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The possibility of the GOP rolling back LGBTQ+ protections is not

a theoretical concern but a real threat, as seen under the Trump

administration. President Trump revoked Obama-era protections

for transgender students and banned transgender people from

openly serving in the military, among other things. The GOP has a

history of espousing conservative social values that run counter to

the LGBTQ+ community’s interests and priorities. They have also

introduced bills aimed at limiting the rights of same-sex couples

to adopt and foster children and restrict transgender individuals’

ability to change their gender on official documents.

These potential rollbacks have far-reaching consequences

and could exacerbate the already alarming increase in violence

against the LGBTQ+ community. The National Coalition of Anti-

Violence Programs reported a 43% increase in hate violencerelated

homicides of LGBTQ+ individuals in 2020 compared to the

previous year. The Human Rights Campaign recorded the highest

number of anti-transgender bills introduced in state legislatures

in US history in 2020, which contributed to the rise in violence

against the transgender community. The Southern Poverty Law

Center reported a record high number of hate groups in the US,

many of which promote anti-LGBTQ+ views and are linked to

violent acts against the community.

It is incumbent upon all individuals and communities to stand

together and combat hate and discrimination, working towards a

society that is inclusive and accepting of all. By voting, supporting

LGBTQ+ organizations, and advocating for equal rights and

protections, individuals can make a difference in safeguarding

the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. Every action, no matter

how small, can have a positive impact and contribute to a more

equitable and just society.


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