Creator Connection May 2023

The official newsletter of Creator Lutheran Church & Preschool.

The official newsletter of Creator Lutheran Church & Preschool.


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<strong>Creator</strong> Lutheran Church and Preschool<br />

<strong>Creator</strong> <strong>Connection</strong><br />

MAY <strong>2023</strong><br />

Welcoming all to Worship, Grow, and Serve in God’s Grace.<br />

Pastor’s Corner<br />

A message from Pastor Horacio<br />

Grace and Peace to you from God our Father<br />

and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.<br />

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the<br />

new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the<br />

ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their<br />

trespasses against them…” 1 Cor. 5:17-19<br />

Newness is something that<br />

we are, a lot of the time, looking<br />

and longing for in our lives. The<br />

next exciting thing might just be<br />

around the corner and we can’t<br />

wait to see it and experience it.<br />

Spring and Summer are finally<br />

coming after a long winter.<br />

Every year it seems like winters<br />

get longer and longer and<br />

Spring and Summer shorter, at<br />

least that is the impression we<br />

might have. But no matter the<br />

reality, when that new thing,<br />

season, experience that we<br />

are longing for finally comes<br />

along, we might encounter<br />

either of these responses.<br />

One, it might be scary or at<br />

least uncomfortable, and two,<br />

it might get old pretty quickly.<br />

We might finally get used to that<br />

which we are looking forward<br />

to and sooner than later it just<br />

becomes part of our scenery<br />

and our routine whether we like<br />

it or not, whether we get used to<br />

it or not. And if we get used to it<br />

or really like it, we will only miss<br />

it and long for it if or when we<br />

do not have it anymore. A new<br />

pair of shoes, a car, a book, or<br />

the latest gadget provides that<br />

excitement for certain amount<br />

of time. But when we have<br />

broken in the shoes, the car<br />

loses its shininess or new smell,<br />

the book has been read and re-<br />

read, and the gadget has run out<br />

of its novelty, we then move on<br />

to finding the next exciting thing<br />

or simply go back to our same<br />

old, same old and forget about<br />

it. No matter where we go, this<br />

will happen to us because this<br />

is who we are.<br />

This is where God’s Word<br />

comes into the picture. God’s<br />

Word is always good news, it<br />

Continued on pg. 4

Table of Contents<br />

Ministry<br />

Pastor’s Corner..................................................<br />

Pastor’s Corner cont..........................................<br />

A Letter from the Bishop...................................<br />

1<br />

3<br />

4-5<br />

Staff<br />

Pastor:<br />

Amanda Olson de Castillo<br />

pastoramanda@creatorlutheran.net<br />

Associate Pastor: Horacio Castillo<br />

pastorhoracio@creatorlutheran.net<br />

Fellowship<br />

Church in Society, Altar Guild..........................<br />

Thoughts on Stewardship, Church Council<br />

Highlights..........................................................<br />

Easter Altar: Thank You!...................................<br />

Children, Youth, and Family<br />

High School Bible Study, Confirmation<br />

Schedule............................................................<br />

Youth Mission Trip Participants.......................<br />

VBS...................................................................<br />

Preschool News..............................................<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

Office Ministry: Donna Reynolds<br />

office@creatorlutheran.net<br />

Music Director:<br />

Nancy Betz<br />

Communications Coordinator:<br />

Marion Gil<br />

communications@creatorlutheran.net<br />

Bookkeeper: Marcie Reid<br />

creatorbooks@creatorlutheran.net<br />

Custodian: Leslie Noborikawa<br />

Nursery Attendants: Debbie Eikland<br />

and Cynthia Lowe<br />

Sunday School Coordinator:<br />

Kate Wire<br />

News and Education.................................<br />

13-19<br />

Preschool Director:<br />

Andrea DeDominces<br />

Birthdays and Reminders.......................<br />

Calendar............................................................<br />

20<br />

21<br />

Preschool Teachers:<br />

Andrea DeDominces, Ragan Allen &<br />

Cheri Farrer<br />

Funeral Coordinator:<br />

Janee Theleman<br />

2<br />

Ministry teams and program leaders, please think ahead about what is coming up and<br />

submit information, pictures or stories of impact to office@creatorlutheran.net by the 20th<br />

of each month. Our Office Ministry Coordinator, will collect, format, and get the newsletter<br />

out to the congregation by the first of each month. If you have any further questions,<br />

please feel free to call the office (253) 862-7700.

