Intel’s turnaround and the future of chipmaking_The Economist

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Intel’s turnaround and the future of chipmaking | The Economist

08/09/2021, 12:50


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Gelsinger’s opening gambit

Intel’s turnaround and the

future of chipmaking



Pat Gelsinger is opening up America’s historically

hermetic semiconductor giant — and shaking up

its industry in the process

Sep 6th 2021


WHEN SATYA NADELLA took over as boss of

Microsoft in 2014 he started by opening Windows.

Unlike his predecessors, who had kept the software

giant’s crown jewel hermetically sealed from the

outside world, he exposed the operating system



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Intel’s turnaround and the future of chipmaking | The Economist

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Give this


(OS) to the breeze of competition. The !rm’s other

programs, which used to run almost exclusively on

Windows, could now operate on other OSs,

including Linux, an “open-source” rival which

Microsoft had previously called a “cancer”. The

manoeuvre both broadened the market for

Microsoft’s software and improved Windows by

forcing it to compete with rival OSs on more equal

terms. In the process, it shook up Microsoft’s

culture, helped it shed its reputation as a nasty

monopolist and paved the way for a stunning

revival that saw its market value soar above $2trn.

Now the other half of the once almighty “Wintel”

arrangement, whereby PCs would run on Windows

software and chips made by Intel, wants to throw

the windows open. The American semiconductor

giant has long guarded its core chipmaking

business as jealously as Microsoft did its OS. After

years of product delays, misplaced technology bets

and changing management, it is ready for some

fresh air. “Our processes, our manufacturing, our

intellectual property through our foundry services

[producing processors for other chipmakers]: all

will now be available to the world,” professes Pat

Gelsinger (pictured), Intel’s newish boss.


If successful, Mr Gelsinger’s strategy could reshape

a $600bn industry at the heart of the fast-digitising

global economy for the better. Failure could, in the

short run, compound the chip shortages that are

making life di"cult for manufacturers of


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making life di"cult for manufacturers of

everything from cars to data centres. In the longer

term, it could lead to further concentration of the

already cosy chipmaking market, with Intel

increasingly eclipsed by rivals. And it may cement

Asia’s dominance of the industry, creating all kinds

of geopolitical complications.

Although Microsoft and Intel reside in di#erent

parts of the tech universe, they used to be

structural twins. Just as Windows and O"ce,

Microsoft’s package of business applications, were

designed to work best with each other, Intel has

been designing its own microprocessors and

making them in “fabs” optimised for the purpose.

As the tech industry has grown bigger, more

diverse and more networked, this once dominant

“integrated device manufacturer” (IDM) model has

fallen out of favour (just as vertical integration

became a drag for Microsoft as other tech

“ecosystems” popped up). As with the Microsoft of

old, Intel’s arrogance and insularity discouraged

other chipmakers from working with it, for

instance by combining chip designs. Instead they

ploughed their own furrows, focusing increasingly

either on designing chips (for example, AMD, Arm,

Nvidia and Qualcomm) or fabricating them

(notably Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing

Company, TSMC).

Intel has managed to stay closed for longer than

Microsoft thanks to the boom in cloud computing,

which boosted demand for pricey high-end

processors that power servers in data centres

where its so-called X86 architecture is now

dominant. These contributed one-third of Intel’s

total revenue of $78bn in 2020, and much of its

$21bn in net pro!t. Now, though, the company is

being overwhelmed by open systems like that of

Arm, whose blueprints are used in most of the

world’s smartphones (a market which Intel missed)

and are starting to appear in data centres—and

which was last year acquired by Nvidia for $40bn

(though trustbusters may yet scupper the deal). At

the same time TSMC took advantage of Intel’s

technological and management missteps to pull

ahead in both cutting-edge technology and


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ahead in both cutting-edge technology and

production volume. Both TSMC and Nvidia are

now worth more than twice as much as Intel (see

chart), despite lower revenues and pro!ts.

Enter Mr Gelsinger, who in February became Intel’s

third chief executive in as many years. He was the

!rm’s chief technology o"cer until 2009, when he

was pushed out. This background—plus what he

calls a decade-long “vacation from the chip

industry” as the boss of VMware, a software-maker

—allowed him to shake things up within weeks.

Rather than split Intel into a foundry and a chipdesigner,

as some analysts and activist investors

wanted, his “IDM 2.0” strategy doubles down on

integration. Mr Gelsinger sees this as Intel’s

competitive advantage. And an independent

foundry arm would struggle to compete with

TSMC, argues Pierre Ferragu of New Street

Research, who estimates that Intel’s

manufacturing costs are 70% higher than the

Taiwanese !rm’s.

Instead, Intel is opting for a sort of virtual

decoupling. The !rm will make more use of

outside foundries, including TSMC, to save costs

but also to bene!t from TSMC’s leading-edge

manufacturing processes. In July Mr Gelsinger said

his company intends to catch up with TSMC and

Samsung in its ability to churn out top-end chips.


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Samsung in its ability to churn out top-end chips.

