Knowing_and_Teaching_Elementary_Mathemat (1)

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xxii Acknowledgments

I would like to thank Rudy Apffel, Deborah Ball, Maryl Gearhart, Ilana Horn, and Susan

Magidson for their comments on the introduction. Anne Brown’s detailed and thoughtful

comments on chapters 1 through 4 helped to improve their clarity. Alan Schoenfeld’s

research group, the Functions Group, spent two sessions discussing my manuscript. Julia

Aguirre, Ilana Horn, Susan Magidson, Manya Raman, and Natasha Speer made valuable

comments. Thanks to the Functions Group and to Anne Brown for comments on chapters

5, 6, and 7. Thanks again to Robert Floden for providing last-minute information from the

NCRTE database.

I would also like to thank Naomi Silverman, senior editor at Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,

for her helpful and patient support.

My sincere gratitude goes to Professor Richard Askey, whose interest and enthusiasm

brought the book manuscript to the attention of many.

Back in China, my homeland, I would first thank the peasants of Cunqian, the village

where I lived and taught, who had little education themselves but put me on the path that

led to a doctorate at Stanford University. I sincerely appreciate the Chinese teachers whom

I interviewed. I also particularly appreciate my own teachers who impressed great teaching

on my young mind.

Finally, my family certainly deserves the ultimate thanks and greatest appreciation.

Without their support, not only this book, but also my whole life would be impossible.

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