Affordable React Native Developers Creating High-Performance Apps on a Budget

Are you looking for React Native Developer? In this blog you can explore the benefits of React Native and learn how to leverage cost-effective development solutions without compromising on quality or user experience. Discover how to build high-performance mobile applications on a limited budget with affordable React Native developers. https://shivlab.com/react-native-app-development/

Are you looking for React Native Developer? In this blog you can explore the benefits of React Native and learn how to leverage cost-effective development solutions without compromising on quality or user experience. Discover how to build high-performance mobile applications on a limited budget with affordable React Native developers.



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Affordable React Native Developers: Creating

High-Performance Apps on a Budget

React Native App Development Services: An Overview

As a business owner, you aim to develop an efficient mobile app within a

limited budget to ensure high performance. Luckily, there are various

companies which provide affordable React Native app development services out

there without costing much.

For businesses with budget constraints, React Native is the optimal choice for

developing a high-performance mobile app. It allows you to build mobile apps

using JavaScript and a similar design as React, letting you compose a rich

mobile UI from declarative components.

With React Native, you don’t need to maintain separate iOS and Android

codebases. You can have a single codebase that works on both platforms. It

compiles your React Native code into native iOS and Android apps.

By opting for React Native, you can expedite mobile app development while

minimizing expenses. To initiate your React Native app project, it is advisable

to engage a skilled team of developers with React Native expertise. They can

help you with:

• Designing and building your React Native app from scratch

• Converting your existing native iOS and Android apps to React Native

• Adding new features and update your existing React Native app

• Providing ongoing support and maintenance for your React Native app

When hiring React Native developers, look for a team with:

• Extensive experience building and shipping React Native apps

• A solid understanding of React, JavaScript, iOS, and Android

• A track record of delivering high-quality work on time and within budget

• The ability to properly document their work and provide knowledge transfer

to your internal teams

Why Choose Affordable React Native Developers

For budget-conscious businesses aiming to create a high-performance React

Native app, hire cost-effective React Native developers is an excellent choice.

Here are a few reasons why:

• Cost-effective talent: Affordable developers from countries with lower

costs of living can offer competitive skills at lower rates. They go through

the same intensive training and certification as developers anywhere else.

• Focus on results: Affordable developers are often more focused on work

results and client satisfaction than on high salaries. They want to build their

reputation and experience, so they aim to exceed expectations.

• Flexibility: It's easy to scale an affordable team up or down as needed for

your project. You can start with a small core team and add more developers

to meet deadlines or expand features. Then scale back down when the

workload decreases.

• Cost savings: In addition to lower hourly rates, hiring affordable developers

often means saving on employee benefits, office space, and equipment.

Those savings can be invested back into your product.

Building Your App With a React Native Scrum Team

Utilizing React Native for app development enables the use of agile

development methodologies like Scrum, facilitating the creation of budgetfriendly,

high-quality products. A Scrum team typically consists of:

Product Owner

The Product Owner represents the client and stakeholders. They provide the

vision and priorities for the app.

Scrum Master

The Scrum Master facilitates the Scrum process. They coach the team, remove

roadblocks, and help maximize efficiency.

Development Team

The development team does the actual building of the app. They should have

experience developing with React Native and related technologies like:

• JavaScript

• Node.js

• Git


Work is done in “sprints” - typically 1-4 weeks. The team determines how much

work can be done in a sprint. They start each sprint with a planning meeting to

review priorities and create a sprint backlog.

Daily 15-minute stand-up meetings keep everyone in sync. At the end of a

sprint, the team reviews progress in a sprint review and retrospective. Any

unfinished work gets added back to the product backlog.

Key Benefits

Some benefits of the Scrum approach for React Native app development include:

• Quickly adapting to changes: Short sprints allow for continuous feedback

and pivoting based on client needs.

• High transparency: Daily meetings and reviews provide visibility into

progress and roadblocks.

• Constant improvement: Retrospectives help the team improve their

process and address any issues.

• High quality: An iterative approach and focus on continuous testing leads

to a robust final product.

• Cost efficiency: Early and frequent delivery of working software provides

more value at a lower cost.

Using an experienced Scrum team for your React Native project ensures you get

a high-performance app on time and within budget. Their agile process and

technical expertise will bring your vision to life.

Hiring Affordable React Native Developers: What to Look For

Experience Matters

Developing React Native apps requires knowledge of both JavaScript and native

mobile platforms. Developers with React Native experience encounter many

common challenges which allows them to build your app faster, and with fewer


Focus on Code Quality

Review code samples from prospective hires to evaluate their coding skills.

Well-written code should be:

• Clean and consistent: Uses proper spacing, indentation, and naming


• Modular: Logically split into reusable components.

• Optimized: Doesn’t contain duplicate logic or unnecessary libraries.

• Cross-platform: Works on both iOS and Android with minimal platformspecific


Developers who write high-quality, optimized code will build a robust React

Native app within your budget.

Consider Remote Teams

Hiring offshore React Native developers can save you money while still getting

quality work. Look for teams with experience collaborating remotely and

providing frequent updates. A dedicated project manager can help oversee the

team and keep your project on schedule.

Some key benefits of outsourcing React Native development include:

• Lower costs: Paying rates for developers in Latin America, Eastern Europe,

and parts of Asia can be significantly lower than in Western countries.

• Access to talent: It may be easier to find available React Native developers

in other parts of the world.

• Time zone advantages: With teams in multiple locations, work can be done

nearly around the clock.

Outsourcing to an overseas agency is a viable option for developing a React

Native app on a budget. Be prepared to invest time into communication and

make your requirements and expectations very clear to set the partnership up for


FAQ’s About React Native Development

Why choose React Native?

Some key benefits of React Native include:

• Cross-platform: Build iOS and Android apps with the same codebase.

• Cost-effective: Save time and money by reusing code across platforms.

• Large ecosystem: There are many open-source libraries and tools available.

• Fast refresh: Quickly iterate on changes without rebuilding the entire app.

How much does React Native app development cost?

The development cost of a React Native app varies on the app's complexity. The

exact price will depend on factors like:

• Number of screens/features: More screens and complex features will

increase the price.

• Design: Simple vs. custom designs, use of animations, etc.

• Integrations: Connecting to third-party services like payments, maps, etc.

will add to the cost.

• Location of developers: Development teams in North America will charge

higher rates than those in Latin America or Eastern Europe.

How can I find affordable React Native developers?

Here are some tips to find React Native developers at lower rates:

• Hire a React Native Scrum team: Get a dedicated team of developers, QA

engineers, designers, etc. to build your app at a fixed monthly rate. This can

save up to 60% compared to hiring locally.

• Check freelance marketplaces: Websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and

Freelancer allow you to post jobs and receive bids from React Native

developers around the world. You can find lower rates here, but be sure to

select candidates carefully.


To build a budget-friendly, high-performance React Native app, considering the

recruitment of cost-effective React Native developers can be an ideal solution.

With the assistance of a suitable partner like Shiv Technolabs, you can assemble

a dedicated team with the necessary skills to bring your vision to life.

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