Transparency, Ethics, Working Knowledge of Politics. Government office and policy. Exposing Corruption And Highlighting WKS Leadership Vision"

Handwritten key points of ethical, transparent, and working knowledge of politics, government office and policy--based on defining terms of resilience, thriving course to usher American back into dominance, defense, security, secure policy, reputation and standing on the world' stage.

Handwritten key points of ethical, transparent, and working knowledge of politics, government office and policy--based on defining terms of resilience, thriving course to usher American back into dominance, defense, security, secure policy, reputation and standing on the world' stage.


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I stand by Ethical and Transparent government, principle and integrity of office, oaths to public service, and the Constitution; right to self-determination, small business and grassroots democracy,

private property, redress of grievances, border-sovereignty, Life-blood of American values and heritage. Energy independence, robust military and defense; free-markets, minimal government and

less over-reach of Federal departments; Respect of State's rights and repairing fragmented system of separation of powers/Power vacuums; Against medical tyranny and abuses of power; Right to

Consent And Hospital Ethics and Life-saving treatments re-instated; Reduced regulation; Release of tax-fueled burdens and financial cost of living; Fiscal responsibility and massive overhaul of

budget spending; Meritocracy of Entry, Citizenship and due-process; and elevation of Border Patrol, National Guard Resources and red-tape removal; Veteran Stability And Condition; Prevention of

Terrorism, homegrown or state sponsored activities; Preservation of Women's Sports And Retaining Organic Biological Studies; Unbiased and Non-politically, Non-Partisan driven Environmental

Accountability and Preservation of safe, healthy and vital resources for Public consumption: with disease prevention and mediation with regard to human civil rights, anti-eugenics, in favor of ethical

treatment; Intelligence agency accountability and limited control of offices of administration, policy and foreign entanglements; Targeting Funding of institutions which increase hardship, struggle

and suffrage of Average Americans and identify progressive policy and controllers; Full Right To life defunding of Planned Parent-hood; and reclaiming our educational structure with traditional

values--restoring prayer, the National Anthem and respect of fellow man as core curriculum; The preservation of History, figures, monuments, and achievements with respect of Colonial 1776

Heritage, Early-American Studies, and our Declaration of Independence; {Full battle mode against all social, economic, military and domestic subversion with fierce opposition against: Communism,

Marxism, socialism and globalism which forces adherence, slavery, or subversion using mind-control propaganda, formation psychosis, and fear-- against independent states to embrace, by antifa

terrorism, BLM, Racial division, MSM narrative, and liberal ideology, to negate their own autonomy and embrace a consolidated, centralized power over the will, freedom and liberty of the majority

of the population to conform rigorously by asset forfeiture-- overreach and tyranny in which props up the power of The State-- in which free-elections are removed--the voice of the people is

absolved. I will not stand with the deep state, I honor the United States! }" ~WKS

These outlines are based on my personally handwritten key points of ethical, transparent, and working knowledge of politics, government office and policy--based on defining terms of

resilience, thriving course to usher American back into dominance, defense, security, secure policy, reputation and standing on the world' stage.

If a person has corrupt advisors which limit their capacity to decide policy decisions, to decide on good working partners for consideration, could these limits involve an investor partnership,

or long-standing prior commitment with in a protected class which hasn't revealed itself-- holding a stake over their decisions or one of the following:

I highlight these 5 lethal policy advisories as the main culprits of corruption:

(Big Pharma) (Secret society affiliation) (Brokers and lobbyists of political party) (Special Interests and big banks) (Hidden Agenda to stonewall good policy and planning) (I may also add

stubbornness and arrogance)

If a former president is influenced by corrupt advisors and disregards the best candidate for the vice president (Not limited to this) position due to not aligning with the corrupt inputs and

inner circle, several consequences may arise:

Missed Opportunity: By rejecting a strong, ethical, and principled candidate who values transparency and empowering the American people, the former president misses the chance to have

a capable and trustworthy vice president who could contribute positively to the administration's goals.

