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Next I want to talk about good practices when using TOR, Tails and other hidden services.

First of all, it is highly recommended that you use multiple identities online for different

things. Perhaps if you are a buyer and a seller on an infamous bazaar, you may want to

have separate logins for this. And then possibly a third login for the forums. Then maybe

you want to be part of another marketplace, then you might want a fourth login.

Well, Tails has another good program offered by Tails is called KeePassX. When you have

multiple logins, it is hard to keep track of them all, so it might be a better idea to keep

them all in 1 document that is encrypted with a strong password. KeePassX can help you

with this.


You never want to use nicknames or locations, or anything else that is related to yourself

online when you post or create usernames. And another thing you need to adopt are new

ways of conducting yourself. If you are generally a messy typer, who makes the same

grammar mistakes, or the same spelling mistakes all the time, this can be used to identify

you. Always proof read anything you post publicly, or privately because the feds will

always find ways to correlate things to you.

Think about the time you use your computer. Is it easy to correlate your time zone based

on the time you go online? Or is it more random? Do you have patterns that are

predictable? Always think about these things when you post online. Always think about

what type of personality you are putting out there about your online name.

Expect that every single word you type online is being read by the Feds. To them, this is

much easier than tracking drug lords on the streets. They sit in an office and read forum

posts and try and make connections. Don’t underestimate the feds. Always treat

everything as compromised, always treat everybody as compromised and don’t ever think

anybody will ever go to jail for you. If somebody can avoid 10-20 years by ratting you

out, they will do it in a heartbeat.

The perfect example is Sabu from LulzSec. After he was busted and facing 112 years in

jail, they made him a deal to help them rat out his friends and he ended up getting many of

his “friends” arrested. Even people who are your friends will turn their backs on you when

it comes down to their freedom.

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