Continued from pg. 1<br />

is always new. I like to call this<br />

“God’s good old news.” God’s<br />

Word is old because it has been<br />

there from the beginning, but His<br />

Word is new at the same time<br />

because it is for you now, and<br />

because, if we are honest with<br />

ourselves, we forget it every day.<br />

And this is what makes it news for<br />

us, because we have forgotten<br />

that God’s Word is for you, and<br />

when you hear it again…it is the<br />

“old good news” of the Gospel<br />

for you all over again. If you have<br />

not learned this about me yet,<br />

you will find out that I like to dwell<br />

in God’s Word through Scripture<br />

but also through our Lutheran<br />

Confessions. I would not be<br />

surprised if you are thinking,<br />

“well yes, that is your job!” which<br />

is true, but more than this, it is<br />

because in Scripture and in our<br />

Confessions, I find this “good<br />

old news,” at every turn, in every<br />

place, and in every season.<br />

God’s Word does not lose its<br />

newness or even “novelty,” if<br />

we want to use that word. Every<br />

time we open the Scriptures, we<br />

will find something new, or the<br />

words that we know so well and<br />

are ingrained in our hearts, will<br />

have a different sound or even<br />

meaning the next time we read<br />

them.<br />

This is the reason why I am<br />

so passionate about studying<br />

Scripture and our Lutheran<br />

Confessions not only for myself,<br />

but sharing and studying them<br />

with you. And with the many<br />

years that I have in ministry,<br />

Ministry<br />

this has not gotten old because<br />

Christ is in us and we are in<br />

Christ, and He continues to make<br />

us a new creation every day by<br />

the promise of our Baptism; the<br />

old has passed away and the<br />

new has come. I look forward<br />

to continuing to dwell in God’s<br />

Word and Lutheran Confessions<br />

with you in the different aspects<br />

of our life together. The study of<br />

God’s Word and our Confessions<br />

are inexhaustible, and better yet,<br />

they are relevant and applicable<br />

to our daily lives, in our vocations<br />

anywhere we go, in our church,<br />

in our communities, in our<br />

country and the world because<br />

in them we receive reconciliation<br />

with God, His mercy and grace<br />

in the forgiveness of our sin, and<br />

His life and Salvation through<br />

Christ for you.<br />

God’s Word is always<br />

good news, it is always<br />

new.<br />


Ministry<br />

April 18, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Dear Pastors and Congregational Leaders,<br />

Over the past few months, I sent you two letters that talked about ministering to those with mental<br />

illness. Related to, but different enough to warrant a separate letter, is the growing challenge of<br />

dementia. The CDC describes dementia as follows:<br />

“Dementia is not a specific disease but is rather a general term for the impaired ability to remember,<br />

think, or make decisions that interferes with doing everyday activities. Alzheimer’s disease is the most<br />

common type of dementia. Though dementia mostly affects older adults, it is not a part of normal<br />

aging.”<br />

Our compassion goes out to those who struggle with the burden of dementia and also to those who<br />

care for them. Our hope and strength is, of course, always rooted in the constant and complete love<br />

of God, who never abandons us and always embraces us. As we consider those who are afflicted<br />

with dementia, I am reminded of Romans 8: 38-39. For I am convinced that neither death nor life,<br />

neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor<br />

depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in<br />

Christ Jesus our Lord.<br />

As you consider how best to minister to those with dementia, I want to share with you some resources<br />

that I have found useful.<br />

1.) Lutheran Community Services Northwest (LCSNW), which has offices and programs throughout<br />

our Synod, has a number of programs specifically designed to support those with dementia and their<br />

caregivers. This includes programs such as:<br />

• Art classes for those with dementia<br />

• Music and Memory gatherings<br />

• Taking Memory Walks<br />

• Establishing Memory Cafes<br />

For more information about what LCSNW is doing, click both of the links below:<br />

https://lcsnw.org/?s=dementia<br />

https://lcsnw.org/program/dementia-services-2/<br />

2.) An older article (2009) from the ELCA speaks to programs specifically designed to support both<br />

those with dementia and their caregivers. Please note that the article references some resources<br />

that are no longer available on the web. However, the article itself provides a useful discussion about<br />

how to organize programs.<br />

https://www.elca.org/News-and-Events/6550<br />


3.) Two resources from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership provide specific ideas for doing<br />

ministry with persons with dementia. The Lewis Center is a program of the Wesley Theological<br />

