Fall 2021 Inklings

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Ezra’s feet don’t move for a moment. There are no windows this deep

underground for light to stream through, yet, Aves is glowing.

Aves clears his throat. “I’m feeling really good today. You look

capable, go pull some strings or something and get me the highest

level they got. I wanna put on a show.”

Without hesitation, Erza turns in his sneakers and scurries out of the


Thousands of feet thunder in the grandstands. Voices cascade and mix

together as they shriek as loud as their throats allow. A charismatic

voice plows over everyone from the commentary booth.

“Hello and welcome to the Gladiator Goose Games! Today, we

have a special treat for you folks; all the way from Ill-Eagle City, an

Academy for Goose Combat and Defense alumnus: Aves the Fowl!”

The crowd erupts in a cacophony of roaring like Aves had just stepped

into hell with the wailing souls of the damned.

He bows deeply up at the people circling above him as they become

nothing but white noise. He squints, trying to see the gate opposite

him a few hundred yards away. What type of monster will they have

prepared now? he wonders.

“This lovely morning, he will be challenging...a...wait, you have to

be joking? You’re not? Oh shit, my mic. Sorry about that, today he

will be challenging a level 8 goose: Executioner Class. How the hell

did we get one of these? Oh no--” His sound cuts off as more people

begin to shout from the audience.

Static buzzes in Aves’s brain. Level 8? Images of his mentor’s scarred

face flash before him. The morning sun beats down. Sweat springs

from his forehead, dampening his brow within the burning metal


He bounces from foot to foot, all too aware of the thousands of

eyeballs prying into him. Hoping to feign confidence, he lifts his axe

over his head and yells with all his might. His eyes squeeze shut,

praying that they couldn’t decipher the panic in his tone.


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