Art of Book - At First Sight

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Special thanks to Mario Kknounous and

Jud Walton for their knowledge and

inspiration. Also to Matt Doherty and

Sophie Harper for voicing the two main



Research Photography 4-5

Nathan Head Photography 6

Doug John Miller 7

Nicholas Rix 8

Film and TV Inspiration 8-9

Script 10-13

Storyboards 14-27

Colour Schemes 28-29

Character Sheets 30-31

Coloured Storyboards 32-33

Panorama Backgrounds 36-37

Inside Train Backgrounds 38-39

House Backgrounds 40

Time Management 41

Coffee Shop Backgrounds 42-43

Animating 46-47

Characters 48-49

Sound, Editing and Poster 52-53

References 54








Fig 5.

Fig 1. Fig 2. Fig 3.

Fig 6. Fig 7. Fig 8. Fig 9.

Fig 10. Fig 11. Fig 12. Fig 13.

Fig 4.

These are reference photos a found when researching train stations that I

liked, I always struggle when it comes to getting the right angles and

composition of scenes so I think reffering back to these will help. I want to

consider more obvious aesthetic scenes that will be visually pleasing to the

audience. I will probably go with a train similar to ones from Enlgand as I will

be able to create more realistic scenes, however, I do like the contrast of the

subway seats and the metal. A couple of the images show like and

atmosphere which I want to put emphasis on in my short film.


Nathan Head

Photohraphy (Fig 14.)

I came across this artist

when finding reference

photos. The train is

fitting with my style and

the artist has taken a

variety of different

photos allowing me to

see the trains from

different angles to

reference when building

my scenes. Although the

style is unique and

interesting I will not be

taking this into my short

film. This artist will be

used for angles for my


Doug John Miller (Fig 15.)

I followed this illustrator on instagram for

a while and always like his work. I want to

take his style and incorporate it into my

background design, as I want the world to

be realistic. The line work is very detailed

but still has cartoon characteristics. I like the

colour palettes he uses as they do not over

power the designs.

I think once I have my scenes sketched out


organised I will be able to create this style,

I will need to consider highlights, gradients

and textures.


This was a short film I came across called Fuelled, they use colour to show

emotion effortlessly and it really adds to the short film to emphasise the

changes that can happen in life. (Fig 17.)

Nicholas Rix (Fig 16.)

When trying to find

character inspiration I

cam around Nicholas

Rix and really enjoyed

scrolling through his

work. The characters

are unique to him but

still feel human. I like

the sharper angles

and the different

proportions in the

body. I really want to

try and get gestures

down so I think this

simpler style with the

feet and hands would

help me out a lot.

Normal People is a show where they show the connection and tension between

two people very well, little things happen throughout to show that they care for

each other and I think this is a good reference to show my two characters

interacting. (Fig 18.)

Before Sunrise

This was a film recommended for me to watch as it is similar to my short film idea, I have

only watched the trailer for the film but I will be referencing this film because of the chemistry

and gestures that the two main characters make. I think this will make my characters

more relatable and give them personalities. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MUcuqbGTxc)

There is a scene in Fleabag where the two characters first start to talk and they

have immediate chemistry which I want in the scene where my two characters first

talk to each other. (Fig 19.)



INT. Girl’s Apartment

A young girl stuck in routine fed up with how mundane her life is. She

see’s the world in dull colours and has constant white noise flowing through

her head.

Alarm clock goes off and she smacks her hand to her phone to turn it off.

Slumps back over and grunts like she could not think of anything worse to


Showering head down with no motion, checks phone for time realises she is


She is making a coffee in a rush, kettle boils, fills, stirs, and then gulps

down and smacks cup down and the excess splashes up.

Grabs keys and runs out the door, we see the door close from the inside and

there is a change in lighting.

INT. Train shop

Tapping her arm as she is anxious on time as she waits in the line, pays

for her drink, checks her watch, and realises the time and spins around

without looking up.

