The Queen of Nothing (Full Book) by Holly Black ( PDFDrive )

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Heather stands. “Jude? Oh no, oh holy—what the—what

happened to you?” she demands. I wince. Her voice is much

too loud.

“Shhhh! I thought you didn’t want Vivi to know you’re

here,” I remind her. “Anyway, it looks worse than it is. I just

need a shower and some bandages. And a good day’s sleep.”

“Okay,” she says in a way that makes me think she doesn’t

believe me. “Let me help you go in. Please don’t worry about

me tripping over seeing your sister or whatever. You’re

actually hurt. You shouldn’t have stood there talking to me!”

I shake my head, holding up a hand to ward off her offer.

“I’ll be fine. Just let me sit for a minute.”

She gazes at me, worry warring with her desire to put off

the inevitable confrontation with Vivi a little longer. “I thought

you were still in that place? Did you get hurt there?”

“Faerieland?” I like Heather, but I am not going to pretend

away the world I grew up in because she hates the idea of it.

“No. This happened here. I’ve been staying with Vivi. Trying

to figure things out. But if you move back in, I can make

myself scarce.”

She looks down at her knees. Bites a corner of a fingernail.

Shakes her head. “Love is stupid. All we do is break one

another’s hearts.”

“Yeah,” I say, thinking again of Cardan and how I walked

right into the trap he set for me, as though I were some fool

who’d never heard a ballad in her life. No matter how much

happiness I wish for Vivi, I don’t want Heather to be the same

kind of fool. “Yeah, no. Love might be stupid, but you’re not. I

know about the message you sent Vivi. You can’t go through

with it.”

Heather takes a long sip from her cup. “I have nightmares.

About that place. Faerie. I can’t sleep. I look at people on the

street, and I wonder if they’re glamoured. This world already

has enough monsters, enough people who want to take

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