Seminary in Washington, DC.<br />

Staff leader Jessica L. Anschutz discusses, “As memory fades, ministry grows”<br />

https://www.churchleadership.com/leading-ideas/as-memory-fades-ministry-grows-ministry-alongsidepersons-with-dementia/<br />

Guest presenter Kenneth Carter offers concrete advice about “Nurturing a Dementia-Friendly<br />

Church.”<br />

https://www.churchleadership.com/leading-ideas/nurturing-a-dementia-friendly-church/<br />

4.) Lutheran SeniorLife in Pennsylvania provides tools that may be very helpful for caregivers taking<br />

care of those suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia.<br />

https://www.lutheranseniorlife.org/caring-for-someone-with-alzheimers-or-dementia<br />

5.) Finally, here is a resource from England, where Pastor Lewis Allen at Hope Church in<br />

Huddersfield, shares these ideas he gathered from his parish ministry.<br />

https://www.9marks.org/article/pastoring-dementia-patients/<br />

*****<br />

Dementia is a challenge that impacts many of our families and certainly each of our congregations.<br />

Not only does the individual suffer from the effects of this affliction, but those who are caregivers, as<br />

wells as other loved ones and friends who share in the struggle. Our ministries need to address both<br />

groups and be based on love and compassion.<br />

I hope you find these resource links helpful as you continue to reach out to members of your church<br />

and neighborhood. If you have other resources to add to this list, please let me by emailing me here.<br />

Blessings to you in this Easter season!<br />

Ministry<br />

Bishop Rick Jaech<br />


Fellowship<br />

Church<br />

In Society<br />

NEW HOPE – We continue to provide food<br />

for the homeless the first Friday of every month.<br />

Thanks to <strong>Creator</strong> members who generously<br />

donate each month to help our neighbors in<br />

Puyallup.<br />

LAYETTE DRIVE – Besides the many baby<br />

items we delivered to Auburn Pregnancy Aid in<br />

March, <strong>Creator</strong> members also donated $296!<br />

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY – Habitat for<br />

Humanity helps families build or improve a place<br />

they can call home. On March 30, the CIS team<br />

provided lunch to approx. 30 workers and on <strong>May</strong><br />

20 we will deliver snacks to student workers.<br />

PEACE LUTHERAN – <strong>Creator</strong> members will<br />

be providing and serving a family-style sit down<br />

lasagna dinner at Peace Lutheran Community<br />

Center on April 28. We have participated in<br />

this meal program for many years. Peace has<br />

recently partnered with a resource navigator to be<br />

onsite to answer questions or provide information<br />

on services available to the Hilltop community.<br />

We are grateful to our members who donate and<br />

participate in this worthwhile event.<br />

<strong>Creator</strong> distributed funding in March to the<br />

following:<br />

• Sumner Food Bank -- $200<br />

• Sumner Backpack program -- $300<br />

• Bonney Lake Food Bank -- $200<br />

• Bonney Lake Backpack program $300<br />

• Auburn Pregnancy Aid -- $500<br />

Altar Guild was busy supporting worship throughout Lent, Holy Week and Easter. It was an “all<br />

hands on deck” effort and extra people who had not served before were called to serve and responded<br />

willingly.<br />

Easter was truly a time of celebration at Driftwood Point Park and at the church. One of our own,<br />

Leslie Noborikawa, stepped up to organize and lead the Easter Brunch. Thank you, Leslie and team!<br />

We are blessed to serve and support Pastors Amanda and Horacio and know that more events like<br />

Confirmation and Pentecost are right around the corner. We are looking forward to a beautiful spring<br />

and would love to add more members to our ranks, especially for the 11AM service. Please contact<br />

Linda Reed via call or text at (253) 820-1757 or send an email to 84lkreed@gmail.com for answers to<br />

