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stipulated the monarch must marry someone of noble birth. It was archaic but

ironclad, and as the future king, Nikolai fell under the law’s jurisdiction.

“No,” Nikolai said. “She’s not.”

I stared at him. It was so quiet I could hear the leaves rustle as they

fluttered to the ground. “What are you saying?”

Dread ballooned in my stomach, growing and growing until it squeezed

all the air from my lungs.

“Bridget, I’m abdicating.”

The balloon popped, leaving pieces of dread scattered throughout my

body. My heart, my throat, my eyes and fingers and toes. I was so consumed

by it I couldn’t speak for a good minute.

“No.” I blinked, hoping it would wake me up from my nightmare. It

didn’t. “You’re not. You’re going to be king. You’ve been training for it all

your life. You can’t just throw that away.”


“Don’t.” Everything around me blurred, the colors of the leaves and sky

and grass blending into one crazy, multicolored hellscape. “Nik, how could


Normally, I could reason my way out of anything, but reason had fled,

leaving me with nothing except pure emotion and a sickening sensation in my


I can’t be queen. Icanticanticant.

“You think I want to do this?” Nikolai’s face tightened. “I know what a

big deal it is. I’ve been agonizing over it for months, trying to find loopholes

and reasons I should walk away from Sabrina. But you know what Parliament

is like. How traditional it is. They would never overturn the law, and I…” He

sighed, suddenly looking much older than his twenty-seven years. “I can’t

walk away from her, Bridge. I love her.”

I closed my eyes. Of all the reasons Nikolai could’ve chosen for

abdicating, he’d picked the one I couldn’t fault him for.

I’d never been in love, but I’d dreamt of it all my life. To find that grand,

sweeping love, the kind worth giving up a kingdom for.

Nikolai had found his. How could I begrudge him something I would

myself give up my soul for?

When I opened my eyes again, he was still there, sitting tall and proud on

his horse. Looking every inch the king he would never be.

“When?” I asked in a resigned tone.

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