The Lasso March 2023 Women's History Month Special Edition

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“A woman in history that has inspired me is Anna May Wong. She was an

important icon for Asian women and helped introduce a number of Asian faces

to the entertainment industry. It was always very welcoming to see a face that

looked like me when I watched TV as a child.”

Stephanie Vo, Graphic Designer

‘‘The woman in history that has inspired me is Kayleigh McEnany. Because of

McEnany, I learned to embrace my Republican-Conservative side and learned

the type of woman I wanted to become: one that picked herself up when she

fell down and stayed true to herself. In addition to that, she helped me learn to

trust in God during the hardest times of my life and turn to Him when I seek

guidance to know that everything will turn out the way it should. Finally, I

learned from her that it is perfectly fine to be a traditional wife and mother one

day and I hope I will have a successful career like her, whether it be in law,

communications, writing or politics.”

Clarise Tujardon, Reporter

“A woman who inspires me is my aunt Leah. She worked through nursing

school and built an amazing blended family with her husband. She has been

through a lot in life and she still never let it take her hope and light. Any time

I talk to her I know she can help me get different perspectives on problems I

may be having. She keeps me determined and inspires me to stay hopeful even

in hard times. My aunt works hard for herself and her family every day. She

keeps me inspired to work for what I want and love.”

Eclipse Stark, Reporter


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