Immediately she is faced with a wall in the form of a tall handsome




She looks up and is breathless. She stares at him like a Greek god that

cannot possibly be real. Not realising how long she has been standing there

but she does not care. All she can see is this man everything is blurred

around him making him look like he has a halo.

The man is confused looking up at other people wondering what she is doing

and tries to get her to regain consciousness.


Are you okay? I think you dropped your keys

She clicks back into reality realising what he just said. She looks at the

floor to find her keys. Both go down to reach them when they knock heads.

Embarrassed she clocked onto the time and runs in the opposite direction to

grab her train. The man left confused behind her.

INT. Girl’s Apartment

The next day her alarm goes off and turns it off without force. She gets

her shower, has her coffee and breakfast, and checks the time. She leaves

with time to spare; we see the door close but this time it is peaceful and

not bang shut.

EXT. Train Platform

Standing waiting for her train at the coffee shop the man comes up behind

her and she turns and smile and offers to buy his coffee as an apology. He



I will have a black americano please.


Of course.

Judging his coffee order, she turns to the counter and orders the two

coffees. He rolls his eyes while smiling behind her.

INT. Girl’s Apartment

It is the weekend so when her alarm goes off, she sits up in bed happier

than usual and goes to make her morning coffee. The environment is

brighter, and she can hear the birds chirping.

Monday comes and she springs out of bed before her alarm has even set off,

drinks her coffee, and leaves the apartment with a spring in her step.

EXT. Train Platform

Walk past each other both see each other and just smile. She carries on her

smile like it is glued to her face. He looks behind to her as she walks


INT. Train Carriage

The next day, she is sitting on a busy train waiting for it to set off, he

sits beside her as there are no other seats. She blushes when she notices

but does not look at him due to nerves.


So where do you go when you leave the train?


Me? Oh, em I work in a graphic studio, what about you?

Clearly nervous she waits for his response


I am an architect.

They carry on their conversation like they have known each other for years.

INT. Train Carriage

The next day the rain is torrential, both jump on the train and not

realising they are beside each other as they ring themselves dry, the man

pulls out a towel from his gym bag and offers it to her.



INT. Train Carriage

She is just about to miss the train as she jumps onto it last minute and

slightly trips and falls into his arms, he is holding onto the bar above

him for support. The train is full, so she looks up to him blushes and

smiles and finds her bearings and they stand in silence. Just appreciating

them being in each other’s presence.

INT. Train Carriage

The next day train is not busy today, but he chooses to sit beside her, and

they talk away. They continue to talk, and their knees are touching, the

chemistry sparks are obvious between them.

INT. Girl’s Apartment

She wakes up bright and breezy as she has been the past week, excited to

see her train crush. She looks in the mirror and applies her lipstick and

leaves the apartment.

INT. Train Station Shop

She pays for her coffee and walks out onto her platform. Head up and happy

to looking around her and smiling at anyone she sees.

EXT. Train Platform

Looking around subtly to see if she can spot him, she sees him and

immediately smiles, until she looks down slightly and sees a woman with

her arms around him smiling and laughing. He interacts with her in the same

regard. It is clear that they are a couple.

Crushed she immediately puts her head down, as the train pulls up. She

steps on and takes a seat. The white noise returns, and she tries to hold

back her tears and is annoyed she feels this way after a week.

INT. Girl’s Apartment

Next day, alarm goes off, door slams.

INT. Train Carriage

She sits and does not see him in sight.

EXT. Girl’s Apartment

The next day alarm goes off, door slams.

EXT. Train Platform

She looks around but he is nowhere to be seen.

EXT. Girl’s Apartment

Again, next day, alarm goes off, door slams.

INT. Train carriage

She is sitting twiddling her thumbs when a large presence takes up her

space. He sits down beside and smiles at her, she gives him a half smile

back and then they start to talk as the camera pans out to end the film.

INT. Train Carriage

The next day he is with his girlfriend again, sitting in the same carriage

as them she cannot help but watch them together.

