Poetry Portfolio (Final)

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Affection In Stages

By Davy Washington

ENGL 304A(2)

Poetry Portfolio Final

December 8th, 2022

1301 College Ave, Fredericksburg VA, 22401



artist statement

revised poems

a language i can’t understand

sprite and lemonheads

we wore our keys;

rest easy, summer (rest easy, darling S)

original drafts

a queer child’s call for introspection

an elegy for what was

you are a metaphor for a featherless raven

obsession is the least of my concerns

soapbox litany

covert coffee maker

we wore our keys;

Artist Statement

From an incredibly young age, I’ve had a deep appreciation for and strong love-hate relationship

with poetry. I believe that humanity calls for independence from emotions to survive, but also,

and quite contradictorily, relies on our ability to empathize with one another for relationships to

form, which is the prime emotion that poetry calls on for writing (no matter the subject matter). I

write for my self-declared just cause of exploring the expression of all emotions to comprehend

what can’t be, and poetry is by far my favorite method of doing so. I’ve always held the belief

that a deep respect for poetry should be established first before trying to accost it and will your

words into its fabric. The English language is malleable and inspiring, which also allows for

poetry to exist. That being said, I’ve taken a great amount of inspiration and had a strong

connection with the themes of love. Heartbreak, first loves, sex and intimacy, and loss among

many movements. In my current life, I’ve met a person who has allowed me to reconnect myself

to those themes and how to express them with words I couldn’t fathom, but felt the need to

search for. I’ve become enamored with their being, been compelled to create delicate prose, and

coerced into letting their being run through me in a way that has allowed me to create works that

I’m incredibly proud of and fought back with me as I wrote them. They, who are mentioned by

name in the revised poems, have turned my head upside down, flipped it around, and put it back

on nicely. I have never felt a need to establish a declaration of love, but these poems have been

the very start of that process. I approach the poems I’ve written with a great level of courage that

has allowed me to rewrite the ones that have struck me back the hardest. I find it easiest to write

away from people, to allow my thoughts to materialize and speak to me themselves. This was

especially the case with sprite and lemonheads, where I shut myself in my room with my

emotions and let myself type until we were satisfied with the outcome. For rest easy, summer,

my main goal was to dip my toe into free form, and let the words take whatever shape on the

page that they felt so inclined to take, and I’ve fallen in love with the result. I hope that from

reading these poems, you can begin to grasp how hard my heart beats and why these themes have

consumed every inch of my brain. And to my poems, who have kept me awake for countless

nights, I thank you for allowing me to peer into so many deep facets of humanity. If possible, I’d

invite you all out for drinks. You have given me more than what can be listed on paper, and for

that I thank you.

a language i can’t understand

by davy washington

tiny hallways bring us close: a tease.

converse moving along marble floor.

we laugh; sound waves hitting the walls,

make the concrete shake. we need more space.

i can not deny the movements we’re making.

waves of euphoria creep down my spine.

a warmth overbearing, engulfing

us. on this bed, my bed, on fire.

swelling fingers interlock,

this sounds strangely familiar.

i can not deny the blaze in my heart.

look at me. i can see my reflection,

smiling, in your eyes.

just past your iris i catch a glimpse of fear, i shake.

caressed by trust, your palms, assured that we are both here.

these are the feelings of feeling real and

i can not deny what i

feel is real.

sprite and lemonheads

by davy washington

two fizzy butterfly kisses brought us together.

i held your hand in mine just to see

your cane sugar smile clear a sky of gray.

two bubbly butterfly kisses brought us together.

too much honey on my tongue, so i wrote you a letter

that’ll come quick, like hummingbirds for nectar in may;

two sparkling butterfly kisses brought us together.

your touch makes me sizzle like a sprite in hot july weather.

as fireworks spark, watch my body sway.

i’m used to a taste that’s strongly bitter.

sour lemonheads have come and gone. please. stay.

two tingly butterfly kisses brought us together.

i love you, Key.

we wore our keys;

by davy washington

i am firmly pressed

against your chest, body

to body.

you look at me, and

as we mesh and mix, body to body,

you, in this bed, holding me

tightly, invite me in.

