The Art of Manipulation and Influence_ Master 50 Manipulation Tactics for Success - Ivan Masilang

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The Art of Manipulation and Influence: Master 50 Manipulation Tactics for Success - Ivan Josh

‌Gaslighting: A type of manipulation where the manipulator is trying to get someone else (or a group of people) to question their own reality,memory or perceptions.

‌Mirroring: When someone copies the facial expressions,gestures,vocal inflections,opinions, and attitudes of another person during a social interactions.

‌Scared Kitten Method: This involves opening up to your victim while also explaining how you're improving yourself. Make them feel bad for you but make them think that they're

the only person you're opening up to.

‌Machiavellian Manipulation: Using lies,cheating,or flatter to get your way,They bend rules,trick people and fake sympathy using long term plans and calculated strategies.

‌Love Sniping: Rather than love bombing,you can hit them with precise bursts of love. Have regular conversations with them,then suddenly hit them with a huge compliment. You

can repeat this numerous times.

‌Triangulation: You make your victim focus your attention on the supposed threat of another person,rather than yourself. You report back falsehoods about what others say

about you're victim.

‌Projection: Claiming all the nastiness that surrounds you isn't your fault but rather your victims.

‌Playing on Insecurities: Targeting your victim's sense of shame. Makes your victim comply with you to avoid feeling it in the future. (ex. Your victim delt with selfish parents so

you start calling your victim selfish themself)

‌Charisma: Uses promise,friendship, and love to tame their target.

‌Imitation: Huge advantage and benefit for manipulation for it replicates one's behaviour,attitude and etc.

‌Flattery: Flattery Manipulation is a type of psychological manipulation that involves using compliments, praise, or flattery to gain favor or influence over someone. The flatterer

often has an ulterior motive,such as obtaining something from the target,gaining their trust,or manipulating them into doing something they wouldn't normally do.

‌White Knight: The manipulator will create a massive problem and claim to be a hero because he solved it,but no one knows he created and planned the problem.

‌Trauma Loop: Trauma Loop is very similar to White Knight,where you are saving them from a crisis. The difference is that they know you made the crisis. You are the root cause

of their pain and they know it. It's why toxic relationships break up and get back together over and over again, as they are being saved by the person that gave them their pain.

‌Ghosting: Ghosting Manipulation is a behaviour in which one person suddenly stops communicating with another person without any explanation or warning. This is often seen

in romantical relationships, but it can occur in other types of relationships as well. The person who is being ghosted is left feeling confused,hurt and powerless,as they have no

way of knowing why the other person has suddenly cut off contact. Example: Ghosting after an argument or disagreement to make the other person feel guilty or unsure about

the relationship. Disappearing and Reappearing inconsistently, keeping the other person on edge and unsure of the status of the relationship.

‌Feedback Loop: This is a type of Manipulation in which you reward them when they do something right and punish them when they do something wrong. It's similar to training a


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