1L t.J<br />

L ~fld ~1\~ L nfl·<br />

'<br />

nt'lll~LUU '\t:~t~fi1~1J" 1u~t'lll'11U,fu~ 1<br />

' ' ~<br />

'Utl~th::L'Ylfl LL ::'11unt'lllULtl~~ 11~\nfl<br />

. '<br />

Yl'Yl1iflfl177if~ 18 LL :: 19 ~~L~UL~;J1n<br />

'<br />

Li£l~•,·n::L~1~'Yltl~LUU9iU ~11LUUL~tl 1fJ<br />

'Utl ~flU ~ULL ::u~n11ttUtJ ~m::'I.J11llfl11ll<br />

'<br />

RlJWUii nun'I.Jm'l Lnfl'lltl ~Llltl ~1~1! ~, tl<br />

11lnnntltut.J-, ~ti1uLim~1~1l L-rlu Uflfl1i1<br />

'<br />

UfnflH'l'lll'l1'11 ntJ'I.J'l L'W'Il'l'I.J'l 'I.JHntln<br />

' ' '<br />

'W'l::Uf'l'lfl'ltltJ1ifJ1 n1LL ~L'W'Il'l ~ 1'll~fJ<br />

'<br />

'<br />

LLt1::Liltl~'W7::um~ 1~1ut.J-,::m nll'W'I11<br />

~<br />

~1u iit~ll L-du11Ufl17 1Ltl1i11 m7~n~1<br />

~<br />

tl~fl11~ ~lJWU J5'Yl1~Lrn tl ty1~1unmLt\~~1U<br />

nu 1'1.47::~11~n<br />

L'YltJLLt:l::t.l'l::L'Yl 1n rn~1u<br />

mUtlHLLfl~unu 1ut.J-,::L'Yl<br />

UJ'W'Ylli fl177~<br />

'<br />

~ 18 LLt:~:: 19 LUUtlV1~~~ 1flfJL;4'W1::fl11lJ<br />

R'llwut-,::~1H~ 1'll~v t~1v1iu1 ufiHJ'l-<br />

'<br />

'<br />

1i'l'lll'l1'11 LLt:~::Li:Jtl~'W'l::Ufn fl1lJYi'W'l::fJ1<br />

ii~1Un '11L~rlt~u~::ll'fi~UflfiW'W1m::~11~<br />

• : ~~- -~~ • ;• - ~ -- - • --. •',! ' I<br />

•<br />

.,-.. .. ' •. ·' . . ... . • :··.,t;~'D- ~-,<br />

Jt. . • • • ,.. ..... ~V·"' ..<br />

~--~""·*·:.... .• ~-~<br />

....,...., . :· • - • • . .. - •• . ~ • • ,j<br />

111J~\W1J1\ujn~"'1~\Jn Dn11"'11J1Ih"1u 'D

U1\4~n'!111U1\4L\41'1Jflf~~~ ~~~,<br />

uwfl~l~~~\4~rt<br />

Vi lltJtJW ~On~'l\4no~~fiu 'rillu7n<br />

village hou e in Ph ngng provan e . •<br />

Innuen ed by the hou e made from n uve maten I<br />

of the e rly 'hin e immigrant euler an thi provan e.<br />


L1 il\4 Yi~n£l1f!IJ \\4L'Ilf1Lli£l.n::\4£l ~<br />

llfi'u~'rln'i 11nU1\4UtJ\J \4<br />

L1 £l\4'f11.41h1lJtn4\4 Yithll£lfl::~1~~<br />

t~w~'fl\1~~, L<br />

tlu «nl:t m:: fl1lJU ut/4u<br />

hort t reel row<br />

of hop-hou e 1 Taku\1<br />

hung Da tra 1, Phangng pro.>vince.<br />

following a hine. e tyle.

i ~ ~f.\.r.t.t~t.IHU. M!tnt-1 G~pf1kG!*t-~<br />

I. t'L~Ut'Lfl

two- torey hine e work hop t<br />

m Pheng, B ngkok.<br />

den ely popul ted inner city neighb urhood<br />

• The inhabitant mu t therefore ontent them. elve<br />

with growin pot-plant ,<br />

_a can be een on the upper torey in front of the grill window.<br />

tl1 11'f1\4~1U\J\Jfin1u ~t51Lil£lfl::~1~~ t~~~ ~~~1<br />

commeri I bu1lding of the h1ne e type t akua I hun D1 trid,<br />

Ph ngnga provin e, on the \i e t oa l.<br />


p<br />

L~G~Utf.\ ~\ ~Llll6!1.1't\t L~U~t 't\~L ~~ 't\1} 1<br />

.. .,. 11 16!/ll.llL~ ~ lllll U Lrt 't\t 't\l..~ IJ Lft f.\::~ 11<br />

fu Grt .t.U}L m LGl6!1.1't\t ::~n 111.4~~1.4 1::.t.f1C' Gil.<br />

C'L~ U~Llll6!1. 1'1'\t L\t't\~ULHrtt' G~lC'~pt'LU.'t\~1<br />

't\ll~f\ 1.t.lU 't\1.4 11 t.~tL 't\ ::It::~ 11 l6 .t.::llC' Gil 1<br />

'<br />

C' .Qf\ ~hhllUC' GIJ1UL& Ur\ 't\~1C' LU. 't\~l't\1} 1L<br />

11~(11::~, C'~l6~ ~ llG~t'~!J"'LU.'t\~1~\LLU<br />

Ll\ G~ ll,lt )1 't\ t\&11 C' ~C' ~ll LWrtli.L .t.ll.t.t ~<br />

• ~IHlH\~ \ (& '

6v<br />

11~ 1 t\~1'1prnw!Jt-~~ "ll~;t,~uv~u. 1::t[1<br />

::1;11 llU.\C.Lfl!t!1.1t\\11M.~ ~ t'L\6L),m~::t;11<br />

Ut;1 ~II' J1UUU11~'\lLll11 G ~1 lljLt1lJ.1tl t\g<br />

::1;11 lljLt11;1LI'1 t\j1-1t'll\i1~U\l6U.1::t[1t'.Qf1\<br />

Ut;1 ~II' »L!-t llUt\\ U.LI1lA.I1(3 "!/t\Q 1 IliA. \II'!lll1t\\<br />

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t'~~ 1 ~t'tli.Ltt'~nt\,~tlM.tU~ G\ttL~U<br />

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-1'1t\M.::tM. GlHntli.M. 1t'LU.Ilt.ltJOlUL~I'1::tM.<br />

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1'1Lt~t'~t\~ 1 .~\ t\.\\1tl~Ut\t_ti lt~t t\"'11,C\ ~<br />

LllihG t.Wt' 'tu tL!ttLWt' M.t'~I'1U ~~L~1t' lU<br />

tLII.t'G!l.tLU ~\L~G&~ ~~li.Lt1'1tti~l6l~t\<br />

t'GI'11t\Lt\L~ ~. 16lA.1::t[1t'!Jf1\ ,;htli.M.1t'GIJ1<br />

UL~UGGI'11l~1UL~ltU.li.LliJ~\ "<br />

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1'1Lt~t'~ t\~ 1 .~\t' lt)}11~t'~~t'LrGU~t\LiU» ~<br />

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f,lt\~ t\G~ti'1Ht\L~fJil~1t'~li.Ltl'1ttH<br />

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1:'!!~1t\WL,t\'o\l..~ ~»u1ltt[11 tLll.llL»G~1<br />

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Lrtt\~t\f: 1 l ~~11gtrtLt::~\t1rt »fl!: »\&111:'~<br />

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t\trl!u L tU tl:'!f ~ U t MI:'LI1 rt 1!1!J11L~U Ulrt<br />

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t\l!ll1Lrtl:' L\.4 t\~1 ::1U t; ::~ 111! '1\ t1t 1~ MilL t\1.4U L~<br />

1:'~ '1\ '\t\t\~t\1!\tlllllh!!nLt ~'11.\ L~ .~\tl~UI!M<br />

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The Chin.ese of Thailand<br />

Srisakara Vallibhotama<br />

Thai- hine e relation are a<br />

old a tho e with India. The rea on<br />

why few writer have made thi tat~<br />

ment i that mo t people are more<br />

intere ted in the culture that came<br />

from India -- the religion , the writing<br />

y tern , literature, language and the<br />

art . Thai- hine e relati n however<br />

travelled along ocial and e anomie<br />

path . The hine e have traded in<br />

Indo- hina ince the beginning of the<br />

hri tian ra. Written record kept<br />

by the hine e ince th T'ang Dyn -<br />

ty are the be t ~ idence we have concerning<br />

the life of the people in thi<br />

region.<br />

Thu we learn from hine e<br />

writing that the port town and petty<br />

tate in thi region participated in a<br />

two-way trade with hina whereby<br />

good could be e changed. The<br />

hine e traded atin, length of ilk,<br />

and de orative article with the nati<br />

for fore t good uch a cented<br />

wood , bee ' wax, animal kin and<br />

horn etc. wl'iich were taken back to<br />

hina.<br />

There were al o formal diplomatic<br />

relation with hina. With a<br />

change of king a diplomatic mi ion<br />

would be ent, bearing gift , to the<br />

mperor of hina who would have<br />

the fact recorded and in turn would<br />

end pre ent to the new kina. We<br />

can ee from thi that hina gave<br />

recognition to the institution of kinghip<br />

in the principalitie and mall<br />

tate that were Thailand in tho e<br />

52<br />

time .<br />

Thai- hine e o ial and e o­<br />

nomi relation become apparent<br />

toward the end of the ung Dyn ty,<br />

i.e. in the 13th century. Thi wa a<br />

time when hina a e panding it<br />

trade with foreign countrie and<br />

hine e trading junk ailed fr ely<br />

throughout outhea t A ia. Thi<br />

mo ement in ol ed the ettlement of<br />

port towns and trading centr by the<br />

hine e commercial group and led<br />

to intermarriage with the local population<br />

. In lndone ia thi commercial<br />

e pan ion met ith pme oppo ition<br />

from the ruling cia . hou Ta-kuan<br />

reported that Angkor traded ith<br />

hina and a a re ult that hine e<br />

had et up a market centre and were<br />

intermarrying with the citizen of the<br />

capital. ignificantly he pointed out<br />

that the ruling Khmer familie remained<br />

aloof and refu ed marriage<br />

with the foreign commercial cia .<br />

Thai ociety differed con iderably<br />

from old Khmer. Thai legend ,<br />

chronicle and hi torie mention<br />

hine e immigration prior to the<br />

founding of Ayutthaya (Ayudhya)<br />

in the mid 14th centur . Phra hao<br />

ai am Phung, a pre-Ayudhya king,<br />

aid to ha e married a hine e<br />

prince who ha come do n in<br />

hi tory a Phra ang oi Dok Mak.<br />

Her hrine i in front of the boatlanding<br />

at Wat Phanan hoeng,<br />

Ayutthaya. It i a hine e hrine but<br />

Thai and Chine e alike wor hip at it.<br />

A I al I g nd o f n rth entral<br />

Thailand told rom hai t up to<br />

amphaeng Ph t tell of two prin ely<br />

uitor for the hand of a reigning<br />

daught r. v a a I a l<br />

who brought<br />

junk full of<br />

a nd<br />

han)<br />

tell of imilar in id nt .<br />

he b t do umentary e id n e<br />

of trong tie b tw en the Thai and<br />

the hine e concern Phra hao U<br />

Thong, a related in th<br />

publi h d ' he an li t<br />

of Ayudhya" (I ). Thi<br />

tell of an e iled hine<br />

came to Thailand by junk and<br />

here. He i credited in thi hi tory<br />

ither with th founding or th renewal<br />

of Pattani, Langka uka,<br />

Nakhon i Thammarat and Kui Buri<br />

(the latt r no a di trict in ra huap<br />

t thi<br />

hi<br />

bu ine inter<br />

ith<br />

hina and a a re ult<br />

r -<br />

conciled with the<br />

ho giv<br />

riage.<br />

prin<br />

(i.e.<br />

where he be am a<br />

and then ang K<br />

finally, ab initio,

naphum nd<br />

and y dh ).<br />

th<br />

trader. and I<br />

le I f th<br />

g<br />

111<br />

r<br />

i1ed ruler<br />

and in the pr<br />

a~ The<br />

di . tin t fr<br />

m-<br />

munitic., it " a fr m centr I g ernm<br />

nt.<br />

-Th i p pulati n \a.<br />

n urb n<br />

in th<br />

th t \ ere . pringing up at r<br />

t d ith r by<br />

en dent<br />

Ia<br />

in<br />

f fre r, m re<br />

thr ugh ut<br />

tudy<br />

internd<br />

the<br />

up. h<br />

hen<br />

c. jle h re.<br />

I b li e th t b the middle<br />

the I th centur man<br />


north ntral hailand and at an<br />

ampha ng, Wang ua, Muang Phan buri and th<br />

and Wiang a ong in provin e in<br />

northern hail nd. he arly 15th<br />

century<br />

thaya h<br />

yute<br />

in th<br />

a r yal oundathe<br />

hai court and<br />

rd<br />

ruling<br />

art and ulture. rti I<br />

d from hina were highly<br />

lidd d clad n bowl<br />

keeping th cremated<br />

remain. f ne' parent and hina-<br />

e eral n w<br />

\ are v interred in uddhi t reli<br />

Phallhalung<br />

monument .<br />

id n of<br />

di tri t in<br />

h ng, n v a<br />

pro in e,<br />

. clll m nL pattern<br />

tran .) like n hammarat<br />

al o in the middle f the p nin ul r<br />

to adapt, w r<br />

aband ned. Many new t wn<br />

e ta li hed t take d anlage f<br />

gr ' th in lume of trad and more<br />

fr quem pp rtunitie to tra e\. h mi ion t<br />

were built n maj r inland reque ting<br />

a t I harand<br />

lat aft rnoon farm r and petty<br />

trader w uld h ld a qui k market,<br />

prin ipally in I al g table nd<br />

fi h.<br />

With the 17th entury and th<br />

pening up f<br />

fr m th we t<br />

and Japan th<br />

ntrca<br />

ernmcnt<br />

lt ha<br />

full<br />

n f<br />

to th ir n<br />

in hail<br />

'" '~ II a\ '"ith ccntr I 1 hailand and<br />

th.: 1till r> m. "hine. trad r cui d ct . ide v h re in the earl m rning<br />


mul\4Yi 1::~~ , .,t~qj .,-fl Lfi~ Ltivii Yi1:: th:: 1 \4£1~ mn~ £J Yi1 ::£J ilfl 1 1l :: YfYltrL~,<br />

trt4ilYi11f\41H'\t4~1lM1l~ 1 1J 1 \4~£J \Jf'llqp th 1ilfl 1 ~m Yh \4H~fl£J~l\4H111~;\t'lfl :: .,-\4fln tu. LLfl\4 1111ii<br />

The main hrine area in ide at eng ei Vi ( eng ei i), hinatown, Bangkok.<br />

The centre image of the three pre iding image<br />

mitabha Buddha, de cribed in a h y na cripture,<br />

the Prajnaparamita utra, a re iding in the e t where he reign o er ukha ati, m rvellou heavenly p radi e.

'1!111\4~~ilt:nilY~'ll1U'll£l~l~tnrlu~ m111th~ 1 ~'I-\U1~fll ·~1\iuD trt41U\4 .t4Vnt'l1~£l~ · ,~~mh<br />

n hinese man before a shop stall \elling ritual accoutrement in front or at Leng oci i,<br />

one or the old centres or interest in early am Phcng.<br />

i'1t4'!l1'll1UL i£l~n\4fltrih14i1JII<br />

!:: £l1'1-\111il 111UL\4fl1£lnfl 1f1Lri1Yitl\4\4Lil;tym,~<br />

I n\ide a ' hine\e grocer . Pre-cooked \ide di'>he'>,<br />

for eating with boiled ri ce in its liquid, and 'ari U'> egctarian f d-\tuff\ are old here.<br />

n rok a l I Kao (" ld Market Lane") off C\\ Road, am Pheng, B ngkok.

1,tl~ 11\'i~,"'~nt,jl!~ll,~~il~ ' ~~lill~m ~~"',.,tl,nm.wlh~"',.,.tfu \u<br />

!:lnQ 4 1,tlli11Jtlu ~nt:t m::f1t1uli1n ~1 n~ll"'\t~?mtl11tnn n~~~"'~~t\nYl cu.<br />

p ir of very large carved wooden gu rdian image in the entr nee hall of a eng oci i ( at Leng ei i), Bangkok.<br />

ne of the guardians holsis a pagod , the other a vina type of tringcd i trument.<br />

!together th rc arc four of th~ fierce, awe-inspiring temple guardian .

"'t41U\.4Yfl::(\ 1uR t11'flHif 1£J1R<br />

1"'\t, ~1u uum ~~ ~\.4flWhut\~~u t~~~ U\.4 ~\.4<br />

ilm11J1::~u ,.,t~,vu ::m::~nn~~ flnuuuu~\.4<br />

~~~fl~1 1Jlnn<br />

The front pediment of the phra ubo o t<br />

ordinatio n ha ll of Wa t Ratcha-orot<br />

(Wat hom Thong). Bang hun Thian,<br />

in what wa . formerly Thonburi.<br />

Thi pediment i in an o ld Dutch tyle u ed<br />

in hailand that ha been adapted to carry<br />

hine e architectur I ornament. Thi triking<br />

decoration i made o f hine e glazed cera mic.<br />

~ 1::~"',,<br />

W1U~1::q 1u tlYn~~<br />

1~U\.4"'~~<br />

1UUU1\.4U~,<br />

1~n~1'fl11'1f'1Dn<br />

£lYlH"'t41~1fl1fl~H£l£ln ut~::iltf\.4"' ~~ ,<br />

m ~Dntriu uul\.4 1!J~u1::~u~Li1 \.4 1!JU1::u~1\.4<br />

UUU~\.4~~~ thwfh~ ·, ~ i1~U \.4 tln \.4 n<br />

fi'ulhm ,, u uulnv<br />

The hine e- tyle n nking wihan hall outh<br />

a nd to the ea t of the ordination ha ll<br />

a t at Ra tcha-orot, Bangkok .<br />

The roof i hine e. he pediment i low<br />

nd compa ratively wide while the ridge i rai ed<br />

a bove the roof lopes. hine e fret ha been<br />

used to tru ture the pediment rna mentation.<br />

h lower ro f I pe and the building beneath<br />

a re hai in style a far a rchitectural form .

..nu ~, ~llnt,jtlfl'Yltl-3~fl::1 :: u,v~'lln-3Lmn-3w~fl, L~, t«u-3n-3 ~~~u~fi1L'I1v<br />

\l'u11Ltl\4 ... tlw~\4-31llili:: nlt~~..nl'n tl!Ouvl-3 \tnfivut«lt4n' -3L'Yl~'1.<br />

arved, p inted and gilded double cornice board under the roof of the hrine at the Pao-te<br />

hang-t'ang benevolent ociation' office at Phlap Phla hai. Bangkok.<br />

Thi i very fine hine e ornamental art; work un urpa ed by any el ewhere in Bangkok.


~tl~\!'1'1'1ltl~ q\o\1tn1t\o\ty"\um::Q~ hh:~o::~fl1 ~11'111~~<br />

ii~~~mtl~\!'1'1fl11J ~~U~tl~Ul1VH~1:t~i\1J~ :: ltk\o\~\!'1'1Vi1::Vj'Yl 1,tJ ~tl~~tJU~tl~la~n~1~~tl~ q\o\1tn1<br />

he ance tral hrinc chamber in the grand man ion of the Trakun Posayachinda family at Ratchawong, Bangkok.<br />

he chamber is the centre room of the house. There are both old traditional hinc e hrine furnishing from the early founding family<br />

and to one side newer Thai nesting altar tables for Buddha images. The ance tor ' memorial tablet arc kept in ide the hrine cabinet.

[<br />

LAJ!611 T\11f1~L,l1.1UL~ft~t'l,;U~1 llG_t\tL»ft11<br />

H!l~L .. ~1ML,llo ~ Ult111,Vt\~1t-G_£.LI1L.~Il~1<br />

~t\L.(\tLJI.t~11 t\rl\A 1 ~ U~»L,e.t'~M 111,lJ<br />

L,l1.1~ tt-GJ::~lt t\I!~Liltt 1t'~M 1L,e.t'~M 1L. t<br />

Ll\.1 ~L. S..t.t;:: ~U L lHI11J1G }L. ~L~~~ L. ~<br />

' ..<br />

.JifJ II X!/, lN. llft711J(J(,lL_Il. t-f11Ul.1UU!::lmrt<br />

UWIIIWM t-/.CirtLIHP U Oeltf!IL(lL ~·(}<br />

Ma ,,. J:<br />

OlJ fl C Wft17 Ofl71Jef,UL11ftlrJe £If.,. II. ..<br />

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LJ!-1~ t\1!16t\t~ t-1!1\.1!~~~ t\l,;t\fl1~U Lllllltl<br />

~.t..t.t.t.U!t\t\Ut-~[1~ t\l\t\LM::»t\1!16 l!~t\~<br />

,<br />

t\l!ltt\ t ::LM ~1~H.(\Ili.A ~(!LI1[1~ t\~1t\l,; t\..,<br />

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t\~1 !!~~ 1 U Ll1[1~ ttl! ~161l!!JI,I!~~UI!t.16(lt'~ 1<br />

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... :: I P't •<br />

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t\fl1 UL11U_&.LT\11Lt'llt» ~ U~1t~ ~ t'L!&~<br />

111!~1,;1 t-1! ~1 ::t.Ut\fl 1 tL~U t'~LI6U ~ t\L.(\11~<br />

::t.[1t'l! l\.t\fl111_&.~L.tlU Lrtrl!(lt' ~ 11Lt.l,;llL<br />

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HU ::.t.Ut\t 1!11LI\.11!~t\~1Llt!)l! 1!11LI\.1LJ.<br />

n<br />

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~ ll~1t\~1 ~!llJ!l~ L.~~ .t.~ ::Gt-LUL!A!l!l~<br />

Ll\.1!t11<br />

n<br />

Lilt' LI.At'~ ~:: ~L\Alt1J t\l,;U \t1 L ,t~ ft~<br />

..<br />

UL!ll!ll~1~ [1~1l1,;1ft~t'~ 111L»t\t\U!t11t\~1 ~~<br />

LtU t~11 ltll~ tu:: ~flU 11t\t\lli1»C.MU 1t' tU<br />

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t-~t. ~ ::Gt\L t\»U~»911t.t' ~ 1t\LU»t\f111! .t.~<br />

~tt\l!r~t\l!f1U~~ t\fl'~~!l~ til~ 1~ t\fl1<br />

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L'M,rtL~<br />


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~Lt~1 rtn1)1 t»L~1UGt~t'n~ 1~t'L-C\f1~n~1<br />

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11,V1'\~ t\L~~Yt\G~1'\fl1~ 1'\C..,llftV Jt;11_t\<br />

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.. .<br />

11~L~1~L~H.\L~ LllGftll~1~~:::1l:::Ln t<br />

M~~~!)tLLt; • t~11tL~UC'~C'~HlU1n~fiG<br />

n~c-~<br />

c-~ 11lU1t-~11\C'~~Ltvt.~ll..._t-~11l.4 11 ft11 (l~n~<br />

C'G?1"nfl1 tll\t1~ I. ULil:::~UGG I. C'LftL~:::G<br />

n<br />

C'G?1,t~~L~I1l\~ f;! £ llt~L~t1~G~lb'n~1<br />

1 n<br />

L~ t1U l.4L ~:::LI1 'nfl 1 ra C' t:\ft11 C' t:\t'~ft11'nfl 1<br />

rl~1L~ :::G~~~~fl~ U~1'nfl111,lJ L\A 1~ L~1M.L~<br />

.. .. '<br />

'ni/ I. 'nG(l..._ 1 C'L.(l!)ljt'G C'L.(l'n~\;C'Grll'n<br />

..<br />

n<br />

L~1'n~rlG'nf~U.(trlll:lC'G»C'~:::~11 nrc-~<br />

"nl\t'rl~1c-tn t ~tvt.gu.g(l~t-LftL~t-~»11t- ~<br />

H~llLntilL~1 i~u~inr: 1ft11nt~rlL~t-G<br />

C'~C' ~ yu.~1 rlll:lt'Ll.4L~:::GGftL~:::Gt-G~1L~1<br />

.. ' .<br />

:::~U.(t~ll~1L~rll~fl1C~ rl~1L~C'Ll.4L~:::G<br />

GftL~:::Gt-G?1L~1:::~up~yu.~l rll~fl1L~ G~<br />

n<br />

U Lilt'~ 1 IlL» C' Ll.411,lJ trl~ 1,}1llt\;~~ L~1tv\L~<br />

~tL~ C'G1!)rl~L~U:::~11 (uL<br />

.... C'Lft(l I. ~11<br />

lllt\;L~U ~C'G~) 'ni/rl~L~U'nfl1'n,t\C'Il~1 .. ..<br />

'n~LLU f;! 0~ ~LGtll\t1'n\;L~1tv\L~ 11~ 'n~f!<br />

09 f;! OS f! 017 tLLft11C'~~LG ~ll..._t-~IJLG<br />

C' 111L~ .... 1(l 'n~1L~t1UlA'n,lJLL .... LG'n\!~'nfl1<br />

ULilfU .... tC'lllC'G~(l'n~'nLC'U,t\qW~nt LfillG<br />

llLt\;:::~11C'~ 1HlLt\;C'~L~ "nt; £ U~L~:::LI1<br />

llLtt;rlL'nlA.(l'n,t\"nLC'Ul\L!}'n t 'n,t\rl.(t»"n t<br />

.. ..<br />

ULilC'~C'!tlC'rl~1G~~IlLtl;rlL'nl.4'nfl1'n~llL'n<br />

L~1LilHlL\A"n!- £ U~~'n~rlL'nC'GMLt<br />

.. '<br />

rlLnl.4'nLC'U,t\L~~rGLilLt1ML,llo t_tl.11Lilfl 09<br />

.<br />

t\1 Lll:::LI11l~ .... n~G~1LilG ft:::rl:::Ln t<br />

C'L.(l~~fl~ C'L.(l~~<br />

L~L~1 C' t:\!611'nfl1U,l\L ~ :::G ~tn»~~fl~U ~1<br />

'nfl1L~1ML~'n~'nGlb rJGn .... ~nnnc- L~L~1<br />

I W :: I<br />

~ C'~ 1 IlL» C' ~11 ~ C'~~Ltv\L ~:::Gt-G?1 ft11nfl1<br />

. .. ... ....<br />

C' Llbrl~l C'~ 11lL»C'Gfi.C'G ?1L~1~~fl~(l .... rlL'n<br />

c- L~llLt\; c.~c. c-tvt. 1 IlL» K ~L~1 t-L .... rlLnt<br />

L~1C'G?1 C'~HlL».(t .... ~t.\\C'G?1 ll~l11lL»~~<br />

C'G?1np.1 C'~ HlL»C'~~~~(l .... rlL'nC'G?1C'LI1<br />

.. .. -<br />

rlGf'\C't~ .... C'LI"\C'G~<br />

'nUil~tlfl.'nUL~U<br />

"ntL~1tv\L~~Q'nL.(l~tL~'n~l1~(l .... rlL'n C'~ 1<br />

n n<br />

llL»"n trG 11,lJ L\A 1~ ll~l11lL»~~L\ArGil..._rlL'n<br />

'n,lJ'nG!;..._ 1C'~ 1 llL»L~1::: ~~L\A'nfl1:::~1111~<br />

.. n<br />

~ tL~'n~nL ~U U.t\ fl 1~rGI1V~ 11lUJC'Grt.<br />

.. n<br />

fU~L~IlLWftn ll~1L~:::G(lf1W~C'~ t'~11lL<br />

'nl\ 1~~ :::~11U~~~~~C'G ?1"nfl 1LilL~1~<br />

rlG,t\C'LrG'nfl1C'}<br />

000 1 l tU,.t'~11lUl"n~fiGLill1~"n~1L~.~~Uil~1~<br />

I.<br />

,,<br />

11LJM~n1:::t;~t :::~UL<br />

L~~~tl~UC'~ f;! 9·S C'~11lu~rGrl.(t~~G~~<br />

rGL~:::t.l1'nfl1C'L.f;m\1C'GC'L.[\n_t\I;IC'G I' J.nlt''<br />

... ' - ..<br />

C't~..._L..._I1~11,V (!)rtt\1 Lfu tg:::ttvt.~~11l»G~)<br />

t g L<br />

.... Ill .... 11 ~ ll~ 111lL»~~I1 ~ L~ 1 tv\L~ ~lllt<br />

lltl t-»nt-~C't~.... Lt'nll.4Urll1L~1tv\Lrt.<br />

U '' I I - 'I "<br />

Ulll I. rlG,t\ I. U~1rGu~~U'nfl1~ I. L~:::G<br />

~UC'G?\;1 LU~C'G?t;1(!C'.(l'nl\A~llnt Ulll<br />

Un»ll~'nl\A l.4LI1.11l.4M:::Ltvt.nl1rG~1;1~<br />

'nfl1~U~L\A ll.ti1Lilrl~1'nL\ALrt.1ULil~LGGM<br />

C'L.(l"n?t-LrGnLC'L~'nl\A 'n~C'~C'~11lL»C'Ll.4<br />

ULLUL(!C' ~ n~tLll.iRL1;1t!\L~1C'Grt.'nf}1C'~<br />

' '<br />

t.\~~UG~1 rlG~1Hl t.\Ut'Ll"nt~UC'G?t;1<br />

LU~C'G~t;111i/tll~1nLC'L~~~ ~UC'G~\;1 LU~<br />

1 I 1 '<br />

n 1<br />

C'G?t;1 C'LlA.,tllLtt;(l ~Ut-Lp.'nfl 1flT\ .... C'.(lnl\A<br />

C'~L~ (L~1tv\L~fl.1~'nfl1n~rll'n) I1~Gil»1<br />

C'~GftrGc- ~~C'tJI.l.LL\AI1lJ~'nfl1 C'~ Hll<br />

C'~..._nt;L~1ML~~11 "nt; £ U~rll'nl.411i/'n~<br />

L~1::: ~~C'U .... L\A 'nfl 1 ll~l11lL»~~~L,turl t. 1<br />

I I .. •1<br />

lll'n(l~ rl~1l:~rlLI:lll ttv\G ~ .... yu.~ 1<br />

rlll:lll ttv\ ll~l11lL»~~G~1L\A~rGnL_(l<br />

- '<br />

UL~UG'nC'rl~1n~L~t1 'ni/lb~f!.LG1C'~'ni/~~ "nfl1~(l.... rlLn t~mlltL~u~ (l..._ rlLnG~n~<br />

GIJ1L~Illt\;~~ t'U .... C'Ll.4U~L~1tv\L~,VIl~~~<br />

f;!, OL-09 tLL~LG 'Ullll~LLM~_\.U~:::Ltvt. L~<br />

llLt\;rlL'nl.4 ' Url~1~C'LrG:::Ltvt.'nfl1C'U..._IjC'GUg ~L~U~Lt<br />

' ' .<br />

-Lli.LL~LLtLU~~~»LtLGL~1 'nrttULfuL!l<br />

~JIJll :::LI1~11C'G ?1C'LI1 'nl~'nfl1"n»11nfl1"n~1<br />

\!\;:::~ft11 ~»~Ulll'nfl1!)C'G~11lL» U~Lil<br />

' .. '<br />

c-a~1 t16nt~~:::~11rlLfi.L~~ntc-~ I. Hft<br />

L ~ :::Gt-G Lt;I1GLt;lbfl.1 ~flL ~llG ~..._ 1n~~C'G~1<br />

1 I I o<br />

l.4 ~LI"\"nt»n l.\Lib fu »Lt;LLU ~u:::L\1 C'GL 1<br />

... ., . "' ... " .. r<br />

(l~'ni/l.4Ltv\~~\!t; 11~"n~1UlA 'n\; S l-Ol<br />

tLLC'rl~1'nU"nt;lllltL<br />

C'rl~1'n~ Lll~'n~L~U<br />

- .. ..<br />

G~..._'n\; S-17 tLLrl~1L~Uttv\ rl~1L~rll~llLtt;<br />

L~L~ C'rl~1n~Lil~'n\; S-17 tLLYU.~lUttvt.<br />

. ..<br />

yu.~1 rlLt;nLt\;L~L~'n~1L~t1 'n~C'~C'L~rlL'n<br />

i~L~1t!\L~1nfl1'nt~ rl~1L~IlLI:lG~..._ yu.~1<br />

rll~fl1:::H~fl~ 'n~L~t11lLtt;U~ (LL..._<br />

LG'n~~'nfl1'n,t\C'lll C'G~LG1ft11 rl~1LL .... LG<br />

I ..<br />

"nL,tllLlb L~ .... Hlllb'n~l1~fl~G~) L~:::LI1<br />

ra I. fU..._tt-~'nfl1C'~11L~ I. 11~'nfl1\!C'LrG<br />

~~C'\;nl\A U~1"nfl1L~1tv\L~:::rJ:::Ln t<br />

c-~ mL»n ~fia11 ~ L~1~~ c-~:::tun~u ~1 ft11 t-16<br />

. ' ..<br />

I. :::rJ:::L'nfl1LilL~1fb .... Wt't:\~~ n~wll.!iLG~<br />

n n<br />

L~1tv\L~'nt~rl~l L~~,tllLtt; 'nl\ 1~~ :::~11_:.~~<br />

~UL~I1~G1:..._ 1UG'n C'~ 11lL»C'Grt.tLLC'G?1}<br />

n G~ ,tllLt\;'nfl1~C''nfl.11 fll..._ tt-G?1nfl1rll~U<br />

c-~ mL» ~ t L~c- ~rau tu. 11t-nfl.11~"~!l:::~n.tt<br />

n<br />

t~11 tl~U C' ~L ~ :::G (lfl~~'n.(tlfl'nl\ 1~~ U~,t<br />

n<br />