Lack of Ethical Leadership: Choosing to prioritize corrupt advisors and their interests over the well-being of the nation reflects a lack of ethical leadership and a disregard for the principles of

transparency, integrity, and good governance.

Limited Public Trust: The public may lose faith in the former president's judgment and intentions when it becomes evident that decisions are being driven by corrupt influences rather than

what is best for the country. This can result in decreased public support and confidence in the administration.

Hindered Progress: By aligning with corrupt inputs and advisors, the former president risks adopting policies and practices that serve the interests of special interests rather than the

American people. This can hinder progress, as the focus may shift away from genuine improvement and toward maintaining corrupt relationships.

Damage to Reputation: Acting undignified, hostile, disrespectful, and abusive toward a prospective vice president who does not align with the corrupt advisors can damage the former

president's reputation and public image. It can be seen as an abuse of power and further erode trust and respect.

Ultimately, by prioritizing corrupt advisors and their interests over ethical practices and the well-being of the nation, the former president risks compromising the integrity of the

administration, hindering progress, and damaging their own reputation.

Investor Partnership: The person may be influenced or controlled by individuals or organizations with significant financial interests, such as big pharmaceutical companies or powerful


Secret Society Affiliation: The person's involvement in a secretive group or organization might influence their decision-making and prioritize the agenda of that society over the public's best


Brokers and Lobbyists of Political Party: The person's decisions may be swayed by the influence and pressure exerted by brokers and lobbyists aligned with

a particular political party, potentially compromising their ability to make impartial choices.

Special Interests and Big Banks: The person may be beholden to special interest groups or large financial institutions, which could impact

their decisions to favor specific policies or regulations that align with those interests.

Hidden Agenda to Stonewall Good Policy and Planning: There might be undisclosed motives or hidden agendas aimed at obstructing or

derailing positive policy initiatives and planning, undermining the person's capacity to enact meaningful change.

These are examples of potential factors that could limit a person's ability to make independent and sound decisions. It's important to

recognize and address such influences to ensure transparent and ethical governance.

I committed these ideals to DJT in a recent email, I will do so here

in story form:

Once upon a time, in the world of American politics, the office of

the Vice President held great significance. It played a vital role in

the political process, policymaking, government operations, and

shaping the vision for the country.

The Vice President's responsibilities encompassed several key

aspects. Firstly, they were the next in line for the presidency,

ensuring the continuity of government in the event of the

President's departure. This position held immense power and

responsibility, requiring the Vice President to be prepared for any


Moreover, the Vice President served as a trusted advisor to the

President. Their expertise and experience allowed them to

contribute to policy decisions, attend meetings, and help shape the

administration's agenda. Their influence was invaluable in guiding

the nation towards progress and addressing critical issues.

Additionally, the Vice President held a unique role as the President

of the Senate. This position granted them the authority to cast tiebreaking

votes during deadlocks, thereby influencing the outcome

of crucial legislation and policy initiatives. Their decisions had the

potential to shape the course of the nation.

Beyond domestic affairs, the Vice President often represented the

United States on the international stage. They engaged in

diplomatic functions, negotiation processes, and ceremonial duties.

Their actions influenced the country's relationships with other

nations and the projection of American values and interests


Notably, the Vice President wielded political influence within their

own party. They played an active role in shaping the party's

platform, strategy, and messaging. Campaigning for candidates,

advocating for specific policies, and rallying support were all part of

their political responsibilities.

Moreover, the Vice President's vision and leadership were

instrumental in shaping the nation's trajectory. They articulated

policy goals, advocated for necessary reforms, and mobilized

public support. Their voice set the tone for the administration's

priorities and inspired a collective vision for the country's


In summary, the office of the Vice President held immense

importance in American governance. Their role encompassed

succession, presidential advisory, tie-breaking votes, diplomacy,

political influence, public advocacy, and shaping the nation's

vision. The Vice President's dedication to transparency, ethics,

and working partnerships in candidacy ensured effective

leadership and governance, fostering a prosperous and united


In light of this, knowing the role, contribution and platform of

Vice President represents, what would be the critical urgency

we have to bring attention to, if we witness an undermining of

this platform which would impede and harm this process, or

potentially overthrow it?

