[EBOOK]⚡ The Lizard and the Sun / La Lagartija y el Sol (Picture Yearling Book)

Link >> https://alkindojaya2.blogspot.com/?net=0440415314 =============================== A long, long time ago in ancient Mexico, the sun disappeared. Everything was dark, and the people were afraid. The animals decided to search for the sun through the fields and forests, rivers and lakes. But the sun was nowhere to be found. At last the animals stopped looking - all except the lizard. This is the story of a brave little lizard who would not give up until she had brought back light and warmth

Link >> https://alkindojaya2.blogspot.com/?net=0440415314

A long, long time ago in ancient Mexico, the sun disappeared. Everything was dark, and the people were afraid. The animals decided to search for the sun through the fields and forests, rivers and lakes. But the sun was nowhere to be found. At last the animals stopped looking - all except the lizard. This is the story of a brave little lizard who would not give up until she had brought back light and warmth

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The Lizard and the Sun / La Lagartija y el Sol (Picture

Yearling Book)

Sinopsis :

A long, long time ago in ancient Mexico, the sun disappeared.

Everything was dark, and the people were afraid. The animals

decided to search for the sun through the fields and forests,

rivers and lakes. But the sun was nowhere to be found. At last

the animals stopped looking - all except the lizard. This is the

story of a brave little lizard who would not give up until she had

brought back light and warmth to everyone.Hace mucho,

much&#237imotiempo, en el M&#233xic antiguo, el sol

despareci&#243 Todo la tierra se obscureci&#243y la gente

ten&#237amiedo. Los animales salieron en busca de sol por

los campos y bosques, los r&#237osy los lagos. Pero el sol no

estaba en ninguna parte. Al no encontrarlo, todos los animales

abandonaron la b&#250quea, excepto la lagartija. &#201taes

le historia de una lagartija valienteque no quiso darse por

vencida hasta poder restaurarles a todos la luz y el calor.

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