~~~C'Ll.4'n tt-~ 11lL»C'~tL~UG~1 Ullfl~UGI"\<br />

'n~'n~1G~..._ 1fU ..._ tc-L~U 11 ~ UGGLfi.L»Mi/C'~<br />

~11~~C'~11lL»C'Gfi.C''nfl.11ft11 n~c-LrG~L~<br />

C'LrGc-~ HlLY'nfl1C'\;'n.(l~~(\C'~'n~Lfl~\!1~n<br />

.. '<br />

Lllll~1 C'~'nfl1'n,t\C'~ 11lL»n ~fiG~ n~tLJI.U L~<br />

.. .. '<br />

~~1'n~rllfi.L~LLU C'Gn.~»~[b ..._ tt-~..._ 11'nfl1<br />

C'16C'~11lL» I. rlG~111~UGGC''nfi.11U~11~t~n ·<br />

:::ttvt. ~~1 ll»tir: 1'n.(l~~(\ ~»c-»ijnl :::tl1<br />

6 C'll 'nHil'nfi.C')lfu rJLrt 1Wl 1 :::~11 ~~11l »<br />

P ~ ~~· I; •<br />

C'GL'n~ llll.ll'n~ tv\l.41'n~ li.LLn~:::t\1\;<br />

LJI.l.L~Ltv\ 'nfl1LilGft~ljC'G'nL\A ~UUC'~L~Lll<br />

n<br />

::: ~11 ~Lm ~Lltt'Ll.4 n,V,tllLtt;nrl~I11U ~,<br />

L~1tv\L~,VG\;UUL'nl.4"n» ULilG~C',t\..._(l Ulll<br />

~lllt\;L..._L~U ~Ul\'nfl1M\A t;rll :::LI1 17·£<br />

funym .... rtnf}1t-~..._~~c-G ljt'G ~ (l~»~uLil<br />

rGGft~~L~1tv\L~:::Ltvt. "<br />

~1rl~l L~ ljt'Grll~..._<br />

n<br />

ll~l11lL»~pLtvt.l1i/UU~~L~1tv\L~~tL~rl~1<br />

I. rlGf'\C'L_(l~M 1C'L.(lL,41-1 LL .... LGC' ~ ljt'Grll~ ....<br />

ll ~ 111l L » ~ktf' C' »::: Ltv\1"\,V Gtv\1"\G ll.rl\;1'n I<br />

'nL.(l~"ULHilt'G';:1~ ll~l11lL»~~nG~I1,V<br />

"nJ\"nLtvt.:::»nGlbn tnt_pfl~ c- ,&.\;1"\l\~<br />

.. '<br />

u l'o\W fl~ trl\!1

n old hme e forge t alat 01,<br />

lower am Pheng. or forging iron.<br />

i'1t4~1~\4Lrhlu UJLYl-! ti 1f1 11JU ::il~o 41~ nH-!f1-!UJ~~\hf1\4<br />

flHnt'IH ::th 'lllll«n'!ln4tiuliutlf1L~.:IJli\~.t11J L~oilo-!t'iul'fr.JYiU1urii'1u<br />

n ld hine e hop front in am Pheng, Bangkok.<br />

\! ith 11 ongin I ignb<br />

d vi e cont ining the eight tri r m urrounding monad.<br />

It i there to ward off illlu 1.. .<br />


L<br />

f~U.Y1t\f11~t\,t\ lll,Ct»l1~'o1L!1) UU1t\L~<br />

OL "St\t1(lL~t\~L'~ I. t.~tL,t.UL'~fu'o1tt\t,<br />

t\fl1J.~ LIJ1 qH,~t.LU ~\!::tlW~1 rttt.LIJ1L!1<br />

G ~1L'Gil.Lt1t\f11<br />

..<br />

n<br />

t\fl1tH~t\L!AL~LR.1<br />

~rt'o1L'~t\~L~G~L_t\'o1t~<br />

(t\_t\L'Gt\L~t.~::GG l'o1<br />

..<br />

.. llL,lloL\AfttU~,VL'~ , L~Uil&1~"LrGt\fl1<br />

G&'o1L'ttU::turttUt\ t tLU Jt.LtL~L'~fl~~fl~<br />

L~rtLtljllLrt'o1:: ~L'lj) tLUJt.Ltl1~~~fl~~L~<br />

G ~ 11~ 'o1L !1 R Y1 ~ ~ U ~Ll~ ttl1t\fl 1 L ~ lJ~U ~<br />

~ ' .. ~<br />

L~tm t~;n::u .... nt ~~~!l"~~L,ljG~t\f11L~<br />

n<br />

LR.1 v ~~LU ll.~ll_ctllt\ ~llG~ SOvl ' Y 'M f;<br />

ntrtttu~,,"~::t:m covl · y·~ ll_ct»n~flG<br />

L~LR.1 (llG}llG~GG[t~::~ntHY~t\f11::~<br />

"tj) t\Lll~Lil::tM L~t\L!3 ueS!4d eAe14d<br />

L~L' ~11L~t\fl1 ~U~L~ttl1(l<br />

L'~'o1t\ljt,.<br />

' .<br />

Lt1L'~tL~U L'~'o1rt~1L'1'11G~L',l\'o1t\ t<br />

(t\t\UL~Lrtt\~LG1<br />

L'G~tj~li,) i!I.Lllt\t\U L,tG~~L'~t\~t\t\U<br />

.. t!I.Lllt't~'o1, t\fl1 ~U~L~tt11(lrtllt~L~1<br />

•<br />

::~'o1nlJLI:ttL~U~~m »~Lil::tM rt~t»L~1<br />

.. ' ..<br />

L'GI'JlLll.tltf\G~~ tt;tG~rtllt~L~1 t\,l\L'~<br />

.. ..<br />

n<br />

t\,VUUt\tjL'Il~1G~(lt\G~Il.(t» prtllt~L~1<br />

l. n ,.<br />

~~ .. ~t\fl 1 L'~'o1t\t; ~ RtY1 rtll ti)L~1 ::LtM 1<br />

.. rtllt~L~1L'(l~lj" L~PL'G~t;Uil~1t\,t\lll,Ct»<br />

tllLllL'G L~U ll ~1 [1~ t\,V 11tt;L' G ~t;!lp t\ t\U<br />

n<br />

[1~ t¥:: ~11U 111'\,V tJ Lllt\ t\UU~}L'G~:: ~t\<br />

t\.(\~~~:t .. tttha~Y~ .. ~a::tttn~n 11 ,n~~<br />

t\L\-4 .. tULil~\!(lL'~ , L~~nUt\!::tMrttU<br />

LllL t}t\f11Uil~1L' tU".QL't~'o1L~1llUM::tMt\~<br />

ULrtt\L!AL'GR.(lL'~rtLtt; ~nUt\!::tMrttU<br />

Lltt\fl1t\L!AL~~f111 (tULil~\!) &hUt\!::tM<br />

rttU G~llt.Gl(l S ~~LUll._tt\trtGH~1t\fl1<br />

t\L!A"GR.&tth L'~'o1 t\t;~»~(lL'~ ~RtY1L'o1rt<br />

t\fl1L~t\,VG~ lJ~nl »~Lil::tMG~'o1t\ll~Lil<br />

.. '<br />

::tMG&'o1rtgt~L~1 llt~llG,pW11~1fl~ I. t\~<br />

.. ~m »~Lil::tM, Ull&1~~U~L~tt.l1rtLltL'tlt<br />

•<br />

Ull~1~t\t~ t\_t\L'~t\,V .. n»~Lil::tM, Ullt.1<br />

I ... ~ I<br />

n<br />

t\L.(\tlll. .. ~ tl1tl1~rt»~m »~Lil::t.M,<br />

. .<br />

t\fl1t\~~U~L~ttl1t\G~1~~ LftG!-6 .. fut~1<br />

~LllL'G~t; .. L~G~~Il~1L'S>"G~t;~~~ v ~<br />

' ' '<br />

~LUll.~!t11Lrtt\jWLllL~1t\fl1rt~t~L~1G~ [1~<br />

t\t; £ t\fl1~~ (!['t~Lt1!6nJ:R.1L'~) LR.1L'GR.,<br />

U Lf1~,l\Urtlltf1~ Ull ~1Lil.1!611 "G1t\~t\,V tll\!1<br />

. ..<br />

L',l\'.11'\Lf!~~ G~1LftG!t L'~'o1t\ljU \!t\fl 1 L~Ut:<br />

.. .<br />

I, t\l;t\fl1G&"L»L'~ L~~~I1~L'~ L_Q.1ULrtG~<br />

~ (t\,l\ll.(t») ~m»~Lil::t.MGH:Uil~1t\~~<br />

t~11L'~'o1t\t;U!!t\fl1L~~~~L~1ML,l1- .. n»~Lil<br />

::t.M, G~ll&1t\ID.4~LftG!6 ugrtgt,t1L~1Uil~1<br />

' n<br />

G~t\ID.4~~C.MU 1L't.UrGLrt [1~ L,l1-1L~1ML,l1-<br />

n ~- ' n n<br />

t\L.(\~~rG1u t~1 ~LII"G~t;~~t\fl 1~~1'\L\-4<br />

::LtM 1 L't~'o1L'LI1L'G~t;rG!tn L'~G~t\ID.4~ L~<br />

L~t;l1»1jllL~t;l1»ij~~ L~ L~1ML_Q. rtgt~L~1<br />

•<br />

t\P,1L'LrG tltU llGR. ~rt'o1[1~ t\~f11t\f1t\l111~<br />

t\rtL~1 MLR.t'LilGL'~ 'o1 t\it\t;L' U Lrt 1.611 tll~1U<br />

.... ... ... I ,. I p I Jll' ,_,<br />

I. t\~ t\t;L' ~lllrt'o1L~\!t\,V 1~ LR.1 t. ~ L'LrGt\,V<br />

L'Gk\G&(l:: ~_ct11 LR.1 q(tllt\ tlJL'LrGu 11& 1tLU<br />

. ..<br />

t\,Vt\G(l'o11 I. t\~Uil~1U,Ct~"~I1G~L',l\'o1t\t<br />

.. '<br />

L'~rttt. L'!:'o1L'LrGilt~k-~llG}»Uil~1~ Ltt'o1<br />

.. '<br />

L~!611Uil~1~U~L~tti1G~ L't\'o1L'LilGt\LI1<br />

•"' I ...<br />

tLli.Lll::tf1rtLltUI1~1 ~U~L~t.t.11G& L'~'o1<br />

, . '<br />

n<br />

L'LrGt\~L'LrGrGUI1~1~ tVLrG(lrt~1G~ G~<br />

~,l\Urtlltfl~ t\t;G~Uil ~1U.(tLR.1t\G~ f611fU 'o1 W<br />

::Lttv\1~ P"~t\fl1~ ULrt~t\,Vt11!!1t\l;t\fl!Lft<br />

llL~U U L'o1L'L!tf1 ~ t\t;::~lt,t\fl1L~~~U t.11~<br />

L'~L'~ t\~LrtL~1fU'.1W~GSJ1Mt\L!3f1~ ~<br />

I .. I • -~<br />

~ n<br />

U LrtG~L',l\'.11'\~1~~ G~1LftG!t tt;tt\fl1 ltjlJ<br />

flW I. Ut11LrtL'~~~L~1ML,l1-t\t~ llG_t\L~1~<br />

n n<br />

llG_t\U!} ULrtL~1~ ULrtt\L\AU!}tt;t 11Gf1<br />

n ..<br />

L'~~MU_ctt\t;~~RtY1t\fl1t\L\A::Lt.M 1 t\,V<br />

I. t\G(l'o11LrtlG~ 1'\.!J I. llL~~;::~u~~~mlj~;h<br />

L'ULtLUlt11<br />

::11::t11L~'o1LrtL' M 1rtll1L'G t.1 t<br />

II' I l't I<br />

• r"'<br />

~~L~~ t~11[1i»G~1 U\!fl~t\~LrtL'~ 1rtL»<br />

n<br />

L'G?1.t~WtLt.ij t~11LrttL~U~rt~[1rtL»~J.<br />

~"»,,L'~L't~'o111.Vu!J~wuuL~ ~ 11Gtt<br />

' •1<br />

I. U !11 L' L,.I11J t\l;t\_t\ t\lj i ~U Y1 L'L~ IlL t\ ti)<br />

.. ..<br />

L~1L'~f1~L'~~LM!611 L'~1rtll1L'Gf1L~1Lrt~~ .<br />

fl~ LR.1 t\L.(\~ t\,VIlijL'~LrtLR.1L'I1~1~U~flG~<br />

::~111'\L.(\t\ ~fu'o1 WG~ ugL'~ mL»L'G?,"~~~


hine e no die vendor fan\<br />

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t\_t,::ltt-~G~~IiL~t;rnt~ lilA. k t\f}1~C'G~t\ t<br />

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t\lj~ ~fllA.t\t\C'~t\Hf1t\r~11::tf1::UI.f611<br />

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t\rl.t\G litL~U C'G tt:: ~t\~ 1 IJ C'M 1 f1LYC'U tL~U<br />

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I. Lt1t- ~LL~tL~C'Mt\ trG~tVL~Gt\~k~<br />

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t\li(:1L~1ML~L!-\1 L~~~C'L~GU~HUGI1Grl.<br />

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f1LYC'tt\ trG~fU ~ lj1u L~t't:"\L~~tL.li-1~ t Grl.<br />

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t\1}1 f611t\t~ t\L!-\IiL~~GftliL~~U Lf11J\!U"<br />

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MtL~j1L~1ML.ll- t'!ij 0£-m: tLtf1Wt'!ljUU<br />

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~C'M 11Lijltt' ao U ~LU ~~flt'Gf}::tu LGH1~~<br />

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Llv~ · ~·M LG1G~L~ l£17~ ·~·M ~tJi.f!t\1}1<br />

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t\f}1~»~t-li~1~UtL~I1_t\~C'tl ::r1f! li~1C'LlA.<br />

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o litJ~IiL~r-~::ttMwu .. os~ L .a.Ltu~~~u<br />

,..lA.br1», ::~JI.LtU~lJ~ l\11t\11C'L,llolr1tL~U~<br />

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(G~) Ji.ULM~H~L~~Lii::tMG~t\_t\ (G~t\~)<br />

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ftkL~~IilA.kG~~t'f~ t\~G~C'_t\~t\ti1MJik<br />

L~1ML.li-f611(Lll7~ ·~·M) OS~l JI.LtU~~~<br />

U~~lA.br1il t-tl ::r1f!tLtG~1~1::lA.H~UC'Lf1<br />

11~ (tttfl~L~~ G~t\~) JI.ULM~H~L~~<br />

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tL~U~ t\L!-\ Lr1Gftt\,V 11~l!.ULM~H~L~~Lii<br />

::tMtltflt\1}1~ .. liL~, G~ Ji.ULM~H~L~~<br />

Lli::tM t\11C'L,llolr1tL~U~ (t\~) l!.ULM~H<br />

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G~\!1G~f611 I. li~1 .. ~L~~Lii::tM, L~<br />

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Lf1tL~UlA. ~L~M ~U ~L~ttl1f1Lt\<br />

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't\'t\llt't\11tL.lt'~M I. llG?1f1~'t\~lllllri.U~f1<br />

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(b ~ ~ 't\'t\U 't\1} 1~ ~[1~ 1:-LtaUH~~::.lt-Gjt-'t\~ 1\611<br />

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fJ 't\_t\ (t-~lllL»~ul) UGG't\~::lt't\L~.lJL/-..\1<br />

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ftW~M~ (tll~»llllA.~) t-L~U~~l't\LM::<br />

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't\~::~'t\~m~ I. L~l't\[11'1\l::t;~Lt;~ t'LlA.'t\~<br />

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't\~'t\~~~t't\~UGGft~ta[111 I. utaf1ll~~'t\~<br />

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t'f!l t'Gtat;U Lf1ftll t'~ ft~ ~ L't\ lL~CSLrt-~[1~1lL~<br />

't\~UtMI1,V §R.l~lLJI.L.lLI'l::.l M~ t UGG't\~<br />

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t'G!Jlf1~ Ltrl.t'LlA.f1~ L~ 't\~t'G!Jl f1WilL~L lA.<br />

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n~ t~ll't\~t-~llLil~t~ll .. nta~n~ .. un&l<br />

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U llt.l tanqeG~~(b ~ ~'t\L,(\U tll::ta't\f}lllLtaULil L~Uil &l::~ll\!l::L.lM l't\fll:: ~ t-tta~'t\~<br />

U P' H<br />

Gft~'t\L,(\L~~itll» .. ~llL»Lil::.lM , L~'t\,V<br />

U ll & 1 t' ~U ~1 L~ 1M L,lLfl.(t» t' tta ~t'LI'\t'Gtat;tLJI.<br />

L~'t\,V U ll& 1 t' ~'t\~ll.(t»'t\ t t~11't\~t}le~<br />

. ..<br />

lilt~<br />

't\f}l::~t-t; ,. t'tta~'t\t ., L~'t\L,(\tLJI.L»::.lf1<br />

n<br />

::L.LM 1 [1~1lG~1 t' .lltU~'t\1} 1't\~'t\LM::»tt::.lf1<br />

t't\ 11 ll~LGI'l~l 't\G~ [1~ Ulll't\t~'t\1} 1'1\,(\~~1:\<br />

t'~ lllL»'t\'t\llt'Grl.ttrl.t'LlA.G~ Ltll.U &i:'LlA.<br />

n n<br />

U ta[11l~ 1 ::~LI\~'t\G~ 1'1\L,(\t-L,t»U laf1.lLUt)t'~<br />

' ..<br />

n<br />

[1~'t\~ 't\LM::»lt::.lf1L~l f611t'~l1_t\t'~t'~ 11ll<br />

,.t'~ 11lL»., L~Uil &l~tai'\L~'t\1}1~ (.lt;'t\<br />

::.LMUG't\G~~)[1~UGG't\~'t\LM::»l6::tf1UG't\<br />

.lt;'t\::.LM t~'t\1} 1 ~ Llll~1't\~ 't\LM::» l6::tf1't\ ~<br />

lllll U~f1~Gftt'GIJ1t'M11LV't\fl1~ L~~~t'.ll<br />

U_t\tLI'lG~ .. ta~Ulll~~!:~ll»~-R.~l~ltJI.l~<br />

Lll::.LM " L~\!U~L~t.li11JLil::.lM 't\1} 1't\L)A<br />

,<br />

n<br />

ll\!1 t'tta ~t'LI'\t'G tat;'t\ t't\L~t'G tat;U Lf1~GU Lll<br />

fb ~ t 't\L,(\'t\1} 1 &lt't\llll.l.l 1 lHI'l:: .lM L~ 1'1\L,(\<br />

t'lltLtaUI'lt;lL~lMLrl.t'Grl. , . " " " 't\t f1~'t\,V I. 't\'t\LtGill ": ~ t'G.ll<br />

':"'<br />

L~1't\Li-R.t:'t\»::~UL~UG't\'t\_t\<br />

..<br />

t'~UGGft~ ta[1ll't\t,tl ll\!lrGil~[11lL»~~IJ~<br />

.. ..<br />

t'~11lL»t'~Lilt'ta 't\»11lL» Ut;lllL» 't\fl-1<br />

1\<br />

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Ill<br />

't\1} 1GSofJ't\_t\U GG't\~<br />

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llllt t~l1't\~'t\f} lllL»G~lfJ JI.L.lL~Il't\~<br />

ULltL~l::.lM~~11l» t'~ 't\f}lt' ~ lt't\~::ltt-LlA.<br />

11,Vt'Lf6 ~ tnll»ll~G~ 't\fllt}t' IJ::Lt.M 1'1\1}1<br />

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::~t-t;~ fb~ t UGUt'LI'\t'Gta~UL[1Ult't\~::ltt- ~<br />

~t'~JI.L.lt'~ t}LjJI.L.l't\1}1 &h't\1t'G!J1 LGllll<br />

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JI.L.ll~ll't\»U LltL~l::.lM ~~11l» U ltl1Lil g aG<br />

&~t' lU't\_tt; t' 1JI.L.lf\.li1::.LM 't\fl 1~ ltrl.lM<br />

.. '<br />

[1~ (g M l~~t-»~) 't\l'l\!lL)AtL.lftllt'~ fb ~t<br />

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L.m·~ t.~t. llLW.~L,C\U_ti.'LI"U'LlAfl~l.'~llG~1<br />

~~tLJI."Gn.ilG~ ~a 1 ~-~I.'L,llo"~ 1rtL»~LrL~<br />

Ullt.1LMML,llo" ~ (~~lntl(;S'-1. 1!JftV,Glt.Lt.tlll1<br />

n<br />

Lrt lltlfl~,V~M~G~Il.(t» I.'L_cllrt )1\~Grt'-1.<br />

~~(1~1 , L~L~~~~Ill.t11.'l.t~LfA I.'~~LrG<br />

fu ~»1t.t.»t.tl.t~I.'G ~1~a 1 1.'\.t~~~L~U»'-1.<br />

~L_cl~\ ~a 1 lllA \ I.'G ll.UG.t.::.t.u~alU 11.111.'Gn.<br />

L~~fl11 ,. Uitft\I.'~UG.t.::.t.u , L~WillA~I.'LrG<br />

1111~1 ~\!~~l.'~l.'~ftV~UG.t.::u ll&l}Gfl1<br />

u<br />

~~lll.(t») lt.Lt.tlll1~MI.'LlALrtL~11.'L.Ufu~~1 ~a 1~~ t1ti.'~U t.LrtL»~~Iltl_t\rt»I'1U~1n.~1<br />

~~UtU11 L~~~ 11.'~Lt.1~_cl~~(\~~_(t11~lt'-1. 1<br />

1t\flV~I.'G~~tll\!11.'LU!JI.'~ u t~::»ft~ fl~<br />

U Lrtlll::.t.ML~ 1 L j\ft11 U LUU ~ I.'L ~;: ~11 L ~I.'~<br />

..<br />

~a1~ (~,V~G!J'-1. 11Jft~I.'JJI.' L.ufu~~lnML~.~~<br />

' n '<br />

rtlll LllfJ.:: '-I.L » ltG rtl ttt~r(l ~ltltl1t,l611,V til\! 1<br />

0 0<br />

fu t.~lrtltl.tG~ ~rt'-I.~,V~G(;S'-1.1tll\!1~~1.'1l~ 1<br />

~!)~~l.'~[li»~LG~f611<br />

..<br />

Ulrt.t.L .M'-1.1 rtltlfU'-1.\<br />

I.'G~1~al~I.'G~11.'~~rtltt; Lrt I. llG~l~g~<br />

n<br />

tlf! 1.' ~~ Hrt» ~U It\ L j\ft11 rt ~rGI.',l61.' a-ll ttl<br />

• 1 ... I<br />

t~Jioli.'G(;SlUL~ L~~,VL~ID Lll11 U,t.G~OI.'L~U<br />

UGG~k-::lt~ \ ~\!~~I.'~U ltft\ ~~Lljl.'»'-l.f611<br />

IJfl\llG?ln~G~ .. Uitft~~~~\, . L~~,V~M<br />

L~IJI.'~~~fl\llt1~1~,V I. ~~~G~1M_clU~fl<br />

L~) fl~UGGI.' L.ufu ~~1't~~U~~G~'-1. li.'LlA~to<br />

~~ftW"'Ll),Lrtlllllfl.rt(lr~ uLrtrGfb'-1. W"'L~<br />

~h.::~111ll~L~1 1.' k-IJ ltt~::.t.M ~ \ llltma 1~Lrt<br />

n .<br />

UGG~~~LM::»It::.t.[l~~ L~~~ ~~ 1::~~1.'~<br />

~a1~ U~UGG~k-::1ti.'LlA[l~UGG~11::~11 lll<br />

::.t.ML~1L ~ft11.~mt"' ~ (IJftl.I.'JJI.'L.ufu t.~m~u<br />

L~~~L~) l.'iufu~~~~~UI.'LlAfl~I.'~G~<br />

...<br />

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1.' Ll), fl ~ 1.' ~lllllll.~fl ~ U-GG ~Ll;M ~~11 .t.LU ~~<br />

