The Wedding Crasher by Mia Sosa

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Michael’s crass prediction flashes in my brain. On the eve of associate

evaluations, what could be better than having my bosses so far up my ass that

I’d need an enema to flush them out? Metaphorically speaking, of course. I’m

already on shaky ground with the firm, which means I need this assignment.

Without it, I’m unlikely to turn things around to make partner by thirty, and if

I don’t, what the hell was the point of never deviating from my plan for

success all this time?

A woman with curly hair and chocolate-brown eyes immediately comes to

mind, and my solution tumbles out effortlessly, pure adrenaline fueling my

pitch-perfect delivery. “Sir, I didn’t bring this up earlier because it didn’t

seem relevant, but since you mentioned wanting these outings to be with our

significant others, now’s an appropriate time to tell you that I’m in a serious

relationship with someone, and I think she’d be a real asset to our effort to

recruit Kimberly Bailey.”

“Bullshit,” Peter coughs into his hand.

Henderson cocks his head. “You’re in a serious relationship? Less than

two weeks after you canceled your wedding?”

I chuckle and massage the back of my head. Shit, my ears are burning.

Don’t pass out, Dean. Don’t you fucking dare pass out. “It’s definitely an

unconventional turn of events, I get it, but the short story is that the woman

who stopped my wedding is a longtime friend. And, well, I’ll just say that

once the dust settled after the ceremony, we realized we’d been suppressing

some pretty big feelings. She’s known me longer than I’ve worked here, and

we’ve shared a condo for years, so she really is qualified to speak to what

she’s observed about my lifestyle as an associate firsthand, and what’s even

better is that she knows DC inside out. Anyway, I think she’d be more than

happy to join us.”

“What’s her name?” Peter asks.

He’s trying to box me into a corner. Well played, Peter.

“Her name’s Solange Pereira.”

Peter narrows his gaze on me but says nothing.

Henderson knows I’m more charming than the sack of potatoes to my

right. I mean, Peter unironically brags that he “bagged” his wife as soon as he

told her he’d graduated from Harvard—a moment he describes as the dating

equivalent of a mic drop. Skin-crawling stuff, really. Once Henderson

considers Peter’s insufferably douchey upturned collar, his choice will be


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