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Gingelly oil, also known as sesame oil, is a highly prized and versatile cooking oil

that has been used for centuries in various cuisines around the world. Derived from

sesame seeds, gingelly oil is renowned for its distinct nutty flavor, rich aroma, and

numerous health benefits.

The production of gingelly oil involves extracting the oil from sesame seeds through

a process of cold pressing or expeller pressing. This method helps retain the oil's

natural nutrients and flavor. The oil has a golden hue and a smooth, silky texture,

making it a popular choice for both cooking and medicinal purposes.

In terms of culinary uses, gingelly oil is widely employed in Asian, Middle Eastern,

and African cuisines. It is commonly used as a cooking oil for stir-frying, sautéing,

and deep-frying, as it has a high smoke point, which means it can withstand high

temperatures without burning. The oil adds a unique nutty taste to dishes and

enhances their overall flavor profile.

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