In the pursuit of transparent and ethical governance, it is crucial

to identify and address factors that could impede or overthrow

the process. Several potential threats to this process can hinder

the ability to make independent and sound decisions,

ultimately compromising the integrity of the administration and

the well-being of the nation.

One such threat is the prioritization of corrupt advisors and

their interests over ethical practices and the nation's welfare.

When leaders value personal gain or the agendas of corrupt

advisors more than the principles of transparency and ethics,

progress can be hindered, and the reputation of the

administration can be severely damaged.

However, the Vice President's role extended beyond politics and

party influence. They acted as a public advocate, championing

policy initiatives, raising awareness on important issues, and

driving positive change. Their dedication to specific policy areas,

such as healthcare or education, allowed them to make a tangible

impact on the lives of Americans.

Another concern is the influence exerted by individuals or organizations with significant financial interests, such as big pharmaceutical companies or powerful

investors. If a person is swayed or controlled by these entities, their decision-making may be biased and may not prioritize the public's best interests.

Membership in a secretive group or organization can also pose a threat to transparent and ethical governance. If a person's involvement in such a society

influences their decision-making process, the agendas of that society may take precedence over the well-being of the public.

The influence of brokers and lobbyists aligned with a particular political party is another factor that can compromise impartial decision-making. When a person's

choices are swayed by the pressure exerted by these entities, their ability to make independent and unbiased decisions may be compromised.

Special interest groups and big banks can also exert influence, potentially leading to decisions that favor their specific policies or regulations. This alignment with

powerful entities can undermine transparent and ethical governance by prioritizing the interests of a few over the broader welfare of the nation.

Furthermore, hidden agendas aimed at obstructing positive policy initiatives and planning can impede transparent and ethical governance. If a person's motives

are undisclosed or if there are hidden agendas at play, their capacity to enact meaningful change may be compromised.

Recognizing and addressing these potential threats is essential for ensuring transparent and ethical governance. It requires vigilance, accountability, and a

commitment to upholding the principles of transparency, ethics, and working in partnership with the people. By doing so, the risks of impeding or overthrowing

the process can be mitigated, and the well-being of the nation can be safeguarded.

Finally, The Department of Justice (DOJ) and other intelligence departments can play a role in the corrupt advisory that influences a former president's decisions.

These agencies are responsible for providing legal guidance, intelligence information, and policy recommendations to the president and their administration.

In some cases, corrupt advisory can occur within these agencies if certain individuals within the DOJ or intelligence departments are involved in unethical

practices or if they prioritize personal interests over the principles of transparency and ethical governance. This could include instances of political bias, abuse of

power, or the manipulation of intelligence to serve specific agendas.

Corrupt advisory within these agencies can potentially impact the decision-making process of a former president. If the former president relies heavily on advice

or recommendations from individuals within the DOJ or intelligence departments who are compromised by corruption, it can undermine the integrity of their

decision-making and hinder progress towards transparent and ethical governance.


The Pentagon and other intelligence departments can potentially factor into corrupt advisory and influence a former president's decisions. While these

departments are meant to provide objective and informed advice, there have been instances where corruption, improper influence, or unethical practices have

occurred within these institutions.

It could involve officials or advisors with vested interests in defense contracts or arms deals, leading to biased decision-making that prioritizes financial gains over

national security or ethical considerations. There have been cases where individuals within the defense industry or intelligence community have exploited

their positions for personal gain or engaged in corrupt practices, undermining the integrity of the advice provided to political leaders.

Furthermore, the influence of defense lobbyists and contractors can also play a role in shaping policies and decisions. These actors may have significant financial

interests tied to defense spending or specific military programs, leading to biased advice that favors their own interests rather than considering the broader

welfare of the nation.

