Giovanni di Paolo_ The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, v. 46 ..

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exiled from Athens, is crushed beneath the weight not of a

chariot but of a farm cart, and when Beatrice tells Dante

that if she smiled he would be consumed like Semele, there

in the illustration we see Semele exploding into flame (figs.

i, 2). In Giovanni di Paolo's predella panels the same sometimes

elevated, sometimes earthy imagination is at work. A

panel in The Jack and Belle Linsky Collection in the Metropolitan

Museum shows the Adoration of the Magi, but

an adoration of great simplicity, with one unprecedented

feature. The timid Saint Joseph is reassured by the youngest

king, who puts one arm around his shoulder and with the

other holds his hand (fig. 3).

3. Cilovannl di Paolo. Detail ot 1 he Adoration of the Magz, hgure 38


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