⚡PDF⚡ Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a

Link >> https://alkindojaya2.blogspot.com/?net=1936488221 =============================== Abortion is murder. There is no way around it. You can try to justify it by claiming the health of the mother, but the truth is only a small percentage (less than one-tenth of 1 percent by some counts) of the 1 million babies killed each year are to save the mother's life. Instead statistics suggest that 85 percent of all abortions are performed as a means of birth control and are three times more likely t

Link >> https://alkindojaya2.blogspot.com/?net=1936488221

Abortion is murder. There is no way around it. You can try to justify it by claiming the health of the mother, but the truth is only a small percentage (less than one-tenth of 1 percent by some counts) of the 1 million babies killed each year are to save the mother's life. Instead statistics suggest that 85 percent of all abortions are performed as a means of birth control and are three times more likely t

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Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America

One Community at a Time

Sinopsis :

Abortion is murder. There is no way around it. You can try to

justify it by claiming the health of the mother, but the truth is

only a small percentage (less than one-tenth of 1 percent by

some counts) of the 1 million babies killed each year are to

save the mother's life. Instead statistics suggest that 85

percent of all abortions are performed as a means of birth

control and are three times more likely to be by a woman on

Medicaid.Family planning and abortion clinics in the United

States are a 2 billion a year industry with a 1.3 percent growth

for the last five years, with 40 percent of all the country's

abortions being performed at Planned Parenthood. For years

we have been told that legal abortions were necessary for the

health and well being of the mother. It is a lie. Dr. Bernard

Nathanson, cofounder of the National Abortion Rights Action

League turned Christian antiabortion activist, admitted that his

group lied about the number of women dying from illegal

abortions. Thanks to people like Dr. Nathanson (pioneer

abortionist-turned prolife activist), Troy Newman, Cheryl

Sullenger, Abby Johnson (former Planned Parenthood

worker), and Lila Rose (undercover antiabortion activist), the

truth is out. Abortion clinics by and large are seedy, dirty,

nefarious profit centers that don't care a lick about the woman

or her rights. They are all about turning a quick buck. Just look

at Dr. Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia. He cut the spinal cords

of live babies with scissors. Dr. Douglas Karpen in Houston

twisted the heads off of live babies. Another clinic threw

remains on their roof to avoid hazardous waste removal fees.

Another clinic used a garbage disposal. It is becoming widely

known that this is a barbaric practice that needs to be stopped.

In January 2014, Gallup found that 64 percent of Americans

support outlawing abortion in the second trimester and 80

percent support outlawing it in the third. Public opinion is

moving in the direction of fewer and safer abortions. Over the

past two decades Troy Newman and Cheryl Sullenger have

honed their skills at exposing abortionists as the snake-oil

salesmen they truly are, and in doing so have closed dozens

of abortion clinics. People ask, Why should we close abortion

clinics? Because when abortion clinics close, babies are

saved! And it stops the infliction of human misery upon

vulnerable women and their innocent babies. InAbortion Free,

Newman and Sullenger recount many stories from the front

lines in the battle for life and the success they have had in

closing these houses of horror. It is possible to shut down

these repugnant establishments. Theywalk you through the

steps they took to closing down the clinic of one of the nation's

most notorious late-term abortionist, Kansas's own George

Tiller. Emergency hospitalizations, negative public opinion,

health and professional complaints, and more brought the heat

upon Dr. Tiller's practice. But it was the unwavering pressure

by the tenacious prolife group Operation Rescue, founded by

Newman and Sullenger, that finally sealed the deal.Newman

and Sullenger share their more than fifty years combined

experience in shuttering dirty, life-threatening clinics. In this

practical manual you will learn how to (1) find out who the

abortion doctors are in your community, (2) know if abortionists

in your community have a record or are even licensed in your

state, (3) get clinic workers to help you acquire evidence, (4)

alert the press of criminal activities, (4) expose dirty and

sundry clinic conditions, (5) inform the public and the leaders

of what is taking place, and (6) help the women in need. How

do you close abortion clinics? Newman and Sullenger tell you

how in plain language inAbortion Free.You will learn what you

can do to help close your local abortion clinic and make

America abortion free.

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