lllllll..t.LU ~,V I. ~G(;S'-I.l~UlAfl~UGGI.'L_t.U<br />

lllllll.I.'G ~:: ~rtGrW L~.t.LU ~~:: .t.' ~ll.Ulrt<br />

~<br />

~1.'1rttlrt1~LI.' .t.LU ~UI.'Ult I.'Gl Ll11L»G t.1rt<br />

.... ~<br />

.,.,,<br />

......<br />

t~L~1~a1 .t.ll~llG~ll.'ll ~UI.'lll.'.lt .t.ULG<br />

0 ..<br />

Ill~ ftllll~lna1~~ I.'L~~allll~U~~Lt.Lrt<br />

Gft ~~I.'Gl~lti.'Gil.~L_t.I.'~M~~LrtllG~rt»l'1<br />

..<br />

u !i1 11W 1 ~L~ ltGW~tL~U 1.' ~lllll.L~G~'-1. ~LI.'<br />

L~U tfJ. ( tll\!1 ~I.'Lit»G &'-I.~I.'LlU11.'~ft~11,V<br />

L~ 11111~ 1) ~91.'11~ 1».MI.'Il~ 1 n<br />

1.'(111. t.~t. I.'LI1Grt»U~ I.'LI1~1ltU~rtllllll.<br />

" ... : .<br />

Ll.tL.t.W~L~'-1.1<br />

I.'L_cl::u::u~_v 1.' 1ttL,lLfllll. I.'L_cllllll.I.'GfJ.tL,lio<br />

m'-l.~p.1 I. IlL~ L llG~ I. U!illlLil.L~u~J~t<br />

' n<br />

I.'L_cli.'Gil.I1L'-\~U~a1 I.'L_cli.',L~U~~aJ.~lj\ \<br />

::.t.LU[lG~I.'G~UW~£.1!Jft1. ,. 11\~Grt'-I.~~G~l<br />

n •<br />

11G'-1., L~~ML~~a,~~,"'~ H"'L~~~~~t~<br />

L~rtllttl ~'-l.~rt'-1.1.'~ 111), 111}~P.,~a1 H"'L<br />

~ "<br />

~~~~t~L~rtllttl&'-1. ~rt'-1.1.'~~ tt.Ulll~l Lo<br />

0 ..<br />

n<br />

uGGWI.'G~u tfJ. ~~rG:: ~~ ~.v tll\!1U tfJ. ~a,<br />

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::L.t.f.\1 1.'~ lrtL»rGLrtWI.'~LrtG~l .t.L»Il~ll!~<br />

G Mft~!JG~'-I.Litn!-Lll1 L ~.t.L»Il~l Lfj::LM ~1<br />

0 ..<br />

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~~tlli.t'~lllrt'-I.~L~ ~Lrt OS·017 tlt.[l~I.'L<br />

fu ~L»I.'LilGnl.'l .t.LU Ll.t.t.LU ~U ~R.t.l;lnl~<br />

,_ • I W ... W "'<br />

~\fu~~1rtLW~~1~\~1'1~a11.'~ ~~Lrtlllll.<br />

L~.t.LUIJ Lrtl~1Ll/1L~IJ ~~LrtlllA~I.'G(;Sllrt<br />

L,llo1rt~1W~~tLlt.~tL.t.<br />

~ll.~(l~~,l.'~~rt<br />

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U,t\<br />

... .. ,. .<br />

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1.' iUil.(t»ft'-1. \ rt~1Lrt fl~ U~::ll."tt~lllll.L~t.LU<br />

1.' iull»<br />

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1 tl.t.l.trtlrtltl.' »U l;~U 1~t.lt t~111llll.<br />

,.,~"<br />

n<br />

L~LrtllllL~IJ t~111lL~fArt.t.UrG~~L~'-I.<br />

t~~a1~1J t~11Lil.!I.OG 11~11.1 gll.(t»f6111.'~<br />

lllA ~I.'G(;S1LrtL,lio1!J~~tllt. lltl~U~11l~lfl\ ~~<br />

~G.!JtL~UGil.I.'G~~~~\ ~~tllt.G~W~~tth.<br />

11U tllU II.' fl. 1 rtL» I.'Gil.fu t.~lrtltl.ti.'G t. 1<br />

.... :- • - '!"'<br />

fu~L~L~.t.LUI.'~'-1.11~a1~\::~111lGt.<br />

.. ,. "' ~ ,,. ....<br />

1111 t. 11111111;: .t.Wl 1 1.' ~~R.rtl.t.U ltrt~ ~U ~ lt.t.LU<br />

IJ~Hrtl.'t~ 1't\!11.'LrGfl\~a11.'l.ti.'JJ~ ft'-1.\<br />

~G &l~L_cli.'L_t»U~fl~_t\ lll.(t» t~11.(t'-1. \~ \<br />

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1.'~1.'~ ~£.1 LG 1:: ~I.'~ 1 rtL» § R .t.l;lU tfJ. _(t'-1.\<br />

(.t.Lltl~.!I.!Jft\ ~,t\ll.(t») M_cl~b~\ Gfl~ \fl\<br />

~\~~~G~ll~I.'~'-I.I.'G?1U~ (~UI1G~M~t~<br />

qm_v~~t~~) fl\llt1~1~,t\~~~I.'~MlU'<br />

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~~\ ~'-l.~~~flV~ t~11tL!:1UI.'~~,VGft~~<br />

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tllljft'-1. \~\ ~a1::~G~ U~l.' t:\~ \L~1fU'-1. 1 ~<br />

~~L~'-I.::t.[li.'G~l IJI.'_QI.'~ 1rtL».(t'-1. \~VG~1<br />

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u Lrt_tt'-1. V~fl \ ~.v t. GftrtL~u ~.tt'-1. \\!Nr(l<br />

~\G~l~a~~~,V~g.Ltti.'~'-I.~,V I. ~~U~fl<br />

G~l ULHttl.'»'-1. I. ~~~Gitl.'~1rtL»~\~tl~l<br />

llt~~all~~~ I. llGflULrt.(t'-1.\ ~W<br />

.. 0<br />

U t.M<br />

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f1LljLU~ , L~~1.'~111.'f611L~t~llj\L~G!e ~<br />

I.'LrG~,V I. llL.~tt~t~L~!J~f611 ~M.t.ttt~GJI~<br />

ft\LrtUGGI.'~lrtL»UL~UG~ ~~\1.'~1.'~1<br />

n n<br />

rtL»IlGL~l fJ. Lil. I.' fl. 1rtL»I.'t~ 1 ::LM ~mu ~fl.<br />

........ " 'X<br />

~t~L~~a, .. l.'~lrtL».Cf'-1.\~W~k-rt'-1.11 ,<br />

L~~I.'~11Gf1 ~ \ G~'-l.rt~1.'~11 l.'~.t.lt\1.'(!1 '-\~L~<br />

G~ ~11G~~ tA~t~L~~a~~~lll~l I. lltl~l<br />

LrtULrt_tt'-I.~~HUb fl~~0'-1.1.'~ 9 ~~LUlt.,t.<br />

0 •<br />

L 11.1~ ~~LU lt.,t.U lA Lrtl.'~ 1 rtL» .(t'-1. ~~ ~ \;: ~11<br />

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Grt»1rG~,VL~1::~11~~R~l t.l;l~~~a,<br />

n<br />

L~~.v G ~:: ~1mtt~ll t~l.' ·;~m~~ ~~ tLlt.~L_cl<br />

~'-l.~al::L.t.M 1 tll\!l~U,t\fU'-1. \I.'G ~~~all~<br />

l1,t\t~111.'~ 1rtL»Lt'-l.\ L~f611 U,t\~,V .t.~ ::G~\~<br />

llG!fft\~W I. ~'-l.w.(t'-1.\~,t\lll,Ct».(t'-1.\~\<br />

I.'G<br />

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t.1 ~ll.l.'lllllll.Ll.ti.'LlA<br />

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~ 1~JLill::.t.n~1'1Wl1<br />

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ft'-1. \ ~l6~ ~~Urtlltrtl.t.U ~~G&lnl_cl~~ 1 ::~11<br />

Lrt[l \l~fu..<br />

» .t.LU ~11U t~::»~ \ L~l.'~ 1 rtU1<br />

~~U~L~G&'-1. 1.'~1rtL»~~UI1H.t.l1[l~<br />

L,lio1 I. fU'-1.\.tt'-I.\ ~ \~~1G~11.'~1rtL»~Lr~\<br />

I. I.'Lf'llL»~~UL~G~'-I.~l611,V L~rtl.t.!lrtllt<br />

1.'~ 1rtL»~Lr~ ~fu '-1. \ llL»~ML~G~'-\~~U~l6<br />

.t.LUIJ G~WI.'~ 1rtL» t1ti1,V tll~li.'G ~1<br />

~rlfA llltl~<br />

U ~1 l\ ::GG~'-\G ~ GG f611 l.'ll~ 1 Gr~rft11 tL~U<br />

::~~fl~ G f6 ~G~ fu ~~1rtltl.t~Gil.~L~~~ ~a 1<br />

H L l\tL~u 11t.t.G~fu~L~I.'G ~, !J"'LrGI.'G»<br />

"'~ "'~'-I.I.'LrGu~~tttth.tl6~fu ~~ m.v "'~'-\<br />

1 I I I<br />

I.'LrGI.'~ 1rtL» t1t~fu ~~1~a lUGGU ll111.'G~<br />

;:~~'-l.lnW~<br />

. : ~ ~~rm tl1~lfu ~~ '~"'~ lrtl

£L<br />

11111 .. t-L~rJL11 , Ufl&1t'~j'mi11L~f611 t~L~l<br />

UrJ~111~11111L~ 11~11Gt:J~ 1fU~\L~G~L~~f111<br />

t~L_t1Ufl~1fl~ .. H~IJL11 , L~t'~!1Uflt.1::~n<br />

.. t-L~rJL11 , UrJ~1fl~ .. t~L~1 , L~Lll1L.<br />

L~11~UIJ~1C'~L.t.1t\,t\l fl.(t.l3 Ul11111rJLil.L~C'L~<br />

C'~t',tt1 (Lt\t\\G~'o1) Lll1L~G~1t\\L~11~<br />

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t-LrG l 11l11~\!1t'~rJLil.L~~~ ~t't.t.Q::.t.f1~.s-<br />

L_t\'o1tUn~11fL~t'~ (.t.\61111~) }Gl6111£lflL11<br />

G~ (L9£l . ~ · M) ~LUJI..&.11~11Gl611\U.t.11C'L~<br />

111111'\~L~t-~::~11 rJLil.L~L11L.QoHI.llUt-~<br />

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!3 G~~ib~L~L~I1,t\~~LUll.!11\~\!1t'r,.<br />

.t.LUI1~tfl\!1fU~\t'G~1 . 1)~LUli.!11\11G~L~1<br />

0 ' ..<br />

1\<br />

11I11L~g(l11L~ .. 11~t'Gl.4 oo G~::~11Gt:J~ 1~<br />

L~~\L.Qo1~ \ L~ L~.t. L U ~::.t.f1t'f611C' }l;f611LI1<br />

11~1t'fll 1Jl;1Jt~f611 11L.t.l.4~~.t.~::.GG&fl~1G&<br />

... I I<br />

(11L.t.l.4ftWt~11LI1(3G~~!lt'~1::HLG) U£.11<br />

1:'!1;11111 .. §R.t.~1li.L.t.Ugll.l LrJ::.t.M oo G&11M<br />

.. '<br />

~w~LUll._t11\ f1~11~t't~~t',S..t'Li'L~C'Ll.4<br />

.. ugll.l,, G~GGGML~~M::~ULIJGI1Llt~.t.~<br />

t-LrG jR.t.~1li.L.t.Ugll.l LrJ::.t.M oo ':l11t'~tt,m<br />

11G~LI111~G~ ..::.t.M oo 11111 .. c-t~~ oo 11111<br />

::~HG~ JR.t.~1li.L.t.Ugll.l oo ~U~L~.t..t.l1<br />

.. .<br />

~»~ULI111111 jR.t.~1li.L.t.Ugll.l, , 11L11<br />

. '<br />

11~KR.t.~1~U~L~UI111\ 11~ I. rJL~t;G&<br />

::L.t.M1LG1L~1 }ft~~rJ~1 o JRU~1li.L.t.Ugll.l<br />

1\ ..<br />

LrJ::.t.M Gt;11H tR.t.~1Lli.L.t.LrJ::.t.M Lt<br />

tt •:" U _, tt I<br />

G~~ JR.t.~1li.L.t.Ugli.1Lfl::.t.M oo G~I1Mfl~<br />

jR.t.~1Lli.L.t.LrJ::.t.M oo G~~11~L_t\~t~ 11~[1<br />

1\ 1\ 1\<br />

11L»~WGf1~ G~lt'~ 111L.I3 ~~11L~I1_vrG11~<br />

f1~t¥Lll1L~L~.t.LU rJLp_~11.t.UL~lt\l11 (Lfl<br />

::.t.M 1111 1M~f1 1 L11Gf6) , _§R.t.~1li.L.t.U g ll.l<br />

t't~~ oo 11111~U~L~.t..t.I1(311~L_t\~t~ L~1<br />

•<br />

rJLI1~tiU11fl1)1L~C'~L~ 11L.t.l.4~11f~ 111L.I3<br />

. :" ... . 111l.ULI111t.1<br />

~ ':"<br />

KR.t.~1G.t.~t»L~1Wl111.t.1::~~,~n\Ll.41611 1111.<br />

.., P .... 1 1; -:" If' I I !:<br />

ULI1t'M 111L.I3l.4~G ~LI11.11.1Ll/1L .<br />

L~.t.LU~::rJ::£.11 \ 11~1 t-LrG11I11t-l;~fl~ \11G~1<br />

(lt»L~11111 1JI~flLil.L~~ ~t;t;h,t~t-Gn.ib n1<br />

11Ltt;I1,V I. t'Lf611~t'Ll.411~1111U!l~\!1~C'~1<br />

11L.I3t~t-Gn.ib ~~111Ltt;t'G ?1 Jl~ L~~ ~11~[1~<br />

fll.4~11111flL~U~~tL~Ut-~ I. t'Lf6~U~L~.t..t.l1<br />

•<br />

11Ht'11G ULI1Gl6ULI1~11Ltt;I1Lt-1U ~1611 t~11<br />

..... ~ I .. I ...<br />

~» LrJ::.t.M11n.1t-U11~ I; t-L11::.t.M11n.1 t-LI1<br />

~ ,. I;<br />

t- t~ ~ 1111111ft.1111 1 ::11L i ~11 t.W11Ll&~U~<br />

1\<br />

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M.t.Lt;1~11111 \!~UM::.t.f111Ltt;!'J t-Gt;J111L.(l<br />

~Lll.llt~~ .t.ULGIJL11f\Ll/L~1t\l11~~ 11~<br />

ULI111t1!:JGt:J11) S840!J·OJ -S6eJ UrJ~1t'!l1<br />

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~G~~ .. 11Ltll.11GI1~11,V11.t.M. oo 111111JL~U<br />

.. 11\11GI1~11!;3G~1 oo t-~111L.I3UtM G~~t-~~<br />

t-LrGu ~~~fl~ll~1t\}1:: ~fl~l tL~U t-G~::~<br />

~t-G ~1!:Jt'_Q1)UL~UG11 1)::~.t.LU ::.t.f11l tJ111~<br />

I I .. ...<br />

11Gt:J~1t-G~111111::L.t.M1 I. 11~~kib~L~~~L~<br />

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Lll.1 11tt~t;t;h.ttt::~nt-M 111L» tl&t-Gn.ib t.~1<br />

... . ~ ....<br />

11Ltt;t'G ?1 I. t' ~~~~;t;h.t-Gn.~::.t.f1::ta-1111 1<br />

~G~t't~~Ll/1 L~11t~ U 11111111~rJLil.LI1JI~<br />

fl~t'G111_t\Lll1L~L~11 \11~ IJLI1.G&::~11 t1111<br />

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11111t-t;~ ULI1.(t~~L~I1,t\ (t-L~U~~111LM::<br />

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c-ao .. rJt.t.l1~c-~c-~c-k L~~ 1. y1.t.Ru~11~,<br />

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~f111::~G~~ .. .§'R.t.~1t'~t~~~ oo L~t~I1L~<br />

~[111 S840!J· OJ -S6eJ L~Lil.1C'Gil.LRLlli1Ll&<br />

~~ 111L~l611.1t\ \L~I1 ~~G~ trJ~1~1111111fl~1<br />

U lit' Gil. t-~n~11111G~1t~t~11t'Gil.Ll/1L•<br />

M~1U £li1,V t~1111~t'G11.11I11U Ll111t~L.Qo1<br />

Lll1L~(l11~t'Ll.411t~ (M~t~L~1 111111:'1;~<br />

11L.(ltLll.t'LrGurJ~1L~) 11~t!lL~1/Iotf1l..lll.4~ t,.<br />

L~111111f611 .. t~L~1 oo L~.l3.t.Gl ::u~c.diR~1<br />

11~~11.t.U U rJ;1c- .t.lAL~Q::.t.M MrJt.t.11~rJLil.L~<br />

( L~U1t-~::.t.M~il111.13l.4LI1::.t.M) }lA 11~11<br />

-di R~1t\11~11.t.U C'Gil.Ll/1L »::~11 t't~~t'Gil.<br />

:" .<br />

11111fll.4 ~LlllL~(l 11rli1(3Lll1L~L~.t.LU~<br />

~LUJI..&.11\ 11~111Gt:J'o11t'~f't'o1 \11G~1t\L,Ctt'L_t<br />

U ~f1G~1 f6n 11~11 L M::»~C'~ 111L».(t~ ~~ ~<br />

(L9£l-lS£l . ~ · M) l ~~LUll._trJ.(t.l311\<br />

f1~Gf6<br />

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t~ L~ 11111 111L\A L ~I:'~ rJ L 11 ~I:' G ,.1611111 t~ 11<br />

[1~t11n11111 11,V I. Gf6t'll&1~\t'Ll.4f1~G~1t~<br />

G~ 1 L~ t'Gil.tLrJI1Ll6t'L~t'~l t'G~t;U Lf1f611t'1<br />

flt,ll<br />

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Ut}GMf611LG1Gr11r I. t't~1111111fl~1t-G~t-~<br />

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L~U~ OS t-1fl~1LI1t-~111L.I311001t-L~~t~11<br />

~11~.(t~~~v¥::.t.U11~ rJ~1U~I1!~~rJGo<br />

flWL1111~UL~ .. L~.t.LU~::.t.f1 oo t'G~111fl~1<br />

11Gl&~ rJL~~»t-}t;1111111!LI1t~,11G~LI111~1<br />

1Jt;1 11~1 OOL t-~11,t\LI111~t-lllf1~11,Vt-fllt-G~<br />

IJG_t\~L~ Itt-~ t-~ 1 11L» ~,S..t'Ll.4 f1 ~ 11 ~f111L<br />

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~.s-f611t-~.(t~ ~ U.t.11t-!t;11111t'~ 111L»,ct~ ~~ ~<br />

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rG11,V11~tfl\!1t'G~111111 I. t-g~u~L~.t..t.l1<br />

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flk {!,U!I1JJL.Qo1t'~t-~11!~L~t'fl\!111n.t-Lt<br />

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11.t.M oo 111111JL~U~ ., 11\11GI1'o111!;3G~1 oo t-~<br />

iR.t.l~1L~1111I1111~f1~11~L~1f6k I. rJG~t~,<br />

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~»~11 \L.Qo1 §R.t.~111111flL~U~ .. 11\11!!11~<br />

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t'L~lJ L!1~~ .U.Lttlll1t\ t\U G ~~t\_t\l:rtG !&~~~<br />

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~»~fu~L~~t\t\U!611 I. H!tLI1[1~t\11~1lJl<br />

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t'M 111Ll1t\t\Ut\LH~lt t' M 111Ll1t\t\UL~Lil.l~l.t<br />

• I ,. • 't ...<br />

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~\,!lt\rtU11t'~ 111Ll1t\Lflt\ \ L~Ltl;rttt t'G1~<br />

t\~ll»~U»t\~ ~U,V~Ltl1t\~ll»Lil::.t.M G,.<br />

n '<br />

~?C!rt~L~F~t',t1~11Lll tl;\L~r\LUAfC~~<br />

L~IML~t11~ I. 11Gf\~Grtlt\G~GGt'~1rtL<br />

t' tt\ \t\l;t\~ W t\L,F ~L~r\LtlA. fCi.t}~Grt~<br />

I 1 .. 1<br />

!611 ~rt~[1~t'~l;t~::GG~~rttG ~ t1 ~\;11\~lJ<br />

!lt\L~t\\ t' _tl;I1L~~I1L~ M Grt~t\L_t~[1~11!;1<br />

.. '<br />

L~1i.U,llo ~t't.U.Ltt\1\U r\,VI1L,llot'tl.t11Li"'~<br />

t' iufu t~lt\t\UrttrGt\L_t t'~~ t\l;rGI1L~M<br />

C!rt~G~~L!1GI1~!l t\_t\11.(tl1 lJGt\!t11Lrt<br />

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t\llt 1~~L!1GI1~ t\fl 1 ~Grt~ lJLrtt'Gil.L~1t\fl1<br />

~Grt~t\rtU11~L~Lil.1 (t'G1~t\H11~LtC'WL~<br />

~\L,ll-1) ~LtHU.t\1\UG~ 1\t\U~~~\t'~r\,t!l<br />

tltt\1::tM ~GU.Lrt~~l11t~11~~~ ~~ ~t't.a.Lt<br />

tU11_ct~~;:~t\~ 1t't}~t'}~; ,ct~ ~~WLrtr\C!t<br />

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rtG~~~t'GLRlJ!t't~~~ttqtt-Lt\t\~ ~!&<br />

~LMr\L~t' )111 ::tMlJ,!Iot\LI1.a.Lt::tMt' tlA.~~»l<br />

t't~~L~1~U.M::tM ::~~11t\t1 ::G~fllJGU<br />

~ ~ M : ~<br />

t'~111Ll1~L~I.&G&~ 11G_t\~L~I.tt\f11::~ lJLrt<br />

.ct~ w~rc~ L ~"~ w.ct~ ~:: ~t't}~t' -"(;<br />

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t'Lr\ ,.<br />

~~t'L,(\t\!\1~11Gf\,ct~~~~ ~ ~~LlJ.U.!C.t\~<br />

1\GI.tt\\L~lJLt['\ !l~r\MG~t'_t\~1\L!l~~::~,<br />

11G f\_ct~ ~~ ~ C'G?l L~ljU ~ 1)t-~~~ L~IML,llo<br />

~~L~rttt~rtllt~~ lJLrt~_ct~~~ ~lJL~t'G~1<br />

t\1\Ut\fll 11Ll111L~~t'~ 111Ll1t\Lrt\ \t\t\U~~<br />

(£Svl-ll17l ' J.; 'M) G ~~LlJ.U.!I1.(tl1t\\<br />

t\_t\L~ 1 I. 11Gf\rGt-11~1G¥:t\~~t\l;!l<br />

.. '<br />

::~GML~t\~l~tL~lJLrtlJI1~ ug· l. t\~t~L~l<br />

r\,V 1\,(\~~(\.t.Jl Ll1t\ t\Ut\fl 1t~Ll1t'G~~;~~<br />

.t.llLl1t't~~t\f111111t~L~1 lJUI1G~fC~r\~t' ~<br />

I. t\G~Ll6M::~11 (L!;t'l;rtU[1) t'~lrtL»~,t.<br />

::mtf\~ (t\~) ~Hli~~Ll6~LI1::tM .. ttthfl<br />

-~~~ .. ~Ul1t\~ (rt~t~L~l) ~m»~LI1~tM<br />

t\,O.I!l~ I. t\\!~lJ~L~ttr\t~L~l rmmtu.<br />

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~~t\l;::~t\l;G&~t\~tfl~lt\l;fC~\t\l;G&~<br />

L~1t\l;t\\;t\f11::~ t'L,(\1\~t'G~lt'G,V rt~t'G ?'<br />

tL»t'!t, t'L,(\t' ~~l.tl).r\_tt\C!~~~ G~LtlA.fCt.~<br />

c.ug.a.1 Ll1::t M ::~11 {t-G~) c.ug.a.1 Lfl::tM<br />

(t\~t'GU.) C.lJ g .a.1 Ll1::t M !l~~LlJ .U.!t\ \"~<br />

§RtJ.;It~L~It\t~ t\~G~r\11~1r\11()1::t~~<br />

n<br />

t\ t\Uf1tt\fl ~~ \ 11\!lt'~ 111Ll1t\t\llt'!t11tllJ!l~<br />

::o::tt\ \ ::~1, t-~11C!l\~ rt\!lt'~ mL»t\Lrt\fl,<br />

rtltl;~t'~ I1Lfl~[111~ 1<br />

11u. ~!lt'~ 111Ll1t\Lrt\ \<br />

L~rtLWrttt I. t')}~u::tl.ti1U.~r\~t'G~tl1~1<br />

::~U.(t~t,t111 I. 11G~1[1~11lA.~t\\;t\f1111L~lJ~~<br />

I. t')}~lJ~L~ttnn,t~W§ R tJ.;It~L~I G~<br />

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~t'~~t-LrGugfu~L~C!,ll-::~111\~~\,!1 I. fC~\<br />

t'G ll.L~ 1 !l [1 V ~ [1111\ll~f'\ 1:: ~rtGr~t\ t\U rt~<br />

..... ... ... ..<br />

' '<br />

t\ ~11~ 11\t t\L ~!l fC~ t' (;~ t\~!6, LrttL~lJ t' ~<br />

t\~lA.L~rttt~rtLI.t 1\t\t\t\ll~l.ttLlJt't\G lJG<br />

L ~fCllt'L~::LtM 1 t\1\IILt\~fC~ t\l;brt\!lt' ~<br />

t' iu fu ~~It\ t\ U t'LlA. t'~ 1 IlL l1t\LrL ~fCll~lJ \<br />

t'G~!;~lJ\ ::LtM 1 ~\t'LlA.f1~t'~I1LI11l.tJt\~tL.U.<br />

[1~t'~G!tt\t\U!lt'G~l;!llJL~t'G~1 .. ~1lJ~L.a. ,<br />

n<br />

lJI1tlt\~ .. ~::t[1t\~lJI11111L» , L~t\,VU11~1<br />

UlmrtLl1t'LlA.t\fllt'~ t'M 1 L~t~t\fll~t'~H<br />

t'G~!;rtL,llof'\~t'tlt~~t\1\U~ lJI11111Ll1 lJI1tl<br />

1\,(\~~(\t' tl.t~ 11\!llrtt'~ 111Ll1L~lJI1~1L~IML_Q.<br />

t' ~H~lJt\GI.tt' iufu~~lt\t\U (t\~1\GI.tt\fll<br />

t' ,t1 ~~t'LJ.»fu Grtt\LM:: » t' ~Lrtt\~t\r\lJ ~~ 1<br />

t\LM::» !t11t'~t\t~ 11L~f1t\G~t\fl 1f1V~H~<br />

lJ ~~ 11\LM::»G!t C'L~lJt\C!~t\fl 1 t'Gl1t'¥lJ ~~ 1<br />

1\LM::»t-Lt~::tt\GI.t t\GI.t £ rtt-iufuUI<br />

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t\t\U) lJI.tt\t\llt'~[1~flG~1lJ_tt'Lr\t'LlA.f1~t'~lJ~<br />

t'~Ht'G~!;IlL,llo {t11~l11fllA.~) t'L~lJ~~~<br />

t\LM::»t-~[1~ (9~~»t'tL~) 1\r\lJ~~It\LM::<br />

~11t'l.tt'itJfuU1t\t\Ut'LC.l1LrtGI.tt~11 Lt~<br />

I :: 9 1 I 'I I<br />

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t'G~!;L~t\~ lJI1 ~~) rtf'l.lJI t'~Ht'G~~;~h.tLU!l<br />

( ll P'l-176£1: . ~·M) 17 ~~LlJ.U._tl1.(tl1t\\<br />

17L<br />

[1 ~ ~rt~t'G~::~Ll/1L~L~G~1t' tU.::LtM 1<br />

LtLt\t\LI1~_t.~ t\~Ll/IL~G~It'L~» C.L~lJI<br />

t-~::tMt'~t\~ t~11t\~Lrti1Lil.L~LrtL_Q.lt' ~~<br />

t'Gfl+\~t\~LYG&1!l~~LlJ.U.~t\ \ {t-t~~t'Lr\<br />

t'G~~;) hLfCC'G~l;t\\a-Hn~pmtf\ {t-G~)<br />

C.lJ g .U.1 Ll1::tM HM 1 ~,t.~ t\l.t~~f\LUt'~\;1<br />

t'!&, {Lrtfuh)ug.a.{ Ll1::t~ t'~ ~ l.tl),r\!~L,t\~<br />

Lu. ((,Lrtfuh)t\.Vt\Grs~m~mtu.rc~ c.ug.a.1<br />

n n<br />

Lfl::tM t'L~tUIIrGrtLtLt\~.a. 1<br />

~~t'L_t»~t'Jt\L~ ·<br />

~Wt:Ga-::HLG Lrtfuht~L~1 Ga-t't}~t\L~<br />

1o t I I<br />

rG~~LlJ.U._tt\~ fu ~\~ f'l.tJ.;I~) t~ ::GG~~lJGGfCt.<br />

.. .. ,.. ,<br />

~h.U.t\~t'C!~IL~It\fll {rt~) §RtJ.;IJI.Lt<br />

Ut\ c.uli.a.1Lfl::tM KRtJ.;I.a.Ltuli.a.1Lfl::tM<br />

ug.a.1 Lfl::tM C.~C. m ~Mt\t'GU.~_t.::m tf\<br />

::~111\Gr\t'Lr\t'G~~;~h, ug.a.1 t11a-1~rtG~<br />

G~ {t!;L)l !.U.fc») t\~L~~rtG~t'L~»~~<br />

l ~~LlJ.U.!I1.(tl1t\ \LrtC!~GG~r\,V tl1\!1t\l;<br />

t\fl1L~~\L_Q.1t'~ (t\~t'GU.) §RtJ.;I.a.LtlJg.a.1<br />

Lfl::tM!l 11U. ~ t'G~It\ \ L~tllJ ::~11 ~l,!iRtJ.;l<br />

I<br />

~~1~ \ fu ~~lrtLtl;L~~jU ~ \ U,t1~ t\fll if'l.tJ.;I<br />

n<br />

t\fl 11\L~L~t\,V_t~ t\fl 1 G M ~t\rL~ 1G~!t,<br />

tL~UL~~~ !l~fC~ \t\~t\fllt'~, CS~t~,Lrt<br />

§RtJ.;I~U::tl.tr\~1\L~ t~11Lrtt\Lit\~L~1<br />

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L~IML_Q. ~~t\L~I1L~~!l jRtJ.;I.a.LtlJg.a.1 Ll1<br />

::tM, t\fll~::LM ~1§RtJ.;It~L~It'Gil.t;!lJ~<br />

' '<br />

L~ttr\ ~Lil.fC~rGlJGC!L_Q.1Lli1L~C!&l!l t\~Lrt<br />

fu ~~~~t'~ 111Ll1~LlA.I1Lil.L~tLlJt\t~ ~t'tt.D<br />

::t[1~_t.L_t\~~rGf1~ 9 ~~~,t1r\Grt~ t\,0.1 [1~<br />

t\~ 11L,l)lJ 1111 t' ~t' ,t1~11Lllt~, t'~ 1 rtL»~rGLrt<br />

~v~ t\G~t\~tL~r\~t'~Lil.lt\rLrtL,ll-1~<br />

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&L t\t\.!1-.U.~lJ tM::LtM 1~t}t'~ t\G~t}t'~ 111Ll1<br />

lJtMCSrt~l G~~~~LlJ.U.,tt\U.~tL~lJttl;~<br />

f'l.J.;l~t'G~I!lt'~ 111L» ugrt~lt'LrGt\fl 1::~t'l;<br />

~ fC~ \t\C!&lt\L,(\U~f'\C!~I lJ!!I1G_t\~L~I.tt'~<br />

t\~f'\V~ 111L»~,t.~~l.t11t'~ t'~ 111L»,ct~~~~<br />

(v6£l-L9£l 'J.; 'M) £ ~~LlJ.U._tl1.(tl1t\\<br />

t--;t~fli~H~I1Lt\<br />

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tiUL'Ii11tl~uLuu 1~HW-l~7-l, ihuvn::~<br />

d:Ju Yi7::v1~« m'l'iu1m mL ~ilDunu<br />

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ff-li:h~1R1LUUU1Vmm 1.1~£lL~V-l<br />

(mq a3 u) ff-l~11i1i!nDDnn1.11n<br />

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tl1tlUU 11JLW-3L~1.1LL~::finff£l-3Vhnil-3~ • 1 [JU~£lnU1.11n£lti 2 Yl1U ~£l\JL~£l~U Yi ~1~1tJn1tJ7~L~£lrl[Jtl1[J<br />

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~~ti nfl-lL uuci1uoi!11~Ufl11J~Lflm uu1.11 L~~1<br />

f1'-3L'Iiu fl1£lnL~1 LUUfl7£ln~1ntlUUH11.1<br />

1 w~U1.11YI1-3\Jn 1rl£lti~nuu1m171't! mDn<br />

lii1 n'li11.1 tlU UW1171'1!1.11 L UUfl1[) n ~ii11 tJ<br />

Yl:: , £l£lnt1UUL~7tyn1-l<br />

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I.'L~UI.'t.ltt\LM::»t\~ I.'»I.'L~t\G~I.'~lt\LM::<br />

..<br />

t\1}1 t\~1'\LM::» G!;t I.'L~I.'~li.'G~ijfl,L,ll.<br />

t\LM:: »I.'~~ [1 W"'~ 111L»L~1 I.'LL4U Ll!~i1<br />

I.'L£\111.4 ~rlt\ll.(l~_ct~ ~11ULI!UGt\<br />

Gf'GI1~Ulrli.'M 11 ~rl~~~t\1} 1t~ ;:(l_ct~ ~11<br />

t.LUI.'GJI t\,t\1.'»1)~ t\,ll_ct~ ~11(1Stlflrll1~\!<br />

1 .. I I 1<br />

::nLi(l~l1u~nij , I.'LrGui.I.Jt~I1Ln.t.rlL..-.~~up.l<br />

fl~l.'~~~l1 ,i~tU1t\(l1L~(l~;:Lt.M1 ~fl..-.

" !'I " 1 " • '<br />

l ~\4~:: Lu\l.tl1tH\4 tH:l~ CHl1.1 LL'I.I1 ~ UJ£1~\4 \4 Y1<br />

LU\461\l.m::liDtl.~D Yi £l£l£lm-l t:~fln 1tntl<br />

\1<br />

'I.ID~nlm1uf1D~LL ~~YiD Hutl.titl. ~, t ~<br />

~d£1~1.1 Yitl , nnL£l11.11'1.11tJ~Yll~L'I.Il 11.1LW~<br />

~utl.n1::l1'Dt41 ~·hlii~'t~tl.Rli1' ~1vnntl.<br />

\1 •<br />

'<br />

YiD" 1.1'1.11Vl 1.1£1 \l.Utl1.11.11n fi1ihni'D~<br />

" mvmn1.1" "~~::ii~n Dtl.L2.li'~:: "1.1tr<br />

\1<br />

Dci1~'t1nL vi'D~ ' \Yiv1.1mn1.1tt1LitD~1.1<br />

m::liDtl.Yi£1" L~tl.rff\4 ~ ~L'IJ1L~l\~~ ~£ln<br />

... I .; -.,. :;<br />

11 tl~~\4~11 111~\4~ LLtl1 :: Yil\4 ~\4 \4\4<br />

ii1'1lt4<br />

:: l U\4 ~h ~~~ n1it4~1D~t~n~1.1,r~<br />

L Ylt!LL ::;Jtl.nLtl~ 1'1.1\4 ii~tl.l ¢.£1\l.IT D~ \4<br />

\1<br />

'ttJ~~~i11tJn\4 tl1Yl nm!ii1tl£l£ln1.11 ii<br />

\41~1lm1~1tlf111.1<br />

;J\4 tl.~~~tJDm¢.DWll<br />

11 " "~"t:~~n.,.,~ -,;~ " fl\l. Yi ~YiLL1nn1,<br />

\1<br />

" fit:~~~~~ .. L¢.£l\l.n£l·tJlv1, .. .. ~~~~<br />

n\1.1~1.1~1.,., .. ,r~ £l~tl11.1fltltJ't2.l~'l.l ·,hnt4<br />

"n 7~~i'11lU\41';£l~ fiD£i~ru~LL2.Jt:~n<br />

u " " \1<br />

tltl\l.~~tlthf\l.tJ\4 n'l.l~tl~fl~1.11 ~\4 \l.LL1n<br />

\1 \1<br />

~::uDn1, " fl\4'1.11~ " LLtl Yiil 'tmilL¢.Dtl.L'Iil<br />

\1<br />

h11t111.1ti~ 1'1lt4n1, .. "~- t:~~n.,.,~ -,~ ..<br />

fiD " fl\4~1tlnY1<br />

rim"" LLfi:: Yiil11 " flil<br />

.. \1<br />

~ "~ " •tl " '1.11~~ "~ " LLfl::fl£ltJ11 " ~<br />

~ --~n\41~1.1~1.,., " ·~1tl~ --~n\41~1lm1cn "<br />

trlm '11t41~1.111~tln~ .. ~<br />

\1 \1<br />

1 ~ D~D~I ~ n~ 1'1lt4<br />

u<br />

'l.lltJ'I.Itl~<br />

nl'1.11hnt4d~u\4<br />

~, n ::Yi1\l.~u ii nY1H'D'1VL U\411<br />

LL "1lU\411\l.t~qj'll1tJY1£l~l;]l'IJ£)~<br />

'iiu LL2.l 1.1'\ity ii'\ifl1"111tJ1~qfSD~m ·~<br />

t11nvnuci1.:n:J~~u n1utl. .. , ~v " t~ru tiD<br />

. "<br />

'ttlttltl. 1tl.'IJ1tJil£lnL1.1.fiH ~ IU\41 .1\l.t~qj<br />

ihuv 1~ 1"tJ"i£ltJfl1'lhv~u:: "'l "'l '1.11tJ<br />

' 1tJ 1;)1'1J£l~IU "'J1tni£) 1tJ UtJ11iiLLYi~<br />

1 'v1tu 12.11 "~ ( "vriDu'l2.l2J 1\l.'IJ1tJ~Dn<br />

i 1m~ uuil;~~u ~ ::~DfiDnL1.1nflu~<br />

,tl~, , u~ 111~~n l~'l.lil~ 11.11w~ {flD<br />

tl!:: Yi1\4 ~\4) LUt4i'1U~£l .. ~1.1~ ~~1 " 'l.lltl<br />

\tJ"!Jl~\l.tlVl~ii LLfi::LLYi1~\l.tll~ ~ ~mfftJ~<br />

• fiD'ttlnLuwfltl.tlH ~ ti~t1tl.tl.in11ni<br />

R1\l.YlH'1.111iiD111~~n HL U\4 h ~w1.1~<br />

'1.1£1~\l.ltJ 1 W1.1WLL ::'l.lltJ~U~HDmntn~ ~<br />

1~ ' ~ ~ ~~ --~tlnii11<br />

' \~1.1<br />

