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talking about which state they live in. If you think that the FBI will never put the pieces

together, you may be sadly mistaken as Jeremy Hammond found out.

“Watching the WiFi network revealed the Media Access Control (MAC) addresses

of each device connected to the network. Most of the time there was only one, an

Apple Computer—and sup_g had told Sabu that he used a Macbook.

On March 1, the agents obtained a court order allowing them to use a “pen

register/trap and trace” device that could reveal only “addressing information”

and not content. In other words, if it worked, agents could see what IP addresses

Hammond was visiting, but they would see nothing else.

His Macbook’s MAC address was soon seen connecting to IP addresses known to

be part of the Tor anonymizing network.

And while this definitely sounded like their man, the Bureau went to even greater

lengths to double-check their target. The main technique was to observe when

Hammond left his home, then to call Sabu in New York and ask if any of

Hammond’s suspected aliases had just left IRC or the Jabber instant messaging


If this does not open your eyes to some of the mistakes you may have been making online,

then you need to reevaluate how you handle yourself online. Read the entire article to get

a better picture, but remember, I do not care if it is your best friend from elementary

school, do not, under any circumstances ever admit anything online to anybody. Never

under any circumstances take credit for any freedom fighting or hacktivism you have

participated in online. And for Christ’s sake, NEVER log into a server, especially one that

keeps logs with your real IP address!

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