your questions or to set up a training appointment. Peace to you!<br />


Thoughts on<br />

Fellowship<br />

It is important to know your<br />

‘why’ regarding Stewardship.<br />

Many churches have an annual<br />

stewardship campaign, but in<br />

truth stewardship is something<br />

that is year-round. So what is<br />

YOUR reason to give to <strong>Creator</strong>?<br />

In a recent article on<br />

stewardship from Luther<br />

Seminary it said “people give<br />

to participate in God’s mission<br />

to help our neighbor in need<br />

and the community. People give<br />

because God calls us together<br />

to be the church. People give<br />

because all things belong to<br />

God and we get to use the gift of<br />

money to God’s glory, therefore<br />

our finances reflect our faith, and<br />

our money does God’s work in<br />

the world.”<br />

We have witnessed God’s<br />

generosity to us and this<br />

congregation. How does this<br />

influence your giving to <strong>Creator</strong>?<br />

As we become more open and<br />

learn about the work of the<br />

Holy Spirit in our lives, can this<br />

include our finances? There can<br />

be freedom in putting God first,<br />

and acts of generosity can be<br />

transformative.<br />

The Luther Seminary article<br />

concluded with the statement:<br />

“Financial giving can be an act of<br />

faith, not just a math equation.”<br />

As we partner in God’s work<br />

at <strong>Creator</strong>, we grow and serve<br />

together in faith.<br />

Church Council Highlights<br />

• Pastor Horacio led a discussion about Deuteronomy 8:3. Council discussed the idea, “God will take<br />

care of you.”<br />

• Joe presented the Treasurer’s Report.<br />

• Total Income for March <strong>2023</strong> was $26,425.73, and monthly expenses totaled $35,950.10, for an<br />

overall net loss of $9,524.37. 10% benevolence approved, 6% ($1,559.89) to local benevolence,<br />

and 4% ($1,039.92) to the synod, for a total of $2,599.81 given.<br />

• Pastor Amanda stated that the soup suppers and services during Lent were successful. Easter<br />

services were well-attended.<br />

• Pastor Horacio: Pastor has been acquainted with ministry teams and begun planning for summer<br />

classes and attending youth group meetings.<br />

• Future Council Leadership/Team Transition Old to New was discussed. The transition will be held in<br />

June. A congregational meeting will be held on June 11th to elect new leadership.<br />

• There will be a luncheon for new and prospective members on April 23, <strong>2023</strong>. Pastor Amanda<br />

estimates we will have 40-50 people attending. Members of leadership are asked to bring soup,<br />

salad, and bread.<br />

• Meeting closed with The Lord’s Prayer<br />


Fellowship<br />



We are thankful for our new<br />

Easter altar frontal designed<br />

by Pam Olsson and made<br />

by MaryLou Finch. What a<br />

blessing this is to <strong>Creator</strong><br />

for Easter as well as Spring!<br />

Thank you!<br />


Senior High Bible Study<br />

Children, Youth, and Family<br />

High School Bible<br />

Study Schedule<br />

High school Bible Study 6pm-<br />

8:00pm<br />

Dinner at 6pm<br />

• <strong>May</strong> 7th: Bible Study 6pm -<br />

8 pm<br />

• <strong>May</strong> 14th: No Bible Study<br />

Sundays from 6pm-8pm at <strong>Creator</strong> Lutheran Church.<br />

Students in grades 9-12 will gather for a meal, faith<br />

discussions, and FUN!<br />

We have moved the Senior High Bible Study to <strong>Creator</strong>.<br />

However, we will be meeting at the same time.<br />

Bring $5 for pizza if you are able. For more information, or if<br />

you have any concerns, please contact the church office or Pastor<br />

Amanda.<br />

• <strong>May</strong> 21st: Bible Study 6pm<br />

- 8 pm<br />

• <strong>May</strong> 28th: No Bible Study<br />

Confirmation Schedule<br />

• <strong>May</strong> 3rd - Final Confirmation<br />

class for the season<br />

• Confirmation Sunday<br />

- Stay tuned for more<br />

updates<br />

Confirmation is a wonderful time for youth to grow in faith<br />

and come to understand what it means to be Christian and to<br />

follow the path set forth by our Lord Jesus Christ.<br />

Sunday classes are at 9:45 am between worship services.<br />

Wednesday classes at 7 pm and will be done by 8:30pm.<br />


Children, Youth, and Family<br />


Children, Youth, and Family<br />


Preschool<br />

Preschool News<br />

<strong>May</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Every year as we approach the end of another year of preschool,<br />

we are amazed at how quickly it passed. And we are so thankful<br />

and blessed for our wonderful families and the opportunity to be<br />

part of your lives as you are part of ours. Your children have<br />

brought blessings and joy to our school and we hope your children<br />

feel the same.<br />

During the month of <strong>May</strong>, we will be talking about our moms<br />

