October 2022 Full PDF final

<a href="https://pressxpress.org/">Press Xpress</a> is a top rated online English newspaper portal in Bangladesh which recently started publication with the aim of providing its subscribers with authentic and detailed information. The <a href="https://pressxpress.org/">Press Xpress</a> team consists of experienced journalists who strive to give their best in their specific areas of work. The publication focuses on current events, native culture, local and foreign political analysis, international trade, and many more. Unlike other publications, This english magazine online has a unique style of presentation that allows for a greater flow of information. The <a href="https://pressxpress.org/">Press Xpress</a> is the best online news portal in bd that committed to delivering publications of complete stories with relevant images that present the truth in an appealing manner.

<a href="https://pressxpress.org/">Press Xpress</a> is a top rated online English newspaper portal in Bangladesh which recently started publication with the aim of providing its subscribers with authentic and detailed information. The <a href="https://pressxpress.org/">Press Xpress</a> team consists of experienced journalists who strive to give their best in their specific areas of work. The publication focuses on current events, native culture, local and foreign political analysis, international trade, and many more. Unlike other publications, This english magazine online has a unique style of presentation that allows for a greater flow of information. The <a href="https://pressxpress.org/">Press Xpress</a> is the best online news portal in bd that committed to delivering publications of complete stories with relevant images that present the truth in an appealing manner.


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Despite the capability, cybercrime

is on the rise in Bangladesh. According

to the research report,

cybercrimes that have increased

in 2022 compared to 2021 include

social media harassments, scams,

fraud while buying products online,

pornography, copyright

crimes, etc. There has been an

alarming increase in cybercrimes

like social media and other online

accounts hacking or information

theft. The report found that

23.79% of the participants were

victims of online account hacking

including social media. Additionally,

in the last report of 2021, the

incidence of spreading misinformation

through social media was

16.31% which raised to 18.67%

this year. In addition, the number

of victims of fraud, while using

social media and buying products

online is also noticeable. About

15% of victims were defrauded

while buying products online as

per the report. Harassment by

using photos or videos of sexual

harassment incidents or intimate

moments has also increased at

an alarming rate. The rate of harassment

using photos or videos

of private moments or sexual

harassment incidents was 7.69%

last year, but it has increased to

9.34% this year. The incidence

of harassment by using photoshopped

images was 5.85% last

year, which has increased to

6.93% in the new report.


• Claiming money by hacking social media accounts, emails or websites

• Harassment with fake accounts on social media

• Extortion of money by threat of defamation by hacking confidential information

• Threatening and harassing to share photos or videos of private moments

• Spreading private photos on various troll groups or pages on social media

• Fraud in the name of selling products by opening fake pages in the name of ecommerce

• Robbing money by hacking bank and other financial account details


Appropriate initiatives are required

to eliminate these raising

cybercrimes in Bangladesh. Every

year in the month of October,

'Cyber Security Awareness Month

(CAM)' is celebrated in different

countries to highlight various information

to remain protected

against cyber-attacks. As part of

this global initiative, Bangladesh

is also conducting 'Cybersecurity

Awareness Month 2022' programme

throughout the month

of October. The National Committee

on Cybersecurity Awareness

Month (NCCAM) has been formed

with various linked organisations

and technology professionals to

carry out this programme and they

are conducting various awareness

activities around the country. NC-

CAM has set the theme for this

year's cybersecurity awareness

month as 'Being safe online is not

hard, just need to be careful'. NC-

CAM suggests that maintaining

cyber security will not be difficult

if only four steps that are divided

into four weeks, are followed.

First Week: Turn on multi-factor authentication. With increased sophistication in hacking methods, having

strong passwords on all your systems is no longer enough. So, all the important services: Facebook, Twitter,

Gmail, Online Banking have a multifactor option through which you can confirm your identity in a way other

than a password.

Second Week: Use strong passwords. Passwords should be changed at least every three months. Different

applications should have dissimilar and solid passwords. Password manager can be used if passwords are

difficult to remember.

Third Week: Update your device on a regular basis. Using any pirated software on laptop, desktop or with

Android is not recommended. You can use valid or authentic anti-malware software for scanning.

Fourth Week: Recognise and report phishing. If you receive a phishing link in your email or mobile phone,

delete the message. The first rule of caution is to not click on anything unusual even if it comes from someone

close to you. However, if you click on the link by any chance, you should quickly change the passwords of

as much accounts as possible. If anything important is present on the device then law enforcement should

be notified.



Keep operating system and

software updated

Use anti-virus software and

keep it updated

Use strong and diversified


Do not click on links in spam

emails or untrusted websites

Never share OTP, PIN number,

bank card number with anyone

Be cautious of which websites

you visit

Use multi-factor authentication

feature on social media accounts

Remove sensitive conversations

and messages containing crucial

information on social media


Now the question that arises is whether cybercrime is unstoppable,

or is it possible to control it? The answer is that cybercrime

is not insurmountable at all. Preventing and controlling

cybercrime activities requires awareness at all levels, and increasing

awareness needs goodwill from individual to state

level. Just as an individual has to work on creating awareness

within his family, similarly the state should focus on constructing

public opinion against this cybercrime on a large scale.

Moreover, influential organisations should also attempt to

create awareness within their periphery. Health, technology,

media and telecom, and government and public sectors reported

cybercrime as their biggest threat. On the other hand,

sectors such as financial services and retail cited customerinitiated

online fraud as their prime threat. The good news is

that these organisations are doing their best to enhance their

technical capabilities in order to implement stronger internal

controls and make themselves more resilient to cybercrime.

During the last two years, many business organisations in the

country, particularly banks, started to review their technology

infrastructure to make it more robust to prevent cyberattacks.

Organisations must spend a significant amount of time understanding

the possible weak links through which they are vulnerable

to external attacks.

Statistics show that the amount of awareness that should

have been created at the national level has not yet been generated.

To avert cybercrime from state level, all school textbooks

should have cyber awareness topics, how cybercrime victims

can get legal help should be widely publicised in simple and

understandable language. Now let's come to the second important

issue that is about the ability of those who will deal

with this crime. Of course, the activities of the cyber police

should be expanded nationwide. The people who will work in

this sector should have relevant knowledge and should focus


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