~~~~i'rhtl.m£)<br />

\1 \1<br />

t, -... I ... ,<br />

"ll\4 ~\4~6£1\4 ltlff1 tJlU :: Yil\4 ~\4<br />

tltl LUnLLtJtJ ~iitJ1 ntJ<br />

'll'n~tl.l "<br />

" i'w'lilLnl:: l Yi11::<br />

tl.ltJ 1LU\l.tyliiriu , ti4Yi1::1 nm<br />

crm~1n~ (L~n iifl -1) L~l'IJ£)~ h~W1JW<br />

1 11 mu :: :: 1U1111lliv iii~~D "m ,<br />

LiitJtl.£lV~iinh~w1JW nu'IIJ\4dlu\4 1161tl<br />

\1 ,<br />

~~v1.1Dv1t4 11.11w~ \4~~~ 'tfiLLfi~~,unu<br />

u<br />

fJ m~ .~~fiD1llLUtl.'!ltl. (D::'t1n·1.1) fin<br />

mnd'ttJ , fl~tl\l.tl.inn11~~~1vn<br />

" ~1wfl"<br />

~tl.L1vn " fifiLnv" iih~u£ltl.I1Vn11 UD\4<br />

~11~fl<br />

'li11.1t1tl.tl.tm111~'ttl m~11iim U\4<br />

1~ 12Jtl•1.1 ('tm111~1w1~ ') Ltluiil<br />

lTlllt1 Yi 1::tJltJiitl.Yl{~il"'J1 (-~~ -~~L it)<br />

'!ltl.Yi LLn1'1J£l~i'"llnlfl~<br />

U11tJ~'I.I1.11<br />

1::~~~n "1'1<br />

3 tJ~ "~1m Lri£1<br />

°1lhL tJi'£ltJ,r~~1.1ilL'Iilllh<br />

m~tl1::~tJtJtl.Yi1::m1u<br />

DDn'l.l\4\41~ ~hru1~111 m~ 1vt4~1l£ltl.<br />

, \1 "<br />

~ln Yi 1::LLrl\41.11~tJ£lfiY1~11 i'u .:.~11 ' \~1<br />

m \l.Du vntl.ttlfl"<br />

, '<br />

tJDilYi1::tl11~. ifl<br />

12.1tl • 2.111 LUU~Dn'I.ID~ ~1m::t11tJiitl.Yl'h<br />

~v1tl.UYi1::tJ1Yl 1::mff~'ttl , ·1u1n ri1<br />

1~1£l111 ~~'ti1 "Jl~ Yi 1::tJ1Yl;itl.nvn11<br />

!:tJlmfl 11.1u•1.1" ii~1tl.tl1::~1tl 1n<br />

lU\4~<br />

£l~1£l~~,n~lu<br />

m'lllYlD~iil 1::Lnff Yll~ltJiiD LV£1~1~<br />

\1<br />

11.1tl . 1l1lmDn'ttlDDm~~ii~·t1t4t4W1111"ll<br />

t<br />

" ~m1vnn "tl. ~<br />

11 " 1~~rhtl.1 · £l " ~\41 vn ' \ciiv~~ ~ "<br />

rll I ~E ~I U\Ul11Vl~fl1~ qYl !\l.ltJL112J~l~<br />

1" n LU\4 tl.Lu tJ1u lilU11"lltYL111D~tl1::<br />

1't1 "1L 11!tj't~~1l~,r~Yi1::tl.mn1,'ti1<br />

uu11LU\4 fl ~1.11tllfl'l.l~~~tw~tl.'l.ltl.tl.H ,<br />

1 41~ttl.m1.1Yi1::D~~~~mvnrilt411 {rll\4<br />

L~Dtl.qYl!\4,\l.luflvilwnLfltl.Yi • '\ifl1'1.1£l~<br />

ri1u ~fin ntl.ii • £) Yi1:: v1 w'lf'v"lll 'l! q.,.,;<br />

(t-Il~<br />

L YlYi~ iitl.) L~2.J~YiY1~11£l1616)j'tJ<br />

1.1~16~ 111.11t:~n f.,~~~~ 1t41~~rll\l.l~£l1.4<br />

l U\l.LL~~~£)~<br />

..'<br />

~<br />

11~\4~ ~tile.lltl.L'Iil 'ttl~ :: 'ti1<br />

Utl.L v~ ' \~v::LLfi~D" R11.1LW~fl£ltl.d'ttJ<br />

,<br />

..<br />

.. .....<br />

6~YltlU\411"111~ ;J\4 ~1vnn~ fl~<br />

~1.1LW..lfl£ltl.ft::ffi\4~\l,<br />

fl\4 LY1tlHtlJ~1<br />

'ttl1.112.11n ~~utl.~Dcinii 11l~w~f1Dtl.ifl<br />

\1<br />

11.1tl~1.1 tl.LYltJUDvt:~~ flDtl.fiD ~ 'tuni~<br />

UDvt:~ ~~\41.1£1~ 't tlm~ 't ~tl.n~tl. ,r~,X\4<br />

m D n<br />

,r~,v,r~111.11n1.11tJ ~mril~ltJLtl ~D<br />

t~2.Jinffl\4 l Yi11::tJ nfinUlt411£ltl.Ufl::fi~<br />

\1<br />

tl\4 tl. ~\4 m~fifle.lltl.n1.11 n ~D "u'll'tl'ltDtl.<br />

~tl.tJDnL2.J 'Dtltln 1t4~d~~n~11UtltJ1~<br />

\1<br />

LLYi~Lu Yil::~fl\4 't YltJYiD~::'t~vtl.DVUHL ri1<br />

w<br />

,f\4 11.1LW~fl£ltl.n~ ~1'1i1'ttl iimDn<br />

LLfl~~\41 vn " 1~ 1~1nv" 1t4m£lndii<br />

~~ ,t~qjiitl.ut4L~11fiL~v1 ,~~~\1.~::111<br />

. .<br />

20 .rr\4 ~Du.ff\l.U\4 L~Yln'li\4~1.1Yl£l~l~~£)~<br />

L1tJnrit411 1 '1UU\l.LilY1£l~<br />

'IJW£l1~11~tl.Yln . ,<br />

DVl~ 'IXuL· t4L~t:~lt~qj~Dl .. tl~1.11n fl1Dn<br />

Liil~tl.l1tJn " rimii1i~ " fl1Dnd'l.l11.1tltl.tl.<br />

ltJ1111"11LtlY1:: .~~1tyn1 ~ 1u\l.LL~ ·~16111m<br />

'tYlv mDm~, .. titv1l~tl.t1vn " ~~~u1v<br />

11:w::"<br />

1 1 "1titv1.1d1'1l.,h111Utl.li1m,;<br />

tY1~1tl llJ "') "') tll~ ~ IU\4~ "'ll ilty~Vi ­<br />

"lllm" fl1£lm~l 1Litv1.1LU\l.flfllil1~qjflfllfl<br />

'<br />

~it~<br />

t n:: 1~1tl.t~qj~1£l1~11tll~,<br />

'ttl~~~ utl. 'tflil D~Yi1 .D2JY1,<br />

n Dcil~ t1 t:~l~ t t4<br />

· ,1liW~iiltlt4~ciD1.1, i1'ttl t'lit4 t1 lfl<br />

tril~tl.l vn .. , 'lfiil"il" fl 1~n11.111~1£l<br />

\1<br />

flfll~t~,.; ~\41 vn "cntl.~~ ·~ " fl 1fiUDv<br />

;J\411tJn " ~~~ill~v :: "<br />

1 Yil::YimDmf,<br />

"11itt11.1fl lfii~~U1 ~ 1~tJ :: I vii1Hu£ltl.<br />


1WUU2J (vmlll ") 'lj\.UJ1\.4W'HJ n.'IJ. LiiD<br />

tlDuLiln flmti1::i)'f1LLtlt'l"Liluh"t'l:: 1<br />

,<br />

~D " ~1!ttlUll)::~n ,.. '1il ti L~11tl t~t'l:: 1<br />

iD,nU~1~h"tt<br />

Vi "utit'll'tl'm )Jfl<br />

fiD,Ltl~UlUYhUtl\.4\.4<br />

ri1uL 1 u n'!Jlti L~, 1 tlnu<br />

'IJD"'ll"Ul" "ltltt" , UUl"Yiifl)J""~ "~ y<br />

L~[J,~LU\.4~~"n11'"*11tl11)J 3 fl\.4 LU\.4 .<br />

y<br />

tl1::~1 ri1unu~)JlnL1hnt~tl1n L ·,L~D"<br />

LTh , Yl1,ffl)JL~"L'th.4L~D"1~L~~<br />

.. , "<br />

L~D"L~l<br />

tf1 Lfl11!t~ t ~'IJlYiL~n~" LL Yt\J Ytn1uDci11)J<br />

tJ -n1\~ti 11)JfL~D"'Y11" ;)JL~"Dn)Jln<br />

y<br />

m DnL \.4 l)J L ~"~L1 U n~DL uu1 YIU<br />

il~D~u"lllDDnniimDn h" 1 )J<br />

-n11fl)JLfi"~-"'l1U<br />

-n1n::Yt::'!JlU<br />

L~\.4;}::<br />

1Dn h"n::Yt:: flL~\.4;}::<br />

~uriDUtn)J h" 1~h"L..; DU<br />

~m ~1"~"ti1" , £i)Jln )J~·~un"u~" ::<br />

\l'u L iluiDU , ~1 DU1\.4L~l .. 1 L 11!t: n£i<br />

f!u\l'u .. u, ;!::L'It~~D~\.4DUH'II11U1\.4<br />

Jr11)Jfll~..rU11L~U" , "lllh1<br />

tia" Hn::Yt::<br />

'li11fi" nun::Yt::)J1'1Jl[J<br />

L U\.41tl n )J L<br />

y<br />

.. '<br />

n::Yt::nii tit~utJ,Luwnunii<br />

~iiau<br />

Yiu1u'li1 Yi L~l<br />

L trn'atlau h"n::Yt:: ";)::-n1n::Yt::'IJ1u1tii1<br />

L )Jfl<br />

-n1t~un1t1~"L~1 "1f! u~rt..,rwn<br />

(, ~ ... n • .: " - a..1. "<br />

L,, 1Ltnn::Yt:: LUUYI m::aummm<br />

iJ~m ff\Jtl D L dD,)J1~" L ~H fl)J)J11fl1 L~ D\.4<br />

tui''llm ~ 5 Yi1::1m fia Yi1::D" ~1<br />

Yi"fli''ll )J 111'11 Yi 1:: Yi,<br />

YtlrL~1~ 1" hht~<br />

)Jln uti \.4 Yi 1::'11mjLiJa1u~tU.J , , ff"ii1 t'l"<br />

.. v , ... 1<br />

"~( H

da. ), ar h d bridg . , hermit , tiger<br />

and o n, nd n. he e v ere<br />

all beautiful tin , painted and glaz d<br />

m del. th t h d been imp ned r m<br />

hina. I nn l rememb r mu h r m<br />

the. e trip. my early childh d but<br />

the tre t v ere almo t<br />

t Plum<br />

wa there to , alled in hai th<br />

rom ha ha, o I upp e th t<br />

e plain. v h there er me hai<br />

pe pie ab ut.<br />

I wa dre inf rmally in<br />

bagg pyjama trou er<br />

plain col ured<br />

and<br />

. h rt<br />

hin<br />

fr nt<br />

at th<br />

from<br />

I th<br />

Ban M<br />

name<br />

v a ai v a. three<br />

t rey building in whi h v e all li ed.<br />

h re wer three ther I v er in the<br />

firm, all middl - ged men, and me,<br />

mere hild, but 1 n had married<br />

my i ter. hen I marri d girl who<br />

li d in am Ph ng and went to li e<br />

i it<br />

r "take a trip" t , but I had alre dy<br />

c. pi red mo. t f th•; ther pan of<br />

Bangk k fairly v ell<br />

alk am Pheng t<br />

R d run. the full<br />

hinc. e qu ncr. I<br />

Han ("the urnbridg ')<br />

ev<br />

pa t the bridg to<br />

v ith tv o il er ti al<br />

a<br />

t<br />

h n I v a<br />

Pheng R d I<br />

n th<br />

Phraya Ri er v here the road<br />

to n end. I remember<br />

t<br />

r ad,<br />

urnbridge and Ratth<br />

re v a. an th r,<br />

t landing; but<br />

ut<br />

n - ne did anything.<br />

right<br />

at the end<br />

d, around Wat<br />

Kalawa, the<br />

v ere ome<br />

remember there v a . a big hine e<br />

tore whi h wa all d, if I rem mber<br />

rightly, the H ng hiam Hua H ng<br />

tore and the Harb ur partment<br />

li ing in a lav yer'<br />

ear ne r th ld<br />

landing ( ha Rong<br />

in parti<br />

gul rly<br />

n innum rable<br />


ne w a ali cholar and very wellread.<br />

He had a whole library of b ok<br />

and wa a good c nver ationali t. We<br />

often talk d ab ut language -- m inly<br />

Pali and ngli h. He h d<br />

ha<br />

ri en a good many gr de in e then.<br />

He i now the Abbot of Wat hakkrawat<br />

Rachawat Wat am Plum).<br />

he other monk w an ld man<br />

who had been in the mona tery for<br />

many year . ln hi youth he had been<br />

a motor mechanic of wide e perience<br />

having worked in rice and av mill<br />

and on b ard teamb at a an engineer.<br />

When he retired he entered the<br />

man tery and pent a I t of hi tim<br />

making mini ture orking model of<br />

engin of whi h he k pt a fine c ll -<br />

tion in hi m. He wa a g d<br />

talk r. Hi<br />

n top of the<br />

Buddha'<br />

many i itor .<br />

I upp e l have been he ring<br />

people talk about am heng all my<br />

life. A child ai Mi the lawyer<br />

would often vi it ather at ur h u e<br />

n Khlong Bang uang and talk o er<br />

nack and fo d. H would c m<br />

back again and again to Wat am<br />

Plum, the am Pheng fire and the<br />

publi and private li e of leading<br />

hine e bu ine<br />

living in Nai<br />

north of am<br />

client<br />

had t<br />

di pute over land and<br />

inheritan e, and in ariably large u<br />

of money were in I ed. om f the<br />

a e were fought o bitterly that<br />

people would be murdered. II the e<br />

matter , and many ther w re<br />

poken about at the table one party<br />

alway ready to lander the ab ent<br />

opp ttton. here wa f ur e a<br />

lawyer' office in th building v here<br />

legal advice a gi en but talk wa<br />

v ry free itting around the tab! in<br />

th evening. h eli n w r in ariably<br />

ery rich and claiming to be loyal<br />

lien of thi r that memb r of hai<br />

nobility were thought to be v ry innuential.<br />

In their n er tion however,<br />

they ne er trayed f r from life<br />

a it wa lived in am heng.<br />

My friend all thought m very<br />

lucky to marr a daughter of am<br />

Pheng" for it v a v idely thought<br />

h would f certain be very rich. It<br />

wa e c pti nal too for a hai to<br />

m e into am Pheng and fri nd<br />

would tell me I v a ery cle er. he<br />

enior member of her family and<br />

me of their neighb ur would often<br />

g t together at the h u e and talk<br />

ab ut p r onalitie .<br />

menti ned.<br />

n er ation v er not ea y t<br />

b au e important tttzen<br />

v uld be all d eith r b th ir vulgar<br />

name r by h rtened title and it<br />

v a diffi ult t mat h them and their<br />

t rie ~ ith what wa b ing written<br />

at th tim about them where they<br />

w uld be referr d t by the I k- like<br />

nam that v ent with v hate er dignity<br />

p t they happen d to b<br />

famou citizen qually puzzling<br />

for the very am r ons. ne rarely<br />

id ntifi the man behind the p t and<br />

it i not e en e y to follow a man<br />

through hi car er when ea h promotion<br />

i accompani d by a change<br />

of name.<br />

ater on in my lif I b came<br />

am Ph ng one more<br />

one<br />

I learnt<br />

peopl<br />

firm four r t e<br />

the amity and<br />

three m t<br />

of<br />

antra t<br />

80<br />

title .<br />

Again and again I w urpri ed<br />

to di o er that uch-an- uch wa<br />

a tually the u h- . nd- uch ab ut<br />

whom I h d h ard o mu h p ken.<br />

ften I wa bafned by th<br />

name u e. rying to trace th<br />

hi tory o arl Bangkok through it<br />

heatre on rok<br />

ua Niam r k I aranuphap)<br />

off Yaowarat Road. o do m work<br />

properly I had to vi it the theatre<br />

owner at hi h u e n hlap Phla<br />

hai Ro d aim t daily. h hou<br />

and the theatr were eparated by an<br />

ea y walk. t the hou e there would<br />

b drink and na k and we would<br />

all it ar und and chat.<br />

u ually thr<br />

manager. B th w r hin e of cour .<br />

h theatre owner, Phra nuwat<br />

Rat haniyom o Hong), form rly<br />

I ttery farm r f bu inc ,<br />

but now with hi gambling den onname.<br />

he nam m heng may<br />

originally have b en applied to the

ld hin e eulement at Tha ian,<br />

the landing behind Wat hra hetluph<br />

n (Wat Pho), but after the founding<br />

f Bangkok a the n w apital<br />

when the ettlemcnt had b en moved<br />

down tream, it applied to th area<br />

around Wat hakkrawat (Wat am<br />

Plum). Wat am Pheng, the ne t<br />

hai Buddhi t mona tery down the<br />

road had it name changed to Wat<br />

Pathum Khongkha during the ifth<br />

Reign re toration. (Wat am hin,<br />

the mon tery o the" hree hin "<br />

near the Bangkok Railway tation i<br />

now ailed Wat rai Mit, the " hree<br />

riend " in Indo-Thai tran .)<br />

Mo t, but not all of th<br />

at the ha<br />

hiu ( o-chiu, Twechew,<br />

etc.) originally from watow and<br />

ha how in the Han River delta of<br />

northwe tern Kwangtung pr inc ,<br />

on coa tal outhern hina. King ak<br />

in of Thon Buri (the ite f hi<br />

palace, directly opp ite thi ttlement<br />

n the other ide of the river)<br />

wa. him elf part ae hi~ and th<br />

Bangkok hine were (a a c n-<br />

equence?) called the King' hine<br />

( hai: hin luang). in e then, v ith<br />

th Bangkok<br />

Krung) in the interval between the<br />

Upper and ower Iron Bridg ( aphan<br />

Damrong athit and Phitthaya athien<br />

bridge ). At fir t there were no other<br />

ervicable road in the whole of the<br />

city, but the hin~ e ettlement grew<br />

naturally, n r hing only marginall<br />

on the wampy field ea t of capital.<br />

With the field at it ba k and the<br />

the ri er front.<br />

or government-impo ed wall or b undary<br />

line around Bangkok' hinatown.<br />

What emerged wa in general hap<br />

a long narrov rectangle curving to th<br />

outh at it lov e t, growing end.<br />

am Ph ng ha long been<br />

famou for it fire . Many of th<br />

new tree were ut or v idened following<br />

a big fir and nev buildin would<br />

pring up o n afterward bringing<br />

with them a nev pr p rity to th<br />

neighbourho d . M ny f the hou e<br />

had a hallow v ell r diminuti e<br />

cellar underneath the h u e. When<br />

there v a a fire all the aluabl in<br />

the hou e would b throv n into the<br />

hole and ealed er.<br />

ire in other part o th ity<br />

mn10n, but a Iilli<br />

t in them, they v ere<br />

to ee a v oman dre ed all in r d<br />

running on the ro f t p . A he<br />

jump d fr m one r f ridg to the<br />

ne t the fir w uld follov h r. I<br />

wond r what<br />

n there i<br />

b tw n thi t<br />

am Pheng<br />

aying.<br />

fa mou for<br />

it<br />

he<br />

crude, reed m t, a mall r tangular,<br />

hin e pillow and th I the he<br />

tand in but with n thing I e. ir t<br />

h d . manual lab ur t repay hi<br />

p<br />

t<br />

h<br />

h<br />

rom th n on of our e he<br />

ae<br />

ant ne e,<br />

llailam<br />

(Hainane e) in de ending order of<br />

'cia " .<br />

am h ng oad wa a long,<br />

traggling throughv ay beginning<br />

u id ne of the ity' gat ( ulgarly<br />

called the ' urnbridge<br />

auth r) traddling th moat and<br />

running down behind the ba k f the<br />

waterfr nt. ane and ide tre t<br />

bran hed off on both ide all the<br />

way d v n. ho e on the right I d<br />

d wn through re id ntial- mm rei 1<br />

neighbourh d to the v harf and<br />

b at landings where th junk tied up.<br />

ho e I ading off t the left were at<br />

fir t of le er importan e. hey probably<br />

went n further than the pre ent<br />

line of New oad hanon haroen<br />

hi tori cal re ord.<br />

Pheng v er<br />

hom were made f v ood and m ny<br />

had palm thatch roof . ne of th<br />

torie told by old re ident wa of a<br />

fire where people in the crov d that<br />

had gath red t watch the fir claimed<br />


the plan for hanon ng Wat rok aeng, rok R ng Kh m, rok old, but I can't remember the rd r<br />

after n great fire. It run parall I Rong atha and rok four in whi h the m . I h<br />

to am Pheng R ad n the ri er id .<br />

r th re t, mo t of the new<br />

treet wer link b tween the lder<br />

one and were ther fore mu h horter<br />

and narrower. bme of them re often<br />

menti ned of th e tre are han n are<br />

Anuwong (b hind Wat am lum), Ma<br />

Thanon Phat ai (parallel to on<br />

tret h of a warat Road) and<br />

ong awat (near Wat o).<br />

neighb urh<br />

"road" or tre t were no I nger<br />

thought of a being p rt of<br />

heng (R ad). ( am<br />

pond to n<br />

admini tr tive unit. am Ph ng R ad<br />

ri er im gin<br />

today i two unconne ted "lane ",<br />

Wat, and t be in<br />

oi Wanit I and oi Wanit 2 " ith<br />

ev written<br />

the gap ar und Wat Pathum Kh ngkha<br />

my youth fi e r i<br />

i.e. Wat m heng. Tran Ialor)<br />

me o the I ne f am Pheng m et up " ith han n<br />

areal o well-known and it i in the e h i " here I u d t<br />

lan that m oi th navour of early traditional hai and<br />

am Pheng till linger on. Many rok It r nuphap<br />

them begin at· the ri er nd u~ up a<br />

m<br />

between tall builtling r ing main it i<br />

he kn "<br />

road at right angle and going n. Many o the tr t nam are heng o t day.<br />

•<br />

IIUDinasu->Ul<br />

ANn1WliiU1DS11U<br />

• c:: ~<br />

nun1u10uuan<br />

0 - ....<br />

alnsusnnArun>JIInu<br />

•<br />

3910422-3 3928240· 1<br />

uon.6-251l<br />


ilUBci\ltilSU .. oa:RURi'liiatJ:iBJU655Ulna<br />

11tl111JLtlfi«11 olltlll~ ~~ti.,~Ull1Yi~l£J"1J11~1 LL~~ «L~.1i{~1U1h~1ilfflffm<br />

\1<br />

1U11U4fl~ ~hnJ LL~~1~U!i111J<br />

mm1 n11flUfl11 ~lfiV!U~~tl Ltlfiff11 ffL~.1 LL~~111Yi~l[J"1J11-~1<br />

~1£J ~1 LLU~U 1 ~lnuni"Ifln11<br />

'Inn rl Tmli ~if ui o i ,Y 1ii n Tl '11'l a vo: i'Jffl-; 7 JJif u '11 if u u<br />

autm7:: -H wnif7'l .Yauo V~oa~vuFbuu :: u7<br />

tl ' ,<br />

' tJ '<br />

nuu7~~vla1~n<br />

lm. 222-a1 43 tiD sg<br />


th:: L Ylff ;J'-4ci\n U\4 th:: L Yl ff~L ri 1LLri<br />

1.h:: L Yl tr v.it" ihJ cn.Jv. n 'b.lv·l\4 mnn oUt!<br />

1'-4L~tl-1~n '11~ \h::nDurYu~n~m::'I.ID-1<br />

th:: L Yl<br />

fl\4Ltl-1<br />

~ i:J1' il.l\41l'111Jcl\4L 01 LLrl L tJ\4 'LID -1<br />

th::'1!1'1!WII11;J\4ff -1L~'L ~tlt1Clt!V1-1<br />

~ncn,;i\4LUDfl1iu fl~1m::i:J 111l1fi1UI<br />

'<br />

y<br />

611111 C1 fl~tlm\4fi111J~~1J61J\f1 t\U ;11 ty<br />

ii'-4v.1m ,Cl).)<br />

( -<br />

_,J\4nV.1L~Ln~;J1flfl11).)<br />

tl1::'W ~fltl!]~'l.ltl-1'4flfi~~J\4 ',.; LLflVCl).)<br />

.. ... ::<br />

'U).)1 ;)1 fl1ty ty1\4'1Jtl -1'U11'W'4~ 1f'l.ltl -1~\4\4<br />

~;J::~1\41tl1~\n~ii'-4D nlf1v lf-1tt\4~-1tl11-<br />

fl!J11ilmwrl'-4 11-1\J'I!11tyty1 mfl'n~RYl~<br />

'VI1ClLYl'WL 1rl\4).)1tt-1LLfl6~t11'U11 t\4LL 1<br />

mwrl'-4 L w1u"11ldrT -1i:Jn11LL U-1~\4~:: Lutl~<br />

y<br />

DD n LtlD flf11).) 11).)ff 1 ~tyv.1 D~1\4H~ ;J::<br />

1!'-4~1~ 1 ~L U\4' U'l.ltl -11 ty ty1tl4'1'11 Cl L Yl 'W L ~1<br />

tt'-41 unlhv 1~v1'-46Unl'l!1-1~h1<br />

nD\4 ow.tr .579-ow .tr .322)tt\4<br />

( hou<br />

tl11n!l11<br />

n,;'rnu;J::LU\4t.~L'll\4 11-1'U'I!1LYl'WL~1 -16~<br />

" lJ " 1<br />

'W1fl'l.l\4 \41-1fiDH'U'I!1L Yl'WU1:: ~1/lL '1.11'1'11tl<br />

' y y<br />

LL,.;~ 11\4L'I.Ifl'lltl-'fl\4 'lf ff1\461~ty'l!\4tt\4n<br />

611-1LV.fi1dtltl11).)fl11).) 1~ty<br />

;J:: ::L tl<br />

L6tiL).)LlfL 'W11:: fll1 'U'I!1L'll\4 11-1;1:: 't'h 1 ~<br />

y<br />

Llfium1tl1::Yl1\4m1).) ,'l.lfl n~;)\4fl11).)<br />

~).)mD-1il1-1 1 m1~::L t1L).)n1::~1v.iD<br />

m::~1fl11'U'I!1L).)tlnliD-1<br />

y<br />

y<br />

Vtl).)\bL 11::V:<br />

m1 ).)LL ~:: m1 ).)'11 n,Jv1 mi\n~r D\4).)11 ~ vf_,<br />

fl11L'li\4611-1'U'I!1'U11'W 'U1 ~tt\4Vtl ).)£ifl11).)<br />

y ''<br />

·1~ty9\tl61' i1fl11'lltl-1 1Cl'Ufli1LL ::1-1~<br />

6 fl~).)1fl L ~Cl -1;)1fl'U11'W'U1~£i~1\41 ;);)::<br />

'<br />

''<br />

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' '<br />

m1).)'Wtl h tl1:: nnu1Yu'li-1;JD1l'ntl11'1!Wt-~<br />

vy<br />

~"1v.ql~"£ifn D\4~).)DYlR-w ~Dta1flwu<br />

11'11 ).)L \tv )jfl Dil ;)\4fl11 )jr ~ n~ n flii'LID"<br />

y<br />

tl1::'1!1'1!\4'1!11 ;J\4Dv1-' .. ncn "1'-46 ~v fiD ).)1 n<br />

tl11 n !]11tl1:: nD uw 1l' L'll\4 611 -1LL ~:: 6 D\4<br />

1 ~tl1::'1!1'l!\4 L,.;L 'W tl -1u~nt1 tytl,J~D u~1 ).)11-<br />

~mht.f\4 rT-1;):: liD" 1v.m1).)Lfll1'WDV1 -16"<br />

y<br />

Dnlf1v 1ilvn '1111 Yln1'\4dum~£im1).)<br />

' '<br />

n tity Cl,J~Cl um ).)11m n fit)~ ~V.1oU11tl ~1<br />

Cll'VI11).)11~ui'\1).)11~1L 't'lltt\4LD-1<br />

61l''IJLL~::3J1mn1~mv.11w<br />

' .<br />

LL3JLLfl<br />

~1v.1n11L).)ii<br />

fl1-1D::hiY\4L '1 1 1 -1 Cl\4'1Jtl-"'..-1~Cltt\4<br />

DH;J:: L~D Lli'11L U\4 n11 n ~tl).)L n Hfl h<br />

'LID -1tl1::'1!1'1!'-41 ~ ,r\4fl-1 1 \4L 1' 'fl -1'1.1Cl -1 11).)<br />

ntitytJ,J 1~vi:J1'fl~tl1::<br />

"~1'-4'lltl~11~~~<br />

ntitytJ,Jfl11'UL W~\j'I!1L'li\4611-1LL,n\4 'U11'W<br />

m~~ fi1-1~uLtlLL 1nciD )jf~n ntiru ruilD~<br />

, , " .., " \J<br />

~\4~-1).) 11).)~fltlfl~ 11).)Yl~t.J~\4~tl1::<br />

y<br />

nDuu~n11).)~1~riu -1fl).)1~v '1\411).)Dn<br />

li'1tl 'Uflfl L'li\4~Vtl).)L).) 1 111li11~1-1~<br />

'<br />

6fl~211V.).)Cl-1~-1LU\4t.~ ,<br />

il~tl -1fi).)LL ::m1<br />

tlnmD-1nf11).) LL~li'1Vfi11).)L~m'11iu :: 1<br />

D\4lf-1n '11~-1u1~ ;)::~11~'1111;)\41\4<br />

21v<br />

fltl1 ).)1LlWilt1DDv1-1iiufl-'11fl11L'll\4 11-1<br />

\J'II1ity ty1\4'1Jtl -1'U11'W '4~ 1fL U\4 V.U1~'1'11 Cl<br />

fl;)~ 1~ty~ -1~'4911 'VI ~1\4~ R 'U6 ~ ~;):: ~::<br />

L tiL tiL).)Llf LL~::L~D1V.LU\4~LLUh11<br />

6 Cll\4~'U11;)~-1tr'Wt.f\4 ;J:: L U\4~~U1'Wtl h<br />

'<br />

LU\4~fl\4 u1v ~"'~\nili1l'm1v.1 m\4~<br />

~" £iivni!L v. ).)1:: ).)~ ;J:: ~ 1~ ~ -1ff'W v.n<br />

y<br />

U1-1~tlii\4 , ~ -1tlHLLtlflW;J11 t141f11).)flfl~1<br />

~tl1::fltl'ULU\4 111 ll1-1~t1 ( ~ )<br />

Lli'11 ~111 tJ1-1 ( .i.. ) LLtl~11 ~).) LL~::

~v ( ,j:. ) m.hrh ~1 ~ .. nriu1'HJ~\m~1n<br />

I<br />

~ ~1V ~"~ ~ "fl Yi ~1 tl~1 L fl~ ~ "flYi<br />

m1Lflun 1Lfi~~"HYiJ'"'h.unrv<br />

11'!11..,A1 ~1L tl ..,fl..,~:: 'hlii11i u:: L 1 ~1 nun<br />

thln~LLflLYi V "'h£lm1tn1 ~ 1 "LLflnflHn'\.4<br />

uunLt.lfll~ "'n~'l.lu..,~fl1V<br />

1~v~~utlL'1.4<br />

LL fl:: ~n11 U11 ~<br />

~ ~ ~<br />

"'l.ltl "flH , 'l.ltl ..,q fl1V fl"<br />

Ltlli1v Trf'I.4~1~"Vf1U'f'l1tu1L~~<br />

I ..<br />

100 fl'\.4<br />

~"LU'I.41::v::L1fi1U1::~1m 300 ilnu'\.411'11<br />

1 " Ah1~::i'"a~<br />

I<br />

..,,f'" LU'I.4Vfi~Ln~un<br />

1<br />

tl11'11tYLLfl::umcnm"n.uhn~,v il~i.., 11Xn<br />

~ti..,au'I.4~YI1iilH, LU'I.4~1'1.41'1.4~1n L'\.4<br />

m1~1L~l 11Xntl1", ~fl1~~t.l11n~t'"<br />

WfimJU" 'du ~~ L\W'\.4 ( U- tna ch'ien<br />

Yi. fl .398-453 ~)<br />

1Xnt.l1d~HlR mt'" ,jv<br />

'l.l " ~u fhum.lu~u ri11Xm~i ri11Xnfl11 n<br />

H1RmLL ::ri11Xnitiir;11~itv~<br />

Lu'" 11Xn<br />

~ £l 1Ru'l.4 ~L u'" ~ L ;u tlULL Yi 'l ~ fi1V ~, n<br />

1~VL;4 Yi l::uci,..,~..,YI ~~lj'llu..,thun~u'"­<br />

~v,..,J'"uu;hi:luYiliYi<br />

flum1~fl~ L'1.4m1<br />

L~un~1Lf!Rt11'1.4~ 'fH!!1" v 1~v ·1un<br />

I<br />

~L~uhnu~" Yi "~'" ... 1'1.4'l.lu"~ut4LL ::<br />

~v1 "LL fl:: Til fl.,.r..,~ , 1~" £lm1~ 1 ..,,'" u UH<br />

R~1L ~u Yi 'fu~LYi1V..,n'l.4 mdit4U1~11 ,<br />

f111 ~L ~"l tyLiiU 1flLL fl:: f111 ~L t.J..: V'I.4LL t.J fl"<br />

.,.f..,~1fl<br />

~~n1'111~'llli'1Vn11Ln~'l.lll"R"l"lYi<br />

~ ..,t\,.., , L'\.4 1fln ~"t'"aaju"l1'111" ~ tYt4f111~<br />

fl~L~V1nU~U'I.4Ufl::~v1"nLli'~~'"1W~1n<br />

LL<br />

1 n11R'f1..,R"l1~L'1.4LnuUYinli'1'1.4i:J~u'l.4<br />

I<br />

LLfl::~vHL U'l.4ff1'1.4 tl1:: nuu<br />

1~vi:l~v,..,<br />

~~,v~"~'I11V Yi1::m~fl6 "lv-l f111~'fut4<br />

~<br />

~U'\.4Jt4~ Ultltl~~tY" m::~m f111~'1.411<br />

~1 L~'"~'" nn~ 'm .. v" ~~~'"11Lu'l.4ru<br />

Vi~ ..,.,.r..,a u"'!1it~~ ~:: • utlm ~u"n'"L u'"<br />

.,-~~m "l ,J~~i'" ~~ a'1'" Tilfl.,.r..,~,J'"n£1<br />

~n ~ m:: L u'" Vi ~.., ~ , u1~ LL uuunt.l'f'l1 tyl~<br />

£1~1'1.41~ 1U ~ ~"L'Ift4f11Uf)~~~fl1fiL~<br />

9\m~u"ri'" ,fl.,.r..,~,tY'""lli'LLrl<br />

I<br />

~'" ~1 "lv-l<br />

1fl~:: LLfl::"l2JJ'I.4 fl1"L~~1Lit~n'1.4LU'I.4ll'1<br />

n1~~'" L'\.41:: L uvULL v:..,m16utlm~u ""''"<br />

1~vL2J~1Lit~L Y-l L Y'l ~1Lit~~'\.4 ~'1.4~1Lit~<br />

1fl~:: lf1~::~1Lit~~1 Ufi::~1~1Lit~L2J<br />

ff1'1.4tl'\.4n1~L'1.41:: L UVU~lilfl.,.r..,~,~~flr"'\.4<br />

I<br />

tft4nLli'LLn "l2J~1fl1!l~'l.4 ~'" 1fi1V~1 ~1<br />

~1fi1VL Y-l "lY-1 1fi1V 1fl~:: 1fl~::~1fi1V<br />

L2JLU 'I.41i'l.4 1i1fl.,.f..,~1~R1~11 tlUR~"~ "~<br />

,<br />

I<br />

"<br />

FI'J7JJl'HJJ8U niJ lfi7J.fj:: VV!i71f1'11"-J 5<br />

'<br />

.. ...<br />

'IYIL11l.Jt:l'l.m'U "'<br />

1i1fl"l2J ,<br />

1i1 fl ,"l Y-1<br />

Ti lfl~'"<br />

wo d<br />

~~~'"<br />

fire<br />

~ ~'fu'\.4<br />

earth<br />

(n H)<br />

v et pring mild<br />

L u~ "ln .,-1<br />

k , drake 0<br />

"' ..<br />

t.lu~ ~1h<br />

t:l1tl1:: ~,~<br />

pie n lung heart<br />

ut.l~ L~~<br />

..<br />

~1<br />

numeral ight e en fiv<br />

-- - - -<br />

-s L'l.I!J1 LL~" L~t'ltl"<br />

btu , green red yell \<br />

LU"lV1 '1.1 ~ ~ 11'1.4<br />

t~r<br />

outh<br />

'1.4n "'i'I1LL~"<br />

R d ird<br />

tftytyl<br />

intelligen e<br />

f ith<br />

!).., 11 L 1{<br />

planet Mar a turn<br />

'li'1~1'lf01 ~ (L~'U1U "') Lf1~tl1 n 11~~ n11~m<br />

mini ter gri ullure ab ur<br />

- -<br />

1i 1fl1fl~::<br />

metal<br />

..<br />

lllfl 1<br />

v ater<br />

I<br />

,<br />

~~R11YI<br />

autumn<br />