Addressing and mitigating corrupt advisory within the Pentagon and intelligence departments requires a commitment to transparency, ethical leadership, and

rigorous accountability measures. It involves ensuring that individuals in advisory positions are selected based on their competence, integrity, and commitment

to serving the best interests of the nation. Additionally, implementing strong oversight mechanisms and whistleblower protections can help uncover and

address any instances of corruption or improper influence within these departments.

By promoting transparency, accountability, and ethical practices within the Pentagon and intelligence community, the risks of corrupt advisory can be minimized,

allowing for more informed and responsible decision-making that serves the best interests of the nation.

I authored 5 tenants based on great leaders of the past, and how they would have transitioned their positions and policies in light of today's progressive, leftist policy of narrative

propaganda. These outlines are based on my personally handwritten key points of ethical, transparent, and working knowledge of politics, government office and policy--based

on defining terms of resilience, thriving course to usher American back into dominance, defense, security, secure policy, reputation and standing on the world' stage.

To extend good policy and leadership values from the assertions and goals, a winning course would involve:

Drawing inspiration from the distinguished class of Churchill: Emulating Churchill's leadership qualities of resilience, determination, and unwavering

commitment to the nation's values. This includes having a clear vision, effective communication skills, and the ability which I believe can inspire and unite the

American people during challenging times.

1. Embracing the authority and strength of Eisenhower: Incorporating Eisenhower's decisive decision-making, strategic thinking, and emphasis on military readiness. This involves

prioritizing national security, rebuilding and modernizing the military, and ensuring a strong defense posture to protect American interests.

2. Upholding True American Class and values: Fostering a sense of national pride, promoting traditional American values, and upholding the principles that have made the country

great. This includes a commitment to individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and a strong emphasis on the Constitution and its original intent.

3. Leading with integrity and character: Demonstrating honesty, integrity, and moral values in all actions and decisions. This includes promoting transparency, accountability, and

ethical behavior within the government, and being a role model for the American people.

4. Navigating through the worst of times: Acknowledging the challenges and crises faced by the nation and providing effective leadership to overcome them. This involves addressing

economic hardships, social divisions, and external threats while offering practical solutions, unity, and hope for a better future.

5. Navigating through the worst of times: Acknowledging the challenges and crises faced by the nation and providing effective leadership to overcome them. This involves addressing

economic hardships, social divisions, and external threats while offering practical solutions, unity, and hope for a better future.

By integrating these leadership values and policy directions, a winning course would strive to restore and enhance the greatness of the United States, promote national unity,

protect American interests, and ensure the well-being and prosperity of its citizens.

WKS 10 Points of leadership policy, ethics, values and vision in light of these five tenants:

1.Resilient Leadership: Emphasize the importance of resilient leadership in the face of challenges, drawing inspiration from Churchill's determination. Implement policies that

address pressing issues such as economic recovery, national security, and social cohesion, while maintaining a steadfast commitment to American values.

2. Strengthening National Defense: Prioritize the modernization and readiness of the military, investing in cutting-edge technology, and equipping our armed forces to protect

American interests at home and abroad. Develop a comprehensive defense strategy that aligns with the changing global landscape and ensures the safety and security of the

American people.

3. Promoting American Values: Uphold and promote the core American values that have contributed to the nation's success. This includes protecting individual liberties,

fostering a thriving economy based on free markets, and championing the Constitution and its original intent as a guiding framework for governance.

4. Ethical and Transparent Governance: Establish a culture of integrity and transparency within the government, promoting ethical behavior and accountability at all levels.

Implement measures to root out corruption, ensure fair and just governance, and rebuild trust between the government and the people.

5. Addressing National Challenges: Develop comprehensive strategies and policies to tackle pressing national challenges, such as revitalizing the economy through pro-growth

measures, promoting job creation, advancing educational opportunities, and providing affordable and accessible healthcare options. Emphasize the importance of evidencebased

decision-making and seek input from experts and stakeholders to ensure effective solutions.

6. Unifying the Nation: Foster national unity by promoting dialogue, respect, and understanding among diverse communities. Bridge divides and work towards consensusbuilding

on critical issues, encouraging civil discourse and mutual respect among citizens with different viewpoints.

