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Black seed oil extract - is an effective antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral agent activates the renewal and growth

of bone marrow cells and increases several times the blood content of T-lymphocytes and other cells responsible

for strengthening the body's defences, which has been officially confirmed by researchers at the Immune

Biological Laboratory of the University of Southern California (USA).

Betulin (an extract from birch bark) - restores cell membranes destroyed by free radicals, prevents the

development of a mutating cell, destroying it, thereby stopping the aging of the body. Betulin helps the body to

adapt in adverse conditions: to tolerate stress, weather dependence and at high sports loads, it helps to

overcome the state of overtraining, increasing the reserves of the body.

Polyprenols (Larch extract) - are the most important substances for cell life. Taking part in the dolichol

phosphate cycle makes them indispensable and physiological for the human body when it comes to cell damage

and, accordingly, organs and tissues. Their regenerating and protective action is highly effective in the treatment

of such ailments as bronchial emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis and bronchial asthma. Polyprenols stimulate the

restoration of damaged cells of the myocardium, vascular wall and lower cholesterol levels.

Vitamin E - Vitamin E is a structural component of a living cell that protects against the oxidative process, and is

essential for excellent skin condition. “Tocopherol” (as this vitamin is also called) means “one who brings

offspring” in Greek, it largely affects the normal functioning of the genital organs, slows down the aging process

of the body, and also provides prevention of cataracts and senile pigmentation. Vitamin E contributes to the

restoration of damaged tissues and increases the physical capabilities of the body.

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