INT. Girl’s Apartment

The next week her alarms goes off and she slams her hand down to turn it

off, crawls into the shower and leaves the house not slamming the door but

moving slowly like she does not want to leave, we see this from inside the

apartment. The atmosphere is tense and sad.



14 15

16 17

18 19

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Very basic storyboarding, I usually stick to cut shots and never move the camera

but with this short film I want to do panorama of the scenes, and do transitions

between the windows of the trains if I can. I always remember reading in an

animation book, to do what a camera cannot, which makes me want to push

myself more. I want to do a lot of point of view shots to try and show the main

girls anxiety and lonliness in contrast to when she is around the man.





This blue palette is the complementary colours to the

one below, I want to show contrast between happy

and sad in my short film to add effect. I picked a colour

scheme I liked and then found the complementary

colours and changed the saturations for more variations

for myself.



This middle row is my main inspiration for the colour

scheme and then I built the rest around that. I struggle

with getting visually pleasing colour schemes and getting

variations to surround them, I am hoping that with the

scenes and characters put together this scheme will fit






With the characters I wanted then to look as life

like as possible but easy to manover for my sake.

I used inspiration from Nicolas Rix designs as I

like his angular shapes and the proportions of the

characters he designs. The feet are extremely simple

and the hands are over sized, the hands may

be an issue when

considering objects they may need to grab or hold.

Basically each scene is a different day too so I had

to consider

different outfits for each of them and their aesthetic.

Again I tried to keep these as simple as

possible so they would be easier to


With their colour schemes I just stuck with the

same colour

palette as the sets will be in so the continuity is

kept and the scenes will be more visually pleasing.




When I went to Bolton film festival I think it was Flipbook Porductions that

showed us how they created colour storyboards as they wanted to see how

the atmospher could change throughout their short film and how well it

would work. I knew I would need to create one for this short film. In past

projects I always did focus on colour and

atmosphere but was never able to nail it. By doing this I feel like I have a

better chnace to see how the colours interact with each other and if there is

much difference between scenes.

I used the colour scheme that is a few bages before this, the more

lively colours are still quite dull however, they are more aesthetic and I do

think it helps to show a subtle contrast between the two

atmospheres I am trying to mantain.








I really wanted to see how panorama backgrounds would look when it came to short

films. I made these with the intention to have camera movement in my short film. The

background at the bottom of this spread was going to be a panning point of view shot

showing the girl looking along the train platform and finding out her love interest was

with another woman. Unfortunately I ended up zoomed in on a section with the love

interest with no camera movement.

With the cut up cross sections of the train I wanted to make the camera zoom out

and the different cross sections come into view till you could see the two characters

through the train window. Again I ended up just zooming in on a section and having

the camera hold.

Both these ideas were halted by my time management and I do think they would

have helped to make the short film a lot more interesting and to help keep the

viewers attention. I think in the future I need to simplify my scenes to allow myself

time to make scenes with camera movements. I did really enjoy thinking of these

ideas and trying to work out how best to execute the backgrounds so that they would

work when it came down to editing.


Colour has always been a priority when it comes to me creating short films. In the

section above I would have talked about having two different colour schemes both

complimentary to each other but one had warmer tones and the other colder tones.

I wanted to use these different palettes to show how the main character was doing

mentally and how her love interest changed her outlook. This unfortunatelty did not

go to plan, I made the decision to colour the backgrounds in the best way I could with

both palettes and if I had time to use colour gradients to alter them to reflect the

mood but I did not have time.

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I intended to create a few more backgrounds for the inside of the train so that I could

show more angles but I had to restrict my expections and work within the time I had.

I did not want to sell myself short for time on other aspects for the short film.

When it came to getting the perspectives for the insides of trains it was difficult to

find references online of typical trains. I did my best when thinking of point of view

angles to try and show that the story is from her point of view and it is how she

perceives the world.

