The Queen of Nothing (Full Book) by Holly Black ( PDFDrive )

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Nor will he ever plan another party for the purpose of

humiliating Cardan. He won’t laugh with Nicasia nor play

Taryn and me against each other again. Maybe I should be

relieved, for all the trouble he caused. But I am surprised by

feeling grief instead.

Taryn takes a breath, as if steeling herself. “He’s dead

because I killed him.”

I shake my head, as though that’s going to help me

understand what she’s saying. “What?”

She looks more embarrassed than anything else, as though

she were confessing to some kind of dumb accident instead of

to murdering her husband. I am uncomfortably reminded of

Madoc, standing over three screaming children a moment after

cutting down their parents, surprise on his face. As though he

hadn’t quite meant for it to go so far. I wonder if that’s how

Taryn feels.

I knew I’d grown up to be more like Madoc than I was

comfortable with, but I never thought she and he were

anything alike.

“And I need you to pretend to be me,” she finishes, with no

apparent worry that suggesting the very trick that allowed

Madoc to march off with half of Cardan’s army, the very trick

that doomed me to agreeing to the plan that got me exiled, is

in poor taste. “Just for a few hours.”

“Why?” I start, and then realize I am not being clear. “Not

the pretending part. I mean, why did you kill him?”

She takes a breath, then looks back at the apartment. “Come

inside, and I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you everything. Please, Jude.”

I look toward the apartment and reluctantly admit to myself

I have nowhere else to go. I don’t want to go to Bryern. I want

to go back inside and rest in my own bed. And despite being

exhausted, I can’t deny that the prospect of sneaking into

Elfhame as Taryn has an unsettling appeal. The very thought

of being there, of seeing Cardan, speeds my heart.

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