Most Venerable Bhante Walpola Piyananda's 80th Birthday Celebrating - Collected Essays

Collected Essays of Bhante Walpola Piyananda Celebrating His 80th Birthday. Ven. Walpola Piyananda Nayake Maha Thera has chosen to dedicate his life to sharing the teaching of the Buddha in the Western World, knowing that it has so much wisdom to offer; not an easy task for someone coming from a foreign background. However these articles reflect his ability to make a great impact on the American Community. He has helped many people and monks new to this country in many ways throughout the years, He has helped these monks to establish Dharma Centers in various parts in this country. Venerable Walpola Piyananda is an extraordinary monk and dharma teacher who exemplifies wisdom, compassion and selflessness. He has made a profound impact on numberous individuals and communities worldwide through his teachings and service. On his auspicious 80th birthday, I express my deepest gratitude to Venerable Walpola Piyananda for his remarkable contributions and limitless love. Ven. Walpola Piyananda Maha Thero has been a pioneer in establishing Theravada Buddhism in America and developing knowledge of the Buddha Dhamma through radio and promoting education to uplift the children of his native Sri Lanka. As a Theravada monk, he has manifested a sense of caring with wisdom and compassion by providing hospitable spiritual and physical shelter at his Los Angeles monastery. Bhante, as he is affectionately known, is a teacher with a great breadth of interests spanning from the origins of Buddhism to how Western people could apply the teachings, Dhamma, into their daily life. I have known Bhante since we were students at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)…. This edition of his collected works is an important contribution for Western readers.

Collected Essays of Bhante Walpola Piyananda Celebrating His 80th Birthday. Ven. Walpola Piyananda Nayake Maha Thera has chosen to dedicate his life to sharing the teaching of the Buddha in the Western World, knowing that it has so much wisdom to offer; not an easy task for someone coming from a foreign background. However these articles reflect his ability to make a great impact on the American Community. He has helped many people and monks new to this country in many ways throughout the years, He has helped these monks to establish Dharma Centers in various parts in this country. Venerable Walpola Piyananda is an extraordinary monk and dharma teacher who exemplifies wisdom, compassion and selflessness. He has made a profound impact on numberous individuals and communities worldwide through his teachings and service. On his auspicious 80th birthday, I express my deepest gratitude to Venerable Walpola Piyananda for his remarkable contributions and limitless love. Ven. Walpola Piyananda Maha Thero has been a pioneer in establishing Theravada Buddhism in America and developing knowledge of the Buddha Dhamma through radio and promoting education to uplift the children of his native Sri Lanka. As a Theravada monk, he has manifested a sense of caring with wisdom and compassion by providing hospitable spiritual and physical shelter at his Los Angeles monastery. Bhante, as he is affectionately known, is a teacher with a great breadth of interests spanning from the origins of Buddhism to how Western people could apply the teachings, Dhamma, into their daily life. I have known Bhante since we were students at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)…. This edition of his collected works is an important contribution for Western readers.


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The Healing Power of Pirith (Paritta)

There was this interesting incident that happened several years

ago, in the year 1998. Mr. Wickramasinghe and several other patrons

of the Dharma Vijaya Vihara had invited me to a small event that

they had organized to celebrate the Vesak, full moon poya day, in the

sprawling city of Tucson, Arizona, USA. Accepting the invitation, I,

together with Ven. Madawala Seelawimala thera and Ven. Wathogala

Saranasiri thera attended a night time Pirith chanting ceremony held at

a Thai temple in the city. The next morning, we were approached by

Rev. Silva, a Sri Lankan Anglican priest who was heartbroken about

his sixteen year old son who had Leukemia. He was in the ICU and his

father turned to us in desperation. Everything he had tried to heal his

son was unsuccessful. He wanted to know if there was anything we

could do to save his son using the teachings of Buddhism.

Without wasting a second, the three of us went and chanted

Pirith by the patient’s bedside for more than an hour. We blessed him

at the end of the chanting, gave the boy some holy water to drink and

returned to the Thai temple. At about 2.00 p.m. that day, the boy’s

father Rev. Silva came to see us at the temple and claimed that the boy

had already been showing signs of improvement; getting out of bed

on his own and asking for food. Several years later I visited the city of

Tucson again and was delighted to meet a healthy, young man who had

been the sick boy we had chanted for at the hospital. While offering his

thanks for saving his life, this young man admitted that both he and his

family had begun to firmly believe in the power and strength of Pirith.

They had begun listening to the Ratana Sutta daily.

One wonders how exactly something that seems as insubstantial

as “pirith chanting” could possibly have the ability to cure physical

illnesses. According to the teachings of Lord Buddha, our mind is

closely associated with our physical form and hence one’s mind can

easily affect their physical wellbeing. Even psychologists have a hard

time refuting this philosophy of Lord Buddha because it has become

an already proven scientific fact that a gradual change occurring in

the mental state of a person causes a gradual change in that person’s

physical being.

If a sick person remains optimistic about the outcome of his

sickness, then his positive feelings will more than likely accelerate the

process of his healing. The book “YOU CAN CONQUER CANCER”

penned by Dr. Ian Gawler explains this phenomenon in vivid detail.

There are three main expectations of Pirith chanting,

1. To cure sickness and disease

2. To get rid of troubles caused by ghosts and other

malevolent forces

3. To prevent troubles in life caused due to misalignment

of planets and stars as explained in Astrology

The power of Pirith is mainly due to the truth contained within

its stanzas (“Ethenasachchawajjena”) as well as the morality (“Seela”)

of the Pirith chanter and the listener. The chanter should chant Pirith

with loving-kindness (“Metta”) and compassion (“karuna”) while the

listener should listen with faith (“Saddha”). The energy of the acoustic

waves that occur when chanting Pirith has the ability to heal sickness and

disease. Dr. Lal Fernando based in Chicago, Illinois showed scientific

proof of this through experiments he carried out by having his patients

listen to Pirith during their period of recovery. The accelerated rate of

recovery observed in patients exposed to Pirith chanting compared to

those that were not exposed proved his premise.

Long ago in India, the city of Visala was plagued by disease,

non-human beings and famine which brought much suffering to its

inhabitants, our Lord Buddha directed his trusted disciple, Ven. Ananda

thera to go throughout the city sprinkling holy water and reciting the

Ratana sutta to dispel all the woes that burdened its people. The first

two of the seventeen verses of Ratana sutta addresses non-human

beings. The rest of the verses describe the characteristics of three ratana

(Gems) in Buddhism. Four verses are about the Enlightened One

(Buddha), three are about the Teachings (Dhamma) and the remaining

eight are about the noble community of disciples (Sangha). The reason

that most of the verses were dedicated to the Sangha was due to their

responsibility to continue the Buddha Sasana.

In Pirith chanting, special attention is given to holy water.

Water is something that’s essential for the survival of all living beings.

As mentioned in the book “THE POWER OF WATER”, the Japanese

scientist Masaru Emoto clearly states that water has the ability to

capture acoustic energy. The Buddha also taught his disciples, Ven.

Ananda thera and Ven. Angulimala thera about the massive power that

could be contained within water by transferring the acoustic energy of

Pirith chanting. This is the reason why we call the water containing the

energy of Pirith, holy water. Whereas water contained within a bottle

may stagnate after a while, holy water never goes stale. We know this

from experience, here and in Pamankada Sri Maha Vihara, holy water

as old as twenty to thirty years is still potent and used to cure sickness

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