and dads and Summertime fun. Our numbers will be 9 and 10<br />

for the younger classes and 19 and 20 for the older classes. Our<br />

shape is the diamond, our color is blue and our letters are W,w,<br />

X,x, and Z,z.<br />

Our Mother’s Day Tea will be Thursday, <strong>May</strong> 18 and Friday,<br />

<strong>May</strong> 19 during the last 45 minutes of class. Please bring your<br />

child to school at the regular time and return at 10:45am for the<br />

morning classes and 2:15pm for the afternoon classes.<br />

There will be no school on Monday, <strong>May</strong> 29th for Memorial<br />

Day. Thursday, June 1st and Friday, June 2nd will be our last<br />

class days. At the end of class, approximately the last 30-45<br />

minutes, we will enjoy an ‘informal’ graduation/moving up event.<br />

More details to follow.<br />

Thanks for a great year! We know you have blessed our lives<br />

and hope we have blessed yours.<br />

Andrea (Mrs. D), Cheri (Ms. Farrer), and Ragan (Mrs. Allen)<br />

Save the Dates<br />

• Week 1: (<strong>May</strong> 1-5),<br />

Letter W,w, #9, #19<br />

• Week 2: (<strong>May</strong> 8-12),<br />

Letter X,x<br />

• Week 3: (<strong>May</strong> 15-19),<br />

Celebrating our Moms,<br />

Mother’s Day Tea<br />

• Week 4: (<strong>May</strong> 22-26),<br />

Celebrating our Dads<br />

• Week 5: (<strong>May</strong> 29-June 2),<br />

NO SCHOOL, Monday,<br />

<strong>May</strong> 29 for Memorial Day,<br />

Moving Up/Graduation<br />

Day!<br />


News and Education<br />


Mark your Calendars<br />

Ladies Night Out on June 3 rd !<br />

Time and Details to follow<br />


News and Education<br />


News and Education<br />


News and Education<br />

The Evening Bible Study now meets on<br />

the 2nd and 4th Mondays from 6:30-8:00pm<br />

at <strong>Creator</strong>.<br />

Come to take a deep dive into scripture<br />

with one of our pastors.<br />

We will distinguish law and gospel togeth-<br />

er as well as look at the context in Luke and<br />

the rest of the bible. Come prepared to learn,<br />

to wrestle and to hear how this is the Word of<br />

God for us today and for the original listeners.<br />


News and Education<br />

Daily Devotions<br />

Pastor Amanda is starting her<br />

devotions back up! They will take<br />

place Tuesdays and Thursdays at<br />

9:00am. You are invited to watch<br />

the recordings which are posted or<br />

consider joining us at 9:00am via<br />

zoom. Pastor Amanda turns off the<br />

recording after her reflection on<br />

the reading and we have a time of<br />

discussion and connection with one<br />

another.<br />

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.<br />

us/j/633840757<br />

Meeting ID: 633 840 757<br />

One tap mobile<br />

+12532158782,,633840757# US (Tacoma)<br />

All worship services and devotions will be<br />

posted after completion on both YouTube<br />

and the creator website: https://www.<br />

youtube.com/user/<strong>Creator</strong>Lutheran and<br />

www.creatorlutheran.net<br />

New Hope Resource Center Meal<br />

THANK YOU to everyone<br />

who donates food for Hope<br />

Resource Center. Our next<br />

lunch will be Friday, <strong>May</strong> 5th,<br />

<strong>2023</strong>. New Hope Resource<br />

Center is providing 40-50 sack<br />

lunches M-F for our homeless<br />

neighbors. New Hope has<br />

asked that we help by donating<br />

food appropriate for the sack<br />

lunches. Please see the list of<br />

food needed on the attached<br />

link.<br />

All food should be dropped<br />

off at the church no later than<br />

Friday morning at 10:00 AM.<br />

<strong>Creator</strong> members will pick up<br />

the food from church and deliver<br />

it to New Hope in Puyallup.<br />

Volunteers at New Hope will<br />

prepare and distribute the sack<br />

lunches. Please sign up below.<br />

You will get a reminder email.<br />

Volunteer sign up link:<br />

https://www.signupgenius.<br />

com/go/20f044fa8ac2ea5f85-<br />

newhope<br />

**** On the sign-up sheet<br />

click the “sign up button” next<br />

to what you want to bring, then<br />

go to the very bottom of the<br />

page and click “Submit and<br />

Sign up” and there you will<br />

enter your information. New<br />

Hope Resource Center is in<br />

downtown Puyallup and serves<br />

the unhoused in Pierce County.<br />