our beads of sweat are writing a story on this bed.

when i was younger,

i didn’t know that someone could long for my pull and push.

but now, you are here, biting your lip, smiling in this bed.

i push--

no--move my affection through you

to make it felt from your spine to your fingertips

that you are the sun to me. i will cherish you.

i will find a way to make sure you know

that our hearts are touching too.

rest easy, summer

by davy washington




around one

another like twizzlers,

i’d hum a lullaby to help you sleep.

but as the seasons change, my voice has grown hoarse,

made dry by the settling of the last drop of dew.

you are missed, summer.

the time of year

has arrived where

your ghost

it laughs:

“I’m Dead!”

haunts me


taunting me with

brushing over me,

leaving me feeling like

and am somehow at fault for

a chilling wind

consuming me,

i am ill

your death.

your warm textures are no longer held by

my skin,

the viscosity of your sun-beam blood still feels like thin

film on my arms and

hands and fingers.

i spit out my


and accept my nervous nature.

i am left here, without you, on

god’s green archipelago.

a queer child’s call for introspection

by davy washington

two clear distinctions.

two sides of a gendered line.

“binaries provide clarity.”

a world that’s hungry

to be sure of your parts.

“binaries provide certainty.”

broad shoulders,

brute force,

boiling rage.

i can not function

like other men, and

i rebuke them.

small frame,

scented fingertips,

serene like the ocean.

to be a woman

is to suffer from

unrecognized superiority.

since i do not fit

in to one or the other,

i implore reconsideration.

prepare to think

and feel but

never really understand.

sex: a great divide

that pushes most

to one side or the other.

what happens when

you step between—

the divide, of course—

to see what it’s like

for those who live in the middle?

between the binary.

the curtain falls.

the line cracks,

and gender breaks off.

look within, and

ask yourself.

question everything.

approach society—

accost it—

at the center of

what is known

in the world

and scream:

“this is my body.

i am what i am.

it’s not what you wanted.”

who will answer?

who will listen?

who will have the heart to reply,

“I love you

the way you are

my child.”

an elegy for what was

by davy washington

i’d say i’m lonely nowadays.

i pace while walking around our old dining hall, nervous

that i might see a memory sitting in a booth, rotting away.

i want to forget about you two.

our memories.

two heads are better than one, and three’s company. but now my head bobbles alone. you two are


my ears don’t ring with the high pitched laughter, or late night euphoria in our lofted beds. and

that hurts.

but i still went to our funeral.

our future carried promise.

we became blood through indirect contact. countless afternoons in study rooms, spring water

rushing through a beautiful fountain.

i always put you two first, but in turn i made myself forgotten. in the dark.

constantly left behind.

i always wonder if my words can reach their ears from beyond the grave.

i think it’s silly that our friendship was cut so short. ended by the changing of seasons and

a truth revealed: we weren’t as good of friends.

i was mistreated.

things were never that good.

i screamed in aching pain every day, waiting for one of you to just look at me with gentleness

and not disgust.

every day was always so damn cloudy.

today, i lament.

but tomorrow i move on. i will let go of a friendship that’s no longer mine.

college will run its course and these’ll be the best years of my life. and you two will be a

memory, biting the dust tail of time.

you are a metaphor for a featherless raven

by davy washington

oxymoronic, so you dare not speak.

i'm ignorant beyond what the world knows.

alien language, spoken from your beak

makes you different from most older crows.

i want to hear your voice dead bird, so scream

and tell the world that you are weak and small.

your wish for love is still only a dream;

feeling the warmth and care from all who fall

victim of your curse and pledge loyalty

without thinking once that you will bring death.

some will cry and wish death would set them free.

some will crumble, longing for a last breath.

yet still, with a heavy heart, i love you,

and till death do we part will have to do.

obsession is the least of my concerns.