I tried to make the background as simple as possible with still having all the main

features that you would find on a train. I left the doors empty on ones that I wanted

to show the doors opening or closing. I am hoping to use the windows to show

movement by just having fast lines rushing by them to show the speed of the train

and to bring the scenes more to life.

The colour scheme is a bit odd for the train, however I was in a bit of a bind on what

looked best with the colour palette I had originally chosens. It definitely makes the

train look more unique than it is.

For improvements I would have changed some of the angles I used, created similar

backgrounds but at a higher resolution and with a wider scope of the train so I was

not restricted when it came to changes in my original idea.




When coming up with inspiration for my house backgrounds I collected different

images off pinterest and merged different ideas together. I really like how these

turned out. I used a lot of different angles and perspectives to keep the scenes

interesting. I also liked the colours used as they are all cohesive with the rest of the


I did want to add more clutter and plants to show more personality but did not think

it was essential so told myself I would revisit it if I had the time. I wish I added

shadows before animating as it would look a lot more realistic and like more effort

was put into them. For the windows I left clear because I wanted to add in gardens

and outside elements. All the frames are blank too which I wish I had filled in as I

went along.


As much as I planned in advance my time management was still weak. I did find that

I had improved significantly from past deadlines and I am thank ful that I have gained

skills to progress more when it comes to future work. I am always having to consider

my limitations when it comes to time management but I still want to create a lot of

work at a high standard. This is definitely my main issue, like with the amount of

separate scenes I wanted to do for this short film.

When it came to prioritsing my work load I was strict with myself that if the

deadline had came that I needed to move on with my next task and if I had time when

everything was finished that I would revisit it. This did work well meaning that I did

end up with a finished animation, with sound and I am some what pleased with its

outcome. I was not hard on myself about things that I could improve on as I knew it

was just down to poor time management and now restricting my aims.


I really enjoyed making these backgrounds as I could be creative with the interior.

They turned out really well and help to create a world in my short film. I created a

cross section of the coffee shop from the front view, this helped to make any changes

to the cafe scenes easier and would have allowed for camera movement too. I like the

colour scheme used in it as it is bright and vibrant.

Adding in a coffee shop helped to create a bigger world and make the overall short

more interesting as if I only had a train platform and a house it would be quite dull.

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When it came down to animating a learnt a lot that I did not think I would. I started

off well with doing keyframes of a few scenes and then going into inbetweens for

them. I was working on two’s so it made my workload a lot easier. When it got closer

to my animation deadline I did have to cut down on some scenes jsut to get them

done so I could still place them in.

I stuck to just animating the bodies so I could focus on movement over facial features.

I do think this was a good idea as the work was getting done at a faster rate and I was

able to focus on one aspect. Since doing this I am going to leave some of the scene

without lips and eyes as I think the characters are small enough that the added detail

would take away from the illustrative style. On scenes where there are close ups or

conversations I am going to add faces. I have considered if I have shot myself in the

foot because now I am restricted on time will I get it done and if not does the story

still come across.

I did have to cut a lot of scenes just due to time restrictions. These were chosen based

on whether I thought I could do without them or not. This helped to ease my stresses

significantly and am thankful that I had that option.

After all the scene were outlined I went into colouring which was a pretty simple

process of just colour dropping thankfully. After this I went into shading which was a

bit more time consuming. The majority of the scenes have been shaded luckily but

there are a few that have not. Again if I have the time I will revisit them.

Initially with the additional background people I wanted to have them moving about

a lot more to show the busy train station life but I did not have the time, I instead

boiled them so there was at least some movement in them. I am happy I added them

in as it does help to make the scenes come more to life. I made them look like

shadows to emphasise the importance of the two main characters and how significant

the main character is and who she cares about.

With anything to do with trains I wanted to show movement, whether that be in the

carriage wobbling and the people correcting their stances or a train pulling into the

station and opening the doors. Sadly I was not able to do this and had to accept that it

was not going to be in my short film.

In conclusion I am very happy with the outcome of my work, I have put a lot of effort

into it and have been able to accept that all my goals were not going to be met.




