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A Treasury of Curious George: 6 Stories in 1!
Sinopsis :
This version of the beloved 192-page hardcover Curious
George collection of stories features the complete stories in
both English and Spanish.In this full-color treasury, Curious
George fans will find eight stories based on the popular little
monkey: Curious George Takes a Train, Curious George Visits
a Toy Store, Curious George and the Dump Truck, Curious
George and the Birthday Surprise, Curious George Goes
Camping, Curious George Goes to a Costume Party, Curious
George Visits the Library, and Curious George in the Big City.
A wonderful collection for your own mischievous
monkey.“Hewas a good little monkey and always very
curious.”This is how H. A. Rey and his wife, Margret,
first introduced their now beloved troublemaker-hero to young
readers in 1941.This bilingual English-Spanish edition is a
great way to expand vocabulary and share the pleasures of
these stories with all children.