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Tenth floor…ninth floor…eighth floor…

My stomach sank further with each floor we passed.

When we reached the lobby, the elevator doors swished open, and I saw a

thick crowd of reporters clustered around the hotel entrance, held back only

by security. Their shouting reached a crescendo when they saw me, and

everyone in the lobby turned to stare at the source of the commotion.


I’d dealt with the press plenty of times in the past, but this was my first

encounter with them as crown princess. It shouldn’t be any different, but it


Everything was different.

My breaths turned shallow. Pinpricks of darkness danced at the edge of

vision, and my steps faltered.

“Breathe, princess,” Rhys said quietly. Somehow, he always knew. “You

are the future queen. Don’t let them intimidate you.”

Inhale. Exhale.

He was right. I couldn’t start my first day in my new role scared and

timid. Even if all I wanted was to run to my suite and never come out again, I

had responsibilities to fulfill.

I can do this.

I was the future Queen of Eldorra. It was time to act like it.

I took a deep breath, straightened my shoulders, and lifted my chin,

ignoring the stares of the other hotel guests as I walked toward the exit and

the beginning of my new life.

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