I learnt from creating character sheets for another person the importance of having a

reference image constantly to ensure continuity. I tried my hardest to keep the

characters looking the same throughout the short film. In all honesty I realised that it

sometimes depended on my mood and work flow whether I was going to achieve this

or not. I do think that the characters have detered slightly from their original

character sheet but I think I have done a some what good job at keeping them


I wanted to use gestures as much as possible to show anxiety or nerves to help

portray what was going on. I wanted to create a lot of point of view shots from the

view of the main girl. This was to show that the short film is based around her mental

health and life.

When picking colours for their outfits I did try to consider which colours are happy,

hopeful or sad to try add some emotion into it. I did really want to incorporate colour

into this short a lot more but was unable to achieve this.

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When it came to editing my sound my original goals were to make white noise more

evident when it came to the main girls day to day life. After she meets the male

character the sound gets more cheery and hopeful, rather than the dull annoying

noises that life usually presents.

I do not think I created this as best as I could, I would have liked to have had muffled

sounds and a greater contrast between the highs and lows. I should have gone into

researching different techniques so that I could not only have a better


With editing it took me a while to get all the scenes in place and in an order that was

clear to what was going on. I discovered also that my original story was not as clear

when everything was put together which was a bit disheartening but with time

restraints there was nothing I could do. I wanted to add camera movements and have

the train move to make the scenes more realistic but I had to be realistic with my time

schedule and the liklihood that I would have time to complete that.

The editing is very weak I will be honest it is just cuts straight into the next scene. I

would have had to do a lot more pre-production planning when it came to my

animatic so that I could create smooth transitions between scenes. Again that is down

to my own time management and something I will learn from when it comes to me

creatign any new short films or small animations.


I really enjoyed making this poster towards the end of my project as it was nice to

create a single shot and have the title of the short film you have been working on

presented in a nice way. I came up with three concepts for my poster but thought this

best represented the storyline, two character in a train station.

I am proud of the work I have created for this short film, could it be better,

completely! But I worked hard and have seen a lot of improvement in myself and I

have learnt a lot this year about time management and stress levels. Creating the

style I went with turned out really well and it helped to show my illustrative personality

a lot more.



Fig 1: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/523050944235566239/

Fig 2: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/21/2b/41/212b415ef2ac68e81050fa99bdd06ec8.jpg

Fig 3: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/523050944235487715/

Fig 4: https://www.flickr.com/photos/gooldays/6132510932/in/photostream/

Fig 5: https://www.timeout.com/london/news/take-a-ride-on-the-piccadilly-line-in-a-restored-1938-art-deco-tube-train-022420

Fig 6: https://www.creativelocation.co.uk/

Fig 7: https://www.behance.net/collection/172941883/Moody-Winter

Fig 8: https://www.flickr.com/photos/francescarter/13349093884/

Fig 9: https://www.flickr.com/photos/40489616@N00/5841616664/in/photostream

Fig 10: https://www.aladyinlondon.com/2019/02/train-travel-uk.html

Fig 11: https://www.reddit.com/r/analog/comments/ezzi2i/morning_lights_fujifilm_tiara_fuji_c200/?utm_


Fig 12: https://www.flickr.com/photos/supermarke/3946340978/in/faves-annahough/

Fig 13: Movie: Marriage Story 2019, director: Noah Baumbach. Image Found: https://www.thewrap.


Fig 14: Nathan Head Photography. Images found: https://nathanheadphotography.tumblr.com/


Fig 15: Doug John Miller. Images found: https://www.dougjohnmiller.com/

Fig 16: Nicholas Rix. Images found: https://nicolasrix.com/

Fig 17: Fuelled, Killedthecat Productions. 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVzT6D-yhZg

Fig 18: Normal People, 2020, directed by Lenny Abrahamson and Hettie Macdonald. Series 1 episode 8.

Fig 19: Series: Fleabag, 2016-2019. Written by Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Directed by Harry Bradbeer. Scene:

Series 2, episode 1.

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