~~~'1-411<br />

wint r<br />

RU'IJ , ~~<br />

~<br />

dog<br />

h g<br />

#iu<br />

'1.111<br />

hit<br />

.<br />

L ~ ~<br />

a ridity<br />

fl:: .,-'1.4fln<br />

v e t<br />

L tl'l.l11<br />

White ig r<br />

L~V.., Ti "l1~<br />

ju ti<br />

n{<br />

~~l~LYIV<br />

lnteri r<br />

\b~<br />

in<br />


,ft1Utn'l, M1~wn::u1~1~tnM<br />

{1w m .:u 1)<br />

~1\J ~11,1 ~1111miin" '"'lo\~flft .:u 1<br />

The hill- ide gr ve w1th the remated rem 10<br />

of hao Phraya i hi n h1ri<br />

Muang d1 tn t,<br />

~ft1U\n'l,~,il,l~'l::tl1 ,UY111'\'fn~<br />

{1um m R.:u 1)<br />

u ::f)m'lo\~" ,um1'\'fn~ {~\J m .:u 1)<br />

LUft1U 'J '"'lo\~fl .:Ufl1<br />

The grave with the cremated remains<br />

of Phraya unth r nurak ( et na ongkhl )<br />

and ady unth ranurak (Ph p na ngkhl )<br />

in the uan atun grove t ongkhl<br />

\4 D fl ~1 fl~ lr1fl,f~~ 1\t'u!T ~~ ll1tl a~<br />

1<br />

L dD ~~1 flflD ~fl11 L tJ 'vu 11lJUtlll'I.ID ~'1111<br />

~V\4LLfl::~tJ1~Dm'f1tJ 1~tJ~1nu1 ~::d:Ju llD~1n~~LU\4'1111ih~'!11fl~L'1.11ll1Ufl 1D~<br />

~vu 'lvlnu'l~\uu~v1~ thu~utfuLuu . ~ LL ::tJ7::LYHl4nn~~ rlmn~ vn'lllr~D<br />

1<br />

lr1flfl 1~<br />

1<br />

~~m1llL~D 'tu~~fl'I.ID~::uu tJl)ufl 'UtlDll1<br />

lr1fl,r~~1~'lllLLflmLw~DDn'ltJ nD 't~Ln~<br />

1<br />

1'111~u;iuDn ~~L 'llum1~1\41tJL ~flfl11 tii<br />

1<br />

fl11~1\41tl hf'l'l1::911 1 1~~1!1 fl11ffl'l!t1<br />

~tl1'\J1fl m1LL~YI6Luuflu tJ1::nDunu<br />

1RDU'I.ID~'I.I~ ;D LUL ;D ~m1llfl ~ty '\J'I.ID ~<br />

urn~ilt!Du~1ll11~1,fu 'tu ~tJ11'111~A<br />

1<br />

nunL~LU\4~ mh~ty'I.ID~ lr11llLL ::<br />

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L\4fl11L Dfl~~~<br />

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'll!Lnmlinnt\1~, wDnll1m1ll,f~'lllllnn<br />

1L-iill~ ~i:ifl1"JLLU~DV'l~ ::Lvtl~fl1ll<br />

fl tl4::'1.1v~1i19J,f~~1ll1L-tLum"JL vfl 1L<br />

~ ~1~n1~~ m1Wt!~~n '11Lti 'IJYID~<br />

1<br />

fiDlJ1L\411'111~~tf~( . . 1161-1449) 11'11-<br />

1~ 'onD~ ( 1~) (~ .. 1503-1822) "J1'111~ ~<br />

~~1\4 (~ .. 1823-1911) L ~1::L\411'111~<br />

~~1\4~LUU"J ::tJ::~~1::<br />

Ylli 1 t41LliLL~1-<br />

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1 1<br />

LL 1~~'lllLuu~itvlJnun~1~11~DDn'ltJ LLfi<br />

l;; A "' I a<br />

mull1fl~ wnn1~ ~ll~ (~ .. 1911-2187)<br />

'ltin '\Jll1Utlll1i11llL\4tlllfl1"J~~<br />

~DV1~L~ll<br />

fl1lJU fl ~L riD U~1~1 DlJ11 ~ 1 ~\4 ;l191<br />

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1 1<br />

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.~ V ~ f1 ~ Lll1~ \ L~U Gilt.~ 11t'~~t' ~ 11LI1.1t' ~ 1<br />

't\~1~j1~~t-~»11't\&Jl..t.U111Lt.1!'11t.~ [1~11\f<br />

fu .t.~ 111Lt.lj(l't\ltt' llll.'t\Lt; ~U~~\ ll~ 1(1L» .~\<br />

M.l;t' ~~L~Ilt.fl..~ \ »11'1\&t'll . ~Gn..nllL(tt-[1 ~<br />

t.t:1,1lll~~ 111L~U ~G~1 11~LI1l. ~.tl'tjl6\t'Lpll<br />

t.L~ U L~ ~~(t~~ l6 ~ 't\ll_£..1;LU Lll ::1:1111:1 U~ Ll1't\l61<br />

ULH ll~ 1l.ri1L~ ::.t.uc-~ l.tJ~Ill6 1 11~N Ll1<br />

l6LG::»(t~ l. ~LG1~11L(tt-[l ~ll.t.U1 U ~J~l. ~t.~<br />

't\ll rllllllt:1t.LQ-H~~.1;1(1L~ 't\~ 1t.~ 11 l. ~'t\.Qo<br />

llJ.~~i R .t..l;1't\LfA 11t.~t' G »t-~ l. !\'1\.Qo't\\<br />

4 ~<br />

,HI11lt:1't\~llLt:1~ ~ U~1't\~t.L!:C'L~~.I;1Lil1)1~<br />

t'L 't\ 't\,1'\ 't\tjt' G»t' ~Un.,~ \ Ll1l. !\Lil1 ::~ ~ 't\ll~<br />

.. '"' - I<br />

\611 't\.l'- ::1:1 't\\j .~\ Ll1 't\\! l. ': l. )'\t' ~ 11 L(t t' [l ~<br />

.~;u. 1 ::.t.f1CSll " ::m ~u~ " l6»11't\&'t\Q 1L~n.Lt.lAt'~<br />

ll~t't..tll. ~~ 't\LU »L~Il,S.~l. ~~\~.1;~11flo1<br />

11~LHillJ-1t'~~'t\ljU~'t\t.;» ~MJ~(l ~~t.,\;1<br />

't\1} 1 ::"1 R U~(lt'~~ 't\lj llLJI. 't\\! l. ~llll.L11L .f!o1<br />

::t.,.n ::t; "Pil~,t~ " U\ Ll1't\L~'t\~1't\tjt' ll »11Lli.IJ<br />

't\ll_t~U 't\\t-~~ 't\1- [1 ~ t' t; l6\ HPG~t,t.LU 1.6~<br />

~~ftV ,Qill6 1 ~ ~Lil1 M.l;ll~1\6".nc-~ 't\~ ULI1<br />

::'1\L.&' (l~lt ~ 1111.61\6" j1 ~ ll\61l~t't.tll.~l6~ ::t:111<br />

t'~~ .t.t.ll~ 't\LU »L~Il~ 1 .~ ~(SL»t-Gil.M.I;Il~1~<br />

t.t:l 11 L 't\»L.I;t' LlA q ~llll U ::.t.[1~~~U LHI:l ~<br />

" ,.<br />

Lll.t.W 1111LI1NU ~t't; 11Ll611L»GI11Lrtlll6 NI'LI11l<br />

.<br />

.... I W , .., • I W I<br />

'<br />

~ULil::'t\Lt(l t'~~t'~11LI1.1t'~111GfA::t.U't\1]lll<br />

't\,lll1t.~ll,.,.I;Lilt\tj £ llLJI.U~::t:111(t111l~llt. .~<br />

llll U ::t.[1t'~~t.J.!jllll.t.lj(l L~LI1 't\,llll ~L~ 1<br />

t'll~1(llll61~~-lA 't\,ll't\llet~ 1 .~~t'll &1t':.t.fu ~,<br />

' ~ ~<br />

't\Lt; ~U ~ ~ 1J~t:1 l1t' ,»:rt ~ ~Lt.t;t' GM L '1'1.1.~ llt.~<br />

...<br />

't\1} 1U L ~t' ?-' .t. ~ Hpll't\tj't\1} 1L~ 't\Lt; ~U~ t' Gil.<br />

t.t;11t'~~ 't\1} 1L"l tU Ll6l611111Lt.lj(l~~\ !6~(1~<br />

11 Lt.tj 11lA lA 't\LU » U Gt; 1U t.LI1 L » lAt.LU<br />

:":<br />

" 1\<br />

u ::.t.!e't\\Pil.nCS<br />

t\~t.lll61<br />

h.~11~\llLI1.[1~<br />

R th M.t.t.n.t' 1111.11~ t't.Qt' Gll.'t\~~1.. t\t:1 U ::.t.tm\<br />

h(lll~1t:1 L.l; ll\6t' G .~ ll ~~tj't\Q 1l6~1fltj 1t' )#<br />

t' llll.L~ 1t-Gn.gtA~ ::t:111~t't.t!t' Gn.fu J.tl. ~11Lt.tj't\\<br />

ll,Vt llll~\6, 11Ll6~'t\rLfA 1'1\~t.Lp,ft~ 't\\!Wqf1<br />

1111~ :: ~ 1111 .~ t't.tl l.~M.I;t'~.t.LUI111~ 111.t..t.ll<br />

. ..<br />

U:: .t.le't\\'t\!jllJ~l. ~~ U U.~ 't\t.t' » ::~ U.(t<br />

~t' ll 1 lllA ~ .1; lA 1:: .t.[1't\\.r:.t 11 't\,!\L fA 1'1\ U t.lll61<br />

.<br />

::t:1 ,, u LI1Ht.n.c- L .~um t. 1 ~n.L m LG(ll1 .~t-t.a<br />

~\ l.~t-~t.L~uc-~it~ 1111.61 11q~ug't\,llt.l1~1<br />

I<br />

u :: .t.·le"\ ~ 't\~t;ljljh~t..t.llHI11l~ltm~,<br />

t'Lt.n.C' L~U"l t. 1 ~(l ~\t'll1't\l6t' Gll.lll;t-t.Cll.~ '1'1.~~<br />

11n tlt1l6~1111UUJ:tt'~ULI1't\t. 't\l.~ 't\~~M,tlAIJ~b<br />

\t\jL 't\11'1'1.\ t' 111'1\let' 1111.11~ t't.tl l. ~::~ ~~ 't\~L ~<br />

t.LU 't\\ 't\Lt; ~t.lth ~11 ::.t.Ll/'t\1} 1<br />

.\\~11~ ll~ 1 ;:t; 11<br />

11t. ~U ~'t\Lt''t\~ 1 l.~ .t.LU ll~ 1 . ~ ~t'~~ 't\t. 't\l.<br />

t11111 ~!61 ::t.let' ~111l ,~ML!,\~t't.~ "~ ~ 't\ltt' Gil.<br />

ll~t't.l.lt'LJ»::~ ~~ 't\LU »U G~JU,ltt'~ lALI1 ::t.[1<br />

':'~~~Ll6t.t.ll LI111Llt't1.~l6\!1::~~ ~ t'L\6<br />

L~fu~l6~ .t.LU't\1} 111~ 1'1\,.'t\t' )# t' Ut-Lrll't\1} 1'1\lj<br />

1 '<br />

llLil.llLle't\lj L~~llM 1t' ~l.~ll,ll~U\ ::"1 ~U~<br />

flM llt~U ~ l6\ LfA 1t' lllA 't1.t1't\!) ~MJ.lA(l L~<br />

t'L~ L~ .~t; " " U ::.t.ltll,ll"<br />

pG't\~t'~t' L . ~»G~ L ~Ltjlt.<br />

llt.~U gt- L~» ll~ Ltjlt.ll\611L~l6~ ~11l~. t' _G~ 't\~<br />

11 .~ t't.l.lll~ t.LU 't\\ ULH ll~ 1 llLI1ULI1't\t. 't\l.<br />

t' lllA nt 1 ::t; 11 Lt; t. 1P,.\t' G .~ U Ll1 U Lll~t' ~ 't\1} 1<br />

t' ~ nL~U iJ.c- Gil.~\ GMI1LWl6~ 1 '!\\ ll~t't.tl ll~<br />

.t.LU M l61lt:1l611 n::LI1~ 1 .~w 't\LU »U Ill! 1 .t.LU<br />

't\,t\t')# l6n~Ulrt't\l6~,~fll ::.t.[11.6~1::~~L.I;t'll<br />

.. f I<br />

,11~~\ ~ .t.t.n.~'t\LU »t>Lt.~\l-~»11'1\&~, L"L/t<br />

0 A

Lijtln1 L1 1~hULth.41UL'IJ1fl11llL~!HlCHLfl::<br />

th::LYi m~Eli'ILL~nDDnLth.J1..l<br />

'tum til~<br />

th::L Yltl~'I111;JU L~ElYitJYiL'll1 'ttJm "'u~"<br />

1m1nD~Ju Yt1niJ~u~D'un1HLYtqj<br />

m1<br />

Yt1~i1uLv;El~101..l .u~'tllilutyYt1q..lu1n u~<br />

Yt1mtlu tJ1::L Ylfl'L niJ~u ~~ EltJyf ..liJYi flnm"<br />

'VtU1LLtiU .1'..3L'IiULn1::nD..ln..lLL 1n11'Vt1~<br />

•<br />

1 01..l~tJi'l~:: L tlu 't tJL nm.J'tll't~ L Yi11::~<br />

'<br />

y<br />

Lm:: rJEl..ln..ldUty'Vt1L1 El ..l~El~'IJEl..lflU~U ..3<br />

LlitntJnLUUUty'Vt1~f .. U1 rJEl..ln..l~El..l<br />

tJ1fi«1El~UtltJ , LL 1 Uty'Vt1'1Jtl..3YiU~L~El<br />

m1LYi1::tJ nv;'IJ~tuv;m ~ tJ..ltJ1::'111n1<br />

y<br />

\l'u11Ltlurm::~Yttl'nl!1nEl~L'Iiunu .1'..lUU<br />

tJ1::LYif\4n11 101..3 ;u~..lLi~LtJ<br />

1flum..lm1~il't«il<br />

..<br />

'uuLLtJ ..lLtJ<br />

1U'IJEl.,n,u1mm riD<br />

t1ti'lfl1tJ ..lYI1tJ1Yl ;,:: 't~'fu'D,_, ty1f1 't«u 1fl'Yi<br />

'ttJa..,'tilfl1lltJ1::LYi til LOEl 1u 6 t1 uuLLt\<br />

1u~a..lLt ·1 sn'!:1EJflu 1fl~;,::fiD-nl 1LEln~11<br />

y<br />

LL i'l..ln..l~a..lLtJ'IJElEl'1q)1flYI1..ln11'1ji'l Vi~<br />

L0El L~L tlfl1fl..lElEln filLOU'IJEl..lll '1~mn<br />

LEl1L~DElmL;,n~1un<br />

'<br />

'ttJLL 1n;,::Lnum::i'ln<br />

y<br />

Lwnmlmtlu '1u, U11~~..lL1LliLYttJ::tJu<br />

V:El~1U11~ ..31D..lil L~1 1L~'Vt1El 1fl1<br />

'IJU1i'ILYtqjYiD llfl11~..lmJnnU11<br />

hin<br />

m1\J£)Ufl~n<br />

UYI::<br />

'a ( *' ~) 'Vt1CH;)i'IUYIEl..l .ffuflElU<br />

'111h:: ii'El..lY11i'l1tJ 11ll<br />

Lfi11YiLL ::1::,jm::1 ..,tll'tY!'Lnfl 11ll u u<br />

l1~v~~ ~,..,~f) ~)<br />

1. 11.1 fi::'Y\UlOn<br />

2. \hdfi.Y 111.1~\4<br />

3. th::~ 1 .n u<br />

4. ~u 111l'o\A'~<br />

;iu diD..l;)1n~fl1tJ£l1;,;,:: 1nnLmLlf L0El<br />

y<br />

L hu 1~;,::~1 UU ttiLtJ ttLtJ~~tnU~<br />

~;,:: 1L;)fiUYIEl..l~LtJtY..l ~..3\Jnm::Ltlu<br />

U1 L 1mL~..lL'IJ11 l!Yl::L ~ ..ltl~LULm::ih..lL.. tJ..l<br />

L'liULn1::~ULYI1~..liJ'IJU1i'ILYtqjYiEl,<br />

nu<br />

L m:: rJ El ..3 n ..lUtliJflU El1 "'u D~ L U1 UH ll1 n<br />

,.r..,U1 L 1m~~::<br />

1L~i'IUYIEl..lLtJt1..,dilD..lLtlu<br />

U1nm~'f .. u1 El'1'lJ1flvnlhu<br />

L0DL~<br />

mu~u 10;,::~1..3 UU11Yln~UL1D 1LtJ<br />

'<br />

11..3LfLU~il~ri1YtUil 1iltJL'Vt~1U'Vt~..lLUU<br />

'<br />

11L'IJ1U ::~1U'VtU1~Ufl..lftYI::L<br />

y<br />

y<br />

'Vt1El 11f11<br />

L0El L~tJ1:: nDUWTJ11llyf ..3L~1n1::i'l1 ~L1U<br />

m::i'I1~YIEl..lLL '1nLUUcJUL hw U ::<br />

L0El tl..l'!UL '11 ..lLll ..lO ;):: DEl n 't tJLcrlu L w~' fl1ll<br />

tJ1::L<br />

tilt\DLtJ<br />

UEln~1nn11 fil'Vt1~ t11U~L~DYI1<br />

!11..3 .m~ElL'VtLni'lfl11llL~1 tyYi..lci1UHLL ::<br />

Yli'YiUHULLri'4fl1'Vtfi1UU 1 U..lil 11l!L~El<br />

~u, ~L~tJ1nU01..l~tJEl~Eln<br />

L'liuLOD'tlf<br />

filn11Yhtl1..3 ua..l 'fiLL 10;)::LliiJn11<br />

. '<br />

1tJn[f1mtJ LLtJ ..lvn U !:LYh~L~'fUYI11U<br />

l11Ju 0 iJ 1f11 l!L itu ll«1ll n11 L tJCJJElllLL'Ifll<br />

01..3 u~~n "~ ll1LYtllvn~1tJ us::Yt1n<br />

'<br />

Li'l 1n11LCJJULYt1LL 1Yt1nL1lLnil'"'1ll..l<br />

n '11 ElLliU..lLni'l 11l!L~1 'lJi..lnEl..l;jUll1<br />

n))'n ~:: LliL \JYJ1 nn LCJJU L Yt1~ !11..3 tJ v n<br />

'<br />

LYi11::t1El11LYt1LL 1LliLni'lfl11lJL;)1ty LLtl<br />

~::LtJ 'u ;)1nn11LtJLCJJULYt1~01..3 tlll1LUU<br />

'<br />

nnLCJJ~L'Vt~tlEl'VtU 1 thmn~u~..l~fn~El~f\<br />

'IJEl..l~fl1tJL 1~U1U'IJEl ..lflUU YIU mlHL1nii<br />

y<br />

fl11l!L~CH 'Vt '1di'l;,:: L UU 11llL~D'IJEl..lLLtlfl ::<br />

y<br />

'4flfl LUUft1ULYtqj ,.r..,LUU;),UUU11i'l1<br />

fln'Vt 1U'I111;JU 1U1Ul!1nth..lfl 1tJfl11ll<br />

y<br />

L-lill..l1i'IL~tJ1num 1 til 1tJ1..l~unu 'ttJll1n<br />

LL<br />

'<br />

1 LiiDH1nLni'lfl11llLli :: i'l1n'Vtfl1tJ<br />

tJ1:: n11 tJ1:: nDUn Ull11::YIHLtl1 ~th<br />

~il~1ll1nW ~..l~LliLw · ~11.11 :: Ytfl1ilh<br />

LiiEl..l;J1ntJ1::L Vi tilJuLUUfl11l!UtJlln1:: 1<br />

6urnlll1 .:u.., "D~'t~o~h<br />

..<br />

ttMn~11.11 :: LYitil<br />

JuL ~U 11iJfl11ll · 1~tyun~ifi'IJD..lflULEl..l<br />

uf1m::Ju~iitJ1::LYi tiluunliD..lLtJ 'uuutJfl..l<br />

.<br />

'Vt1 EltJ'futJ1 "L 'VtL 'Vtll1:: nun1 L 1fi1U s:: i"<br />

u 1i'l Elll~..l;,::ti'..lfl..lDUflEl 'ttJ't~<br />

y<br />

ut1Yt1n<br />

tJ1::LYi mLilflUvt1LtJL "'u 11Lll 1Ltluu«1<br />

'tu~~i'lo ::ffD..lL~nttJ ti..lL'IiutJ1 :: LYitil<br />

'<br />

m1 1 ~" 1'llEl..lYi11YtllmLtlutlu tr..,Ju<br />

fl1l!~iJ 1n '1111 " tlUfl1tJ'IJ1tJ ULUU" ~..3<br />

tin:: Lni'l ;,1n n11LllLfl.tJi'utJ1:: L Vi tilt~<br />

L'Vtll1::num L1 1~LtJ<br />

'uuttJ1fluil't«L .. u<br />

11:: n~tu::LL 11ll'Vtll1tJLi1ll'IJElM::LYitil<br />

Ju 'IJ..l;JtnEl..lL un '11h1; ... ·..,Lri1LliL'Ii11<br />

;,::ilyf..l'Vtlli'I · LL ::i..lLYtlJLllL'Ii~::L 1yf..l'Vtllil<br />

ttil11tyty11.J1'111ty1mUElll~fm El LoWULEl1<br />

LLfl..: "~i'l 'tll 'n::Ltlu ·..,Lri1Yt1El ..: ..lLYt~<br />

L0ElLlfYlil El..l lli'li'ILL '1<br />

y<br />

6. Yl 'IJO~I~OU<br />

7. e J pan e<br />

e. th::l'r'l nl1do~\un111nflu ::\h::l'r'l cUido~\um1fi11J<br />

9. UOLOfl\h::l'r'lcU~u 1\4~ YIO~\.h::l 1! u\J 1n urce of hine e radmon, olumbi niver ir<br />

ed. b m. h odore de B ry Pre 11'11\lm.;; IJ cnu4 -rl1.1~ 2510<br />

10. 0\.\ H~~1UW,::11'11YI1UI'r'l ~f'l'r'l 1J'o\1011J1fiVIOn 1 1'r'I1::1J1f'l1 111.11 1\Jf'l {~fl1 C\4 ~'IJ 1) .\J .. 1.1.\J.'II ..<br />

m 11n'o\U1'r'l \J'r'l 1Df'I11J1mN ~ IYI'r'lf'I1UYI1111<br />

11. 11nn1~ 1.1111 n4 U11JU'r'IYIV ~u.iwiv~ 1~n 26 .,..q 111 1.1 2522 u :: U11JU'r'IYIVIO. 1.1 1\J v1uu~ 1jjo 11 .,..q 111 1.1 2522<br />


Feng-shui:<br />

Chines.e Geornancy<br />

Navarat Lekhakula<br />

Men of all •nation , it would<br />

eem ha e alv ay b lie ed that wl'len<br />

the b dy di th re r main orne<br />

kind f entient entity with uprahuman<br />

p wer that relea ed could<br />

affect th live of the living, whether<br />

beneficially or ad er ely. Man ha<br />

cer monie t app a e the e pirit .<br />

he hine e ci ilization i a<br />

very ancient ne, nd it particular<br />

belief nd tradition are firmly tabli<br />

h d among the hine e p pie .<br />

Ba ic to the traditional y tern i the<br />

view that a man' uc e or failure<br />

not o much due to hi native<br />

abilitie alone a to the combined<br />

effe t of the action of the pirit of<br />

both hi po (an e tor ) and th shen<br />

(holy pirit ) and in orne ca e the<br />

god a well.<br />

During the hou yna ty (I 122 -<br />

221 B ..) the hine e mperor gave<br />

offering to the uprem god , the<br />

provincial authoritie wor hipped the<br />

god of the mountain and river in<br />

their territory, while the common<br />

94<br />

p pi appea ed their own family<br />

an e tor . onfuciu K'ung u-t ze)<br />

taught that gratefulne to on '<br />

paren for ho th y have helped one<br />

i in ufficient in e en.animal can<br />

feel gratitude and that th refore<br />

huma hould gi e the kind of re pe t<br />

of which they are apable, n mely<br />

a re pect that erge n wor hip.<br />

In time, th cu tom becam<br />

wid pread to make offering to one'<br />

decea d parent , grandparent and<br />

other lineal ance tor , but when ver<br />

thi w ccompani d by real gratitude<br />

toward tho e leading figure in ociety<br />

ho had contributed to the common<br />

good, h rmoniou ocial relatio and<br />

good go ernment could be e pected<br />

to pre ail.<br />

till, in later time th common<br />

p ople, in their attempt to put into<br />

practice the teaching of onfuciu<br />

and the other early philo opher ,<br />

relied upon th practice of giving with<br />

reverence offering to the ance tor<br />

and on inculting in the ri ing generation<br />

the belief that it wa the prime<br />

duty of children and grandchildren<br />

to for th I -<br />

ite f r the<br />

it that would<br />

ati fa tion and contentment.<br />

grave<br />

for their ele ti n. y tern ha<br />

been made an integral pa rt of Ti-li<br />

( he aw of th arth) or Kan-yu,<br />

ften called hine e geomancy. In<br />

hine th ba i of geomancy, i.e.<br />

th power behind geoman y, i known<br />

by the two-chara ter word feng- hui,<br />

i .. feng (wind) and hui (water ,<br />

which taken together refer to the<br />

innuence of the natural<br />

In hailand lingui tic<br />

change ha replaced th gen ral by<br />

the particular and feng- hui ( ina­<br />

Thai: huang- ui) i taken to mean a<br />

grave or graveyard.<br />

Three hundred year before the<br />

ollap of the hou Dyna ty wa<br />

the golden age of hin e philo ophy,<br />

the time of the Hundred age . u-ma<br />

h'ien, an official hi torian at the

end of the e ond c ntury B. ., li ted<br />

in hi Shih-chi(Record of the( rand)<br />

Hi torian) among orne of the<br />

prin ipal philo ophical hool : the<br />

Yin and the Yang metaphy i ian ,<br />

the<br />

the<br />

and the or<br />

''Leg being the m t wideeng-<br />

pread.<br />

hui wa trongly in flu need<br />

by the Yin and th Yang chool of<br />

thought for it taught the bipolarity<br />

of elementary power and the mutual<br />

action of the fundamental element .<br />

The Yin-Yang philo ophy ol ed<br />

further in Han time (206 B. . - 220<br />

A.D.) into a y tern of metaphy i<br />

in which the formal pairing of qualitie<br />

b arne firmly e tabli h d in hine e<br />

pe ulative thought. Yang now pe i­<br />

fically in luded: man, the un, fire,<br />

heat, heaven, powerfulne , umme-r,<br />

and o on while Yin referred to either<br />

their complement or their oppo ite ,<br />

viz. woman, the Moon, v a tel, cold,<br />

arth, depend nt and winter, re -<br />

p Lively. he balanc of the e two<br />

for w<br />

I<br />

belie ed to b in an eternal<br />

flu , ometim favouring one, ornetime<br />

the other, and on o a ion<br />

u taining an quality b tween the<br />

two.<br />

he hine e ha e traditionally<br />

regarded the fundamental element<br />

a being fi efold in nature: earth,<br />

water, fire, metal and wood. he e<br />

al o were thought of a force or<br />

met phy i al entitie in the trict<br />

en e, with ontrol and regulation a<br />

their primary un tion. he progre<br />

of the ea on for ample, while<br />

o illating tween the Yang of umm r<br />

and th Yin of winter, wa beli ed<br />

to be th rc ult of ycli al erie of<br />

.interaction between the different<br />

element in a fi d order. he reati n<br />

erie. , one of primary mutual produ -<br />

ti n, went thu. : w d begat fire, fire<br />

begat e rth, arth beg t metal, m tal<br />

begat water nd v ater b gat wo d.<br />

he mutual de tru tive erie t k<br />

the element in di erent order:<br />

wo d de troy

ear for tability and e urity. he<br />

hill line h uld be undulating to onentrate,<br />

like. a dragon, the natur I<br />

force . he urrounding -- the hill ,<br />

the large tre , the lie of the land --<br />

h uld be f a hara ter that imaginatively<br />

re all a dragon, a tig r, a<br />

ph eni or me ther legend ry<br />

animal, or remind n of a bell, a<br />

t ble, hair, tc. he re ult will<br />

of cour b different. In front hould<br />

be an open vi w or a wide clearing<br />

• with nothing to interrupt th eye<br />

e ept perhap ome tree<br />

bu he which could in om<br />

a rede ming fa t r th t<br />

certain bigger faul in the ite.<br />

hould b wat r in front -- the ea, a<br />

river or a tream -- but where it begi<br />

and where it end hould be out of<br />

ight.<br />

he a tual p ition of th grave<br />

i at o important. It hould be among<br />

tree or lu h, gra , but not ubject<br />

to flooding if we lth i d ired by th<br />

de cendant . I it i flanked by high<br />

ground, ith

on who are unwilling to wait for<br />

their time to orne and take any<br />

number of tep to alt r the ituation<br />

from bribing the geomancer to legal<br />

action in the ivil ourt . Howe er<br />

there are tep that can be taken to<br />

minimize ibling rivalry or e en to<br />

avoid it altogether.<br />

oday a pe ulator can locate<br />

a go d ite and di id it into ube<br />

tion which he ell to inter ted<br />

partie wh ar thu relieved of their<br />

re pon ibility or making the ele l­<br />

ion them elve . r an elderly parent<br />

may prepare a ite and build up a<br />

ca h fund before he die with clear<br />

in tru tion a to how he want to be<br />

buried and the money i to b u ed.<br />

He may even have hi grave mound<br />

built and the grave tone et up in<br />

readine for hi d ath. uch a man<br />

might ea e the burden on hi de ceodent<br />

even mor by purcha ing adjoining<br />

land for their future u e, but<br />

ca e have been heard in Thai court<br />

where men had old land et a ide by<br />

their an e tor for the family' gra<br />

ite to out id r for a qui k profit.<br />

uch i the comple ity of fa tor<br />

involved that one mu t not make th<br />

mi take of thinking that a ite whi h<br />

i inappropriate a a ite at one tim<br />

will alway remain o. Nor an one<br />

undere timate, it i id, th effe t<br />

of virtue and g d int ntion . h re<br />

i a tory that i told about a p or<br />

family livin8 in a hut at th f t of<br />

orne hill . Wh n the father died he<br />

wa urvived by hi widow and three<br />

on . Th funeral er i e wa held<br />

r to aff rd<br />

a burial right away, they kept the<br />

corp e in readine . n umm r'<br />

day they were i ited by two tra eller ;<br />

one wa w li-to-do, the other ould<br />

be e n to b a geoman r f r he w<br />

carrying hi compa omputer. hey<br />

a ked the lady for orne water to<br />

drink. he br ught th m ea h a dipper<br />

of water int which he had e' retly<br />

prinkled om ch pp d-up pie e of<br />

traw. The well-to-do man re train d<br />

him elf and ipped at the water but<br />

the geoman r wa angered by a gift<br />

of "dirty" water when he wa o<br />

thir ty from walking. till, he aid<br />

nothing and managed to drink the<br />

water without wallowing any traw.<br />

When the tra eller were refre<br />

h d the widow a ked the geomancer<br />

if he would choo e a ite for<br />

her late hu band' gra e that would<br />

prove of benefit to her hildren. Now<br />

in e the geoman er wa angry h<br />

pointed out a ite in the hill from<br />

where he at, aid it would bring<br />

pro perity, and left quickly. n the<br />

road again the ri h man a ked hi<br />

friend why he had ch en a it "wher<br />

dog fight o er bone " which would<br />

led to fighting among t the hildren.<br />

The geomancer aid that that wa<br />

e actly what he wanted to happ n.<br />

wenty year later all three of<br />

the widow' on held high office in<br />

the overnment ervi e and the<br />

family had moved to the city. One<br />

day the idow aw the geoman er in<br />

the treet and invited him ba k to th<br />

hou wher he thanked him for hi<br />

ele tion of a grave it whi h had<br />

produ ed uch e cellent re ult . Th<br />

geoman er was tounded at thi turn<br />

of event and a ked to b taken to<br />

the hu band' grave. When they<br />

arrived at the ite he aw that the area<br />

had hanged and wa now "two<br />

dragon playing with a cry tal ball".<br />

The gra e wa wher the cry tal ball<br />

wa ith the dragon on either ide.<br />

At thi p int the geoman er a ked<br />

th widov why h had put trav in<br />

hi drinking water. he repli d that<br />

that wa o he would i'p the " ater<br />

ooling him el and not gulp it do n<br />

making him i k. h geoman er then<br />

realized that it wa th po r of th<br />

old lady' kind<br />

had re er ed the<br />

th<br />

th<br />

gnition.<br />

In modern time the o er e .<br />

hine e ha e been forced by a multitude<br />

o ir um tan e to alter and<br />

adapt their burial pr ti e in arying<br />

degree . hu in Hong Kong and th<br />

New erritori a well in Thailand<br />

cemeteri ha e not b en allowed to<br />

e pand indefinitely and vacant hillide<br />

ite near urban area are in r<br />

ingly diffi ult to find . he dead are<br />

therefore gi en temporary burial in<br />

le than highly de irabl ite . fter<br />

a num er of year , i in Hong Kong,<br />

the burial i humed and th bon<br />

reverently lean d and pia ed in a<br />

chin t'a ("gold n pag da" , i.e. an<br />

urn). h grave i then fr to be u ed<br />

again. he urn with it bon<br />

placed in a<br />

the d ir d<br />

nuen e , where be au<br />

ne t to no room at all, it an b left.<br />

On h'in-ming, roughly ui alent<br />

to All oul' Day, the family go to<br />

the urn ite and wor hip th an e tor<br />

there.<br />

hi writer ha b n told of<br />

furth r ob er ance . ne d not<br />

bargain with a geomanc r (or a offin<br />

dealer). After feng- hui burial th re<br />

can b no ub e uent remo al of th<br />

r main for reburial el wher under<br />

any ir um tan h gra e tone<br />

and th burial m und mu t neither<br />

be repaired n r r no at d , nor delib<br />

rately alter d in any other ay. If<br />

let whi hi<br />

Man<br />

ha e in a<br />

pli ated, and<br />

pr ti e<br />

to a rue from them.<br />

eem d that "th dead<br />

t do i to di riminat b t<br />

g d and that whi h 1<br />

pr du ti e, be it n w r old .<br />

eryunt<br />

r-<br />


l~an'i.:Jff~afl!i(/7 omv U71nnu t~a W. fl. 2 310 'IJ~'IJ r?'IJ U'IJ uadi.u nHff~afl!i(//lV'tl 7'tl ')'IJ Jnn . ~<br />

