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than those who have none."

She remembered that now and tried to find the pride that her mother had

taught her to feel. She straightened her thin shoulders and smoothed the folds of

her coarsely woven shift. She had washed carefully in the clear stream water and

had cleaned her nails with a sharp twig. She had combed her hair with the carved

wooden comb that had been her mother's and which she had added to her own

small storage sack after her mother's death. Then she had braided her hair, using

her hands to interweave the thick dark strands deftly, tying the end of the heavy

plait with a leather strip.

Steadying her apprehensions with a deep breath, Kira knocked on the heavy

door to the room where the Council of Guardians' meeting was already in

progress. It opened a crack, spilling a wedge of light into the dim hall. A man

looked out and eyed her suspiciously. He widened the opening and gestured her


"The accused orphan girl Kira is here!" the door guard announced, and the

muttering subsided. In silence they all turned to watch her enter.

The chamber was huge. Kira had been there before, with her mother, on

ceremonial occasions like the annual Gathering. Then, they had sat with the

crowds on rows of benches, facing the stage that was furnished only with an altar

table holding the Worship-object, the mysterious wooden construction of two

sticks connected to form a cross. It was said to have had great power in the past,

and the people always bowed briefly and humbly toward it in respect.

But now she was alone. There were no crowds, no ordinary citizens, only the

Council of Guardians: twelve men who sat facing her across a long table at the

foot of the stage. Rows of oil lamps made the room bright, and each of the men

had his personal torch behind him, illuminating stacked and scattered papers that

lay on the table. They watched her as she made her way hesitantly up the aisle.

Quickly, remembering the procedure that she had seen at every ceremony,

Kira arranged her hands in a reverent position, cupped together, fingertips below

her chin, as she arrived at the table and looked respectfully toward the Worshipobject

on the stage. The guardians nodded approvingly. Apparently it had been

the right gesture. She relaxed a bit, waiting, wondering what would happen next.

The door guard responded to a second knock and announced a second entry.

"The accuser, Vandara!" he called.

So: it was to be the two of them. Kira watched as Vandara strode rapidly

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