7. Strengthening Alliances: Prioritize maintaining strong alliances and partnerships with like-minded nations to address shared challenges and promote peace and stability

globally. Rebuild relationships with key allies and engage in strategic diplomacy to advance American interests while upholding principles of mutual respect and cooperation.

8. Empowering Individuals and Communities: Support policies that empower individuals and communities, providing opportunities for upward mobility, supporting

entrepreneurship, and investing in infrastructure development to revitalize neglected areas and promote economic growth in all regions of the country.

9. Embracing Innovation and Technology: Encourage innovation and technological advancements across sectors to drive economic growth, enhance competitiveness, and

address societal challenges. Foster an environment that supports research and development, promotes entrepreneurship, and ensures the United States remains at the

forefront of technological innovation.

10. Engaging the American People: Foster a strong connection between the government and the American people by actively engaging and listening to their concerns,

involving them in decision-making processes, and providing regular updates on progress and achievements. Utilize various communication channels to ensure transparency

and accountability in governance.

"By implementing these key points of intervention and action, a leadership official narrative can demonstrate a commitment to effective governance, national strength, and the well-being of the

American people.It reflects a vision for a united, prosperous, and resilient nation that upholds its values and remains a global leader in an ever-changing world. These 10 points are my groundwork of

good leadership qualities, vision and view of a prosperous nation." ~WKS

I ask two premier questions in my analysis in recent months, which effectively conclude every wider-implication

narrative of how every policy should be shaped-- and how do I reply to them as a consensus of my operating

knowledge of our society, and its progress with beneficial policies:

A. What does our thriving course of winning dynamics look like in a real world dynamic of ever divergent and

evolving trends working against it?

B. How does can we retain power in the midst of downward odds effecting every sector of society in America?

Here is one example:

A. In a real-world dynamic of ever-divergent and evolving trends, maintaining resilient leadership requires

adaptability and the ability to anticipate and respond to emerging challenges. It involves implementing policies that

address the specific needs and concerns of the American people, while remaining true to core American values. This

can be achieved through:

Developing comprehensive and forward-thinking strategies that consider the potential impact of emerging

trends, such as technological advancements, global economic shifts, and changing social dynamics.

Prioritizing evidence-based decision-making and seeking input from experts, stakeholders, and the public to

ensure policies are well-informed and responsive to the evolving landscape.

Continuously evaluating and adjusting policies as needed to effectively address emerging challenges and seize

opportunities for growth and development.

Fostering a culture of innovation within the government, encouraging the exploration of new ideas, approaches,

and solutions to overcome obstacles and drive progress.

Building and maintaining strong partnerships with diverse stakeholders, including businesses, community

organizations, and other levels of government, to leverage collective expertise and resources in addressing

complex challenges.

Providing clear and transparent communication to the American people, explaining the rationale behind policy

decisions, and engaging in open dialogue to build trust and maintain public support.

B. Retaining power in the midst of downward odds affecting every sector of society in America requires a

comprehensive approach that addresses the concerns and aspirations of the American people. This can be

achieved through:

Demonstrating tangible results and progress in addressing pressing issues, such as job creation, economic

growth, healthcare accessibility, and national security, to gain the trust and support of the American people.

Engaging in effective communication and outreach efforts to ensure that the benefits of policies are clearly

understood and felt by individuals and communities across the country.

Building coalitions and alliances with like-minded individuals, organizations, and political entities to strengthen

support and amplify the impact of initiatives.

Engaging in grassroots organizing and mobilization to empower and mobilize the American people, creating a

broad-based movement that advocates for the values and policies espoused by the leadership.

Actively listening to the concerns and grievances of the American people, and demonstrating a willingness to

course-correct and adjust policies in response to feedback and changing circumstances.

Upholding democratic principles and ensuring a fair and legitimate electoral process, allowing for peaceful

transitions of power and maintaining the legitimacy of the government without interference.

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