' ~ tJ ' tJ ' ~<br />

1.1 ...V ._, ' I ~ I tl t:i "!( II<br />

V7'tlt18'lm1::v~m::invnuamNuann7uW.:JW1::UfT'Wfl:f i.un7u'I'Nm::um; cnmoN v1mm::nava '11 vfi7V7V<br />

tJ<br />

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' '<br />

V1::mfi~'V')(/ 0717ri7JJv~'HJJ7(Jl 'Hrl'lla.:J'I'nnm~ mmi,mhua.:J 1nv l'IJ1::v::u~u nUr"l'tl U'tl u"v; ~'tl UJ1V7" tirfi.:J<br />

'<br />

tJ<br />

oa cru~71'in7tVU ff7V'IJ~'IJ niir~u U'tl O.:J 6, 000 f}'tJ u n? u an vln.ffi.u f}'j.,'J'tJ~'tll ~lV1~ i.rf'H {1 'J.:Jan'b '¥Jtmuvu<br />

u7vn'7Vf1JJJvmm71V'tlt1a.:Jw1Jvnaan 1vvl'.:Jfhvad ru f1oa.:Jt1?uwo .ff.:Jad1'n.:Jnrtn::?ua nv .:Jrmvu"cut~<br />

v~u<br />

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tJ tJ tJ<br />

I " I<br />

w1n uutvu f1'tln7 n11ni.'lfna.:Jnwuu aanu7?l.:Jadu.:Jnhn"v17aanu7wnn Y1r11:n v nflu vu~'V?vn"uu"uta.:J<br />

tJ<br />

~ oC ' v I v " c;'ol V " ~ ' c;' c;' • /.,_ I ~ ~

he re~1dence of<br />

,),ul.4uu~~fl~'1fiU()IJ n~ .m,~"l ~tluilD~'IJD..lfl~uiiwiu~ri,l.4n uL~D ,IJ,-U1.11tf.,L4t\ llllft cntlu,~ilD..lUHnDn \~ll ,<br />

Orht.4~..l1DuLtlu Difln~HDQil11J\u<br />

he b ck of n old h1n m Pheng, Bangk k.<br />

ormer<br />

uon'<br />


10 I<br />

n..v L t\G(l~1t\~t\~t\1}1~ULI1t\t.~ L t\)#~h<br />

t.MlA.<br />

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1Hllllj~U1t\W,G.t.~ t.n t\!1::~11Lil!lllG<br />

1:' ::<br />

WG~t\GUilrt»t\~t\~<br />

• • ,_. ,.<br />

llt."l:'t.~~.t.LlJLIJ.<br />

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t\))~,lti:'GJ# ::~~iR.t.I61JI,L.t.UgJI.1 Lll::.t.MI:' Gil.<br />

~L~~t\1} 1~t\,V llt.~t\~ t\~1:' L~~::.t.~~~~1<br />

11~1 11~ L t.¥t\~Ml1~n.t.~~!b~\1:'"~11Lit<br />

HU.::H~ I:'G1t\?~JI,L.t.::.t.M~ll\rBX\\IlX4<br />

. '<br />

-::.t.MI:'Lt.Ht- .t.U.ft~::H~ &n. t\llt-. .t.UL~1::.t.M<br />

::L.t.M1~pt-~t\1}1~ t\~i~.t.~1LJI.L.t.Lil::.t.M<br />

Ut.Mt\GIJ~1ft~ Lrl1~rG~W~Ll1L_Q.1U~<br />

~,t~LMBJ:~ t\L(\t.U 11rBnt.fu §R.t.I61LJI,L.t.Lil<br />

::.t.Mllt.ML~ t\1}1::H"~ Pl1Ll6~Lnl.t.L~~<br />

11~1 IlL t\i:'~l111t\t\U rBI1~1lLijl1.t..t.Ui!LHL<br />

JllA. M:: .t.M~ ~111 » U.Ln. ::.t.MGIJ 1t\ t.~<br />

0 ::<br />

t\~t\~11t\ll~ 11 1~t\G~1~ft~ U G<br />

~UL~I:'~ ~::~11 t\,lt llt.!#t\~~\11n.~l1L»Il~1<br />

lt~.t.L~::.t.I1X\\ Ut.M~.t..t.M t\t.furl.,ltt\t.fu<br />

"'R.t.I61LJI,L.t.Lil::.t.Mt.Jirl.~~\»!L~I:'~ 16Ll1.1l~<br />

-u.Mt-GIJ1n.~ UlJ~::~~~nt.fu KR.t.I61LJI.L.t.Lil<br />

::.t.M Lt.t-Gtl:'(lMLfll!mt-~ l>lCl ·~ · fl. llLI1<br />

I ~ ~· ..... p ~<br />

t\1}1 !R.t.~1JI,L.t.UgJI,1 Lll::.t.M1:'"~11Lit<br />

~\ ~1.111 t\ t\UI:'L_t»t- .t.U.::~~I:' »::.t.I1JI.L.t.::.t.M<br />

t\G\!1 L~ 6 111.11 ~lt~LGt\~l:'~t\HllG\6<br />

l:'t\~1:' WU ))t\ll.rl.ll'11.1LIJ. t\rt 1LIJ. t\~I:'L t\t\it.<br />

r ... ... ., ..<br />

-r·1,:r<br />

~U~ L~.t..t.r\1:'~ t\ll~ 1!#~ ::~ L "L~~~~ ))LU B1<br />

1J I> ~~LUJI.,t.t\\B~1 ~ll.t.llLM.t.l\t-~1:'~~<br />

r11r- 1<br />

(11~Ll1»~~1:'11~~) G~'Wil~ 1 ~~rl.,lt<br />

rllt-lfi:',Gt\t.fu §R.t.I61LJI,L.t.Lil::.t.Mt\t.~ t\¥<br />

1:' ~ll ~1lt~~.t.L~::.t.l1 Ut.M~ .t..t.M.t.lf_(t»::~ 11<br />

I<br />

IJL~ !#~11~~t3~\ LJlo1X\\ L~l:'~ B~(lft~~U~<br />

o I<br />

(ll~~Lt.llM~~~) t.!i1111~ ~::.t.M~~ t\1}1t\(\<br />

Lll.t..t.ll.t.l6h.n.,Vnh.t-ll~11:'Bt.)lrl.~X\\t'~ n.L.t.lA.<br />

L~.t..t.rl.\6,1:'~ t.L~ U ::~ U.(tnl L.t.rl.1.t.L»U G1t\\<br />

-~~J:ln\ BJ:~t\L(\.t.H.t.~~t..t.L~tlJLU))I:'~~<br />

r- .t.u..t.h.nllt- LUL~1::.t.M~~111» ' nt.fut-BIJ1<br />

::L.t.f/.1 (l~l1~t.n.1~11.~~t3~\L!l-1t'.Lf-4t'Lrl.m M<br />

0 L L~Uillll\('t~(l f.U.t\~ll1 "tUt,t.flLt ))t\\ KR~1<br />

JI,L.t.Ugllo1 Lll::.t.MI:'"~,LitL~I1L» t\,Vt\BIJ~ 1<br />

B~~ 111 LU ~~Gl,t ~~1:' G ))t\~~~I:'L_t))t\t.fu<br />

mt\.lli:'::Wt\\ L~t.L~UilLll!:ll,t\B~I:' »::.t.M<br />

-~ ::.t.I1B ~l:',t\~ t\\ llt. !#t\t.fu ~~IJL~~ ~11 ~1<br />

11~n.~ lllJ~~'t!#~ t.L.t.~t.*t\211:' ~Lllt\G_t<br />

1:' ~Lllt\G _t lJ~\611t\l} 11:'\f~~U.I/IJLt. ))lt~IJJI~<br />

I 0 I<br />

!Jllt.M~.t..t.M::~,t\h.t-ll~ 11:' G\6, U GGt\~::tt<br />

...<br />

U~ i R .t.161JI,L.t.UgiJ.1 Lll:;.t.Mt\1} 1~V ~ ~<br />

t\t.fu t\Lrl. t\ t\U G ~~~,t~LM nt.fu t\L(\L~Lllt\,lt<br />

UL~.t.~t\::.t.M t\\ ll~LGX\ \ t\B~1t\Lrl. t\LlA.JI,L.t.<br />

llLllLllrl.~U 11~1 t\~I:'GIJ111~~~LillA.~G~1<br />

t\LII.Uilt.1G~IJI:'~ ~!~LMG~~t\L(\nl t. 1~<br />

::.t.M!#~ t\~I:'::Wt\\ ~ t\.lll:' LUL~1::.t.M.t.Lll<br />

L~it\1} 1t\O(: 1t\~ G~l:'~~t\~U \! tt~nLJI,L.t.<br />

Gl,t t\\t.U11Ll1L_Q.1U~rG::~L"t\t.fuUt.M t.~11<br />

-l1»aM111.t.n::.t.MI:'~Ll1L_Q.1 nh.t-ll&11:'GI1,lt<br />

::.t.Mt\1}1X\\ ~1.111 MLliL.t.JI,G~1::~11 §R.t.l61<br />

~Hle~ 111Lltt\,VL~L~\611 ( ll,t\UL111Jft~ L~~\<br />

Llllirl.UUt.MlJ~!#~ LllB\tlJI:'~ ~ t\~ 16Ll1 .ll ~<br />

-JI,L.t.UgJI,1 Lll::.t.Mt\[}1t\~ L llG~111~t\~l:'»<br />

!:'"~ ,LIIt\11~1!#~ t\~UL~ t\k\!#~ ::~ ll~11lQ 1<br />

Lij. 1t\Gt\" 11t\t. t\L~n.L.t.lA.ft~ t\,t\C' J.~Ll1Lij.1~<br />

.. .. 0<br />

t\t.fu t\~) I:'L(\ t\t.fu § ~ .t.I61LJI,L.t.Lil::.t.MI:' ::W<br />

I "<br />

-lA.MI:'GIJ1L~ 1t\l} 1t\t.fu §~'l..t.I61LJI,L.t.::t.M t\1}1<br />

l:'t\~MUB r ,. '11.lAI:'WUt.L~UlA.mlR.t.I61LJI,L.t.<br />

..,. ...... :- ..,.<br />

~.l&X\\~1.111 C ~~LUJI.,t.l:'~ &Lt.i:'G!AM\611<br />

16<br />

ml1Gt!~11:'~~~t\t.fuut.Mn..v L n11r11::~<br />

f\ ' '<br />

Lll::.t.Mt\1}1U.t.11t\~ t\~ l rGIJt.rl.t\JlHU<br />

t\1}1~11~1 (t-~jlo11 I:'G~) iR.t.J61JI,L.t.UgJI,1<br />

t-~pL~~1t\~t\~L~~\L.Q-1 t\~t\~LX\I:'~t\~~<br />

o ll.(t » t\\i R .t.I61~JI,L.t.Lil ::.t.MI:'"~ 11 Lit<br />

Lll::.t.Mt\fio1HrG (l~LJIL~B~~ &Lt.I:'G!-4t\it.<br />

Ult ::Hit~ llt.!#l1~ L_Q.11l(l1U~l1t..t.L~ t\~llL»<br />

Ut\~~J!,11<br />

G~i:'G!-4MUL~Ll1~L!f1\6WMI:'Ln. MilL~~<br />

1J BLCl .16.M G~1t\t.t\L~l1LttpL~~1M<br />

- ::Gn._vn. .t.t.tt.~~ .t..t.t. ».t.~t\1:' GIJ1LRUJilL~<br />

~I:'GIJ1Ll1t\1}1~ §R.t.~1JI,L.t.Ugllo1 Lll::.t.M<br />

.t.L~lA. "11t\1}1UGGt\~ ::tti6~1:'LlA.l1l6~ 1 ::u.<br />

1:'1f\~ t\~t\~llL))t\~.t.L~lA.I:' GUll~ X\\ ~1.111<br />

,. R.t.J61LJI,L.t.Lil::.t.M1:'"~11Litt\fio1 ULllrG<br />

UL~I:'LlA.rBt\G~1t\L(\1:' 1<br />

U~ t\~t\lft\i; 11:' ~<br />

. ..<br />

B Lcl·I6·M Bl11Ll1Gl6t\HKR.t.~1LJI.Lt.Lil::.t.M<br />

• I .......<br />

1\ '<br />

~t\~~(ll:'~ nl L.t.rl.11l.(t»t\\ t\~I:'Lt\t\II.~U~L~<br />

o I<br />

- UJl.l:'"~ 11 Lit llL~!-4l1.t.U t\\ .t.LUJI,L.t.n,t.U Ll1<br />

'!'Uti:' BII.~M~Mlj\\!#~ ::H~t t\~16Ll1ll~ lA.M<br />

I:'GIJ1L~ 1t\1}111~1llf1~ t\\j t\~ KR .t.I61LJI,L.t.<br />

t\~M,1.41:'Gllllt.~l1G}M&h.t\lli:'LU nl Lll<br />

f\ ..<br />

Ln.m~:~ U t\Ht\~ ~R.t.161LJI,L.t.Lil::.t.M~, ~.t.rt1<br />

~ :" ,.,., ... " ,.<br />

t\t.~ L !b~\ll\!t\~t\~ ~Mt\t.))I:'G~~n\rG<br />

Lll::.t.M L~!#~I1L»GMI:'~?~t\1}111~1<br />

U LllLR UJI6Ll1 Jl ~ lA.MI:' GIJ1L~ t\~ 11:' .t.lA.Lll G\6<br />

l1~1L t\1L~IJlriJ~ G~~wh. t\1}11:'~ (nll\1 1)<br />

l:'t:\ 111L»~~GlJ~ 1<br />

16Ll1 .ll ~ lA.MI:' GIJ11:' G wrG § R .t.I61LJI,L.t.Lil::.t.M<br />

i~.t.~1JI,L.t.Ugllo1 Lll::.t.MUt.M(l~~.lJ."11<br />

. '<br />

!#~n.L.t.lA.~ ULl1t\t.~t\1}11l~1LilllllG~I61:' .t.U<br />

' ' .<br />

ULHllMt\1}1~ t\)#~llt.MlA. 1HU ::~, t.n t\.ll<br />

1:' 11~~1:'~ t\~ 11 ~1:'~11~1111 L »~~JI\1:' G~~\6111:'1<br />

t\t.))~ nl ft~\ t\B~1t\L(\I:',ltl1~1:'~t\~Ut.M<br />

0 ..<br />

UlliR.t.J61LJI,L.t.Lil::.t.MX\\ _ l:'t.l11:'~t\~t\L(\<br />

t\1} 1L!-4l1.t.ll .t.LUJI,Lt.llt.p.b ( t\)#t\G~t\\ t.L~ U<br />

1:' ~t. L£ ll'l ~Jl ~~1:' t.~ ~rl.,Vt.ll\!1t\~ t\1} 1L~~ \<br />

41-1) ll~~Lil::.t.MI:'1~.t.l11 t.!i11J1~16Ll1ll~ lA.M<br />

1:' LU ll.(t » t\~ t\~lll- ::.t.l111 Lltt\,V L~L~<br />

~.,., K R .t.J61LJI,L.t.L ll:: .t.M t\Ln.lA. n1 u B B nr ::tt<br />

~r ~<br />

I:'Gl11l6Gl11::~, 16Ll1ll' lA.MI:'Gl11ttm ~~•»1<br />

• ,. ~ "' • ,..I·"' '¥<br />

t\)#1:' Lij.t.~ 11Ll1<br />

I:'L,ll..t.~ n:: .t.MU L~ft ~ \ 1:' ~ }\l6t. 1!:JI.L .t.:: .t.M<br />

t.L.t.~ll »11:' M::.t.Ut- BIJ1\! 11~ G~ 1MX4ft11t\l} 1)1~<br />

t.L~ Ul:'~~~~ll\!#~llG»~\ L~Uil&11:' .t.U.::~,Lll<br />

Lt\I1LU »11~~M~::~,I:'Lp.ll~I:'GUft,t\1}1X\\ t.L t\.<br />

l:'~~llLll \!n.aLRU1 Lll::.t.Mt\1}1)1~ (r-t.~~<br />

t\,ltllt.!#JI.L.t.UG1~rl.Gllll~1::L.t.M 1 L~UULllM<br />

.t.l6~~Lil::.t.M \!rl.aLl1.t..t..llLil::.t.M~11 »,tl~l:'~<br />

ULHI1t\l,:t\B~1::H~~\ Lij-1) t\~ll~~Lil::.t.M<br />

.. 0<br />

.. R .t.I61LJI.L.t.Lil::.t.MUt.MilX4U ~JI,L.t.::.t.Mt-Lt.~ ~<br />

lt(\11 ))JI,L.t.llt.» 1t\~~ ~» 1ll~1 LM ~ L ~~Bil<br />

t\fio1 MllL~~~nr"~11LitiJ\!!#~~l\~ 1LC\

'W I<br />

I<br />

~ M11C'~V\ C'GII.BLII.~M11Ll\V\nGI6 L~U U Lil n~Ut M ilt~nij 1~~n~U \.m\ n_vBLII.L~t.LU<br />

.. ~<br />

t .'i 11tl.l\ 1 r- t.u r- L ,t<br />

II' J.lj\t11Liln,V~ U G\!1nt oQIJIHA ~ nljn,_vn~ n1<br />

[1~ n_vL~:::IH)t ULilrGIJn~BLQG~11J~IlG~<br />

~ 0<br />

Ll' n_vnGIJV4.1ug~nllB.LUn~nlj (~uu)<br />

LRU1 t.U~Lil:::t.MC'GII.BL.a.II'Gl\nij111' ~ t.ULG<br />

-t.lAnG:::t.MLIUnij1~ l ~~LU.a.,tn\L M il~<br />

Lltt.LilllGH~ 1G ~~ t~pC!L~ 1L~ Unl.~:::t.~<br />

~ ~111 QlALrl. :::t.M~111l G 1Litt.LilllG~ID ~L~ 1<br />

(!ljL\t.!lllLtU\1~~ 1Jfuh.t»L~1GI,t C'~1fu,t\~<br />

lt~C'llV\~L161lnll.nL~i~U~111LQG~1 C'G~<br />

p.11ut~r-LrG t~mtnQ1ULilnt~r-~ BlA~<br />

nljn,_v 1 n~ll»BL Qnij 1LilLQo 1nLil Qt.lj.(t<br />

,11~11LII.C'GII.HtG&1L~U[bV\\C'L~U:::Lt. M 1 M11<br />

rG~n~ULilnLlUllV4.1J~ C'L~G&1n\rG C"Ln.<br />

Lr(1111l~rGt't.1 nG&1nL~U~f1:::~C'lj Ill~ .~~<br />

G\tlt~:::~~LilLJ!-1LI/1L~C!&1G~1 Url.HlAL~U<br />

Ulll L rc- LlA~\ n_v G\&lt~BLII.L .~ t.LU nG~ ll.(t<br />

"\ BLII.Lijt.LUn\Uttt:::Q:::Lt.M1 UllV\nij1<br />

L rll ~"1 t 1 ~n.tt~:::~L~~\ Lf!o1n.~t;ht. M lA 111' tU<br />

' n<br />

:::~,, tn. n.!lB.(t gn\ n~ n~;r- Gn.rG~ n~<br />

ULilntoQnij1M<br />

n~;H~ :::~ U.(tt.tf 1111' G~t;ttil.t.LU :::LM t!1111t1 L~<br />

n_v nGIJ V\ 1 tth.n~H .~ ~ n. Q11nQ11C" jAr- G~lj<br />

ttil.G~V\ (c-~V\HrGug,II~BG~M~Hnijni.,V<br />

C'(l11LilLG1 "* 0£ nGn.C'Lrl.~V\~n~1n.M,II~<br />

llJIWt.LUn_t\:::t! :::Lt.M 1 1'\9\tllV\ 1'\~[1~ 1'\11.<br />

0 .. ..<br />

.\1~ L(l MUtM:::Lt.M 1 i\111~1} 1So\ 1'\~11J(l~ :::~c-~;<br />

~1'\~UUillA~II'GIJnl.\ . q~11~~U.(t1'\lj1'\ij1f'o\<br />

(1~ n~UtML)t n~UtMC'GII.t.ll~ 1t\~V\Illtt;<br />

.. ..<br />

:::Lt.M 1~~1'\p.1tt1JI~tJtil'itrl~ UllLBQ~lA 1:::tf1<br />

~t.LU :::~11 LillA 1[1~~ V\ ~IliA ~C'GIJ1n\II'GlA<br />

"'t'~\L~JI~~Ut M 91!~1:::t.M:::~11[1hlAM<br />

:::t.MBL~ L~tll~ 1U L~ U (!1'\1'\~C'LrG1'\~LV\~~<br />

(1~11L4~:::~11t\~UtM , L~tL~UC'~V\1'\GitUG<br />

:::~11 .. tt}LU 8 Lt;Lt.1'\,VI1LII.GJ&Lt;C'GL4Lljlt.<br />

~ LV1'\ij1n~1n,Vrl.~V\rl,VC'~1:1.~ BL~LV\~11' ...<br />

0 0<br />

1'\ij1Lij~GlA II' tUttU1LJ!-W11L(lM1'\G~L~t m_v<br />

Lf.41rG~ t.I\~C'ljC'_QC'~IlLI1Q~lA1:::t.f1 Ulll<br />

llLBLBM~C"Gnl.~ nljnt<br />

0Qn\ n:rr-:Y- nljlltt.~<br />

C'G~t;~h,mutM~tLWn\) ~il.~UtMC'L~L~<br />

n~m G.a.1'\lj1'\ij 1 :::~ 11 t.ll~ 11'\~ V\ll LWIJ1'\~<br />

nij 1\!~ltl~tt\!~lt~:::Lt.M 1 n~Ullll nV\ ~i\11<br />

ll~Unij1tl..a.llb.tt~1~\ L~C' ~ C'LI"\Itl~\6<br />

C'L_tQ C'LJ~tlt~C"L,tQ~U Lilli'~ LVIJt»L~ 1nij 1~<br />

LnQL~.!llAM:::t.MGI!rl,t\:::~11 ULillllA ~II' C!IJ1<br />

n '<br />

U,t:::~ttt't.UC'L_tQC',.W~tu; ~~LIA~tu;<br />

... ,., .....<br />

"rll.(t Qn\ ~lA 1 :::t.f1H\trl,VI1LII.L~t.LU :::Lt.M 1<br />

n~l!~lA 1 :::t.f111' Gil.~ ~K R t.~1~\ L~BLII.L~<br />

t.LUil o~1~ntKu~ V4.1J~ n~ nlj ULilrC!t.MlA 1<br />

-r- t.u :::~11 ~h. n.11c- t.ur-L_}Qt.LUn\ nt ~IJ~ n~<br />

runij1 LBllhG~~C' tUC'::WL~1n~n~nljL~<br />

N~, :::~ ~Lill~ 1~11'(!~ 11lll61lltljf1t<br />

U Lll L r(1111l Lit rC!<br />

M11C'GI1.11L~Mlllni1~1MLIIIiULt.f1~ ~ nJttth<br />

rL4n9U1 nlt}~Qn\11'~ ti1\!1~~V\nij1n.,t\<br />

Lll.!lllC!<br />

' t~C' '<br />

t.U :::LU 1n.C!t.I1Lt.rl.C!U111GitG~ (!.<br />

M11<br />

0<br />

IJL~IiULt.f1nt\l :::t. UC'J'ljil'~ LB.!lhG~~C' tU<br />

II' ::W!611Liltt~:::~ n~ 11!M 11rC!t.LU rC!~ nij1<br />

~ L~ 1\t~ UUit_t-11'~[1~ MIA mh.c-tn.UL~ :::~ 11<br />

nil~ 1MC'Lrl.C'~f1~ Lt\Ulf11t~<br />

..<br />

nL~!611il'itii'G~t;<br />

...<br />

UG~ttil.C"C!U(111nij1 (n~C"GlA) ~Ht.~1.a.Lt.<br />

ug.a.1 LB:::t.M,\'\\ ltt.f11 £ ~~LU.a.,tn\ LllG\6<br />

~,, lth.~r-L~~ P\Jl."G~1Wnii'GIJ1C'~V\It~<br />

C'G~t;~h, l ~~Lu.a.p,.WGIJ1C'LrG 11',\lrl.~<br />

0 .. 0<br />

utMG ~V\ n~~ uutM "ll, ~ u Lllnt~t)i 11r-~ L<br />

~\C'GJt~U_t\V\nLC"L~Uit (UV4.\nt~nij1n~<br />

UL~ n_vu B&1~G;V\n~n~;ut~ nLc-c- t.11,11~L~<br />

!iULtf1C'~nG~f1ttQC'GIJ1nL~L'tW~t.LU Ulll<br />

nLC' H 1111' ~II' GJtnG ~ ll.(t ~n \ :::L t.M 1 U Lll t.Lt<br />

-t.rl.IJC'GJtnij1L~C'~ tt1!bV\\ L~llU~~IJ~11<br />

H n nil.nij 1~ n~ n~;n,_v rGB~LGC' t;C' .Q t.MlA 1<br />

-r- t.uH,tQB.(t g:::~ 11 &h. n.11c- t.u B.(t gn\!b V4.\<br />

nt 0 Q~tu; L~~\[1tQGMilL16~t.VLrG<br />

.. ~~' G1n:r9~t~, :::t.MilLtt~ ~~ t.m<br />

:::~ 11n~llltt_t. ~r-~~c- GlAn~H~il.tB~ 1f1U~<br />

Ut M ~~V\ 111~ 1<br />

nr:::t! :::Lt.M 1 tl11!1tu;~L~ f1 1<br />

BG~V\ 1)1~(1~ t)i1111'~[11JllAM :::t.MI1L~L~~~W<br />

0 0<br />

V\~ £ C'GL4:::~11 V\~ S C'~1'\~1n.Mtu;1J~~<br />

1'\ 1'\L lA 1tlllt114C' G Bit~,::: t.M 1'\, ... ' 1'\GC'V\, Ll.<br />

:t ~ I .. J' , ... I, r I f"<br />

L~UULilHht.n.JI~ ~ C'L\t91t~1:::t.Milll6:::~11<br />

I<br />

IJ~L4Lrl.:::t. M 1'\\ IJ~:::t.G:::t.M1'\\ 1J~t.l1~1<br />

:::t.M1'\~ ~ht.n.1J 1'\:rl~V\ 1C'GL41'\t1 Ulll1'\~<br />

1'\ij 1 [1h lAM ::: t.Mijll' G 1'\U. ~ ~ t.t.m GlA:::~ 11<br />

1'\t1LG1JI~ C'~ V\ HrC!LII.1C'GII.t.~ :::GGi! G~ 1<br />

llltijllt)l 11 1.4 ~ UtM:::Lt.M 1Ullll11t11t~LV\Lfl,1<br />

1'\~)1 ~11'~ C'G \t 11t !lt.L ll 1'\ij1M~C' 11~ 1LV\t.LUL~<br />

1'\~ 111 1.4~ UtM :::~ 111'\~UtMB L~., L~C'~V\ 1'\Git<br />

HtL~UJI~ ll£l ·~ · M G~1nll(S1~Q~1C'~<br />

II' Gll.ltV\ 1 lllll V\lt~ 1'\\ [b V\ \ t.LU 1'\ij 11'\,VIllt.LG<br />

Ltlt~BL ~ L~ 1'\,V t~lltt.~1'\ ~ L V\Lfu fu t;\ltllV\<br />

\&1'\~ 1'\\; ::: ~ 1111 1.4 ~ 1'\lj II':¥-~~' M 111'\ll t.L U t.L V\<br />

0<br />

-LG ltlii.U t.V\ nLQU\6 11 1'\L~ :::11:::t.1'\\ 111.4 ~ 1'\ij

the<br />

The Chinese and<br />

Foun4ing of Bangkok<br />

s. Pl ai Noi<br />

Prior to th all of rung<br />

yutth ya ( udhya) to the Burm<br />

in 1767 many hine h d b en ' li ing<br />

nd r und the f rm r<br />

h d<br />

the<br />

that<br />

ten<br />

mp<br />

n the ri er appr a h, where one<br />

tand m de, al ne h d 6,<br />

e fe ti el ny warri r hero in the<br />

hin e Ia i th Roman e of the<br />

hree Kingdom ( n-kuo yen-i).<br />

When hraya K mphaeng Phet<br />

b arne mdet hao ak<br />

the ing of<br />

bank of the<br />

and ontinued t<br />

hai in ub qut!"nt ampaign . While<br />

the m jority of the hine familie<br />

ettled on th I ft bank oppo ite<br />

her the r nd P Ia<br />

till Phraya Phiphit, was given order<br />

to pro eed to defend Nakhon a an<br />

again t rebel for that were laying<br />

w te to the country ide fanh r north.<br />

n thi expedition he took ith him<br />

3,000 of hi ethnic hine army to<br />

rry out the ta k. Mo t likely thi<br />

wa the arne man a a earlier<br />

known a Luang Phiphit, on o the<br />

band of warrior with halb rd ho<br />

h d e ured the ea t oa t. II<br />

pc tive ethni<br />

When<br />

Phuttha Yot a<br />

a ended the<br />

the<br />

mark t-gardenhine<br />

n arer to th h n Buri Pal e whi h<br />

buiJt at th m uth of thi<br />

In 1775, Phraya h etthi<br />

(Raja re hthi(n)), v ho h d a quired<br />

thi titl after omm nding a n al<br />

for e in th mb dian war whil<br />

land wa e propri ted y th<br />

o a to to re-e tabli h the p<br />

the oppo ite bank where a n<br />

uld b founded. But the<br />


community had fir t to b di pia ed.<br />

The hine e were rei ted downri er<br />

on the arne bank around a big bend<br />

in the river, to the trip of bank<br />

between a khl ng ju t outh f Wat<br />

hakkawat (Wat am Plum) nd a<br />

econd khl ng ju t north f Wat<br />

h ngkha Wat m Pheng).<br />

a ted<br />

hine e ettlement to be a<br />

little further away from the hon Buri<br />

Pala e, it wa now above it and ne t<br />

to the new nc. he nnamite community<br />

a t be f und at " hat i nov<br />

ailed Ban M n Phahurat R ad and<br />

pigtail o a to become m re of a<br />

hai whi h h did. He later b arne<br />

fir t, Phraya h duk Rat ha etthi<br />

the " o ern r ' o the ~e e<br />

mmunity and it e onomi a u Ill ,<br />

and then a tcrv ard<br />

nu hit, an e en higher p t.<br />

" ere probabl about ten di erent<br />

Phraya h duk Rat ha etthi- rn th<br />

Rauanak in p ri d before thi p t<br />

b li hed . he po t entailed<br />

r ee y tern, tr n . . ) In the hird<br />

h duk Rat ha etthi<br />

hich e ca ated a new khl ng I e<br />

at hand in h n Bu ri : fr m Wat<br />

Pak m t ng<br />

from there to Wat<br />

(and<br />

at the time, Wat hip W ri Wihan<br />

( ino- hai: Wat K m u) " hich<br />

i now a hine e Buddhi t temple, e<br />

makhom (Wat<br />

h ince been<br />

mo ed rom it original I ation<br />

behind Wang Burapha Phirom to<br />

owarat Road and r main nnamite.<br />

either f the e two nn mite<br />

at- n r the nnamite ettlement<br />

ccupied the prim land by the river<br />

which wa eing ettl d by the<br />

re-I ated,<br />

in<br />

ertainly had.<br />

h<br />

ering<br />

i u metal buried<br />

in the ground and in tailed in the<br />

m nument .<br />

Whate er be the truth (it ha<br />

hai in the ab<br />

the<br />

Bangk k<br />

p ri d .<br />

In<br />

mmunit<br />

Rat ha etti. hi tate f air<br />

continued ell into the middle Rattanako<br />

in (B ngk k) peri d.<br />

aptain ) which were<br />

hine e p t .<br />

In the hird Reign ne hun<br />

hong Wari wa a ked t cut off hi<br />

apital at Bangkok " ere under the<br />

uper i i n f hin e " h h ld<br />

g<br />

mm n<br />

r.<br />

Int rm rri ge<br />

hi ne. familie.<br />

n.<br />


a ~ .,<br />

9ilu~uY1~~~~~~n 1 ~<br />

The Chinese and the Founding of Bangkok<br />

fl WI<br />

"""" .... ..<br />

if7H1 71tJ::1'1JJfi<br />

if~ t.J§ nJ.JtliiJJ1if<br />

gate-hou e and it roof line. Belonging to an abandoned vegetarian retreat (Thai: r ng chc)<br />

in Tambon ha Than, Phan m arakham di\trict, "ha hoengo,ao province.<br />

lth ugh n t tri tly a temple, it gla7ed ceramic and \tucco rnament<br />

i of a kind that i u ually f und on a hineo,c joo,.,.hou.,e or temple.

llwH;\tJ~L-ln~ uJiln 1flvr:!iln1h~1~<br />

\~1~1'Hri~'i~1'fl1J11\tL1f'l1~11 n~ ~L'Yl'r'l""l<br />

tr ~Lntd1nm;lv~ll1YlllL'IJ1 tim11i1 'Ylfl\t<br />

u<br />

n11 L ;\v~u tl Mtnn1,;i t.l11n!J t~m.,..L;\v~ L'YltJ<br />

tl~~~11 • fltl~~J~uii~:: timuJ fl 1\t~t.J::tl~<br />

utiM.rl'mmh~Yil~n~~ v~rru~111J'IJ1~;i ,fl<br />

~ttl<br />

The Romance of the Three Kingdom ~<br />

( an-kuo yen-i; anguoyanyi). mural \cene,<br />

hine e art. In the hine e pavilion at<br />

Wat Bowon iwet Wihan, Bangkok .<br />

The hinese treatment of rock\ and cliff.<br />

in this painting i\ quite different from that<br />

found in Thai painting generally.<br />

it i not really three dimen ional<br />

for the figure remain a con. tam \i7e,<br />

but the illu ion of depth and distant views<br />

i quite convin ing.<br />

ll1YILW~~1J\U·I\UI~11Lri~~<br />

.,-fl1Jn\tL1f!1~n<br />

m, ~L'Yl'r'l""l 4~1~n~tl~n~~fl,.1JYI1::1~11Yl1::f'l1 .,,<br />

tr~tl~n~"'ltJ.,-fl L-tv~ 1flv1h~1~ LU~1tlft ~muJ<br />

l~ftUJftUJiln<br />

n army moving forward into battle.<br />

hine e mural painting. Detail.<br />

In the hine e pavilion ( hai: wihan keng Chin)<br />

at at B won iwet Wihan,<br />

Bang Lamphu, Bangkok.<br />

hine e workman hip.<br />

Thi pavilion i right ne t to the<br />

Phra Wihan t ada which i at the bad. of<br />

ene i<br />

an epi ode from the Romance of<br />

the Three ingdom ( an-kuo yen-i).