The mission of New Hope is to<br />

assist homeless adults in their<br />

efforts to find safety, health, and<br />

stability.<br />


News and Education<br />

Thursday<br />

Morning<br />

Bible Study<br />

The<br />

Thursday<br />

morning Bible Study meets<br />

every Thursday morning<br />

from 10-11:30. The study<br />

book is The Greatest Story<br />

Bible Instruction. Meetings<br />

will now be in person at the<br />

church. All are welcome.<br />

The monthly dinner meeting<br />

of the <strong>Creator</strong> Men’s Club will<br />

be held Monday, <strong>May</strong> 1, <strong>2023</strong><br />

at 6 p.m. at Brank’s Bar-B-Q,<br />

13701 24 th St. E., Sumner.<br />

In addition to fellowship,<br />

discussion will cover work<br />

projects and a field trip to a car<br />

museum. All church men are<br />

invited to attend.<br />

Grieving with Grace is a support group led by Pastor<br />

Amanda where adults learn about the grieving process and<br />

how to care for themselves as they work through the grief of a<br />

loved one’s death.<br />

We will be meeting on the second and fourth Wednesdays<br />

of each month at 10:30 am in Pastor Amanda’s office.<br />

Men’s<br />

Fellowship<br />

During “All things Covid”<br />

the Wednesday night<br />

Men’s group has been<br />

using Zoom. The meetings<br />

start at 7:00 PM and get<br />

over by 9:00PM. If you<br />

are interested in joining<br />

the meeting please contact<br />

Scott Perkins with your<br />

email address and he will<br />

send you a link for Zoom.<br />

Scott.perkins@hotmail.<br />

com or 253-230-3416<br />


News and Education<br />

Do you know of any <strong>Creator</strong> members who are graduating from High School or Post High School<br />

programs this <strong>2023</strong> year? Please give any information to the office as soon as possible so we can<br />

congratulate them on Graduation Recognition Sunday on June 4th @ the 11:00 service.<br />

We also include them in the June/July Newsletter, so please include any information about future<br />

plans (college, Graduate school, jobs, military) scholarships, awards, or special achievements. If you<br />

are a graduate this year, please plan on attending the late service with your graduation robe.<br />

Upcoming Adult<br />

Education Schedule<br />

• <strong>May</strong> 7: Holy Communion<br />

• <strong>May</strong> 14: No Adult<br />

Education<br />

• <strong>May</strong> 21: Holy<br />

Communion<br />

Sundays, 9:45 am between services<br />

Join us between services in the multi-purpose room for Adult<br />

Education! Learn from different teachers (including our pastors<br />

and sometimes guest speakers) about a variety of topics ranging<br />

from God in our lives to retirement plans. If you have any questions<br />

please contact the church office.<br />


Birthdays and Reminders<br />

Remote Worship<br />

Worship will continue to be live-streamed on Facebook Live and<br />

Zoom. To join via Zoom, follow the link below:<br />

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89375602512?pwd=M3hPK0pIMGIz<br />

Z2M0eEhmTitoM3NQdz09<br />

Meeting ID: 893 7560 2512 Password: 435230<br />

One tap mobile:<br />

+ 12532158782,,89375602512#,,,,0#,,435230# US (Tacoma)<br />

Call in option: Zoom offers the option to call in to listen to the<br />

service. Call into worship while it is open - usually a minimum of<br />

five minutes before 9:30am until 11:00am - +1 253 215 8782 and<br />

enter the meeting number: 89375602512 when prompted. You<br />

will be able to hear the worship service.<br />


<strong>Creator</strong> Lutheran is changing our mobile giving app! Vanco,<br />

our eGiving provider, has launched an updated mobile app called<br />

Vanco Mobile to replace GivePlus Mobile. You can download the<br />

Vanco Mobile app for free from the App Store or Google Play.<br />

Download Vanco Mobile by September 30. Vanco will<br />

remove GivePlus Mobile after this date.<br />

If you have questions or need assistance with our new mobile<br />

app, please contact the church office at (253) 862-7700.<br />

Pastoral Emergency Fund<br />

<strong>Creator</strong> has a fund available to be used at the discretion of Pastor<br />

Amanda to support congregation members and the community<br />

as needed. If you or a member another member of the <strong>Creator</strong><br />