by davy washington

i hope you found the letter that i wrote yesterday. i was sitting in my room on the eve of

autumn’s end, without the echoes of your voice bouncing off the walls. a cold wind started to

settle in, and my heartbeat slowed. i looked up from my pen and paper, saw but a few leaves

swaying in the wind, and thought about the first time that you smiled at me. it was when i was

born, only three months ago. the way your lips creased was pleasant, and i knew i’d grow quite

fond of you after that. i thought about how cold my skin felt in that moment, as i was writing it,

even though the 6:04 PM sun-rays beamed through my window and painted the corner of my

room the color of your skin. my outer layer was firm and rigid. bark-like and withering. my mind

flooded with images of us, laying in the bed that i was sitting in, and i wanted so desperately to

see your eyes staring back at me whenever i looked up. i loved your gaze so dearly. it tickled me

like leaves falling on my face, gave me a smile, and warmed me like the golden sun. somehow,

though, i always managed to make you sad. i never stopped looking at you when you cried. i

stared at you with wide eyes and empty branches, and it scared you. or, at least, you said it did. i

wanted to swallow your tears: salty, sea-like, savory, and satiating; to feed your sadness to my

roots and sprout like a seed. but i could never get enough. i can’t grow. i remembered every line

and mark on your face, so that one day i could paint a picture of you and use my branches like

paintbrushes. i care about you, so i’m sorry to leave you devastated. when i saw you yesterday, at

the end of the equinox, you said that i wouldn’t see you again, and i asked you why. you said that

we’ll talk tomorrow. when you woke up today, and all of the trees were dead, you couldn’t find

me. that’s because i also died today.

soapbox litany

by davy washington

you never knew me.

you never held me like a gentle breeze,

you never knew the oak tree-bark of fall,

you never painted pictures with fallen leaves on empty roads.

you never left summer's sand-ridden and bee-buzzing side.

you never knew how fun pumpkin seeds could be.

you never looked at the arrangement of stars in the black-box sky,

you never read me cliche verses of rupi kar late at night.

you never tripped over your words,

you never thought about me twice.

you never invited me into your home.

you never could take the place of my winter scarf.

you never kissed the front of my forehead to keep it warm,

you never held my tongue with yours,

you never licked away my sodium-dense tears.

you never held me close in harsh winter storms.

you never were mine to love.

you never can tell me you love me.

you never will feel my love.

you never will love me.

covert coffee maker

by davy washington


fly traps coiling down

mosquito covered donuts

and i am at a loss of words

at how deliciously demented

this makes me feel.

i want to go backback,

go back to

the days where standing

behind a counter used to

be so


what once brought joy is now laborious,

i reek of fake dough that makes $3.25 every transaction,

and my mental state is just as fluffy.


maggie had a vision when she

saw this husk. remodel, remake.

but you still couldn’t shake

what was baked into your cupcakes and

lemon poppy-seed muffins.

deception occurs

most when those

who are unaffected

choose to look away.

but i peered in.

at least, i did. between each shift, greeting,

and endless night of sweeping of brownie crumbs that deserved a better home.

now i can’t avert my eyes from what really happens in these walls.

what it really means to be in this bake-shopped family.

we wore our keys;

by davy washington

i’m pressed firmly against your chest, body

to body, our beads of sweat have written a story on this bed.

heavy breaths tell me all i need to know

about which buttons i need to push.

my fingers trace your figure and jump at the opportunity to make you recoil, and

i am left speechless by your nimble motions.

my eyes capture every muscle-twitching motion,

as we mesh, mix, and mold each other, body to body,

leaving no trace of an uncertain love behind. you,

in this bed,

holding me tightly, beg me to push, so i push.

i want to hear all there is to know.

when i was younger, i didn’t think i would know

how to match another’s movement.

that someone could long for my pull and push,

or to see every curve, indent, and protrusion of my body.

but here you are, biting your lip, smiling in this bed,

these two genderless vessells, and

i am so enamored. you look at me, and,

without an ounce of hesitation, i know

that you want to blossom in this bed.

that one aspect of time can be controlled: its motion.

when you move your hands all over my body,

i can take the hands of the clock and push

and push them back and back to keep them still.

i push--

no--move my affection through you and

make it felt from your spine to your fingertips, your whole body,

that you are the sun to me. but i want you to know

that this is all for goodness’s sake. the motions

that we make will move beyond this bed.

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