1l1YH;jiJ~U\J\l4~ 1f'IIJi!Jijtl,jl~h<br />

u~~tUhnnr\~1~ 1'f'IU11it11fl~~,., m, ~LYI'I'i"l<br />

L;itl•.utl~'!tl~llrwlll uffliti~Lit~~H1flll l'hi1L'\11LU~'!tlun:: 3 lf1<br />

t. \1 v " t,<br />

viti ull M . LU~~l~tr~uftf'l~tlijtl,f~L~~miinu~~~~~ .<br />

Hidden animal figure . Detail of hine e mural pamting<br />

in the hinese pavilion at at Bowon iwet ihan, Bangkok .<br />

Thi group of rock ha been painted<br />

to re emble a famil of heep: a ram, a ewe, and a lamb.<br />

not her e ample of cle er painting by a ma ter artist.

ll1Yil ;ivuu uulu th:: ~uuuu1u \.h:: '.]<br />

u~::~,X~vn::q 1uft Cl~fl11Mu1Cl {~fl1J1H1n) 1!\4\.f'<br />

~~~tluaimonu::h\.J1flvtliJa'lh~luun 1<br />

~u"m~iliv1n<br />

hine e nower arrangement .<br />

hine e painting. on the door leave<br />

and wall of the phra ubo ot ordination hall<br />

at Wat Phakhininat ( at Bang hak),<br />

in what wa formerly Thonburi.<br />

hine e workman hio.<br />

he painting in thi hall i pure traditional<br />

' hine e decorative art throughout,<br />

a rare achievement.<br />

ll1YiL lilvutlila'lh~lu<br />

w~,X~Yi1::q1ufttl ~flll ilu1t1(~fl1JH~1n) u~<br />

u fl~a~m,~flLma~\!'1',<br />

iiflani~ ·u~tlu u ::1 1a~tf~um ~<br />

~111\.J1::u~lu ~fli11tlu ~\.Jflnut\~~~fl~11J<br />

~uiia~ u Yi ~1ilv1 lu1ila ~u1 ~nan<br />

hine e ltar table . hine e mural panel<br />

in the phra ub ot hall of at Ph khinin t.<br />

he ing ceremoni I rrangement of ea onal<br />

offering including nower arr ngement<br />

and crazy table in a hine e fret tyle.<br />

fine e ample of non-figur tive hin e<br />

decorative art found nowhere el e in Bangkok.

';11 o n11'1!m'hu 7 il ~1 11n il'\.4 th:: 1llf'l1<br />

m1'" mtn1 tn 'l.lil~w uu';l';)U'\.4<br />

'' ' '<br />

( enu . - H mo , pe ie -. apien 1'"<br />

L ~ ·~th~ 1 'l.lil~1 0 L'li 1'\.4YI1t.hLilYhn1<br />

mtlv htl u ·"r~itlLmtdv L~~<br />

dj'"~i'tnil~<br />

'I<br />

'<br />

n\.L ,,tJ·h nil ';)::lJ)J .~uth~u '~111<br />

W U~mtJ'l1~ 0 rn::1o L tJ~ (h mini-<br />

1 y<br />

dae) 111 1~~ u'\J';l~tmtl11o~nil'l.4u 1<br />

1tlLmvhmL~<br />

u<br />

( u tral pitheine<br />

) ~f14M)J1LU 10tl LL '1.41 1uu<br />

(Pithe anthropine. ) ~~'l.lnL::~L~il~-;)10<br />

•tno1 1~o1 :: flo 1tJ ll10';l~Ltl ' u'"1~<br />

\1<br />

LU'\.400 LiltJ1ffU il1t1)JD~1 ~ ( enu<br />

- H mo; pc ie - re lU. ) LL :: ~illl1<br />

~ u 10Uuo1 1tlqhtlLL !:LLil 101<br />

!1ft ~.Muvnnih v ~flilti ( eandenhal<br />

r H m api n'> ne ndenhalen i )<br />

td.Mu · ~L~1o1 itlqhtl LL - ,~il)J1~~ ~u<br />

1\.L 1ULL£l 1 n1LL :: 1tl ~ m'du4l1tJ ,fl ~,tJ<br />

~~)J1tl~ll~ UU';l~U\.1. ( 1 dern man r<br />

H m<br />

., picn)<br />

1'1.4uni11"W1o~mili1~<br />

hw UU';l';l·<br />

y I 0<br />

il'W1otlRu<br />

11l'1U'\.4 ~~1il1n1llDLHI~<br />

1 1~11~'1.1il~)J'\.4~U'W10~L~L tJ'WULL 1~<br />

'<br />

Lm::'l!11 tl1::Lrtf'lil'l.41flihtdv ~~tfoti'"<br />

1'1.4'1.41)J'I.Iil.))J'\.4~U'I!11 (Ja a Man) LL ::<br />

I<br />

fiil)J1n'WUBO 1'1.4flil'\.4L ~'\.4il'l.lil~tl1:: L Ylf'l ';l'\.4<br />

il~~1~1u ~QLiiu'l.41o '1.4muo~~ ffo<br />

ff'I.41'1.4'1.4UJ'Iltl~W~UUO~~ ( eking Man)<br />

'<br />

~~rn::d1m~1~1m ~U10L~f!,tyLtl tY~LLtl<br />

frf~tHfl11)J1Mflf~~ 2 Lllm1uin::Ltl<br />

fiOiltl~1fi~1D t1n 1 1u 1flurt~111'1.4oil ~~ow<br />

\1 \1<br />

~~'\.4 1'1.4mtl~htlfl~'WUU1~ '1'\.4'1.1il~1 1~<br />

11~ iln1::fiO 1~'\.4LfltJ1~~1U L)J1Lilil~<br />

\1<br />

(Mauer) 1o Lllil~LtiLfi'\.4LlHo<br />

tl1::L<br />

Ltltl1W'\.4fl::~fl0 1'1.4m::LYif'IWfl1~~~ il<br />

'l.lil~ Brace LL :: m:: (1971) 'WUL ~ilO~<br />

fi1U Lm4L tJ'\.4 ( nt ien) 1'1.4YI1ULLtl 101<br />

'W~L<br />

ilUYhtJ (Ternifine) m::m ~ UL1tJ<br />

ii11UYI (Rabat) tl1::LYif'lllil1il 1fl LL ::<br />

iiilil 11tJOil'l! ( ldu ai rge) 1o Lfltl~<br />

y<br />

tiUU1L1m~'WU'W10ilil fl111 U cU'\.4<br />

L~tJ1nUtl1::LYI ';l'\.4!J~\4~ il~LLt\~ 1fltJ<br />

ang - chih<br />

hang (I 77) ~~L~~1~1<br />

J .<br />

~o~'\.4~L Uil~';l10n11~~w.~U1 011~~ ~11 )J<br />

flf~1~G)'tm~1~11 mi'!m::'lfl'l!\4~ (<br />

Proletarian<br />

reat<br />

ultural Re olution) tr'\.4<br />

LU'\.4R1L ~"1~1 , Oll1tJ'\.4DOL1lm1uL~il~11<br />

~H, 'l.lil~U1::LYif'l';l'\.41'1.41::tJ::L1 1L~t:h,f'\.4<br />

~,f'"1'"~~-36m ·~o '11 ( )1e<br />

rchaeology<br />

of An ient<br />

hina) ~~L~LLRfl~<br />

LL~ ·~fiH, 1\\tJ1::L!'f'I;J'\.4 (U~'\.4·~ 1) ~~<br />

. .. '<br />

• A ... I ..<br />

ow u~w.~'" ~11 ~~'" L n1~ ~iln~:: L tl'" 1m~<br />

m::fi0~1tlL<br />

1il ~1Jil~'\.411)JYI~U ~ fi~YI'WU<br />

\1<br />

1~wil~ fl.tJ1'\.4)J (Yuan-mou) 'l.lil~)Jm

)<br />

'r-"' ch· ..<br />

.../. •\. 1 en-p~n<br />

"'· ....... 'v" -- •<br />

\ - _Ai ng-y~ • A 'o-tso<br />

Nt-ho-wan h-7 k' ' · /<br />

\ /l A /'C 9u- ou-t1en<br />

\<br />

-· I ,<br />

\ .,' ' _......,<br />

I , r-<br />

• r<br />

1 shih-yu )<br />

-· \ ~ , Ku-chiao • 1<br />

\'"' ; s h . ( k ,/ ~ )( h \ h. ......... ,r-<br />

'·, ,~1 - tung - ou_., x C iao-c e!'lQ 1-yuan<br />

' • ' I<br />

• -< ~ H . t' . •<br />

1 ry1n- i<br />

\ .. \ Sja\a-osso-gol . r-- ~/<br />

' Ch mg-yang e \ • ~ xTt 1 ~g-) •Hs1ao-nan-hai<br />

l ' •Yo an~h'o.&<br />

sun.. ( • •<br />

· r' J •<br />

'-' "'""': . '-'<br />

L'-·.......,<br />

-~ h<br />

,..._ Ju1-ch en San-men-hsia , ..__ Ssu- un<br />

l .. .. S""- \•<br />

Jla n-t 1en,M \.. . i . . \..r,:)<br />

\. , ..-.. ~ Hs1~ a1 ( __....c;.=~<br />

_,... '<br />

-- ../ ...\.__,,L---.' ~~ '----"' \<br />

\. ,<br />

~-~ ·--~<br />

Tzu -~ang<br />

Han-yuan •<br />

•<br />

'1 ..... x ung- ' .<br />

- . '·<br />

.' T a-y~ht. •<br />

Ch ang-yang .& • J<br />

r· , .... ~--- )o·p'inge"'(<br />

. J r-. ,<br />

I ,._" ..._, '..(.- '<br />

"· ' \ ,<br />

,......,;"'-T: '-1 ( ~--<br />

, '-').... ) tzu 1 , (<br />

LJihl\i\ng ( • ._· .. Ch'1en- hs i/l . • \ '<br />

........ • , ......-· _K ue1· yang\ )<br />

V" :· • I I<br />

Yuan- ou I . /,h ) r-...A·") I<br />

A • ,... L 1 u-c i a n g r. l , ,_' \<br />

\<br />

.<br />

.J·-' • V\ . • )( \_. ..-· '<br />

L~an ~---- / } Ma-pa<br />

Hs~u<br />

,<br />

0--~230•0-=~4~00._=6~00 KM<br />

\<br />

e Upper Palaeol i tht c<br />

X M iddle Paloeol :th 1c<br />

A Lower Poloeolllh tc<br />

m p of hina hewing Low r Palaeoluh" lie\ I rom "hi.:h ci1h r art1lacl\<br />

or h minid fo ~il have been rec vercd ( fr m I'\\ an -chih ' h n ).<br />

11 0

c I F" I<br />

c<br />

0 c<br />

2. U~U~UH''B!J ::3"U£l£lnL~!J.Jl~uq ~ 1Uofi..)'l)£l.J l.itJtYi :: 1fl~U<br />

LiJU1::!J::L1 1~~£l.J'Yl::L ~1 .J u :: '1utiH, 'IJ£l.J~uiiu~tlti£Jtru tuvhl~L~n·htl UU1~tlti£l (migr 1ory rou1e)<br />

'IJ£l.JlJI.\l:IU1rJh.Jm1 « ~1Ut.h::L'Ylflt'Yla ( 1 m) .Jt\Jm.Jl~ 'lo\1£J~t\Jm.JL'Io\U£l fl.!l1U~ lu1.1cuon QUU1U (•)<br />

\l'uLtlu .uan 1.J~L'Io\1.11::lum1uYi1ttJ ~iiflfiH, (.,-tlu\J .Jt1n oviu Jr. 11 ..)<br />

m p of qu1hea, 1 ia during 1he Plei 1 en gla 1 11 n of ulh rn<br />

when 1he e re1re 1ed and I nd bridge emerg d ( d pled from H .L.M 1u Jr.).<br />

II i believed lh 1 lhe\e land bndg \ w re linlo. m 1he migr li n rou1e of H<br />

m \OUlhw rd movemem pa mg lhrough h II nd ( iam)<br />

and on 10 Java and a n nhw rd movem m be ond u nmou (•) m unnan.<br />

unnan i en1rally pi ed f r m1grauon in b 1h dire 11 n .<br />


1.1\\ VIJ1tU.J ( uan-mou)<br />

"er Palaeolithl 1.1 ~11.4\l)<br />

Yiuw v.~,<br />

uanmou-man Two inci r\.<br />

o"er Pal eohth1 . 1.7 milh n ear' S.P.<br />

___ ~_ _<br />

__. ______ __.J '11.1J.<br />

na "b c<br />

____ _____.___.....J'n.<br />

IJ\\1;V\Jn~.J<br />

( h u K 'ou-uen)<br />

( o er Pal eoluhi - 300,000 th<br />

n. Yiuwv.~1~n 1.J<br />

"· Yiuw Yt~1~11J<br />

. .J. n111J '1 -J'ilil tl.J<br />

Pekmg-man from h ulo. 'outien.<br />

o-.er Palaeolithic. • ·e ar ~ B. P .<br />

. left upper medi I '" i or<br />

b. nght upper I ter I in 1 or<br />

c,d. I -.er econd molar<br />

___ ~_ _<br />

c<br />

.Jd<br />

___._______J 'll.l.l.<br />

1.1\\ vn-31{1.4 - l~n (Ting-t 'un) ( iddle Palaeolithic)<br />

n. Yiuwv.~1~mn.J<br />

"· Yiuw Yt~1~11J<br />

. .J. n111J ·, .Jiiy( tl.J<br />

Tingt' un-man n inf, nt ' teeth . 1ddle P I e lit hi .<br />

a. left upper medJal '" 1 or<br />

b. left upper lateral in 1 r<br />

c.d. ri ht I er e nd molar<br />

IJ\\1;Vtltl1fl ( rd ) ( ppcr P I c lithic)<br />

Yiuw v.~1 1J<br />

I, rd Plateau . pper P lac hthn:.<br />

a<br />

________ ._ _ ___.J•n ..<br />

na c .Jd<br />

____ _____ .___~'n ..<br />

~u\J~ ,w<br />

n. Yiuwv.~1~n l.J<br />

"· YfUWYt~l~ 1J<br />

• .J. n111J ·, .Jiiy( n.J<br />

Modern hme e man<br />

a. right upper medi I in 1 or<br />

b. nght upper I ter I in i or -<br />

c,d . ri ht I wer e nd m I r<br />

omp ri on mong ncient hominid teeth found in different part nd th e ol them<br />

11 2<br />

nlarged be ond true ize .

vnn~~ ~l lfL fl~ tl \4!l1!l~L uu 1~uh1L uu<br />

3J"\,ULL ULli!l\4 LL ·1LU'-43J"\,utrn ~ ~ ci~<br />

~:: 11' tll\41 n ,., f\ t~hh tJ u 3J\4 u Yl mi't" ii 1<br />

9lti\4W ( pper a e man) 'l.lti~~1Yl'l1n ,,, -<br />

LfiuutS~LtJ\41J11 U1,'1.1ti~'II1 , ,<br />

1 ~1L~ tl~<br />

, ~<br />

J .i I a ••<br />

vnn~u~Lfl tl\4!11tle.J1\491\4LLil\4YlLU\41.h::LYlfT<br />

lYl!J ~1\4LL~fi3J3J 1!1 L'll1l\JtY~~ nLL~~~<br />

~<br />

t~~"tu~~ m::'II11Ltlu~,u'l111 LL :: ~ilLLUfl~<br />

t\t~lULU\43Jt4,~1'1!1 , ( I man) LLfl::<br />

t11~LWfl\49ltl'l.lti~Ynntltlfftn1flti!J.i u -<br />

traloid ) n11WU~!J1\43J<br />

v<br />

1L~3Jti~L~\4<br />

llf11tiHWtritl.nti!J'I.Itl~ 1 1 ~n1 :: ilnW ,(J<br />

~ ,<br />

w1nd'tuu1::L Yl lYluut~nlu~,mfl~£1 ~rm<br />

~\4Ln1~L !JW1J3J1LL~1<br />

I OilntfH ..<br />

1. ,fl U ~-,L~V1 2520 YiW!JO,)U\Jfln (81 ck' tooth) 11111 \Jfl 7.<br />

2. Brace ( t . ct all 71 tla off II man. Holt, Rineh rt and \! in t n In ., ew orlo..<br />

3. hang, h. wang- chi h. I 2 ew eviden e on fo il man in hin . aen e 136 (no. S I ) 749 - 760<br />

4. hang, J...wan - hih. 1977 he rch eol gy of ncient hin . ale . Pre ,<br />

5. c" 'r rio. Tame - · eb. 6, 11}7 Human teeth in hin dated 1.7 million year .<br />

6. IO•Ill\, Jr. II. . I 49 ower Pala olithi archaeol gy in uthern ia nd th ar-e t. tudi in Phy ical nthropology no. I. rly m n<br />

in the ar.ca\1 . Pub. by mer. . . Phy . nthrop.<br />

Evidence of Man's<br />

Being in Yunnan<br />

1.7 Million Years AgO<br />

Sood Sangvichien<br />

n e h ing in hang, I 77).<br />

ith th pala<br />

f<br />

th pe imen<br />

cu lture w re<br />

ered f r the tr. t time in rem t<br />

'> uthwc~tern 'hin , at uan-mou<br />

mile north fr ungming ( e<br />

l ap 1) . In 1976 "a. till the<br />

m '>I recent di c er f e rly man<br />

114<br />

h'eng-chih, u - h'in, cited),<br />

but at that time the . ite had till not<br />

ew hina<br />

gency in Jul ,<br />

I 7 , report d that the r k tratum<br />

it ould<br />

a " radle f mankind" from v h re<br />

he pread n rthv rd int hina

'tltl-'nn" ~tlu'tum-, i'H H'ltiL ~1n<br />

~un"tl 1~n ~ . mty u\{ittlth :::m 2.n<br />

~rnn")JtJ~V-lu'tn ~2.iu1u~rh ''-~~il ~nn<br />

~<br />

t1 . ~2Jtl-' ~.nlty;J tp 'YlHYI fl ::: 1'1-lt~Dn<br />

'lltl-'~~u1m.nnt 1u "1.4 Lili'u~n ·h1<br />

li112J~v-l~nu ( engn i) ~ihh1n::~ ~ EJ\.1.<br />

ttJ;nn 111 ' \~ '"Nnu" .n._,~{Ju~~ 1~ _...run"<br />

~~2-i'l-41~~2-in n"<br />

~;m tl41'Y11-'~~~u~1 n~ z ~~uti'\' 11<br />

~iln-'LtHi'IU~u1n u 1t1n~"~~ ::~m :: 'l111<br />

tft4n~~HLn nu~fnu un 1 ~2Jfl'l ~{I<br />

n'l::;J1Uti~L'\.l.~~~fi"fiH, fl12J_.n '11u 1<br />

t~ 'Y11L~~nil2.l 112.lflil~u'tt4uH u11<br />

i1~t41nl'l~;):;~{Jt4)J'\.l. UUHU ~'\.l.tJH<br />

' '<br />

~ni'I~L~\4~ 1tm~..run"l n ~~finn'l'lq'lf!)<br />

~i'i" tBn11n111~~1n"l'l'llt1-'W ~~t4~nfl~<br />

' . ' ,<br />

~ tl-'~~~-'~flU1 Uflnl'l'YltnEJ~ -' \J)J'\.l.'lftl<br />

'<br />

~~ 1m::;J1uLtl;Jt4i11 n~t4~ni'i";l1nm.,<br />

~ n ihuLtl;Jlm~~ ·._,~i\2J<br />

w1~ fl-'~fl 2J;J:: 2Jt~ci~Lfl L'l-4 1tl ~ mli!u<br />

~<br />

~;J::~ut4~n.,:::;J1tJ'Ilt~-'1lt4'1fv1111)JD~., ll<br />

'<br />

ttl~'Yl"~"~~ "nu z ,._,\4\'lln" 1tl'li o"~uu<br />

~<br />

uty~1 ::1l'"t4n"l'l~mn.nntJ'IJn"1n u.m~., II<br />

Lt42Jmrn ~t4\41\4~"~tlt4~~n"~ti,<br />

t4h<br />

~ .,,:::.,,).) ( ~~ ~ 2) ;J::~~t4ti111m~1m<br />

