October 2022 Full PDF final

<a href="https://pressxpress.org/">Press Xpress</a> is a top rated online English newspaper portal in Bangladesh which recently started publication with the aim of providing its subscribers with authentic and detailed information. The <a href="https://pressxpress.org/">Press Xpress</a> team consists of experienced journalists who strive to give their best in their specific areas of work. The publication focuses on current events, native culture, local and foreign political analysis, international trade, and many more. Unlike other publications, This english magazine online has a unique style of presentation that allows for a greater flow of information. The <a href="https://pressxpress.org/">Press Xpress</a> is the best online news portal in bd that committed to delivering publications of complete stories with relevant images that present the truth in an appealing manner.

<a href="https://pressxpress.org/">Press Xpress</a> is a top rated online English newspaper portal in Bangladesh which recently started publication with the aim of providing its subscribers with authentic and detailed information. The <a href="https://pressxpress.org/">Press Xpress</a> team consists of experienced journalists who strive to give their best in their specific areas of work. The publication focuses on current events, native culture, local and foreign political analysis, international trade, and many more. Unlike other publications, This english magazine online has a unique style of presentation that allows for a greater flow of information. The <a href="https://pressxpress.org/">Press Xpress</a> is the best online news portal in bd that committed to delivering publications of complete stories with relevant images that present the truth in an appealing manner.


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strategy in the war was marred by

poor planning coupled with worse

tactics, which is why, Russian army

was forced to withdraw from Kyiv in

March and Ukrainian army was able

to recapture a large area around

Kherson, Kharkiv, Luhansk and Donetsk

from occupation forces. To

make matters worse, the Crimea

Bridge that connects the annexed

Crimean peninsula with mainland

Russia was partially blown up in

a dramatic explosion thought to

be orchestrated by Ukraine forces.

Russia accused Ukraine of attacking

the bridge in an act of terrorism

and retaliated immediately with

missile and drone strikes. The losses

have been huge, as it seems, on

the battlefronts in Ukraine. Russia

thereafter announced a partial mobilisation

of reservists and declared

martial law in the recently annexed

regions. Russia also warned of nuclear


After faltering in the early days,

Russian commanders now realise

that they lack skills to win a

manoeuvre-style war. Accordingly,

they have changed the style of war

to ‘war of attrition.’ In such wars,

movement of troops and military

equipment is restricted. These are

deployed targeting certain areas so

that enemy can be completely destroyed.

It’s thus clear that Ukraine

seemingly fared better than Russia

in terms of military strategy despite

being much smaller as force.

Russia's military budget in 2022

is $4,580 crore, whereas Ukraine's

$470 crore. This implies that Russia’s

defence budget is 10 times

bigger than that of Ukraine’s. Despite

its enormous difference in

defence budget and force size,

there’re a number of apparent miscalculations

that actually made

Russia seemingly unsuccessful.


Previous instances blatantly show that geopolitical arrogance has fatally accelerated political stupidity and it’s

been proven again and again starting from the ancient Greek and Roman empires to the invasions of the French,

German and British powers of recent history. Putin's arrogance can be blamed for the failure to achieve the Kremlin's

dream of a quick victory when the tide turned against Russia in the Ukraine war. Experts of international

relations thought of five fatal mistakes behind this:

First mistake

President Putin overestimated the military's readiness for a protracted war. Along with that, he has

wrongly considered the desire of the citizens to establish the Russian Empire. Against a backward but

determined enemy, Russia is now paying a heavy price and is also in a humiliating situation in the conflict.

Russian soldiers are deserting their units. Russian men also began to flee after citizens were urged to join

the war. On the other hand, Ukrainians are willingly fighting and sacrificing themselves for the country.

Protesters chanting slogans against Russian President Vladimir Putin

Fifth mistake

Putin assumed the United States was now in total decline, bogged down by mistakes in Afghanistan

and Iraq, economic and domestic problems, and the rise of China. Due to which Washington will not

react much to the Ukraine crisis. He was wrong again. The US has used Russia's Ukraine campaign as

an opportunity to mobilize Western power against Moscow and cripple Russia's economy.


Second mistake

Putin's second assumption was that Kyiv would capitulate within days of the attack. He made the same

mistake as other imperialists. He belittled the Ukrainians' resistance to occupation and their commitment

to freedom. Ukrainian patriotism has been awakened in a way never seen before and it has been fully

aided by Western support.

Third mistake

Another estimate that Putin likely made is that the West would not come to the aid of Ukraine, since the

West did not react much to the 2008 invasion of Georgia or the 2014 annexation of Crimea. He might have

thought that NATO is now weakened due to Donald Trump's 'America First' policy on Western security.

But the reality is, over the course of time since the war began, weapons continue to flow into Ukraine from

western allies.

Fourth mistake

Putin also believed that Europe's dependence on Russian oil and gas would make it difficult for them to

break ties with Moscow over the Ukraine issue. Here too he was proved wrong. Europe's rejection of a bold

and aggressive Russia and US assertiveness have brought the two sides of the Atlantic closer together.

With more than 6,300 nuclear

warheads, Russia has the world’s

largest nuke arsenal. President

Putin therefore said, "If the territorial

integrity of our country

is threatened, we will, of course,

use all means at our disposal to

protect Russia and our people.

This is not a bluff." Putin added.

"And those who try to blackmail

us with nuclear weapons should

know that the weather vane can

turn and point at them."

Many have interpreted Putin's

statement as a threat to use nuclear

weapons. Wolfgang Richter,

a senior research associate for international

security with the German

Institute for International

and Security Affairs (SWP), thinks

that the idea behind this is probably

a message to Western states,

which is, if you interfere in the war

or attack Russian territory, then a

nuclear strike becomes more likely.

In response, US President Joe

Biden vehemently warned Putin

against using nuclear or chemical

weapons. "Don't do it!" Biden

said. "It would change the face of

war like nothing else since World

War II." US Senator Lindsey Graham

declared that any nuclear attack

on Ukraine by Russia would

be equivalent to a nuclear attack

on NATO itself that would produce

an overwhelming and catastrophic


However, Wolfgang Richter thinks

that the nuclear war is unlikely.

It is because if Russia breaks the

nuclear taboo that has existed

since 1945, he said, the country

would also be isolated and ostracised

throughout the world and

would lose all allies that would

have incalculable consequences

for the political, economic, and

social survival of Russian Federation.


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