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hematics 2023, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW

Mathematics 2023, 11, 1796 24 of 32

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Figure Figure 12. Dynamic 12. Dynamic responses for CO, CO, GSO, GSO, and and the proposed the proposed ESMOA ESMOA for Casefor 3. (a) Case Deviation 3. (a) inDeviation

frequency frequency in area in area 1. 1. (b) (b) Deviation in in frequency in area in area 2. (c) 2. Deviation (c) Deviation in transferred in transferred power through power throu

interconnected tie-line.

For this case, Figure 13 depicts the assessed four measures of the lowest, mean, m

imum, and standard deviation of the produced ITAE throughout several independent

erations to provide statistical comparability between CO, GSO, and the sugges

ESMOA. The suggested ESMOA is used to obtain the smallest measurements, as ill

trated. It finds the smallest minimum, mean, maximum, and standard deviation w

0.044279, 0.04573, 0.04841, and 0.001272, respectively.

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