~~~2.l1z~m;J;J::m::;J1EJ~uttJtil· 1 ~ n<br />

~nm"'tfi"Li11l'"t4 1n::~uu't fin 'tfi'IJn"<br />

tJ1:::~ ;J\.l,~tJti'tn 'tJ'lZLYI 2-i1 \.h ::L<br />

~<br />

L'Ylm~ m::m ~ oi'lt41 · t2.i't-rim1m ::: ~,u<br />

;nn'lf11~uttJ~~'Iln ~~tJ;J"Inunn" -'2J1<br />

'YlHLil<br />

'li11~1tJ._,.,tJ.ntJEJ'Iltl-'~ ~ tl1 Uil~<br />

, uti! il2J1.r"~~ti . . 1965<br />

m2.ln 13 tJ2J1~~ 1 ~~fi~ ";):: .. )J ·d)<br />

11U-'1'\.l.L .. 1973. ~~ Z)J1~Ut.4'1i11L'\.l<br />

~ -'Rti~)J ... 1UtJ1 L'l'l,j U\JU1 :: ;)1~<br />

'Yli~ 6 ~i'ltJ'\.l.n)Jtnt-l\4b .. 1978 1~~fl<br />

'<br />

'<br />

~~~-'2.l1~tlt4'1i11t ~ " a·2JV-l uufh~ty<br />

Jt4~~,'Y1~~'1Ju it'!f~, ..<br />

~'IJ,'t 11 ~i'!)Jti"<br />

~<br />

tili n1~t4il~ 1 1Yiutit4t~t4112Jt4 'lfU~ t"1'1Jtl"<br />

~ '<br />

1t~-'1t!u-dm um]Lt4tl1 :: ~'Y1 ;Ju~{J ~1 1<br />

~<br />

t41t42J1u ~~~1Lil ~ ~ -'2J12J'Ii11nnn~1n<br />

1 nm1tl1::~'Y1 ~\.I. ( ev hin gency)<br />

~rln1t4~ 25 mn!J1 2J fl.~. 197611<br />

1::ilu i\'1.4 (~ ) ~V-lu~{J 'lltl-'~~"tt~<br />

tJ1t42J L~m ~tJfl11;J 1iltJiTi Palaeomagne-<br />

~<br />

ti m ilmutl1::2J1tl4 1.1 1t4U2J1U 1 ~"<br />

'<br />

~nil~tl 'li11~ .,,::~ut41n"1nu'llt~-'2.lt4'1fu<br />

'<br />

~tl11n!Jn~Lt4tl1::~'Y1 ~ 1 n11'Y1~ tJV-l\J<br />

2J1U .12J1m~ ::m;J;J:::~Ut4U~ ·._,~n-, :: ;JltJ<br />

'llt~-' u 1nu~uLtlY1H~~t4m~ :: -'2.l"~<br />

'Y11-'Lflfi12J~n '11~~ 1<br />

ti1u {!1'1.42;1 (Yuan-mou) n~~1-'LU<br />

;J1nt4rn~"ij" ( ungming) 2Jtl4rn ~\4\41\4<br />

( unn n) LU'Y11-'fl:::~ nnm .. u._, 'VI mu'l-4<br />

1::u::m" 65 L2Jil t4tln;J1nw '1.4~ u~~~1<br />

n~mn ")JtJ~\4 n:: ~ 'Y11::<br />

m::i'l nii1tJtJ' ~)J<br />

~<br />

th u m::i'lntifl~t " n~1tJt4~ 1tJ'Ifitil<br />

~ ~<br />

~-rl ~~1i'l ~, n11..T!Jt41i'l~ n (g z.elle) iH<br />

n11-' ~)Jth ~~ ::11 11()<br />

~<br />

teg d n elephant)<br />

"~ tl'l!"ln<br />

trl~~n 1~V"lEJ-'Wt4 ii1 inci r ) ~ tl-'<br />

218 ~~iim:: ~t4nu out~~L ' t~t411~tl wt4<br />

'<br />

~~ ::~tl ~ n!1u~nu1ntJ2J~ unn 1l~'lfU<br />

U;J~ut4't tl1::~'Yl ;) ~,; ;)1nw m12J<br />

~~flu1~t<br />

nnu'tt4 1mn" "w 'llt~-'~~u<br />

(Bla k' l Lh) n 1Ltl 'n"l'l u1rn..run"<br />

~<br />

2J ,'!futlnn" ( ,il ~~ "i~ftio1 2520) m1<br />

Y-l\JW Lt4'i1U'IJ1tJtJHt4L . ~ . 1930 1ilu<br />

i'!Utlit 1141( .H.R. n enig-<br />

" !d) m 't~~nflm1 u 1m t1-'111T!tl'l.l<br />

tl1::1fl 1 fli~nci,._,n11..ru11" ~ ~ t il"ti<br />

n'!fm::'lln"w L~unnnmtluv-l1nfiH, ~ "<br />

riLtJu~·n.nn"nui1ttJ u YiUfiEJ1~2JiJ<br />

~<br />

n'!fm::'lln"wu'llt~-'Y-l1n 1li12JD~1 II ~Y-lu<br />

~un~"~~fiil n1:tm::~n1n11 flnET"~")J<br />

n'!ftl4::'1lti-'V"l1nnn m1l th ~~Yiuh<br />

~~nv-11 m ~ ~nvt4ti'"t4fl112.l~n1~~n'lln -'Wt4~~<br />

tJ1t41.1 n~u 11'1111;Jt4nL~m ui!i~1mu<br />

~ . '<br />

flm 1 t'll~ 2J~ '!fUV-l1 nod n 1 ~u n~1ilu 1 ~~<br />

~1un11 p I e magneti m n11fl11";1L~<br />

fi11;J n'!fm::'lln-'i\'1.4 (~t4) 300 tr1nciH<br />

11\J112J;J1n 76 ~~~" 1nit4i\t4 (~t4) 28 i'l-4<br />

~"tl1::nnunt4~tlt4'1ft4~t4Wt41t1-' 100 ~2.lm<br />

~1 1~tJm.Ji'unt4'1lm::d1, i'l-4~t4~tJ1t42J<br />

~<br />

iimq1::~11" 1.5-3 ~1'1-4\f<br />

Ut'l::Wt4'1ltl-'<br />

W'lfUtJ1t42JV-ltJLt4iuiimu 1.7± 0.1 1t4tl<br />

' ~ '<br />

ilf palaeomagneti m ~tlt4in~ 'nt4'1iH<br />

~•::~'1J1ht~u1m~<br />

nt4n~Lt4n<br />

::n~tlt4i .. ~tt"~unmu<br />

,d'tt4m1~1mq'lln "1fl~~1n<br />

1m "m::i'ln~nri)J1t41t4L2-i't'li~1mu 1ilum"<br />

~ il '<br />

;J"Inm::i'ln ufi;nnit4~t4~m::i'ln 1nnnrl<br />

~ v ~ v<br />

n"l'lv-l\J'Y1tJ1t42J mrn :U1t.4'1i1m i2J<br />

u<br />

11)J 1 ty'lltl ._,m.,V-lu~rnn"iin iru~t4~n,<br />

'll cJ "tl1:: ~ 'Y1 ~ t 'YltJ 't t4 'll n~ ~ ~u 1 num1 Y-l u<br />

~ ~n"iin~t4n11il1 UTi112J~v-l"ttnu~<br />

;J.mqJ•t4tr un2.lm1~~n·hrn<br />

fl::1t4fln<br />

'llt~-'tl1::~'Y1 L'Y1uJt4~tlt4~~t41~ '"nt4u1u<br />

(migrat ry r ute ) (~~~ 2) ";lln~~fln<br />

2J1 'u1t42J~~ 1 'rn Lfl~~ ::~ nuultJ;J"In<br />

u u ~<br />

tJ1t42JLtl 'm ~ ~i'in'lln "1 n u::\tt4m1V-l\J<br />

u ~<br />

in.nnu11ii~ um ·un~t41\4tl-'1 . 7 1 tl<br />

~2Jmrn tJ\4\4 cr:u~u\4~~~ ·._,~'11 '111t~L'Y1u<br />

u<br />

~ un~2.l1~~ 1 n~'tn tl1::~'Yl 2-i1 'tn ·<br />

• Hu 'h'en - ch1h. 1:1 eol g1 a 101 a. 1 7 (I), 6 • 71 and u. u-chu nd h' 1 uo- ch'1n. ertebr ta I 1 u , Pekmg II (1973),<br />

66- 0. (I r m Kwan - h1h ' hang)<br />


and outhward to Ja a (Map 2).<br />

ollov ing a rep rt publi hed in<br />

ew Y rk<br />

mou are quite imilar to tho e of<br />

Peking-man. hey are howe er even<br />

m re primiti e, po e ing a they<br />

do me f th feature of the<br />

the lov r<br />

erie at<br />

lae lithic man at<br />

Yuan-m u ompri e two human<br />

teeth, a naked ch pp r t I,<br />

nd char o I,<br />

of fo ilized<br />

mammalian<br />

hor e, gaz lie,<br />

deer, wild pig, and<br />

he m dern<br />

canthr<br />

( ar.) m<br />

found in<br />

uan-m u formation ranged<br />

r m 1.5 to .I million year go<br />

depending on the tr ta. he te th<br />

had been und in the layer that v a<br />

dated 1.7 ±0.1 milli n year (th<br />

- ailed<br />

ite ha e<br />

hina. Bra e et al.<br />

an-t ien, h I way<br />

ungming nd P king a<br />

do<br />

i n man \!ere<br />

near Burma<br />

on could<br />

utv rd in<br />

u n-m u·<br />

the<br />

t the time f writing n<br />

il remain of Palae lithi man f<br />

any kind h<br />

f the<br />

hina: neither in India,<br />

hailand. Wh t e iden<br />

f H.<br />

ing on the<br />

r widely<br />

lower m lar wa<br />

avid on Bla k at the Medi al<br />

in P king f r in e tigati n<br />

ang i hien, I 77). ltimately a<br />

te hnique f r<br />

o<br />

early man by t<br />

ed fr m the e<br />

i n<br />

u n-<br />

nt<br />

engn i h hv a<br />

i, author).<br />

he birth-pi e" man in<br />

till pre. nt a pr blem.<br />

Ill<br />

I J '5

,j1 ~ietntlu .. M~1Jm~ L'liU~L1Vn<br />

I<br />

I U I -.H • U ., "' tt ..<br />

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v<br />

~n1~.., ,funti11n~1J1n~ fl1ut1u::~<br />

I ' .,<br />

~1LUWW1'1'1u::ti1ftty~<br />

I fl1fiVLu vn::vri1~<br />

~~1um1·n ~ 111J LL ::mnmiluL~D~<br />

L~V1oUD~nUYn~' V 1Rfli'tJ~1V 1uL1D~<br />

' Lnnfi'Wr'4~f'l11fi11~Un '11n~~1LUU f~<br />

LL1n\U91DU~Y.l1::L'~W~ '"VI1Dl! n .. !uvn::<br />

v<br />

tt~~iiLUt"l<br />

ttJ\4\41~tJ 0Yf1~\4D~\41~Ln" tlLiJ\4<br />

I<br />

riD~ Lfi ~tl1'l'!l~mfl~li1VL ilunu DLLoU~Lim~<br />

m~ Lii D~'l'lfl1 ~vn~Yi' tltl11u ull~Yi,t~<br />

fl11n;J1 ~<br />

LLflL'Il'm'llJuti 1tmtvv Yi1V~u::<br />

D~~1V~1JT11.JnU ' L~nLUUL.;D~Yi~ 11-<br />

1UnL'Il'~1;J1~1J1L.;DV, fiv1J1LoU1L.;D~~D~ffU~~\'Il'n'Yl1JUtl<br />

1tnt1U1J1n LL ::Yi1'1'1U::<br />

1\JnLUU .. fl1~1JYi1UtlL V1J1n UflLUU1~<br />

flf~nmh1n~\'ll'~ni ~1\J nUL 'l'liivunu<br />

LLRfi~11Yi1'1'1U::~l'll'1u num:: H~n1 ~1J1<br />

v<br />

11 6<br />

11fl11JtlJ::iii 1 fli<br />

.. fl1~L1Vn11<br />

~1 £iiiuLtlU f~u1n1uV~mU~DU~IH'In<br />

v v v<br />

flfl'fl ~Lilumnl'll',j1L::v~un:: u 1fiv1J1<br />

~~DYiVYi1J1Yn~fl::iuvvn • '11UL~·hdun<br />

t111'11ru~f~<br />

.. uillj 1U11Ltlutium::nfl<br />

~ .. v<br />

'111~''YlV ~L'Ii11J1DVLu~ULLfiU~L1Vn11tJ1::<br />

v<br />

L ~ULiJ f~u1n ri1UL~ m1nljn~nm<br />

• I<br />

~~ U ·h~D~1~''YlVUDn11 •1 " ~ ,.,..<br />

fi'"v " v::LfiD''Yl"<br />

Ylu~i1un1'1~\'1'1qj<br />

·1 "v::t v" '1'11J1Vn~<br />

•1 .. ,'Yl, n•D ''YlV<br />

LL fl~11i1ULLfiULLtl\JilL'1.11Ci 'fl,fUL UU ~<br />

v<br />

DtfuD~1~''YlV1J10DU 1dunm 1 1 fli<br />

v<br />

1.J1~<br />

UO ~U~D~~1V 'li1 Yi L~1,~Yi\J •11111j1<br />

1JD~ 1mfiVLLt11'Yl::L 'Yl11V'I'I 1VfiD'I'Ifi1V •1<br />

m~nu 1''Ylv 1ri1 .. ty L'liu L U'Yl1~;J1n<br />

LiiD~~UoU11J'Yl:: L 'Yl11V~U' U'YlHi' L~ v<br />

L1Vn " iJnf!' U ::L .. U'Yl1~11J'Yl::L<br />

v<br />

'Yl11V<br />

~1J1'Yl1~DULttm1vn " ~1... . 111 "~ ' n<br />

v<br />

v<br />

m~nu ·1 .. "' ~LLtl 11 " 'Yl1~" L'liu ·<br />

v<br />

~''YlVLD11J1111JYiflnU11<br />

v<br />

"iln 1f1~1VL 'I'IUD"<br />

111 .. ~,.. LLU 11 " 191 . ~~'t'n~~UYifl<br />

v<br />

.<br />

Ltlu " V~uu " Ltlu "u1u" Ltlu ' \b~"<br />

..<br />

L'!iu "iJnn~" LUULiiD~'I'I 1~'YlHL'I'IUD<br />

" u1un~" '~'~1D "\t1n~ " LtlULlJD~"' 1~<br />

Yn~ 1fi •1Yi1 n~nm ~ nu ''YlV~'I'I1J1Vtl~ \91<br />

~nti111J1,t~'~'~1JfldnLL tJ 11 hllv~ 1m .. v<br />

LL ::~uii,j'11J1ufilm1 n4LL .. 1<br />

f111J L.; D~fi D' tJ;) U 'fiYiU aj'1 L 1 V n11<br />

'lfilfi~·D~L lj1J11'1'11lvn ,j1~mh1dvu<br />

v<br />

UDntJ1::L'Yl ~U'Ii11J'Yl::L 'Yl11V'tJ'n 1::v::<br />

'Yl1~ii~ 1o,ooo ~ LYivunu,'YlvnLri1nu<br />

.. 1 t<br />

144,000 L U '1'11D 360 V'IJU '1'11D 5, 760<br />

n1fiL1Jfl1 D Yi \J~LiiD~1 nu~11.J11n4 \u<br />

LL 1uw-lvi n1U1flULUUi1UUfiU'IJD~ Yi1 n~<br />

L1Vn11 " uV~U '1'11D " v~L'I'IU1 " Wltl<br />

v<br />

" ~ ' ~~f~L1vn11 " t!u" Liiv~dv9'Yl1~~1<br />

flfl::iuflmuv~L'I'Iilv ~~n '11n1'1~,<br />

.<br />

LiJ\4YI1..1LUJn -31J1~\4LiltJYI1-3~it-3 LL ~UtJn<br />

L'IJ1 1<br />

'tlmv-l n1il muLL ::LtlviL~V<br />


L ll<br />

{t-G~t-~) 'l'\lll}1~'-\l&Lfui\GGI1l'~ llULUt\lllA1<br />

::~, f!l U.a.t\gt t-~111~ t'Ut-llg. llll&t'~t\L~<br />

n<br />

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(lt'~ t_.l6 000'0 l t'L~i(l t'L\6G~ H!tl<br />

::t\'-\LM (LL'-\LGt\f;111,S-'-\L.!}) t_.l6 OOO'OOL<br />

llltl~t~ 000'0 l L_ctLL'-\lA. U L'-\t'L!tU\ll'ot 11_t<br />

UtML~IiUL£.[1 GI1»1~1Jiot U~ft~11U Gl1»1<br />

t\~11!J rGt- f~ ~LJI.IlLL.!li1Ll&t'~, 11U Lll.1 lr<br />

L_ctt\f;1t\~ljUt»L_ctt\t~ ~~ft~ Ul!f1 ~ G~~<br />

ll~LGLilt'Gl&t'Gil11l»1~Jlt,l'-\LI1GI.t t\llG1t,1'-\ . LL'-\lA.Ilt~I1Gf.M t\t; 000'09 LL'-\L411 LL'-\LG<br />

.... " .. II" ..... I Jll' 1111' ... " (IIIII'<br />

1'1_V {t-G~IlB) ~(3~'-\(lfu~t..!}U'.! U~llL~'-\ ::~11L}'\~~lt,i!LL~t\,lldAilLLL4~1::U.t\~11<br />

fb'-\tt\f:lt~t-~~(3 ~~L~~t\f;1t'G(31t\L£\ t~,<br />

11t\li.::LMt\» (09LL-817ll . ~ 'M) ltt'llG<br />

# : =' ':<br />

11iz.L~1::LM<br />

...<br />

lliJ.~t-tli.LLflrt»t-ll<br />

# .,.,. ,<br />

t~11LI1Uil<br />

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11 L» t;hll ~1t\ ll ~ t' tli.L f.ll.(t »llL~f1G ~l LI1G !t<br />

7<br />

~L~I",!~l&fm,Vt-GQM~t'~L~U_t~t\f;1~t nlu<br />

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t\f;1t\,t\tll11::LLM 1 ~11\tl LL'-\LGt'll!)»1::~11<br />

• 0<br />

::t\'-\LMt,lM~~Illl~l.t1~tLLt; Ul.tt\~OO»t-LU.<br />

R ~<br />

t'G(31 tj\:: ~,_t\t'llt;U tM11LLf1f1~fll '-\ t M.,¥4<br />

ft11t\fl1~ tt-~11_t~~L~lt\(l ( LC9 -6l9 . ~ - M)<br />

~t'Lli.L~1::LM t\f; 1ft'-\ t ~LU Jl._tt\~ llt~f1~ L~1<br />

11Lio~tU~~I1\! L£-1ULI1~tt\~L_ct~Ult'llL_ct t\,V<br />

~t L_ctUG~1(3ft~ t\~ll.(t»t\ t ::~11 t\~LI1::~,<br />

Ul t'I1L_ctL~U U Ll1~~ U_t\'-\L r11_s. t' L11t'(!o11 l&l<br />

fb'-\WL.ct ljLLt»L_ct¥t\~t\fl1L~t\,VGll ~Gt,t1<br />

. .<br />

L_ct~ t Lll.1t'!:111LltHilG~f1f1~ tL~G~1t\G(3'-\ 1<br />

t\f; 1G~'-\ 1(3t' ~LI1UGGU ~U l& L~I1»LI1t\,t\Lf:\<br />

lllt,l(3~1l(31t_.l6L_ctG&'-\L_ctft11LG1 $~(3t'~ _II~ 11~<br />

R<br />

t-tllGL'-\M~t-~~HL,ctf1LL.¥411~1 f1Wt\-;o<br />

F t-tli.LL!t" t' ~~ ::~11 t\Jl ~t'tli.LLil.(t»t\ t t\l:<br />

• 0 ,<br />

fu t;L!)I1Ltt;(3~\! 1 t~11 t\~t'GrutllU~ t\f; 1<br />

LI1::LLM1~ llGt\'-\ tllll11LI1t'GL 1 L~1<br />

I .. ~ I<br />

(leaJS) a41 6uns11e1)<br />

01 l.tLU1::G~1t'~U.t, L 0<br />

tt'l\lA. ~t'~L~1::LMUil;1<br />

~Lil.1t'f~G~t'_t\'-\t\ t t\,Vt\G(l'-\ 111~11L~Ill<br />

t'L~GI1LL.(lo1 LL'-\lA.L}'\L_t\'-\U GGt' LlA.JI.LLL'-\11<br />

Lt~Llt\::LM~~111»t\G(3'-\ 1) Gl1»1::t\JI.Il~~<br />

I R<br />

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L_ctLL'-\lA.($ .. t-t~_ct~l1t~UH~L.r, G~Lf11<br />

t~HU.L_ct(l lA.LilllA.JI._tG&'-\ G~lA.~t\[11!6,<br />

t'~t'~lA. ~t'~Ll1::LM ~»~111l~1M~t'GUt\f;1<br />

L_ctM~t'GU (l9ll -~·M 11~1) t'~llt\~t\~,<br />

.<br />

W~LI1MIJ.t'GULI1t\t\UL~ Ll1t'll~1 d/~LL'-\ 1<br />

~ " ~ ~ " ... 7 " ~<br />

11~»1t-~LLUt\f;1t.l/~LL~NtU~Il~R.::t,t11 L~<br />

t'~L11Gft t\~\!1~t\~t'Gil.LU~t'll ~U1M~t\f; 1<br />

. .<br />

GM~t'LJI.L~1 ::LM~ t L.¥4 ~U LI1LI11jLLt»L_ct<br />

t'll~1UGt;G&'-\IljL~t'~~ t ~Lf11 ULI11l~::LM<br />

_II~LLU (L£.t 000'6G f1~M~t'GUt\t~ll~1) t\,..<br />

t\(l G~~L.!)t\t;L_ctM~ft"IJ U l&t\~::ttll~1<br />

.<br />

Ul t'GI1t'LlA. ~lA. 1 ::Lf1\!f1 ~fU '-\ t M~ft,t\f;1t'll<br />

t-U111UULI.t1'-\<br />

.... ... 1t'lt~, .. .......<br />

{6L9-L09 · ~-M) l.tt-11<br />

... ..<br />

• 0<br />

L~1::LM~LU Jl._tt\t (t\_,Clp.~ U Ll~.G!t) t\Jlt'~<br />

0 0 •<br />

t\f;1ft'-\Wt-tli.LLUil~1 {t-Lil~l) t-ll~1U~t'G(31<br />

'*t'~LI1 ('1'\11&1) t\LGt'll!:1t'G(31UL~1JL.ILJI.LL<br />

0 •<br />

IlL» llL~f1t\Gl&t\~t'tli.LLt'~LI1t'to<br />

Ll1 OC tU LI1::Lf1<br />

ugnLtllLI11jUt»L~~~1JtLLt; t-t:'-\t-,S-t;UI!<br />

• 0 ~<br />

I. ~ut ~u.1::Lf1t\l.f1~l&Ut\f;1~tt-~11!~~'1'\11~1<br />

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LU~LtU LGli.LL::LMillllR.::~U LllG~~L~1::LM~ t<br />

L¥4 U l.tt\~::l&t-LlA. I. t'L~~lA. 1::Lf1tLLt'G~1t'~<br />

UI1LLU~~L~1::LMLI:'L£-1~~ t\l; G ,t-11~1<br />

t' t~ '-\Lt;t\ t\LG t-111:1 t'G (31 t' ~ Ll111,t1U G~'-\ 1<br />

t\t; OOL ::tUt;I1,V I. f1~t\Gl6 »~L»t\»11<br />

LL~t\,VLlAt'LlA. t\f;, I. t'Lftt'G~1t\L£\~L4 1 ::Lf1<br />

R R<br />

t\L~I1~Ut'LlA. t\~1t\ll~1t'LJI. ~Gt'Ltn.Ll&~t\f;1<br />

R I<br />

~_t\t'llt;UtM::~, tll~1L~L~'-\~»~UVLL4<br />

::LLM1 ~~ft~t\,V;tti1~L.¥4~!6" ~G~t'G(31t'~<br />

llLLI1L»Lt;t(3ft~t'~L_ct(3 I. t-»Ln.1t~t'G(3l<br />

t\f; 1l/t\,V t;l t'G(31 L~jl&»L~~,t.::L[1U,t\L.~<br />

11Llt t;Ut»L_ctt\f;1L~Ggt-~ ~G~1t\f;1UGG<br />

G~'-\1~l/t\!Jl;lL,ct (11\!UltG~'-\1 L~Uil~1~<br />

U ltG~'-\ 1~ t G~ 1t\Liot'f1.11L.(lo1t\G~t'ft',t1L.V UGG<br />

~tt-G,l6 t\.llo"f1.11L£-1G&'-\ t~1L~11;!!l~t::~~<br />

L_ctt'll~1&~11Ll&) ~G~lt\f;lUGGG~'-\1(3 U,t\<br />

11Lt't'L~f1tt\,t\L_ct ~tU~Ll.'Al~L,ct~1Jt'Gil111L<br />

• 0 •<br />

U_t\11!JI1M~~t'~ l/t\,Vt;lt'G(31t'~Mf1~ t'~f11<br />

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~G~f1~G~lt~~f1~1J'-\U tMt;UMI1tL~ »LUGl<br />

~~ GMft11 ::Ln~t\f; 1 llLI1»t'L~GrG'I'\Il ~1t'LJI.<br />

R R<br />

t'~'-\t\t;U~(l 1",! 0 l t'~~Gt'G,l6'1'\11~1t'LJI. 11~U<br />

'-\ ~111J~t,l6LG1t\~U~::~G~ 1 (11LLU.ft~Lt;t<br />

G&'-\tL»U~t\1;1::~) ll~1LilLLll(3~ t t~"H<br />

I . R<br />

t'£l.llt; ,~ t .~~ t\ll~ 1HJI.t~l1! '1;\t' Ot;t' Glj1L~ 1<br />

t\ll~1t'LJI. . G~ltUL_t\'-\t~ ~G~UtMI1!JG~<br />

~~L~1~L~~f1~ t\t; 00 l 11tL~M~M ~t'Lt\t\iJ.<br />

R 1\<br />

11,VI.tlA.t' ~~~t'~~~L~1::LM Ultt\~::ttt\Lll»<br />

- ud&t-Lu.&Gf1~t\~llGll~G~UtM!!t~, H<br />

LLUL tU Ul1t' GLt;1LG1t' !:~~,V »OGt; .~t' Ot;<br />

llL~'-\L_ctU~::~m_ct[t11t'~ ljLLt»L,ct~W!t" f1~~t\ll~1t'LJI. L~llLtt;~~~_tl1tLGII.<br />

UtMUU!t, t~~U tM11,V ~1611~ L.¥4::HLU<br />

t\t; OOO'Ol t'll~1LI1LL'-\lA.G~'-\1 1JL.ILli.LL<br />

{t-Lil~l) t'll~1U~t'G(3111,ttU::t\JI.Il~l1_t~~<br />

G~1 11&1 jGf11U LH11ltl t' ~G&'-\t\GG~~~<br />

f1~t'~t\LUt' ~~~~::~'-\,~tLLt;t\ t ::~11 ~11'-\<br />

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(L11t'~G~'-\1<br />

11Llt~'-\v~~G~1 llll&t'f:\1t'G~~G~1t\\!~<br />

11~ 1t~UlA. 11::LU 11tt;~t\~t\t; t~I1Ll&f1~11l,t1<br />

1\ I<br />

L_ctt\n.t\ WG u .a.t\\!:: LU, ~ 11~, t,ttu L~~\!1 L~<br />

t'~'-\lllllt'~~I1LW 1 ~~LI1 o ~G~1t\fl1G~'-\1L~)<br />

t'Gltlttl~1::LM U l&t\t::ltt'LlA. t\ll.t\t\,Lt\'-\Lt\ 1<br />

.... ... .... fl' I<br />

0 •<br />

· Ltl(llrt'~ t-t:'-\L~l~Ult'11L~1t\f;1t\~ ~G~<br />

• 0<br />

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0 0<br />

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11LL~1t\(l t-~::~1111L'-\t' L11t'(!o11t\t;~tt-G,l6t' & 11~1rGIJ~LI11 L_ctLL'-\lA.t'GU 11!J ~t\f;1 ~~ t\t L~(3t'G~1 t'~'-\t'LlA.UI!t\~t'G(31f1~1lLLlA.<br />

0 0<br />

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~11~~1'\~ OOL I!"~~UtM"L~~Lt.UL~~I1,,<br />

~rt~u~nt.t.L~"~uun~ g L,t\~tl\::Lt-~.t!,<br />

lll16Mnrl~,::~,, 1'\Lrt.t.lA 16~So.t.L~::.t.l1 U~<br />

L~~1.1Al"~LI111! 1'\~ OOL ~~1'\~~"i.::m<br />

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~.t. (,lt,"G ,a~~ 111)La,"G Cl~ \ 11~".(\::~,11'\<br />

Lft."G~,(! ~.Qo t>C: "~~.t..t.Ut!L~G.Q-1'\[}11".11»,<br />

"~t~ RIAl tl~UG~",t\~1'\~ L_t\~tl\1".1},<br />

tl.ll~~,"Lilrt tl.~~"l& ::ID~tullt.'lt\!1-'"m<br />

U w tt I P P<br />

t1.f:,"i'1'\~11t.t.l1t.t. LRU~Ul\tl.i!,!h~ tnt,<br />

f\<br />

"~G~,ti.L.(\~LJI.~,,tl.~,~~~~ ti.~Lrtt_e,<br />

I I • I<br />

i!U t-~.:: .t.l1 ::~,,"'*11J.G~U tt-~.11~1'\11~}1" ~t ~<br />

~L~I1(! ~LI1.t.ll~,m rtCiUtl.\tl.f'-,_e.\"1 L.t.l11<br />

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"t~, , L~Lt,;) L~.t.Lrtllol.t.::.t.MU_t\~L~tl.\<br />

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£9lC: '.l:ft-1.) "~~L~,::.t.Milrt»"~LI1Gf&<br />

m.t.UftWLI1Gil.ti.~WAG t.~<br />

llltll11~UG~,Hf"~"t I. U~11,~1tatl.t<br />

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t.~t. IliA~ Lf'M 11\!11".\!<br />

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"G ?,tl.~t.L~tLJ;"M 1'\ \ t~11L11fl 800'£ "~<br />

86t> '£ ID Lrt::.t.l1 tl.ij~G~~"LJI.~t'tl!.L.t.ll_cc»<br />

R I<br />

t1. \ H_e.11.t. na, ¥oti.G .t.l11l t~L~ lllt_t. ID L.t.l11<br />

11~-J.~h.Ln.,::L.t.M ,U".lA 1)tl..(\h(tL~Ut1.&::~,,<br />

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tl.~ ",G J;LU LG1'\,l\ lll.CC» "~tl.~.l;lA., ::.t.I1"G 11.<br />

• f\<br />

GU~,HurGIJ tl.rt~mrt[l ooc;;'£ IDLI't<br />

-::.t.I1G~,,.,.~J;lA, ::.t.l1t1. W"L_e. L~\!~"1 L.t.l11<br />

::~, }16 QL ~(llr HlA~ l!.L.t.I1Ul\ "L_e.<br />

"1)~.t.Lu::.t.I1U~~lA~<br />

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~U~tlUJ.LMlA,tl.i!,L_ctL~I1l\"t llt~~W<br />

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tl.~tl.i!, t~"~I111L~n_vG~,".G",lA I. "Lf&\&11LI6<br />

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(b ~ W" L t1. t~.h.llL nL~,,., Hrt" ~n~tl.~m~,<br />

::.t.M~,"G/olft, "! ~L.I;fl~l6ltn~"G~M.~" ~<br />

R R<br />

~L,qu.t~,.,a ,~ t H".ltL.ctl1.t.L~rtnt:MJ;"~<br />

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.. "t~_ct~I1\~Uti.\"L~Lr, G~.t.l1l t~".t.lA<br />

L~l1tt1.1!, U$»V M .~;::.t.M" ~~~m.a.::.t.M tl.~<br />

G~, (£6ll-0Lll · .~;·t-~.) "~lA.~"~L~1::.t.M<br />

tl.l!,'!£\11»li.L.t.l1~~~n.t.Glt1.?&~~ ( l9ll<br />

•.1; · t-~.) tl.ll.t'll J;"tl!.L.t."l6 lt,"GCl"~Ul"I'L~,<br />

~,_.~ ~'I I ~ ...<br />

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~,V»Lrtl~~LG, ~IJ~~MJ;"~Il~taL~I1~

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I. t\G!-4 t\fl 1ltLil.t~M~C'(Wt\trG~~Mk!I1M~<br />

IJUlmtllLltC'L~t\Ju~ L~liu Ltf111Ll6~ t~C'LrG<br />

t\G~f1~ t\G~1~ t Gll.C'~ ~GilL_tlt~ 1 ~M 1LGC' ~<br />

t\~MC'~Ilf1C'k~f611 [1~ Gf&t~llt1 C'G(l1t\ t L R<br />

C'G 111 U L~ U G G t\~11 t. t\U LMC'Lltt\1:'1 11 ~ Rt~1<br />

p ,. IIIII' ..,. I W<br />

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11~i\ ti:'G~1 ~LU ::tf1~V~t~n[1~1:'G(;J1t\~<br />

t\fl11JC' ~t\~ULil~LRU~U,t\ ~t nt.WGGiltp.<br />

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::tMLRU_ttL~V.tLULII.fu~f1u,mm »~M 1LG<br />

lt~1GI11 (Gnll:'lltltti11:'111C'Gt1 t\HLlttL<br />

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UUilL~~ nn.ftm tt\fl1t~C'1&1lL_t~t~1 ~H~~<br />

tL Ult\! 1 ll~ 11'\~t\~11 1:' ~ t\G tltG lt1 tli R L t<br />

Hp.url:'~ uti:'~ \!11Lt\»1L~I1W~UG1 Gt~<br />

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V. t\~t\llf1C'~t ~ :::LtM 1t\fl11HG tL~U C'1&1llt\<br />

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-Lnl LGII.L~::tMt\ttL~V.L~C'lt»11(b ~t ~M1LG<br />

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LI1Gf& U:111t\t;C'L~ Ut\Gl6l611 C'ltl:' t~ ~C'GI11<br />

I ~ p<br />

C'.Qf1 ~ ~H~ HLUt\LC'IlltC' ;-"t\~t\~11tLUII.Lt<br />

1\ '<br />

~ttlt~t\t;-" 11.»111:' »11Ltt;~11t\~ 1~ tC"G,tGn.<br />

tLUt\fl 1 t\t~~C'Gtt;U f11llf!~Ll\~L~1L~f1~<br />

tlll.C'G~t;1C'f&,C'G(;!1t\tdiRLtll\~t~fU~W<br />

t\~1:'~ LH~1t.tb~~C'G(;!1t\L.(l.C'LV. l61fU~t<br />

t\Lft~~G~~L~U1~ tLUlt~ 1lt\!1G~1 llltt~t<br />

ltlll.llt:1 1 G t; lt~ f1 ~ 1:' ~ lt~ ~U ~ t\~::11~ 1 llt~::l61<br />

UUC'~~ t\l; 11G~G(;!1C'M 11LV UGt\rGt\~11<br />

t\,V GG~ t\l;U U1)~C'M.11 LV 11L,llot\f;\C'~~t\<br />

lt~j!oGII.C'G ,ti:'G~t\~11G,q..rttUU ltl1~1&~ Ll1<br />

t~I1~11Ll6~VIiRLt (, C'Lf&~I1Ll6t\Gptl1~~<br />

[1~ t\Jut~UJutX\ 1)~ ltGtl6~!':LG11:'~1::tu<br />

lt~1::tUUl611~ tLULRUJ.UtM~I1~1 L,lio1tJG t.<br />

-L~1 ::~11C'Gij1l~11'\ll~1l61C'Lt t.t'a~~C'lrG<br />

11~t\G~C'G~C'Gfl1t\L(\t.tti:'Gfl1f1~ t.t'a~C'X\G1<br />

1 :::llC'o~~~UtM t\11t\~LG1llll&1t\ll~1C'~t~<br />

C'Gil.V. ~»t\t;~ tLULRU_}tl~V. 11t\11ltG<br />

1\<br />

llGt; ll111~ Ill QC' ;-" t\~t\~n tlUII.L t~ t tlt ~<br />

C'GI11t\l,.~Gt\~11U'tU,1o1~tliR~t C'Gfl1L~1t\U<br />

C'~li1~~C'G_tt\,VlM~ 11~UUC'l~t\Ml~l<br />

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C'L~t\~tl&I1~NL~1~G(;!1L~1C'~ll1 (n~~<br />

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(fu L t\L(\tLUII.ltL~~IlL11~) tLUII.ltL,lio<br />

t\1} 1~UL~U GGG~t\Gll ::~11 1:' ii.Ll611.lJ C'Glt<br />

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tll~1t\fl1~G,\Jot\ti:'L~t\~RV.1 tl~U~t\~t\~1<br />

tlUII.Lt~ttlt~C'Gt U~L,\Jo111~U U C'ii.Ll6GM<br />

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1'\LtV. t\11 »11:' ~~ tf1 ~ t\LC'Illt~t\llf1 C'~t ~I:' Gil.<br />

11~1lL» Gl1»1rGt\ll~1C'~t~L~::~11 ltl1~t~<br />

llLI1U Ll11lll6t\t;111lrl~ 1 1:' ~ 1:: tUlt~ 1:: tU 1:'~<br />

L,lio1t\,V 1.11t\~11.!LtU 1 tliRLt~t L~ .. n~w<br />

1:' LrG 11L tV. t~ 1t\~f1,tGt;t\ll ~ 1<br />

' 1\<br />

1:' ~ t ~ 1:' G~ 1,tl:' L~<br />

tl.lJLM ~tUtt~C't~~C'L,lL~tL~ t~~t\~~<br />

n~»l:'llf1t.t(p :::r. l:'~li.Lt:::r.M ntn~ ~1:' »11<br />

1:' f.1 ntfmLRUJ-11~1~1'\Qt\~ ~ C'Lf&l1~1ltLI1<br />

t\11~<br />

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Ill~ ~lllltt\1; l~C' G~U lHI1C'~ Ill~ ::tUUltt\~<br />

t\G.ll t\~1 00 ~ C'L~ UC'LV.::Il::tt\1}1[1~1'\Lt<br />

111lt11lL~UI1~ll tliRLtt\G t1t\LI1 Llttt.l11<br />

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G~~ 1C'Il~1Ul6t\ptt~~C'LV. t\~G,V U ~ 1:'1&C'G_t<br />

LM t\G(;!~ 1C'Il~11J~t\~UL~ ~Lt;llll6U~~ 11<br />

' 1\<br />

C'l~t\t; l t\llf1C'~t~C'G~tf11 tl&~t\~llLI1<br />

1:'~ t.t~ ~uttnrtil.:::tf11:'~~1:' tttt\lt.tM m~:::tf1<br />

rGRV. 1<br />

t\t;, L~t\u 1 :::tti:'G,t!:'L~Mt\~~C'~G(;!<br />

11L~ptl t\11 1 C't~~ t\L.(l.t\ trGC' ~~ tLULR!J,t<br />

UtM ULI1UGt\ltt\H11tLUII.Lt~ttl6Hr\LILRU .<br />

,.. W I ~ ... II'<br />

Ul\C'L~~::tt\tt\.lJC'Il~1-l61 tLU!:J 11ttll~n~~<br />

L~t\.ll (, 11G,tMt\U1 ::tti:'G,t!:'G(;!1tlll. ltl1~<br />

11~1lt::tf1t\.V C'G(;!1 tLII.::LtM 1 ~~(1~ U GG~<br />

1\ 1\<br />

C'G(;!1l6::tf1U GG::~ U~~ 1HUll tl,\Jo1tl&L l\Ull<br />

C'L~t\Ju~ (, C'~~\!t\l;t\fl1C'L~t\iz.£t~J::ttM1<br />

t.t11~f":~Hv. n~ t\t\ll 11~1M ~utA n~utl1<br />

t\~ m t\~LI1L,llo1C'~C'G(;!1tlll. • U~LI~~ C'G(;!1<br />

L~1 ::~,t\t.tt\1111 tLUII.Lt~ttltH t\t»I1G<br />

... .. 0<br />

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!(\ t Gil. t~ ::GL ~Gf!.rlt .~C' L~ t\~11~ l~l1~ llll1 ~<br />

na.~ 1:' ii.Utt\L~ ~11.lJt\LC'C'f&11~ t tL»t\L~~<br />

Ull:::~C'~Ul6C'L~t\Ju~t\~t\UI1t\QV.t\»GM<br />

... ..<br />

11Gll. U~t\ttL~C'~UU:::~, (U~C'~Rtrl.t~L~<br />

tl.lJUil;1) t\t;U ~ t\tl:'~~t\t;t\1}11:' rii.Ll611.lJ<br />

1\ '1\<br />

U!,ti:'L~t\llt~ f1~t¥t\L.(l.tlli.G~1G~1G~~ 1<br />

lltflo L W tU Ll6l61111JI1tt.!L t\fl 1 ~t 11::LtM 1<br />

U L 11 1:' G (;! 1 tlli.C' G n.u_s.~ t\fl 1 f611t\~ U L llt\<br />

t\fl 1t~llt 1 G~~L~1a.C'G(;!1rGf1~t~l11tLUII.Lt<br />

UL~UGGL C'L~t\Ju~ Gli.C't\~ t\t;LRU HUt\<br />

~ r ., ..,.<br />

9ll~lG~t\Gttt\t ltrt~C'~l6~~Y9tt»G~t\t;<br />

~ ~ .<br />

C'lt:11ll~LV.tLUt\fl111.lJL!.4 11:'~ 11LtV.t~11lLt.<br />

t~U tM t\fl 1 L~G ~ lllt1 lti1~C'V.t\~~C'ltLR<br />

:: ..<br />

C'G~t;1 (b ~ t t~ ~ t\~t\~11lt\!1C'G1t\_t\:::W 11.1'\ t<br />

. ~<br />

1:'\!Uf:ll:' tUC'~li.Lt:::tM t\t 11~11b.::t[1Uil~1t\ll~1<br />

C'~t~ 69~l · ~·M 11t;Ll/RUM ~£ ~t\~t\t<br />

LU ::tf1~Gil.C'G(;!1L~1Gftt\ll ~1C'G . ~L_Q.m_vLM -U ~U_t\11~i\ ~1 C'G ~C'Gil.I1Lt\t\ t tLUII.LtC'LV.<br />

LRU~U_t\UtM 1'\t~~rGC'L~~:::tt\t ~LU:::tf11J~ t 1 11f1~t\t; OOL 11Ut\~~C'lt<br />

~\[1~ . :::m~~tU~~UtM::~11LRU~U,l'\t\fl1fU~t<br />

, n ' n<br />

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t\.lJ (, 11Ll6f1~<br />

ll~lf}1::tu ~ t~1t\,lLt\~f1j.G~jUtM .NLV.<br />

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t\t;-"1:' ~t\!!~1:' ltu tMC'L1ltltllUL~Gft<br />


1 milntJ~~-lfitJ tJ Yi.fl. 2170 ~u<br />

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1lml-l';J1-l , Liitl-l<br />

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muu~tJcil-lrJtJ-lL.i' ihhu n lLLti<br />

fltJftJ.tfu11 1~~11L~Yi11flYi101flL~UL'Ill<br />

~~U ~~Ufiflfltlli\JLnl~~ci -l~fltltl<br />

nmu ~-lrlltJYitlfl~ Uff111JOU111LiJU<br />

Yltlil '] ~~ULtll1Jli\JH1JI\JHlUO\J ~YI-'IJU\J<br />

~111JL U[J1JU1::L Vi tu.L ~lJ'IJtl-ltlU';JULnilL UU<br />

~tW~111J'IJ£l-l~uci ltJLUYil-l';JU tY~U<br />

H1l~tltl1ll<br />

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-Ru "1111'111-l 'LoU-ln "'uLUU";JUU1::'!11 tJ<br />

lt1m~t1 Vi. . 2455<br />

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