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I knew, he put his arm around my shoulder and took me to his house. He

and Mrs. Wyatt kept me till the cops cleared Ma that evening.

“Breathe nothing. He’s got responsibilities now,” Mr. Wyatt says, his

eyes set on me. “You need to take care of this baby financially. What you

plan on doing jobwise?”

“He actually looking for a job,” Dre butt in. “You know anybody hiring,

Mr. Wyatt?”

“As a matter of fact, I am. My nephew, Jamal, had to cut his hours down

to part-time due to his schedule at the community college. I’m looking for

someone to fill in the gaps.”

I see where this going, and aw hell nah. Mr. Wyatt stay on my back now

as my neighbor. I become his employee? Man, I won’t be able to do shit

without him watching. “That’s okay, Mr. Wyatt.”

“What? You got something else lined up?”

“NNah—no, sir. I uhhh . . . I know you can’t pay me a whole lot.”

“I can pay you the same thing them other jobs would,” he says. “What’s

the problem?”

“NNothing,” says Dre. “That sound good, don’t it, Mav?”

I swear to God if he don’t shut the hell—

“If you’re worried about childcare, I can help with that,” Mrs. Wyatt

offers. “I wouldn’t mind keeping the baby during the day.”

“For a fee,” Mr. Wyatt adds. “NNothing’s free around here.”

“Clarence!” Mrs. Wyatt scolds.

“Well, it ain’t! He’s gotta learn that now.”

“I’m good, Mrs. Wyatt,” I say. “Li’l Man gon’ be back with his momma

soon.” I hope.

“All right,” Mr. Wyatt says. “It’s not childcare, and it’s not the pay.

What’s the problem?”

“There’s not a problem,” Dre says. “Mav will take it.”

What the—like hell I will.

Mr. Wyatt fold his arms. “He’s got a mouth, Andre. I wanna hear from

him. Maverick, do you want the job?”

Hell no.

On the other hand . . . I do need something now that Dre made me stop

slinging. I can’t leave all them bills plus my son on Ma.

Goddamn. Guess I gotta man up. “Yeah. I’ll take it.”

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