Community has a particular financial need at this time, please<br />

reach out to Pastor Amanda for support. We are here for one<br />

another at this time. This fund is also open for additional<br />

donations from the congregation.<br />

Recycle Your<br />

Ink Cartridges<br />

Don’t throw away those printer cartridges or used cell phones.<br />

The Youth will recycle them for you. It’s good for the<br />

environment and the youth program receives a small concession.<br />

Just deposit old cartridges in the drawer in the narthex.<br />

20<br />

<strong>May</strong><br />

Birthdays<br />

1 - Maxine Huffman<br />

2 - Kirsten Nelson<br />

4 - Danielle Reid<br />

6 - Sara Heineman<br />

7 - Kristen Dennis<br />

10 - Lena Kronlund<br />

11 - Chris Grigg<br />

11 - Chelsea Linggi<br />

11 - Monica Ricarte Powers<br />

13 - Susan Serdahl<br />

15 - Rich Heineman<br />

15 - Brian Hinkley<br />

15 - Gary Leaf<br />

16 - Addy Nelson<br />

16 - Connie Russell<br />

17 - Terry Hoffner<br />

18 - James Larson<br />

20 - Brynn Feroy<br />

21 - Janice Pendergast<br />

22- Marshall Hollenbeck<br />

23 - Kate Wire<br />

24 - Jim Rutkosky<br />

25 - Suzara Kraus<br />

25 - Damien Littell<br />

26 - Donna Lovin<br />

28 - Jake Berg<br />

28 - Debie Eikland

MAY<br />

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

6pm <strong>Creator</strong> Men’s<br />

Club<br />

9am Morning<br />

Devotions<br />

6:30pm Women’s Bible<br />

Study<br />

7pm Men’s<br />

Fellowship<br />

7pm Confirmation<br />

7pm Choir Practice<br />

9am Morning<br />

Devotions<br />

10am Thursday<br />

Morning Bible Study<br />

New Hope Lunch<br />

6<br />

7 8:30am Worship<br />

Service<br />

9:45am Adult Education<br />

9:45am Family Sunday<br />

School<br />

11am Worship Service<br />

6pm High School Bible<br />

Study<br />

8<br />

6:30pm Evening<br />

Bible Study<br />

9 9am Morning<br />

Devotions<br />

5:30pm Property Team<br />

Meeting<br />

6:30pm Finance Team<br />

Meeting<br />

10 10:30am Grieving<br />

with Grace<br />

7pm Men’s Fellowship<br />

7pm Choir Practice<br />

11 9am Morning<br />

Devotions<br />

10am Thursday<br />

Morning Bible Study<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14 8:30am Worship<br />

Service<br />

9:45am Adult Education<br />

9:45am Family Sunday<br />

School<br />

11am Worship Service<br />

15<br />

6:30pm CYF Team<br />

Meeting<br />

16 9am Morning<br />

Devotions<br />

6pm Church Council<br />

Meeting<br />

17 7pm CIS Meeting<br />

7pm Men’s<br />

Fellowship<br />

7pm Choir Practice<br />

18 9am Morning<br />

Devotions<br />

10:30am Thursday<br />

Morning Bible Study<br />

19<br />

20<br />

21<br />

8:30am Worship<br />

Service/New Member<br />

Reception<br />

9:45am Adult Education<br />

9:45am Family Sunday School<br />

11am Worship Service/New<br />

Member Reception<br />

6pm High School Bible Study<br />

22<br />

6:30pm Evening<br />

Bible Study<br />

23<br />

9am Morning<br />

Devotions<br />

24 10:30am Grieving<br />

with Grace<br />

7pm Men’s Fellowship<br />

25 9am Morning<br />

Devotions<br />

10:30am Thursday<br />

Morning Bible Study<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

8:30am Worship<br />

Service<br />

9:45am Adult Education<br />

9:45am Family Sunday<br />

School<br />

11am Worship Service<br />

29<br />


30<br />

9am Morning<br />

Devotions<br />

31 7pm Men’s<br />

Fellowship<br />

7pm Choir Practice<br />


<strong>Creator</strong> Lutheran<br />

Church and Preschool<br />

Welcoming All to Worship, Grow, and Serve in God’s Grace<br />

creatorlutheran.net (253) 862-7700 office@creatorlutheran.net<br />

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 3:30PM<br />

16702 South Tapps Drive East, Bonney Lake, WA 98391

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