His ambitious plan is to introduce at least one new

high-end processor a year, each with smaller

transistors and faster circuitry. By 2025 it aims

once again to be ahead of the pack with designs

that are no longer measured in nanometres but in

angstroms, the next smallest metric unit of

measurement, equal to one ten-billionth of a


At the same time, the company will o#er this

manufacturing magic to others by relaunching its

own foundry business. In contrast to its earlier

iteration, which was created in 2012 but never

really took o#, Intel Foundry Services (IFS) will

have its own pro!t-and-loss statement and, soon,

at least two brand-new fabs, which Intel will build

in Arizona at a total cost of $20bn.

Mr Gelsinger is now o# on a global tour to explain

and promote his new strategy, for instance at a

trade show in Munich on September 7th. He will

need all his enviable communication skills

(another thing he shares with Mr Nadella) to

convince investors. After a jump earlier this year

Intel’s share price has slumped back roughly to

where it was before his appointment was

announced. Mr Gelsinger seems undaunted.

Investors are asking two questions, he says, both

fair: can Intel execute this strategy successfully?

And when will this show up in earnings? “I’m OK

with that.”

Finding its old Grove

The answers will depend in part on whether Intel

can change its culture. That means rekindling what

Mr Gelsinger calls its “Grovian culture”, a reference

to Andy Grove, the !rm’s legendary co-founder,

who is best known for his mantra that “only the

paranoid survive”. It also entails shedding its

insularity. “My team needs to exercise a di#erent

set of muscles,” explains Ann Kelleher, Intel’s chief

technologist. Among other things, she says, it must

learn how to work with external customers and use

tools that are built elsewhere.

Above all, though, success will be contingent on

$awless execution. Cutting-edge chipmaking


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$awless execution. Cutting-edge chipmaking

involves around 700 processing steps and many

nanoscopic layers printed and etched on top of

each other. Adding to the complexity, Intel will at

last fully embrace “extreme ultraviolet lithography”

(which TSMC and others have already been using

to great e#ect). The company’s announcement in

late June that it would postpone production of

next-generation server processors for a few

months hints at the trickiness of the task.

IFS, too, faces challenges. Most analysts agree with

Mr Ferragu that the foundry business cannot really

compete with TSMC. This is not only a matter of

costs, size and a technological lag. Intel must also

persuade customers that it can overcome a built-in

con$ict of interest in trying to be both an IDM and

a foundry, points out Willy Shih of Harvard

Business School. Amid a future semiconductor

shortage the company may need to decide whether

to allocate capacity to its own processors or

honour the contracts it has with foundry



Intel nevertheless hopes it can carve out a big and

lucrative niche for its foundry. It is reportedly

interested in bee!ng it up by buying

GlobalFoundries, spun o# from AMD in 2009 and

currently owned by an Emirati sovereign-wealth

fund, for around $25bn. Although the talks had

stalled and GlobalFoundries !led to go public in

August, they may be restarted once the smaller

!rm gauges other investors’ interest—and so its

possible price tag.


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possible price tag.

With or without GlobalFoundries, Intel pledges a

new spirit of openness. It will no longer force

customers to use its proprietary tools when

designing their chips. More important, it will grant

them access to its chip designs and the technology

it has developed for “packaging” semiconductors

into the chips that end up in electronic devices. Big

cloud providers, such as Amazon Web Services

(AWS), will be able to take the design of an Intel

server processor, optimise it for their data centres

and combine it with other processor designs on a

single chip.

There seems to be growing interest in mixing and

matching, says Linley Gwennap of the Linley

Group, a consultancy. AWS and Qualcomm will be

among IFS’s !rst customers. There is also interest

in doing this domestically. American politicians

point to the actual pandemic-induced chip

shortage, and potential threats from China,

particularly to Taiwan, as reasons to worry that

most chips are nowadays made in Asia. Congress is

expected soon to approve a $52bn subsidy package.

The European Union has even more ambitious


Building new fabs in Asia would be 30-40%

cheaper, Mr Gelsinger concedes, “but the incentive

dollars allow me to invest more and go faster” at

home. That appeals to customers who are

particularly sensitive about security. America’s

Defence Department recently decided to use Intel’s

American foundry.

Attracting government money may be the

foundry’s main raison d’être, observes Stacy Rasgon

of Bernstein, a broker. Becoming reliant on state

support risks blunting the very competitive edge

that Mr Gelsinger hopes to sharpen. And as a mindnumbingly

complex hardware business, Intel may

!nd it more di"cult to turn itself around than

Microsoft, which bene!ted from the faster change

that characterises the software industry.

The stakes are therefore high—and not just for

Intel. If the company continues to lose its edge, the

result will almost certainly be further


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result will almost certainly be further

consolidation. Today’s handful of big chipmakers

could eventually be whittled down to a duopoly.

Even if more survive, most fabs would probably all

be based in Asia (though TSMC plans to build a fab

in Arizona). Around 80% of the world’s

semiconductor capacity is already there, Mr

Gelsinger estimates; America accounts for 15% and

Europe for the rest.

Only the open survive

Western governments are not the only ones who

ought to pay attention to the fate of Mr Gelsinger’s

opening gambit. So, too, should today’s tech titans.

Like Microsoft before it, Intel got in trouble largely

because it was overprotective of its crown jewels.

Others might decide that the best way to avoid such

problems is to open up pre-emptively. Apple could

be a less harsh steward of its App Store; Facebook

could make its social network more interoperable

with rivals; and Google could give phonemakers

more freedom to tinker with its Android mobile

OS. This could ease trustbusters’ worries—and

make shareholders happier, too.

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